Monday, January 10, 2022

Jaimie Diamond CEO JP Morgan Chase Says Economy Might be Best Year Since Depression

This will be an interesting year for economics in a post Covid pandemic matched with adaptive technology and hyper competition between the US and China. Jamie Diamond predicts volatile markets, 4 Fed interest rate increases, and a strong underlining economy. Let us see what happens.๐Ÿค” (Economic ExplosionsRoaring 20s JP Morgan, Goldman Socks ProjectionNot Out of Woods, See 20 Years, Out Perform China 2033๐Ÿ”ฎ).  Let us wait and see as nothing is for sure๐Ÿ™!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Escanaba Boy Needs Bone Marrow Transplant Funds (Baby Camden)

Be The Match

There are few things more precious then a child's life. An Escanaba boy by the name of Baby Camden Kleikamp needs a second bone marrow transplant (See what a bone marrow transplant is HERE.)When a community boy needs our help many of the residents will open their checkbooks and share some of what they have (See TV6 Video). If your a business and have a few dollars you can consider doing a different kind of investing in the future. (Tax Deductions? Here). Sometimes its about helping your neighbor and feeling good about your contribution to the world above and beyond the financial benefits. 

Camden Facebook
Camden Go FundME

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Running Hate Review and Analysis: Hometown Hate and Potential Solutions

Some responsibilities are those of law enforcement and some are that of social expectation (Of which one should help avoid the other.). A difficult situation arises where poor values such as lying, aggression, stealing, manipulating, and/or corruption become acceptable against chosen targets but stay under the radar of the triggers that bring it to law enforcement's attention (Legitimacy of behavior is contextual based on perceived social hierarchy. We also see the Pentagon and DOJ are working on better detection methods/models.). Worse, when such targets have been chosen based on perceived ease of scapegoating (Blacks, Muslims, Jews, Asians, etc...). Better markers/variables/factors that detect pre-violent aggressive indicators by looking examples of a chain of choices, feelings, beliefs and actions can lead to higher levels of cross variable/multi-factors (valid) that highlight areas of concern.

The laws legislating hate and domestic extremism are often based in post hoc behaviors but are often partially blind to series of events that lead to violence (Another reason to study those caught engaging in hate through counseling and coding. Its better for them and for the victims.) Studying just the physical characteristics/aftermath of hate is a post hoc strategy of initial event (s). While they are helpful one would truly want to study pre hoc behaviors that lead to prevention/intervention in a way that limits future violence (Remember from prior writings that hate is a series of dysfunctional thinking that ends in the "justification" of removing, harming, or killing the targets to maintain a lower order assumption about the world and self worth. See Allegory of Cave).

There are acts of intimidation, spreading rumors and converting others into scapegoating and extremism that are moral crimes that are not reflected well within our current legal system. The laws are poor carbon copies of societal values and must continuously adjust to be more reflective. The law and its application is limited by its capacity of understanding actual behavior and putting that within a workable framework (Why studying hate behavior is important and that comes through mental health. The Importance of Judges.)

While we know these behaviors are immoral and often criminal we fail to act on them in a ways that help thwart escalation (Sometimes we reward certain extremist groups by not holding them to a level of accountability, or turning a blind eye, based at times in perceived societal worth/values. We thus reconfirm the dysfunction as appropriate and reward socially and financially certain behaviors.). How do you muzzle those intent on harming others? How do you convert a large group of hate supporters (even those in law enforcement) from a mob to a free thinking people empowered to think beyond the confines of their particular social network, religious group, ethnic affiliation, or distorted view of what an "American" looks like? How do we ensure domestic extremism doesn't turn into domestic terrorism? (Trust me...I'm not going to be able to answer it here. I can sort of frame out an idea.)

The answers aren't clearly defined but the method of understanding is more apparent. These are the things I have learned from being a target of a coordinated hate group (of which one if not more were in law enforcement.). Some of them may not be practical for enforcement but can create contextual differences in understanding. Many of them can be further added to and broken down into measurable behaviors.

