Saturday, December 30, 2017

Those Without Higher Education Suffer Through Shorter Lives

Education can have a substantial impact throughout our lives and touches just about every aspect of our being include health and marriage. According to Princeton University economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton, men and women who do not go to college live shorter, less healthy lives and continue to lose ground against their more educated countrymen.

We know that life can be stressful but pain, stress, unemployment, and social dysfunction seem to take a toll on those who didn't get an education. They are slowed by their economic environment and their stress levels begin to rise. 

There is also the problem of consistent healthcare. When you are working menial jobs, or are not fully employed, you don't have the same access to healthcare and this can add up to a shorter life. Neglecting check ups and not having money for procedures can lead to serious illness. 

The comparison can be profound. For those between 50-54 without a bachelors degree mortality is 867 per 100,000 versus 243 for those with a bachelors degree. This is almost a 3X difference in survival rates. 

Higher education is becoming a must in today's high technology world where people need college to complete everyday tasks. This doesn't mean that a person can't move into a skilled trade but there is a level of education that goes with it that can be helpful. Helping people attend college can improve people's lives in many different arenas. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

The Importance to the Economy of Independent Law Enforcement

America has laws and these laws are voted on and passed by the people for the benefit of all. While we may not agree with all laws, and sometimes law enforcement may not apply these laws fairly or with the best wisdom, it nevertheless has an important duty to protecting citizens from crime, corruption, and predatory commerce. At the essential root of all economic systems is trust and law enforcement helps to ensure that people trust the system.

Independence means that law enforcement should not be at the whim of any politician or entity that could potentially skew the protections its affords its citizens. While judges have an obligation to interpret the will of the people, and often times hit a butterfly with a hammer, it is ultimately the people who have passed these laws that should have the final say.

While we may not see this at first look, law enforcement protects the value of the dollar and the economy. Each economic system is based in trust of trade and trust in the value of the dollar. When countries become corrupt it has a detrimental effect on the value of lawful commerce and causes wider devaluation of currency. The end result is the disintegration of values, economic activity, and beneficial citizen behaviors.

With skewed application of laws people lose a sense of belief in the overall American principle that if someone works hard they will receive rewards through entrepreneurial and personal initiative in the market. The system will look "rigged" and people will have less qualms about violating the law themselves in order to give themselves opportunities. The rich, poor, and popular should all be subject to the same laws.

Law enforcement has a sacred duty to protect the entire economic and political system through a balanced, independent, and thoughtful approach to the application of law. While there are many good reasons to reform law enforcement to ensure that justice is not blind to its own misapplication it should nevertheless be partially insulated from interference. Enough protections to keep it fair and unbiased while at the same time ensuring it doesn't run wild without accountability.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Enhancing Scientific Abilities in the Gifted Population

Scientific and creative ability is something that can lead to fundamental advancement of research and findings. However, it isn't always fostered among students and people with the highest capacity. As a nation we have a problem not only supporting the gifted population but also those with advance aptitude toward creative science. While we may talk a great deal about the importance of STEM we leave the exceptionally skilled underdeveloped with almost no opportunities to learn skills and overcome the emotional laden issues that are common in this population. What is giftedness and how does it contribute to scientific abilities?

Scientific abilities allows someone to understand and work with scientific process by using use inductive and deductive reasoning to come to valid and logical conclusions. In other words, scientific thinking abilities with a special talent for the science. Its kind of a definition that leads a little to be desired in its circular thinking but it kind of puts us in the right area.

When matched with creativity scientific thinking leads to new discoveries and paradigm shift type thinking that can impact society in ma-mouth ways. Science will investigate what we already understand and break it down or build it up to gain greater knowledge. However, creativity allows for cognitive leaps that lead to whole new ways of constructing information into new forms and models. It changes the way we think.

Creativity is a subconscious process and takes considerable time. Some people tap their unconscious more than others and are thus able to be more creative. It is based in our ability to solve problems on a deeper cognitive level and then draw forth those solutions to an "aha" experience that solves the problem more wholistically than existing models. This is where the actual magic occurs.

Giftedness can often be found in mathematical, scientific, technical, linguistic, social, and musical arenas. In the scientific domains there are factors that impact their success and failure. According to a meta-analysis of other studies the motivation and self-conception seem to be the biggest blocks to actual high performance (Heller, 2011):

Motivation: Success comes through practice, practice and more practice. The need to create goals that allow for meaningful work and the push toward a solid outcome is important. Many highly intelligent people have lots of interest but a lack of time to complete them all. Helping them find an overriding goal that interests them throughout their careers can be exceptionally important in creating a positive outcome down the road.

Self-Conception: The ability to integrate experiences into a complete whole. This takes significant time as the person disintegrates their previous experiences and reforms them into a new self. Gifted people often think of themselves as different and have received considerable negative feedback from society unless placed in an environment where their skills are encouraged. Helping them come to a new realization of identity and self leads to higher performance.

What is the return on investment for society? Beyond the exceptional thinking of abilities of this population the most extraordinary gifted take greater care to protect and advance society. They feel a sense of obligation with their talents and end up producing new ways of thinking to advance society to higher forms. Their innate characteristics make the return an often high one beyond what we can currently imagine. Foster giftedness among the many different skill levels and variables in natural life can lead to higher societal growth whether this is in the economic, scientific, artistic or political realms.

Because we are not maximizing the potential of the nation and the highly skilled people within it I advocate for gifted programs in higher education institutions. Universities and educational systems that have unused resources and facilities should seriously consider attracting, enhancing and developing gifted graduates from around the world as they not only contribute to the advancement of society in a rapidly changing global world but also to the institution's brand image. Advanced programs, scholarships, visas, job placement, patent help and counseling services are part of the process of exceptional outputs. Such institutions will likely find their brand image go up and their financial resources improve as private/public philanthropic resources support this population and employers who are wiling to provide funds to sponsor the highest quality recruits. The end result is a population that develops new ideas that enhances both their employers and the institution that groomed them through their creative capacity that often leads to tangible benefits.

Heller, K. (2007). Scientific ability and creativity. High Ability Studies, 18 (2).

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

EDULEARN18 (10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning

EDULEARN18 (10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies)
July, 2nd-4th, 2018
Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Deadline for abstracts submission is March, 22nd, 2018 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

You are invited to join the 10th anniversary of EDULEARN (10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies) that will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July 2018.

This conference will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience in three different formats (oral, poster or virtual). Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education, research and new learning innovations. You will be able to listen to experts from different countries, representing all continents.
If you wish to learn more about how education is changing in the world, then do not miss the opportunity to come to EDULEARN18.

After 10 years, EDULEARN has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists.
Every year, EDULEARN brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.

There will be 3 presentation formats: Oral, Poster or Virtual.
You can submit your abstracts proposals until March, 22nd, 2018 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation
- Meet 800 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions and workshops
- Publish your paper in EDULEARN18 Proceedings.

EDULEARN18 Proceedings (with ISBN) will be produced with all the accepted abstracts and papers.

This Publication will be reviewed for its inclusion in the ISI CPCI (Web of Science). Since 2010, all previous editions were already indexed in ISI CPCI. Also, a DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.

All accepted contributions will be indexed in IATED Digital Library to form part of our database of innovative projects in Education and Technology.

- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 22nd, 2018. (included)
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: April 16th, 2018.
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: May 10th, 2018. (included)
- Registration deadline for authors: May 10th, 2018. (included)
- Conference Dates: Palma de Mallorca (Spain), July 2nd-3rd-4th, 2018.

In addition to your participation in EDULEARN18, you will have the opportunity to visit Palma de Mallorca.
The capital of the island of Mallorca enjoys an excellent climate all year round. Known for its sun and beach tourism, it also has an attractive historic quarter and its monuments are worth are well worth visiting.

The landscape of the island is full of coves, beaches, pine forests and cliffs on the coast. The variety of the landscape and culture invites visitors to explore every corner of the island and to enjoy its unique local gastronomy.

Also, Palma is a very accessible city: its airport offers a wide range of international flights.
We look forward to seeing you in Palma.

More information is available at


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Holiday Shopping Largest Since Recession

U.S. consumers spend $598 billion in retail sales with a $90 billion return rate of products. This is the largest holiday shopping period since the recession. It is seen as a good sign for the economy for the year because a large percentage of the economy is based on retail sales and if the stores start out strong they can balance their budgets and reinvest in new lines for next year. It also shows that people have disposable incomes and are willing to buy.

Monday, December 25, 2017

More Skilled Workers Needed in Michigan

Michigan Still has a shortage of workers. While many times we think that higher education leads to high pay that is all relative on what degree you obtain. Not all people are cut out for college or haven't learned the necessary skills to continue to work through a college degree. There are alternatives for such people that include skilled trades in anything from roofing to dental assistants all the way over to IT certificates.

See the list below and their projected growth rates.

Coyote or Wolf in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

My son and I are out on a hunt hoping to shoot some deer before the season ends. As we walk through the woods we scare out a pack of deer. They run straight across our nose and into the frozen swamp. We take our take and try and stalk them out with slow movements and lots of patience. They have much better hearing than us and any sudden movements will scare them off.

However, we did come across the remnants of a recent wolf or coyote attack on deer. Just not sure where it came from or what type of animal? Nearly complete eaten carcass, including the bones, full grown deer and lots of tracks and fuss in the snow. So I took a better look at the tracks to determine the time and potential type of attack.

-The tracks were slightly smaller than a wolf-A good sign it was a coyote.

-The bones were eaten-Another sign it was coyote

-About 5-6 animals were involved in the attack-Could be either but lends more to wolf unless it is a large prey.

-Full-grown deer: Lends toward wolves.

-Attack was over the past 24 hours as we had some snow which would have covered those tracks.

It was likely a coyote attack while wolves are in the area they seem to have more fear of people and this was off of a walking trail that has been used at least a couple of times after the last snow fall a day or so earlier. The size of the prints are not huge so it was a smaller animal that seemed to have moved as a pack. I also noticed that the animals came in from different angles in a well coordinated prey hunt.

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has some of the best wildlife in the country. Deer, bear, black panther, wolves, coyote, fox, rabbits and a whole host of other stuff lives abundantly in the area. Never had an issue with any of them and on my hunts I have only come across a few unless I was looking for them. There is a growing eco tourism industry.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

How to Detect When People Lie?

Lie detection is a useful skill that can be used in everything from employee recruitment to personal relationships. Most of us have told lies at one time or another. Whether it is a white lie or to gain some advantage we as a human species are prone to such behaviors. Yet that doesn't mean we all engage in them. Most people simply don't because they have developed a strong confidence in themselves and their ability to get what they want without deception. However, lie detection can help protect us against those who are not so honest with their intentions.

Let us say you are conducting an interview and someone is lying about their skills, abilities, and background. If you hire this person you may find that you need to fire them in the future if they don't perform according to expectations. While most of us put forward a "good foot" most of us would not consider lying as an appropriate method for selected.

Situational Context and Logic:

Situational context and understanding is likely the key determinant of lie. Does the information make sense in the circumstances in which they exist? Is what they are saying logically consistent? In other words, "does it really make sense and is it plausible?"

Much of that depends on the person's lying abilities. If the person is a practiced liar they may think through all the possible scenarios and find that which is most make sense. However, they will often leave gaps in their explanations and have less verifiable details (Park, Levin, et. al, 2002).

The Word Test:

While it is not a perfect measure the use of more "um" in speech can be an indication that a person is telling the truth (Arciuli, Mallard & Villar, 2010). Contrary to popular opinion "um" doesn't mean that a person is stressing to find an answer. They may simply be thinking about details or even be trying to find their own truth to create an accurate answer.

The Cognitive Load Test:

When people are stressed and lying their immediate reactions are often to default quickly to the truth but only when there is no opportunity to think through plausible explanations. Let us say that they are currently working on a crisis and the speed of their thinking and activities will likely default in actions that are based on their understanding of events. In other words, they will act in their own best interest to solve problems based on their deeper understanding of events. Lies usually don't make their way into the equation until the crisis is over.

Self Interest and Self-Promotion:

People often lie to hide negative things about themselves, their intentions, or to promote themselves. Healthy people don't need to do this because they have internal beliefs that being a highly developed individual leads to benefits in the world. They rely on their own abilities and character. When trying to determine a lie think about that advantages and disadvantages a person receives from the information they are offering (Underwood, Kerlin & Farrington-Flint, 2011).

Another way to think of this is through their patterns of thought. Thinking is a habit. If a person is always talking about money or always talking about their abilities you can come to the conclusion that this is important to them. If what they say indicates that they say doesn't seem to match a quality value system you can be more sure through active listening that may be willing to deceive to obtain a goal.

Time is the Determinant of Lying:

Discovering patterns takes time. When you wait to make a final judgement you will eventually gain more information. Let them talk, let them explain things, and let them feel a false sense of security. You don't need to hand over valuable things or given them anything you don't want to. Just ask questions, be aware when you spend time with people, and let time determine the end result.

Some people are Better Lie Detectors:

People who are extroverts and open to experience, according to to the Big Five personality factors are able to both tell lies and detect lies (Elaad & Reizer, 2015). In the same study it was found that those who were conscientious also didn't lie as much and were not very good at detecting lies. Your personality can determine whether or not you are both a good liar and a lie detector.

Nahari, G., Vrij, A. & Fisher, R. (2014). Exploiting liars' verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 19 (2).

Park, H., et. al. (2002). How people really detect lies. Communication Monographs, 69 (2).

Reinhard, M., et. al. (2014). Detecting lies and truths in social work: how suspicion level and familiarity affect detection accuracy. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (2).

Reizer, A. (2015). Personality correlates of the self-assessed abilities to tell and detect lies, tell truths and believe others. Journal of Individual Differences, 36, (3).

Underwood, J., Kerlin, L. & Farrington-Flint, L. (2011). The lies we tell and what they say about us: Using behavioural characteristics to explain Facebook activity. Computers in Human Behavior, 27 (5).