1. The National Red Line: There should never be justification for targeting specific populations. As a whole nation we must come down on such groups to let them know that while such behaviors may be acceptable in their distorted world it is not acceptable to the rest of society (Supporting the Constitution and its rights to its citizens.).  We are a nation of many different backgrounds that support certain principles. We must act together from these various backgrounds to ensure democracy, rule of law, and our philosophical ideals are maintained through shared understanding and pressure. (Whole Nation Affair). That requires us to agree collectively that we will ensure that our institutions are aligned to the national philosophy and constitutional approach that acts as our social contract least we lower the value of national institutions and in turn social stability (This nation is for all of us. Truth and Integrity)

2. Words Have Meaning: When words increasingly become aggressive, seek to enrage, thwart responsibility, and enflame followers (especially when they have no reason to be involved) they also become tools for escalation. It is precisely those words that lead to violence. There are changes within language and tone that precede violence.

3. Personality Disorders: Whether we are discussing Hitler or our local hate group there are personality disorders in play that push some to consistently dominant behaviors. The inability of those who encourage hate to self-regulate is extremely difficult and that in turn drives them down a particular path without brakes. Fighting to create boundaries against those supported by a group can be difficult and dangerous.

4. Histories: Behavior is often patterned and in turn where current behaviors seem more obvious there was likely less obvious behaviors within their histories. Mocking others, group disdain, strict social rules, bullying of others in the community, manipulation, trying to be in the "right" crowd, etc... Few behaviors in flat personalities are spontaneously new because such individuals lack self awareness.

5. Lower Order Values: When groups brag about low order values that should raise some red flags. People who talk about "getting" people, use racial/religious slurs, "better" than, damaging someone, etc... we find social encouragement to be their "worse" selves. Social restraint begins to decline as the language makes acceptable behavior that in most circumstances would be unacceptable. The lower order values are raised as ideal. 

6. Unable to Take Responsibility: Those who engage in these behaviors have a hard time taking responsibility for their behaviors. If they did we wouldn't be where we are now. Because they are already engaged in the scapegoating process, any level of accountability means it was not the fault of "those" people/target, versus actually being an effect of their behavior. (Blind Eye Risks)

7. Seeks to Maximize Recruitment: Groups like this (i.e. radicalized groups of any background) often seek to spread their ideologies and in turn twist stories and information to gain followers through false justifications. They do so off of conjured "horrendous" moral violations that may have never actually occurred (i.e. trying to increase victimization). The more people encouraged to engage in the crime the more "legitimate" the behaviors are viewed (Aristotle Morality-Justice).

8. Morphs and Displays in Different Forms: Hate will come out in other forms and behaviors. While these haven't been fully defined they are related to black and white thinking and the pushing of one's beliefs on others (i.e. likely why there has been multiple community complaints against some of the members.). Often there is a history of conflict of some of the members who lead bread crumbs to their desire to be more important than warranted based on societal contribution.

9. Supported by Blind Followership: Bad things can't happen on a group level unless the wider society has come to accept some of these behaviors as appropriate. People act and in turn receive reflection by others (Society has come to accept aggression on others on some level and there are circles/networks that seem to support those behaviors within certain contexts.). When groups are dysfunctional and signal back inappropriate expectations we run the risk of future group aggression. (Dysfunctional Groups, Update on Hate 02-16-22, Update on Hate 03-22-22, Update on Hate 04/18/22)

10. Indifferent, Inadequate, or Legal "holes":  People who understand the law, are seasoned in legal manipulation, and/or have friends in the law know how to circumvent the legislated rules for self gain. Studying these behaviors leads to closing the loops so laws can be applied when it is necessary to step in when behaviors are out of control. Laws should focus on truth and not supporting a particular race, color, religion, or view point. When laws are based in finding the deepest truth it can and the best justice it can offer then it is on the right path. Passing laws that are adequate and enforcing them with wisdom is important (If you don't have wisdom you won't have trust because it bio-psycho driven in our species. See Who is Wise?).

11. Hyper Politics: Hyper politics gives cover for bad behavior (Antifa, Proud Boys, etc...) as they tie themselves to a particular political cause. That also allows politicians, judges, and law enforcement officials to give cover for behavior that is highly inappropriate and aggressive at its root. Both sides should focus on what is most important in our democracy. (Look overseas at large scale ethnic/religious crimes and you will find an underlining current of bigotry, weak rule of law, broken shared social contracts, and an inability to deal with such issues prior to a national schism. That is direct result of leadership pitting demographics against each other for personal gain while ignoring the bigger principles that keep a nation together. Law and Economy)

12. Low Boundary Relationships: Those who are most likely to sick "the dogs" on someone do so when they have control over the feelings, values, beliefs, and social relationships of others and are certain their won't be social push back. There is a need to have increasing control and thus they draw in those who don't have the self-confidence to reinforce their boundaries or ability stand up for higher principles. As low boundary people align to a stronger personality they also become increasingly easy to manipulate. They lose their sense of judgement and perspective which increases their inability to manage and deal with differences. It becomes easier to go along with one's social network. 

13. Flat Thinking and Self-Selection: All bias is rooted in the inability to think dynamically about issues. Most (some) of the information is weeded out to reconfirm existing bias. Thus the type of media one watches, groups they engage in, friends they hang out with, etc... become increasingly homogeneous leaving little outside anchors for critical thinking. As they move into their dysfunctional world the outside world seems more distant and foreign. The normal values and beliefs of the wider society become sifted and distorted in these groups (Gossip and Rumors)

14. Entitlement: Its hard to force your will on others if you don't feel entitled to be "right" all the time. Within such groups dissention is rare and only their beliefs, values, lifestyles, and world view are acceptable. All others are seen as dangerous or foreign. One must take over excessive pride in one particular group or background that entitles them to behavior and act in ways that are self seeking. Those who oppose being pushed to the back are often attacked verbally, socially, or physically. There is a sense of being more important, more American, or worthy of additional benefits when compared to others. (Standing up to Hate)

15. Ostracization: People who have a distorted sense of self also can't stand people they disagree with being in the same room. Their very presence drives their emotional state and often leads to quick escalation. There are elements of social punishment for disagreeing (Even if they were 100% in the right) and there are elements of group aggression that make situations dangerous (i.e. two different racial, religious, political groups, etc... protesting in the same location.). Group members support ostracization when they are afraid to be ostracized themselves (Extremism reduces freedom even for its supporters.).

16. Core Identity: There is a core identity around something that ties the members together. Sometimes this might be a particular village, ideology, school connection, religion, ethnicity, sports clubs/teams, color, etc... Members define themselves by sharing those backgrounds and identities. Such identities define the inner group as different for others and in turn creates a cultish type identity. This is one reason why it can be hard for undercover agents to get into certain groups when they don't have particular in-network core identities (It is also likely why whistleblowing and freedom of speech become important.)

17. Misuse of Authority: The lines between legitimate and illegitimate authority have become somewhat blurred each time poor behaviors are not held to account (There are significant differences between legitimate authority and street militia authority. It is one reason why we must ensure the integrity of the badge beyond the needs of individual officers). This is also a factor in why we must change culture and ensure that our policing units (including all other public service positions) have greater representation of different types of people so as not to become derailed from their essential purpose (There appears to be an attempt by some officer(s) from the initial group to limit engagement in public service unless they approve it on an unofficial-unlegislated level. Using unofficial channels built through official position, i.e. misuse of badge, to create borders of who is and who isn't allowed to serve their community. There are multiple community complaints from different sectors of people against at least one/some member(s) of this group making "serving the community" highly suspect. It appears as though they are serving their social group before the duties of their position. That can further separate society and the responsibility of all communities to serve its best interest. ). We also don't want to inadvertently prompt society that "these" people can be public servants and "those" people can't leading to the reduction in value of institutions. We also don't want to turn the "blind eye" so as to prompt society that authority is used for one class, group, power, etc... at the detriment of others.  (I'm a supporter of police and their sacrifices while still recognizing the need to remove "bad apples". There is a fairly long history of supporting my country-community in different venues so I completely understand the benefits that police can bring to supporting our democracy and capitalist way of life. I also recognize the need for internal integrity in all services Blind Eye Extremism Model, and Police Laws).

18. Nepotism, Cultural, and Racial Hiring: In third world nations where economies have bottomed out and high levels of social conflict exist is an underbelly of inappropriate hiring based on one's social, racial, cultural, tribal or religious understanding (not exhaustive). While there may be official laws in place on the inappropriateness of discriminatory hiring nevertheless behaviors continue as designed to put "their own" in worthwhile positions while pushing others to lower valued positions. For example, a public institution financed with tax payer dollars (i.e. public college) making hiring decisions based on subjective hiring criteria that is not applied equally across candidates. While this may seem like a small issue some of these institutions impact a lot of people and in turn the quality life for everyone else (Using public money for personal, private, and inappropriate uses.). There seems to be the official stance of some of these organizations and the realized actual beliefs/behaviors which are sometimes radically different. The damage of tainted institutional hiring and values can make or break long term belief in the value of institutions (See What I'm Thinking, Challenging Hate for Public Unity in Higher Education, and Organization Cultural Factors). 