Friday, December 22, 2017

Quality Brands of Local Businesses Increase Foreign Direct Investment

Areas known for quality are rewarded in the global market by future investment. Consumers responded to location of origin perceptions positively with increased purchases that led to increased economic growth in these areas.  A study of 30 source and 34 host countries between 2005 and 2006 found that an increase of 27% in foreign direct investment occurred as a result of a 1% increase in quality perception of intangibles (Kalamova & Konrad, 2010).

If governments want to improve their economic position by attracting new investments into the area they will need to move beyond thinking exclusively about price and into the perceptional quality of the products produced in their area and how that quality perception improves economies. Locations that are known for high quality products are rewarded through future investments that leads to additional tax revenue, jobs and other benefits as a result of an expanding local economy.

The knowledge-capital model helps understand that local production is often based in the skills that develop around industries. According to the study, the most relevant factors that encourage investment are perceptions of products, social and economic environments and culture. As areas became known positively for such attributes they improved their sales prospects.

One of the reasons why this happens is that consumers use heuristics when making decisions about whether or not to purchase particular products. Some locations are considered high quality producers while others are not and this can hamper them. Selection rates are likely to increase as consumers weigh and balance price and quality.

For business managers this makes quality perceptions an important part of the business plan. While quality and price should improve based on having the quality producers within the same area there is are additional benefits for actively promoting quality outputs.

Branding also leads to future investment as potential investors ponder where and how to invest within certain high growth markets that offer the highest potential for investment return. They will naturally select regions that have existing businesses successfully competing within the market because risks are lower. Improved investment portfolios come with the added advantage of economic growth and prosperity within the region. This investment also leads to robust innovation, production and cluster development.

Kalamova, M.& Konrad, K. (2010) National brands and foreign direct investment. Kyklos, 63 (3).

Life Expectancy Declines by 2 Years because of Opioid Addiction

Life expectancy declines 2 years based on Opioid overdose and addiction. The new information helps show how we should restrict such usage to those who need them but not over prescribe them for pain. People turning to alternative sources are becoming addicted.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Spruce Offers a List of Online Adjunct Faculty Positions

Online teaching is a way of life and faculty are often looking for online adjunct teaching jobs. Often we become familiar with a few websites but skip out on many of the other great websites that give you opportunities. I came across this site and I think you would enjoy it as well. There are lots of online faculty jobs you may enjoy here.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Are there really UFOs on our Planet from a Scientific Standpoint?

Are UFO's possible from a scientific standpoint? I'm not much of a UFO guy but I do enjoy the probabilities of science. An interesting video was released that seem to show something we don't quite understand. Is it a UFO? No one really knows because we were not able to capture it and take a closer look. From a scientific standpoint there is just something of interest and a very rough piece of evidence but without closer observation and detailed analysis one cannot rule out that it came from other sources. What if another country built it? What if some genius in his basement built an advanced drone but we are unaware? A multitude of questions have not been answered.

However, we can say for sure that alien life does exist in one form or another. We have seen these remnants on other planets and found them attached to our space stations.  Likely another reason why some governments are pushing for stronger space programs. Most of these discoveries are only about simple organisms and have not been fully studied. It is actual alien life but not the type that would get the average person very excited!

We also have the chance to discuss probability. If chance of life on another planet is one in a trillion then it is believed that advanced life has existed at least a billion times already.  Because the universe is estimated to be around 10 billion years old, not like anyone really knows no how many numbers we throw at it, then many of these existing civilizations may have already passed away. There just isn't any evidence or proof because we are limited in our space exploration abilities.

So is this video is proof?

Not really. It only opens the door to additional questions from a scientific standpoint. To know for sure would mean we would need to test and manipulate what we found. A grainy video only gives us a direction to look at but doesn't provide enough information to show anything conclusively other than there is something that can move quickly across the surface of the earth. Additional videos and observations would be needed to show additional information. Once that occurs, we would need to see one in real life and be able to "play with it" to determine precisely where the materials and technology came from.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Economic Investment and Growth Through Marketing and Brand Management

As the world changes and becomes more integrated American businesses will need to improve and adapt their marketing techniques in order to reach different peoples from different places with different backgrounds. Furthermore, such regions that brand their image will not only help raise their local businesses global reach but also encourage greater investment in their area.

While companies continue to seek out new marketing opportunities to expand their reach local governments don't often think on this level. The process of creating a brand relies on the ability of local governments to think like businesses with their product being its current infrastructure, peoples, and local businesses. As they learn to master marketing techniques they will find their areas attracting clusters of businesses.

Thriving localities want to be known international to have the draw that is needed to improve their economic growth. An investor seeking to put money into self-driving cars should immediately think of Detroit or an investor thinking of putting money into biotechnology should think of San Diego. The brand of an area has actual value on the market in the same way as it does for companies.

Brand and Growth: The brand of each area should be focused on those key ideas that lead to growth. For example, Silicon Valley and technology, San Diego and Biotechnology and Detroit and innovative automotive industries. Such brands attract new investments when these industries are vibrant.

International Marketing: We no longer live in a domestic world and advertising location branding as well as advertising of products/services should adapt to new market realities. There will need be more sophistication in reaching different peoples, cultures and places.

Macro Trending and Big Data: Marketing in multiple international locations also means that companies will need to crunch data. Sophistication of market analysis techniques and technology will grow to find both individual and large market trends that help companies improve their current marketing practices.

Online Marketing: Because international marketing is difficult, expensive and clunky in traditional formats online marketing will continue to grow to meet emerging growth in mobile technology and Internet access.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

What is a Corporate Silo? How to Break Them?

Silos can limit cross-functional decision making and allow inefficiencies to creep in. Silos occur when departments don't communicate well with each other limiting their overall ability to function as a single business entity. The more barriers that are created, typically the more inefficient the business. At the core issue of silo creation is often the leadership team and their desire to create their own fiefdoms.

It is natural that as people rise in position they seek more control and additional opportunities to choose their own courses of actions. The department becomes an extension of its senior management. If the wrong tone and culture arises it can limit the interaction between the departments.

Limited information sharing leads to decisions within isolation. That means decisions won't be well thought out or take into consideration the skills, needs and abilities of other departments. The organization slowly looses its ability to compete against others that have more efficient operations and ability to share information and resources.

This is something that can be fixed but it takes some thoughtfulness by key leaders. Each company has their own unique challenges and will have to cater their turnaround efforts based on the uniqueness of the entity and the characteristics of their market.

1. Create cross-departmental teams: Teams from different departments will help ensure that core decisions such as product lines and general operations take into account other departments and the needs of the entire organization.

2. 360 Performance Appraisals: Cross department 360 performance appraisals for managers encourages them to work with other departments and be accountable to each other.

3. Total Management Compensation Packages: Part of key executive management should be based on how the entire company operates. Bonuses that are associated with the organizations health help them understand the need to take care of the entire organization.

4. Shake up the Core Team: Get rid of silo executives that refuse to work with others and find replacements that are more collaborative in nature.