19 .This of course is not an exhaustive list. These may or may not be helpful but do sort of make some sense and I believe would be experienced in one form or another in most situations. It is possible with some work to create factors, markers, and elements that would highlight when something amiss is occurring. It may also help in finding ways to tackle these issues when they first appear versus when they have completed their path. Without challenge hate doesn't have an end it just continues to change and shift seeking new scapegoats for society's problems (Hate Group Member Remorse).

Thinking to resolution is important (I will add more when it comes available.)

1.) Leadership and Integrity Improve Institutional Resilience: Important for creating resilience of institutions from extremism type views. (Integrity and Leadership on Org Perform.)

We have choices in this country to work around shared principles, universalizing our values/institutions, and standing up for higher principles through accountability. We also can do the opposite. One will improve our economic and social prospects while the other will lead us down the path of mayhem and dissolution (Kind of makes you wonder how you define a Patriot ๐Ÿค”). If you ask our politicians what they believe is the right path, we are likely to find people all over the spectrum in their personal beliefs (Some public and some private. Coordinated National Vision/Values). Our politicians, judges, and institutions must keep the bigger goals of the nation and the philosophy of democracy and capitalism in mind. When they don't bigger risks for the entire nation loom as non competitiveness and inappropriateness of realized values begin to deteriorate the foundations of democracy. For me, I will continue to positively engage and be present in all aspects of local life until either there is victory in values or someone "removes" the "problem". ๐Ÿคท (I guess there is a third option to sort of say, "If we believed in these values already we wouldn't be in this place in history today". That would require a recognition that the values are not important, the situation isn't serious, and certain groups can run towns outside of our agreed upon democratic processes. Then I turn on the tv and watch the news to see which way the nation is heading). As with all things, time answers all questions. ⏳

Remarks Toward Conclusion and Resolution

What to do with Highly Manipulative People? (Resolutions to Hate 05/20/22)The Concerns of Lack of Hate Accountability (Hypothetically What is the Value of Accountability?)The Dangers of Distorted Social Networks and How that Can Hamper Community Growth

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Colorado Fires: 1000K Homes Destroyed: Need for Firefighters Rise

Firefighters do a lot and when natural disasters come into play they are often the first responders to the events. Just like in Colorado we rely on our firefighters to continuously deal with issues that relate to the health of our communities and protection from natural events. Firefighters are likely to become increasingly important as we wrestle with environmental shifts.  Instead of becoming a declining occupation it may very well become of increasing importance if the need arises. 

Consider donating to a few firefighting associations (I know little of these organizations so look at their sites and if you like to donate a little. If someone wants to donate a grass fire truck I know a great place to send it.)

Firefighters Charitable Foundation

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Fire Family Foundation

The Firefighters Support Fund

Thursday, December 30, 2021

US May Out Perform China in 2033 If "American's" Learn to Compromise and Coordinate a National Vision

 One of the biggest and most difficult tasks is to get people from different political spectrums to focus on a shared future and vision. Without a sense of direction China is poised to overcome the U.S. by 2033 according to a report by Japan Center for Economic Research (Tomiyama, 2021) by pointing all of their hypothetical ships to the same destination 20 years into the future (See China Stats). Technology is here to stay and hedging that technology into the first digital era large modern manufacturing nation that can produce next generation products and a state of the art economy (including advanced education/skill development, enlightened law enforcement/intelligent rule of law, inclusive capitalism, mental and physical health, pharmaceuticals, military supremacy, etc...) would be appealing to international investors. 

The amount of coordination between our law makers, stakeholders, and bureaucrats would be a serious commitment about a shared vision and sense of purpose. Each actor/agent would need to determine how their actions either ensure we are the first advanced large scale nation (and its benefits and risks) or allow natural forces to pressure change more slowly ( and the risks of coming in second to an emerging market. Yes...countries are actually a type of market for international investors.). 

(Yasoshimo, R., et. al, 2021)

To me the technological trends, infrastructure investments, and political capital to return manufacturing back to the U.S. are present. They are present now but they may not be present in a decade as we become accustomed to our new role (...or eat ourselves alive politically with fewer and few resources but with impossibly high expectations.). I'm an optimist so I say we can sort of see where we need to go in terms of infrastructure, education, international investments, and technology and might consider coordination of effort across political lines (...we have made some progress since the pandemic but are still sputtering along.)