5. Culture: Encourage and reward behaviors that work with others. Create an empowered egalitarian environment.

6. Revamp Processes: Revamp processes so that approvals of other departments that are impacted are needed. Make sure that processes make connections between departments.

7. Information Networks and Corporate Communication: Disseminate information to others and create communication networks based on cross-department needs.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

How Does Fed Interest Rate Hikes Affect You?

The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate a quarter point to a range of 1.25 to 1.5 percent. People often don't understand what impact this rate has to them and how it influences their pocket book. Furthermore, they don't understand how not raising this rate could also impact the cost of goods they buy. The interest rate is the main tool in the chest for government to control the economy.

The government uses the benchmark interest rate to speed up and slow down the economy. People often say, "Why would they want to slow down the economy?" They are not rich and feel the economy should go faster and create even more employment. This doesn't see the big picture.

As the interest rate rises it costs us more money to take loans for houses, education, cars, and credit cards. This means you will spend less and the economy will slow down. Often the savings rate will also rise and people will put more money in the bank than spend it. 

Slowing down the economy is about keeping inflation at bay. When the economy rises too quickly inflation raises the cost of your normal household goods and this leads to you loosing some of your income to the cost of groceries, gas, and other items you buy on a daily basis. Slowing down the economy means keeping those prices within a normal range so you can keep more of your money. 

When the economy isn't doing well and unemployment is high they can increase the economy by lowering the interest rate. Your housing, car, education and credit car loans go down and you are likely to take on more dept. Your purchasing behavior increases the amount of purchases in the economy and it speeds up. 

The problem today is that we are in a global society so these tools only "sort of" work. When we make borrowing cheaper most of us simply buy items from overseas making their economies wealthier and then taking on more debt for many things we probably don't need. We are not reaping the full benefit as a nation.

The Federal Reserve manipulates this rate to keep the economy moving forward at a reasonable rate so that inflation doesn't eat up your paycheck and economic growth continues. While the government has done an "ok" job at this it doesn't strike at the fundamental need to improve manufacturing in the U.S. so that more products are produced here and people buy from us in a way that truly helps both paychecks and lifestyles. 

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2395-6542)

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2395-6542)
CrossRef DOI: 10.15520
Call for Papers – December Issue – 2017
Authors are  invited to submit papers for the upcoming December  Issue – 2017
for online Submission visit online Submission or you can directly mail to   
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of humanities and social science such as anthropology, business studies, communication studies, corporate governance, criminology, crosscultural studies, demography, development studies, economics, education, ethics, geography, history, industrial relations, information science, international relations, law, linguistics, library science, media studies, methodology, philosophy, political science, population Studies, psychology, public administration, sociology, social welfare, linguistics, literature, paralegal, performing arts (music, theatre & dance), religious studies, visual arts, women studies and soon.   
Kind Regards
Chief Editor

Dr. Rathore P.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences

The 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences (IBSS 2018)
22nd to 24th August 2018
Tokyo, Japan

Dear Colleagues,

Hi, this is IBSS Secretary - Ya-Jyun. We are pleased to announce that the 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences (IBSS 2018) will take place at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on August 22-24, 2018.

Based on the 2017 Tokyo International joint Conferences that had received 416 submissions from 45 countries, with an acceptance rate of approximately 75.72% and a registration rate of around 85.08% of the accepted papers, the 2018 Waseda Tokyo International joint Conferences thus are expected to attract more worldwide participants than that in 2017. IBSS is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Industry, Business and Social Sciences. Therefore, during the three-day conference, all participants will have plenty of opportunities exchanging ideas, findings and the latest research results, engaging in many academic and industry events, and meeting peers from different countries. We believe participants can share their viewpoints from different perspectives and expose to the cross-domain communicating and learning atmosphere through the interdisciplinary joint conferences. For detailed information regarding IBSS 2018, please browse the official website which has been activated to the public since the early December, 2017.

Abstract/Paper Submission Due Date: April 10, 2018
Conference paper format: Please click Here

Sign Up and Submit Now

Notably, we will send all conference proceedings to ISI office to be possibly indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). Please note that ISI office welcomes all submissions but there is no guarantee of inclusion in CPCI. Inclusion in CPCI is selective and competitive, while not all-inclusive.

Looking forward to seeing you at Waseda University in Tokyo.


David Ang, Ph.D.
Conference Chair of IBSS 2018
Coordinator of the AUM HBUE IS Degree Collaboration Program
Head and Professor of the Department of Information Systems
College of Business, Auburn University Montgomery, USA

Ta-Wei Hung, Ph.D.
Program Chair of IBSS 2018
Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Management
College of Management, Shih Chien University, Taiwan

Hirotaka Matsuoka, Ph.D.
Local Committee Chair of IBSS 2018
Professor, Faculty of Sports Sciences
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Why Research Takes Such a Long Time?

Research is a slow process of generating new knowledge that creates benefits in the market or for people's quality of life. Regurgitating old research is easy. You simply take what has already been discovered and repost it on the same lines as existing thinkers. New research requires a different type of skill that even some of the smartest people don't have

First there is a level of understanding of existing knowledge. This is the 10K hours rule. It takes about this much time to grasp what other experts are saying and create an unconscious understanding of the deeper mechanics of existing models.

One must then begin to experiment with existing knowledge to see what components fit together and what doesn't. Many times this starts with simple mental play and imagination to see new ways of using existing information. New models are formed as the pieces come together.

Upon generating a few new ideas it is important to actually try and connect the components and experiment on them to see if they are significant. Development of formal and informal mechanisms of test create an understanding through success and failure that new ways of doing thing are possible.

Once a tested model is created it is possible to have other people test it. Publication of ideas allows other researchers to see what was already has been tested and complete their own analysis and adjustments of the findings to create a growing, changing, and updating model. Those models that are successful will stick around for a long time.

It takes time to get the creative juices rolling and generate new ideas. It takes its own course and while you can speed and slow it sometimes it is based in how willing to brain is create new ideas. The testing itself takes time and the formation of new models also takes additional time. The process of science can be sped up with resources, manpower and lifestyle but there are limits. Changing paradigms happens with creative intelligence that run their own course.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Benefits and Detractors of Layers of Management

Layers of management often creep into businesses. While these can sometimes beneficial they do have detractors that take away from the functioning of business. There are times when such bureaucratic structure is helpful but as employees become more educated they will want additional abilities to make decisions that help their organizations.


-Structure: Highly structured environments that create chains of commands.
-Control: Structure creates control which are often beneficial in bureaucratic institutions.
-Promotions: Layers of management also create opportunities for promotions as the decision tree lengthens.


-Poor Decision Making: Decision making has too many hierarchical layers with each person adding and adjusting for their own needs.
-Lack of Empowerment: Employees don't sense the ability to take responsibility over issues.
-Demotivation: If others make all the decisions motivation decreases.
-Inability to Adjust: Layers of management make decisions slower and less likely to adjust to market needs.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Poem: Infinity of Knowledge Integration

Infinity of Knowledge Integration

When time and space are connected,
Our conscious accepts the new.