(There is something called the Hierarchy of Values popularized by New York Law School Professor Myres McDougal in his 1966 work 'Jurisprudence for a Free Society' in the Georgia Law Review that models how decisions are made in terms of their importance to a person/group. Thus if we ordered Family, Country, Career, Political Party, etc... For politics to function properly on a high level overview perspective it must have an order the fulfills the needs of the widest distribution to the members of society. For example, if one has 1. Country [One could also insert God anywhere within this order based on one's beliefs], 2. Society 3. Career 4. Party 5. Family as their hierarchy of values they will make decisions differently than a person who orders 1. Self 2. Party 3. Career 4. Country 5. Wealth, 6.,etc... 

Universal Core Values
Brosche & Sander, 2013
Neuroeconomic Choices

Depending on the make up of our current generation, culture, and leadership we will collectively define those hierarchy of our values through social expectations. However, since governance is about inclusive benefit to maintain stability one might want to include the wingspan constructs such as Country and Society at the higher levels. Its a very personal choice so public professions and private confessions sometimes differ. Lots of people engage in politics for various reasons that have little to do with serving anyone else. Its called public service for a reason!
 ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š How we work together to achieve something greater than ourselves will determine the future of the next generation, generation after that, and likely the generation after.  See Biggest Post Afghan Risks: Decisions Making and Human Capital)

World GDP is expected to reach $100 Trillion in 2022 for the first time in history much sooner than the 2024 projection (CEBR, 2021). While the Pandemic was destructive it also opened an opportunity to reset a course and embrace new economic platforms and the benefits that come from building the best capitalistic environment where human rights and innovative entrepreneurship attract foreign direct investment on a mammoth scale (See Economy Change COVID, GDP Govt Mind,  Q1 2020 Short Stock Drop or Digital Recover, Michigan Invest, DC Start Up Invest, DC Multi Cluster Innovation Industry)

The quality of leadership is based in the ability to critically think about all the options, pick out the essentials, and create as many win-win situations as possible with the widest benefits to society. To create a change initiative (See Change in International Business SWOTCH) Nation and Society values should move to the forefront of our values while self and career should move to the rear of our values (at least for the next few years.) (See Innovation & FreedomBacksliding Democracy).

Leadership can be defined many ways and while scientists look for the exact definition there are certain characteristics and abilities that seem to separate leadership abilities from others (Wheat from Chaff. See Ways of Seeing as how change of perspective helps highlight new ways of viewing the world around us.). Leadership rests in part on the ability to use their creative ability to solve new, unusual and unique problems (Connelly, et. al. 2000). One way of looking at leadership problem solving is from the following quote (Mumford, et. al. 2017 pg. 28) (See Evidence Based Decision Making, Not out of Woods

Death and Miser 1490
Esoteric Bosch
The stages of life and values.

Problem definition
, the ability to define noteworthy issues or significant problems affecting the organization.

Cause/goal analysis, the ability to analyze the causes and goals relevant to addressing problems

Constraint analysis, the ability to identify the constraints, or limiting factors, influencing any problem solution

Planning, the ability to formulate plans, mental simulations, and actions arising from cause/goal and constraint analysis

Forecasting, the ability to anticipate the implications of executing the plans

Creative thinking, the ability to develop alternative approaches and new ideas for addressing potential pitfalls of a plan identified in forecasting

Idea evaluation, the ability to evaluate these alternative approaches’ viability in executing the plan

Wisdom, the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of these alternative approaches within the context, or setting, in which the leader acts

Sensemaking/Visioning, the ability to articulate a vision that will help followers understand, make sense of, and act on the problem"

Leadership secures victory by making a commitment to bigger principles and the willingness to see how solving problems for the widest amount of people leaves a legacy. Doing things others don't expect but are based in strategic validity can lead to game changing results (See Level K Decisions). If we practiced for two years  trying to see the other sides points and compromising where its prudent we would likely solve a big portion of our nation's problems (Sometime pitting sides and arguments against each other blocks the awareness of which perceptual gate leads to new solutions that can come from divergent type thinking. Changing our language and perspective opens up new possibilities we would not have been aware of otherwise. See Conflict and Higher Cognitive Models. The ability to see new solutions often means opening the mind to all of the information and possibilities that leads to key insight and higher order thinking that often vanishes among those stuck in one sided logic. See Data Triangulation). We could tame the tempest and ride it to a higher performance platform with lots of more options and possibilities. 