Each piece joins the rest,
Coordinating into a full view like a symphony.

Like a small morsel,
To a finished meal.

Creating new ideas and conclusions,
Integrating knowledge into one.

Over the horizon,
The heavens and earth become one.

Knowledge becomes insight,
Insight becomes wisdom.

Life will continue on,
but at a higher level of understanding.

Creating Export Clusters Through Export Environments

Export environments have characteristics that set them apart from other locations. To move products out of an area and to allow for resources needed for manufacturing to come in it will require infrastructure that moves resources as efficiently as possible. Infrastructure reduces costs for companies and helps to attract more manufacturing as clusters develops. The proper infrastructure, attracting new industries to create cluster growth, encouraging companies that produce products, and serving those products leads to creating a stronger export environment.

Export Infrastructure: Roads, Internet, ports, rails, highways, and electrical grid all contribute to the ability to exports. Products must move quickly and efficiently to export locations and sent overseas. Any delays or bottlenecks in these systems are seen as time and money wasting for industries. When companies evaluate an area they will seek understanding of the infrastructure and how it contributes to their profit margins.

Attracting Industries into Clusters: Cities will need to actively seek out investment by international and domestic companies that are producing goods for the global market. Some of this cluster growth is through brand awareness of the city's benefits, infrastructure improvements and environmental/tax structures.

Export Oriented Manufacturing: Industries should be export oriented to dominate the global market. American businesses should be able to products with higher quality and progressive pricing in order to dominate the market. While domestic producing companies are highly beneficial an export orientation will need to move these products overseas.

Enhancing value through Global Service: Raising value of products also means providing the service quality of a demanding customer from a global perspective. Returns, questions, concerns, and protections are part of raising products value. American businesses that work in a global market will need to support their products so that the "guarantee"' of their quality is high.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Most Common Online Marketing Methods

Online marketing dominates the market. There are numerous methods companies use to get the word out about their products and services. Using the right one to reach your target market can make a big difference is whether or not you are using your resources wisely.

The most common online marketing methods are below (Minculete & Chisega-Negrila, 2014):

Search Engine Marketing: The method of data collection, search software, and categorization of information. This is the bones behind the Internet.

Email Marketing: The collection of emails and dissemination of information using this medium.

Viral Marketing: Creating content that users will willingly pass onto their social networks.

Affiliated Marketing: Displaying a company’s banner and advertisements on sites for additional revenue. Most people know this as Google Adwords and similar type programs.

Internet Advertising: The process of creating advertisements and purchasing places and locations in high traffic areas and sites.

Web-logs: The use of blogs to create content that draws search engine and user interest.

Social Networks: The social media networks that try and engage physical and virtual communities.

Online Reputation Management: The use of reputation management to ensure one’s online image is strong.

Mobile Internet: Using personal products, cell phones, tablets, etc… to reach customers. This is common in the applications and music download industry. Newer technology includes streaming.

Web Communities: Marketing within chat rooms and forums.

Webcasting: Creating videos and other advertisements that can be posted on Youtube and other areas to draw interest.

Each of the tools has different levels of effectiveness and rates of return on investment. All of the tools funnel people to a website or brick-n-mortar business that can create an exchange of money and product/service. How a website is designed based upon the target culture can have an impact on conversion and sales (St. Amant, 2006). Such websites should consider the placement of functionality such as hyperlinks, text, pictures, search functions, e-commerce buttons, etc...

Minculete, G. & Chisega-Negrila, M. (2014). Online marketing. Challenges and opportunities for the military higher education. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 4 (2).

St. Amant, K. (2005). A prototype theory approach to international web site analysis and design. Technical communication quarterly, 14 (1).

4 Things Professors Should Be Doing

There are four things that professors should be continuously engaged in which include teaching courses, research, writing/community engagement, and current events. The primary job of professors is to share new knowledge. They must understand, generate, and share their knowledge with students. Professors are thinkers by nature and the process of creation takes a different route than traditional jobs and should be encouraged among universities in order to improve the total quality of knowledge output. 1. Teaching Courses: Teaching courses helps professors understand what is being taught to students and adjust that knowledge when it becomes stale. Teaching is the primary purpose of professors as they are able to transfer knowledge from one generation to the next. 2. Research: Developing knew knowledge helps increase the abilities from one generation to another and fosters greater innovation. An important function of universities is to generate new knowledge that leads to industry change. 3. Writing and Community Engagement: Engaging in the community and writing helps professors enact change through greater awareness of how thing could be and how they should be done. It is a process of educating the public. 4. Current events: Reading journals, the news , and connecting to industries leads to an understanding of the problems society faces as well as the specific problems of their chosen fields of study.

Starving Polar Bear Teaches us About Clean Energy

This video highlights the need to protect our environment and improve our fuel efficiency and green energy. We as humans have dominated the landscape but have also left our mark as our population swells and other animals decline.

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Nature of Time and Time Management

Time management is a skill that relates to the ability to use time wisely to achieve one's goals. We should first discuss what time is from a philosophical level. By understanding the nature of time we can better understand how to use our limited time wisely to get the most done that meets our specific goals. Time management is often seen only in the present without understanding of its context.

There are two major philosophies when it comes to time. Presentism and externalism. Presentism says that only present time as we experience it is important. Externalism believes that all points in time are very real but we only experience our current state in our immediate conscious but often think about past and future as potential points.

We know that our clock that we punch in on and leave work from is presentism. However, as we think about how our past actions led to present time and how the use of our time leads to different futures we are taking on a little more of an externalism view. Time is a building block that leads to new avenues, actions, and outcomes.

For example, if you want to go to school because you are thinking about the future you may find some time today to check out and enroll in a school. As you spend your present time you ultimately gain new knowledge and skills that help complete functions with more ease and leads to new career opportunities. Your actions exist within a context of past and future.

Here are some tips for using time wisely.

-Look at the big picture and determine if your are engaging in the activities that meet your goals.

-Are their activities you consider not doing or pass onto other people that would save you time to focus on your goals.

-Do you know what your goals are and how much time you spend on each?

-Are there things you can crunch time be doing together. For example, listening to an audio book while commuting?

-Do you know how much time you have to focus on your living and how much free time you have to enjoy?

-Are you converting as much time to useful activities that create new avenues and uses of time in the future?

-Is your current use of time in context of the past and lead to a better future (i.e. education or starting a business)?

The Needs of Future Scholars

Scholars and intellectual achievement is a mark of a country's success. As the quality of life, resources, and ability to move away from supporting one needs opens up free time there are those who chose to spend their time in intellectual pursuits. The very innovative success of a nation is based on its intellectual achievement and the resulting patents they produce.

We find that genius doesn't exist in a vacuum but is made up of a community and a nation that affords the right environment for those things to happen. As history has taught us, when nations are on their top people engage in intellectual and scientific pursuits because they are awarded by society.
This takes a quality of life and environment that seeks the new.

Future scholars have needs that a nation should fulfill in order to draw more of them out.

1. Strong primary and secondary education that teaches the fundamentals.
2. A robust higher education education system that allows them to go back to school and learn in a convenient manner.
3. A political and social environment that supports differences of opinions.
4. Strong social networks to share ideas and gain a sense of inclusion.
5. Adequate distribution of income that rewards risk taking and entrepreneurship.
6. Investment that encourages new ideas to fully develop into marketable products and services.
7. Cultural expressions such as art, poetry, crafts, and theater.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tips on Finding Equilibrium with the Market through Price Maximization

Finding the right price to maximize profit through equilibrium with the market can be difficult. A product that is initially not selling well may be misplaced or may not be marketed correctly. The wrong words, language, or pictures may be used. However, this is only one compounding variable. Often new business owners overprice their products and customers can feel cheated once they find out. Below are a few tips on finding equilibrium in pricing that affords maximum sales and profitability.
  • Calculate the average price of similar products on the market to find what the ball park range should be. 
  • Calculate the top and bottom averages (i.e. top and bottom 20%) and determine their value. 
  • Compare the three ranges of products and what services and features that your product has. 
  • Based on that comparison determine where your product will fit in terms of quality, customer service, return policy, design, utility and customer reviews. 
  • It is important to ensure that you are not confounding your problems by having a poor marketing strategy that doesn't at least compare to your competitors. 
  • You can often start with the average price and then add and reduce price based on how your product compares. For example, if your quality is better you can add value while if your customer service is poor you can take some away. 
  • Remember to watch your competitors closely. Generally, consumers purchase the lowest priced product but do take into consideration reputation and overall quality. 

7th Global Business and Finance Research Conference

7th Global Business and Finance Research Conference

Date: 22 – 23 February 2018
Venue: Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Submission Deadline: 22 January 2018
Registration Deadline: 9 February 2018

Theme: Research for Progress


Theoretical and empirical papers or case studies relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing, Business Ethics and International Business are invited for the above international conference. This conference is supported by five international peer reviewed journals indexed by Ulrich, EBSCO of USA and ERA of Australia. This conference is sponsored by World Business Institute (WBI), Australia, (please see which is supported by fellows from over hundred countries and has collaborative relationship with many universities, institutions and publishers. Unlike other predatory conferences, WBI conferences provide professional services to the authors such as written review report on each paper presented. Over the past 13 years, WBI has attracted thousands of attendees to its conferences around the world.


Please submit either abstract and/or full paper containing the paper title, full details of the corresponding authors including title (such as Mr., Dr. etc), field of research (such as accounting, management etc) and contact emails. All submission will go through double blind review process and review outcome will be notified within reasonable time.


Affiliated Journals:

ABDC rated (B) journals (see

- Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
- International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
- IIMB Management Review

Scopus Indexed Journals:

- Banks and Banking System ( Indexed by Scopus)
- International Journal of Supply Chain Management (indexed by Scopus)

Note: The editorial boards of the above respective journals will independently consider high quality papers. You need to follow the journal's policy.

Sponsoring Journals:

Journals listed by Excellent Research Australia (ERA), Ulrich Directory of USA and Scopus (under review) Journals (without any fee for outstanding papers):

- Global Economy and Finance Journal
- Global Review of Accounting and Finance
- World Journal of Management
- International Review of Business Research Papers
- Journal of Business and Policy Research


All accepted papers, except those accepted by the above journals, will be published electronically with ISBN via a dedicated website ( which contains papers from 90 previous conferences.


Review reports via email on every paper presented at the conference will be provided to assist the authors to revise and improve their papers so they can publish in quality journals. Best paper awards will be announced via email after the conference. Registration fee is UD $350 and includes printed program book, attendance certificate, written review report, online conference proceedings, conferences accessories, hot buffet lunch, tea, coffee and break foods for both days.


22 January 2018 for abstract and/or full paper submission and 9 February 2018 for registration. If abstract is accepted, full papers should be submitted by 9 February 2018.


Please click on the links provided on the left hand side of the conference website ( for more information. For other enquiries please email Professor. Mohammad Hoque via


Professor Dr. Stuart Orr, Deakin University, Australia.


Please see the conference website for more details.

Profit Maximization By Avoiding Short-Term Stock Decisions

In the world of large hedge funds and stock prices the risks to company decision making compound as leaders seek to maintain short-term stock value while often ignoring the fundamentals of good business. As the fundamentals are improved the overall stock value rises as a result of organizations that develop strong strategic plans for 5 and 10 years out. Beating the stock market market rests on a higher level competitive position with relevant products and services.

It is an addictive game to play the stock market like a short-term trader seeking to make small adjustments everyday to keep the stock price high. As we do this the decisions we make may make sense in the short-term but could impact a business as it seeks to grow and gain market share. Such decisions often come across as arbitrary and not well thought out.

Let me give you an example. When times are tough companies often lay off employees but then fail to retain those skills needed to capture new revenue streams. While lay offs may work as a readjustment strategy to incorporate people with new skills generally they are the sign of a dying company. Cutting your way to profit also cuts your opportunities and is a self-defeating game.

If a company isn't doing something that has market value it will lose its position. The trend may have changed or consumers might not find the value as high as it once did. Instead of laying off employees or making radical cuts to budgets to raise profit margins it would make more sense to develop new streams of income by readjusting those profits to growth opportunities.

That is a different way of thinking that moves from the what is to what could be. Investors are in the business of making money and not in the business of management. However, attracting longer term investors that are not as radical in their buying and selling of stock is helpful in lowering this pressure. Attracting those that want to build a long-term organization and receive bottom prices upon entry and see those dividends grow over a few years is a better bet.

When something isn't working right then it is time to change the strategy. Create customer value at the lowest and deepest levels by focusing on the fundamentals of one's core offerings. Raising value may mean improving current products, adding new products, or changing the entire approach of business based on market demand. Transitioning to long-term decision  making may be difficult but is not impossible if proper information and goals of the organization are clearly communicated to investors. Keeping them informed helps them to stick out the tough times and be attracted to long-term ventures they believe in.

Ski Brule A Little Place with a First Opener

Ski Brule is a ski resort in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is one of the very first places to open for the season. Others resorts in the area typically open up a few weeks later. They are also known for being one of the last places to close up for the season. This year the hill is already packed with skiers who are enjoying the new made snow.

Lodge: The lodge is warm and offers food and drink for those who enjoy warming up. You can order in the bar or the restaurant.

Ski Shop: If you forgot something the ski shop will have it.

Pricing: The pricing is a little less than most of the other ski resorts at $49 or $39 if you get advanced tickets at local locations.

The day I went it was a little warm but the hill was open and the trails well manicured. There was a race that day so one of the runs was closed. Easy parking and friendly staff this is a place I expect to come back often.

What Managers can Learn from the Philosopher Nagel on Objective Performance Management

Managers have a responsibility of objectivity when it comes to management of employees and the daily functioning of their departments. Being emotionally wrapped into the the daily conversations of employees or taking wildly emotional stances not based in sound business logic does not help in growing a successful business. Learning to objective means stepping back from the daily bustle and learn to observe and see the big picture.

Erwin Schrodinger restates some of Nagel's beliefs in What is Life? (1944) stating "moderately satisfying picture of the world has only been reached at the high price of taking ourselves out the picture, stepping back into the role of the non-concerned observer." According to Erwin one comes to higher knowledge and general satisfaction by not being dipped head first into the daily bustle.

We learn from our senses but we interpret from our impressions and mental constructions. Knowing that one's immediate beliefs are not the truest interpretation opens up the possibility to see the world from a new perspective. Philosophy teaches us that by stepping back and taking a bigger view we gain performance perspectives.

Stepping Back: Stepping back means not engaging in the employee gripes, fights, and arguments. The daily politics should not come to sway the managers opinions and thoughts based on personal loyalties and self-seeking behaviors. The manager who can step out of the fray learns to see his/her department from a more objective standpoint which leads to better decisions.

The Big View: When one becomes an observer and pays attention to understanding versus judging they can eventually come to understand the mechanics of their department and the bigger picture with greater clarity. The big view will allow the manager to put the daily fires in perspective and work toward larger goals needed to advance the company.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sneaking in Your Workout Throughout the Day

Working out throughout the day is important part of staying healthy. If you live a busy life it can be very difficult. Sometimes we work all day and into the evening and can't find time. The problem is that without this workout we don't get the full benefit of a healthy life and may find that our mental performance also suffers.

It is possible to find a little time if you consider breaking your workout up to 20 minute home or workouts.

1.) Watch Youtube cardio programs or read a book on weightless work outs.
2.) Use your lunch break to climb stairs or go for a walk.
3.) Use your office space to do yoga, squats, sit ups and other methods.
4.) Develop an evening routine that includes fitness between household chores.

The Benefits of Bottom Up Management

Bottom up management occurs when decisions are made from the lowest positions possible within the workplace. There are numerous benefits when organizations change from a top-down approach to a bottom-up approach which includes better vetted decisions, employee empowerment, better skills, lower turnover, and generally better performance.

Vetted Decisions: This occurs when more people look at a problem and then seek to find solutions from a diverse set of eyes. Employees typically come from different backgrounds with different experiences and can open up new pathways of thinking or see problems before they rise.

Employee Empowerment: When employees have an opportunity to make decisions that impact them they feel empowered to take ownership over problems. As each employees success is tied to the business they feel a greater sense of ownership over the organization.

Better Skills: Making decisions also means we understand the context of those decisions. Employees know that their skills are not in isolation and have a better sense of how all the different types of skills work together. They will soon seek to diversify their talents.

Lower Turnover: Having input on decisions also leads to more loyalty to the company. Employees gain a sense of connection with the organization that values their opinions and beliefs.

Better Performance: Performance improves over time as employees tie their own success to the organization. They self-police and create expectations toward other employees as they build their community

What does Wal-Mart's change to Walmart Signify about Future Strategies?

January 1st Wal-Mart will be rename Walmart in order to accept its move into e-commerce. The company has been beat out by Amazon and the desire of people to price compare and purchase online. Walmart has been seeking ways of ensuring its low cost dominance over the past few years. Walmart has a few things going for it that many other companies don't.

1.) Its distribution system is one of the best in the world. If it decided to it could purchase a fleet of smaller trucks at each of its stores and start delivering. This doesn't seem to be in their plans but moving to more distribution focus makes sense considering it is one of their greatest advantages.

2.) Its purchasing power allows it to buy products at a cheaper price than anyone else. Amazon is made up of smaller providers and use the system as a marketspace. However, Amazon is starting to purchase hot selling items on its own. Walmart will need to compete in this arena.

3.) It has acquisitioned and improvements in that system are likely. Not sure if they will be hosting sales of non Walmart items but improving its eCommerce strategy includes reaching more customers through the Amazon competitor.

4.) Physical locations offer an opportunity for people to return products and see them first hand. Amazon doesn't already have a physical presence so Walmart can use its Click-n-Mortar hybrid approach to gain customers online and offline. Many of us still grocery shop and need items today which makes it more convenient. Few like shipping items back on Amazon.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

24th ORLANDO International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

24th ORLANDO International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

Theme: Promoting Global Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability

International Association of Applied Business Research - IAABR
Jointly with
Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies – Academic OASIS

DATES: March 16 - 18, 2018
PLACE: Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village
8623 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, Florida, USA

Deeply discounted, special rates are still available for the participants in 2018 IAABR/ Academic OASIS – Orlando Conference. Here is the link where the conference participants may book their reservations at the special deeply discounted conference rates: Conference participants may also call 1-888-789-3090 to book their reservations and use the group name of "IAABR Orlando Conference". Please note that special rate reservations must be made by MARCH 1ST, 2018 (the cutoff date), or until there are rooms available at the negotiated discounted rates.


FULL PAPERS - MARCH 3, 2018. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals Sponsoring the 2017 ORLANDO Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the IAABR Conference in Orlando (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - MARCH 5, 2018. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Orlando Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2018, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


The regular registration fee is $350 (the reduced registration fee for virtual participants via Skype is $300, and the special student fee is $285). The regular registration fee includes: 1) the popular IAABR/ Academic OASIS 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Opportunity to Explore and Enjoy the Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and the nearby Atlantic Coast!

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: All conference participants, who register by FEBRUARY 13 will receive a free admission voucher to GATORLAND, known internationally as the "Alligator Capital of the World", and showcasing thousands of alligators and crocodiles including extremely rare leucistic "white" alligators.

Our ORLANDO Conference is for people, who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries and sharing similar or complementary interests, and to have fun in one of the most exciting cities in the USA, known worldwide for its Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and the nearby Atlantic Coast!

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication & Media, e-Business, e-Learning, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law & Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, and Sustainable Development are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the World. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2018 ORLANDO International Academic Conference:
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Advancements in Applied of Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance & Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to GLOBAL@IAABR.COM (please put "ORLANDO CONFERENCE" in the Subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee. Authors will be notified of the review outcome within 3-4 weeks after the arrival of their submissions.

Authors, who could NOT travel to Orlando for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the Academic OASIS or IAABR conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities, as the regular conference presenters.

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee via or visit our Website:

Conference Organizing Committee, 2018 Orlando International Academic Conference

Network Development For Cluster Innovation and Economic Growth

No business functions at its highest potential in isolation and formal and informal network development is important for corporate growth and functioning. While these networks may exist within a company and its suppliers it may also exist among competitive companies. Because a large part of cluster growth is based on the exchange of ideas and the necessary components such as finance to achieve growth there must be a conduit of exchange to increase idea sharing.

Business within a cluster are connected by people, information, resources and finance. The more connections we can develop and the closer the proximity, typically the more advantage companies receive as they share important components of doing business. They become a supportive network that continues to develop and build off of each other.

The Internet and IT networks have become a big part of this model. As people, businesses, and administrators move online there is a substantial increase in GDP of the area. That equates to greater wealth and tax revenue for governments. Investment in infrastructure relates to communications and impacts the entire network of businesses.

As investment in communications infrastructure rises there are also more opportunities to receive outside investment into local businesses and increased chances of expanding into global markets. Investment improves the overall capital needed to move companies out of their domestic markets and into a more competitive world. As the information about the cluster improves, investors awareness also improves and this can lead higher investments that create an upward cycle.

It should similarly be stated that as people move online and share information they also share their ideas. Increased information becomes breeding grounds for collaborative improvement of products and open sourcing options. Ideas spread quickly and companies can research and compile this information for general improvement of their business.

Developing of networks for private and public collaboration can increase the speed of cluster development as ideas spread quickly and are adapted into existing operations. Governments and business leaders should support the sharing of knowledge and information for profit gain to spur local economic development. They can invest in closed, open and infrastructure improvements that have a systemic impact on the overall speed of information and the connectivity of people.

The Little Pack that Holds Alot

You are hiking up the side of a mountain or blazing through a local event. Carrying a full backpack isn't likely to be helpful when you only need a few items for the day. Using a cross-body shoulder strap packs are a great way to minimize weight while still holding the items you need.

While they don't offer the same level of carrying capacity you can certainly put phones, wallet, water, first aid, and basic rations in one of these packs. Much more effective than the traditional "fanny pack".

Other uses include biking and walking. When I go sailing I often like to bike over to the race marina from my boat and I will used one of these packs because it fits my gloves, hat, water and food for the day.

$18.99 Free Shipping

Labor Relations and Unionization as a Factor of Security and Self-Esteem

There two primary reasons why employee become part of a union. As the world changes companies should look at these two reasons to ensure that their employees feel security and self-esteem from the work that they do. An organization is a village of types and helping employees feel these two needs leads to greater organizational trust and eventually performance. Neglecting these needs increases all types of other issues as they relate to legal and labor relations headaches.

Security: Union workers want security in their jobs. As the workplace becomes more chaotic and companies move overseas they desire stability. While the seniority system may not be great for performance it does provide a level of stability of workers who don't want to be in the cuts of layoffs. When companies can make a commitment to their workers they can lessen the need for union protections.

Self-Esteem: When people engage in an occupation it impacts their self-esteem and the viewpoints of their life. Their occupation becomes part of who they are. The workplace is every bit as important as their households and the work takes on special meaning to them. Helping employees become part of the decision making process and treating them as skilled and valuable members of an organization helps limit the need for unionization.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Role of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market

Customer Service with a Smile

Customer service is a large part of retaining your current revenue streams. While it would seem that it isn't a lot, much can be said for how people view your staff and how you might be willing to help customers feel satisfied with their purchase. Something as simple as a smile can make all the difference in whether or not someone purchases your products/services again and again.

Consider that the interaction with the customer sets the "face" of the organization. When that interaction is positive they will naturally feel that the staff is helpful. These personal interactions put the customer in a better mood which becomes part of their impression of the company.

There is also a mental spill over effect that occurs. A negative interaction by one grouchy employees will reflect on the entire business. In the opposite, a positive interaction will embed the memory and feeling together anytime someone thinks of the company.

Thoughts and feelings are associated. When we remember a company our feelings are often more important than the actual thought. As soon as we think about a particular company we also think of our feelings associated with it. These can be any flavor and variety.

For example, long waiting lines to talk to a customer service representative says one thing..."I don't care about you". It tells customers that you took their money but won't necessarily answer their questions or fulfill the implied contract when there is an issue. You just wanted their money and that is bad for long term business.

A smile is something important when we consider it within the context of the entire interaction. Helping customer service representatives understand why it is so important to have a positive and upbeat interaction with customers can make a big difference between a one time sale and life long customer. Something as simple as a smile can generate a long-term revenue stream.

Helping Students to Help Themselves

Students come from all different educational and family backgrounds that leads to persistence and success in the classroom. Some of the hurdles that students have could seriously hamper their ability to be successful. Persistence and grit is based within the deeper understandings of life and their ability and helping them achieve success might take a slightly unorthodox approach.

1. Positive and encouraging tone.

2. Understanding the educational deficiencies they faced in high school.

3. Connecting them to a community of supportive students.

4. Raising the value of education to them personally by making curriculum applicable to their lives.

5. Determining their motivations and goals in life and building plans specifically for them.

6. Raising their self-perception and self-efficacy.

7. Constant contact and engagement.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Is it wise to buy in bulk?

If you ever entered a Sam's Club or Costco you will find that many of the items are sold in bulk. It doesn't have to be these two stores as many places offer bulk food as well. Determining when to and when to not buy in bulk is important for helping you save money.

Most of the time buying in bulk is a great idea. At other times it is not a great idea as you may end up spending much more than you need. Consider the following before you make a purchase.

1.) Is it perishable and will you use it in time? Items like canned goods, coffee, toilet papers, hardware supplies, etc... can be stored for a long time.

2. Will you use the item? Sometimes we buy things on the spur of the moment but we don't actually need them. Make sure you buy when you will use the item a lot.

3.) Is the per piece price lower than what you can find at other places? This is the primarily reason why people buy in bulk.

4.) Are there other people who will split the bulk? Sometimes you can find people who will take half of the bulk purchase so you don't need all of it.

5.) Does it fit within your budget? No matter what if the item doesn't fit within your budget it is a problem.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Adapting Messages to Your Audience Increases Communication Skills

Each communication channel has a specific audience you are trying to reach. Knowing who that audience is and how to best communicate with them on their own level will do much to improve the relation and retention of information. When working as a manger it is important to think about the language and style before you write.

Language: Words are symbols. Each group of people have specific symbols which are often unique to their backgrounds. For example, employees of a particular company share a history embedded into their organization. They may not always be aware of it but it determines how "commerce" and interaction are conducted in that environment.

Using language (symbols) that relate to them help to ensure the essence of the message is better received. Each person will interpret that message and having it relate specifically to your audience improves upon the information transference.

Style: Tone and style help determine the overall intent and meaning of the words (symbols) being used. For example, a firm that hires highly educated engineers are likely to resonate more with longer paragraphs and detailed information than one which hires factory employees.

Furthermore, one should consider the speed of information and how the sentences are constructed to ensure the right tone is created. It is possible to have a statement that is positive be negatively received if the tone and style are not in alignment with the message.

Small Town Parades Drive Traffic Downtown

Small town parades are not only great for getting the community downtown but also getting them into one place to start the Christmas shopping seasons. Bars and restaurants get their fill but so does those stores that stay open during the time. As business create floats they show their connection to the community and also advertise.

Community Togetherness: Drawing people together to engage in a community activity that leads to greater connection among members but also greater loyalty to the area.

Shopping: Stores that stay open during the parade often find people go down early and leave late. Bars and restaurants get a significant boost but so can businesses if they advertise deep discounts.

Advertising: Floats and displays are not just a community activity but also lead to advertising. Each eye focuses on each float and company as it passes.

Community Loyalty: Engaging and interacting with the community leads to life-long relationships with businesses. As people think about certain stores they saw in the parade, help build decorations with, or who sponsored them they will often become long term customers.