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” Aristotle

CEBR (2021). IMF World Economic Outlook October 2022. Recovered Dec 29th, 2021 from

Connelly, M. S., Gilbert, J. A., Zaccaro, S. J., Threlfall, K. V., Marks, M. A., & Mumford, M. D. (2000). Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 65–86"

IMF (Oct. 2021). 'Recovery During a Pandemic'. Retrieved December 28th, 2021 from

Mumford, M., Todd, H., and McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive Skills and Leadership Performance: The Nine Critical Skills, The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), p. 28.

Tamiyama, A. (December 15th, 2021). China to become the world’s largest economy in 2033. Japan Center of Economic Research. Retrieved December 28th, 2021 from

Yasoshimo, R., et. al (Dec. 15th, 2021). China's overtaking of U.S. economy delayed to 2033, report says. Nikkei Asia, Retrieved December 28th, 2021 to

DC Firefighters Talk about Responding to Capitol Riot (Becoming Targets of the Mob)

January 6th was a pivotal moment in America's history forcing all those who were loyal to rethink their assumptions. I'm a supporter of police and firefighting (......not blind support and would have no issue holding "bad apples" accountable. Some people/places struggle with understanding the essential purpose of our institutions.) when semi-organized extremists attack firefighters and EMT officials (in some cases their own kind) trying help others we should be appalled; many of us unable to see the risks.

 Whether we are in the Capitol or in our hometowns we struggle with differentiating between those who support the Constitution and who those who are radicalized and want to circumvent it. The lines are blurry but radicalism has certain markers that can tip authorities off to its presence. Our police, firefighters and EMT are there to help others and people nationally/globally should respect medical support (...but that is the mentality of the people and their supporters we are dealing with. I'm a light right conservative and find such actions against everything I was raised to believe. There are places where right and wrong are often subjective to inappropriate symbolism).

You can also read the article DC Firefighters Remember Challenges of Responding to Capitol Riot

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Community Colleges Hiring Practices Influences Student Global Competitiveness

Community colleges are an important part of building the local knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) people need to succeed in a fast shifting environment. Local institutions share a vital purpose in the rebuilding of a next generation nation strides forward towards its central goals of freedom of the human spirit, governance by people, and "whole society" opportunities. Colleges are about providing working skills needed in the market and the developing of human capital that leans toward our national legacies. Without degrees or skilled trades people communities will fall behind in attracting and retaining high paying jobs.  

School of Athens
Philosophy as Diversity of Thought
Between 1509 and 1511

That may be difficult if hiring practices restrict opportunities for competitive exposure and higher levels of national achievement. Let's think of diversity from a wider perspective. Diversity of thought, study, race, religion, and background create higher levels of exposure to new ideas. This is vitally important for small rural communities that are realigning to global competitiveness. Providing avenues for relevant up-to-date knowledge impacts people throughout their lives in profound ways (See a summary of a GSS study on the benefits of higher education. HERE.)

All societies need skilled workers that often come in the form of skilled labor (i.e. skilled trades, artisan, etc...) or intellectual capital (doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc...) We have seen industries decline that resulted in lay offs for thousands of people as jobs move overseas or are replaced. Community colleges have a responsibility to prepare workers to take on new and emerging fields/jobs in a market competitive way. For hands on skilled trades, returning workers, and new students community colleges help prepare people for meaningful careers. 

Ok....well preparing students is supported if their hiring practices are well thought out and include a diverse set of educators/trainers that have a wider range of experiences. Sometimes hiring mangers take on perspectives (unintentionally or intentionally. The way in which I judge a 'red flag' is by transparency and professionalism. When practices are not transparent and there are levels of unprofessional behavior it would be more associated with the personality and perspective of the hiring manager(s).) that limit their hiring practices and in turn the opportunities of their students to be ready to deal with different cultures and ideas. 

While the goal of the HR department is to manage human capital it sometimes runs a foul of that mandate for personal, political, religious, or racial reasons. Training HR professionals on how to manage available human capital is beneficial but so is ensuring that those who willfully follow their own personal hiring practices do not continue with misaligned/malignant practices. Its not a liberal or conservative idea but an absolute MUST in any society that has a diverse population like the U.S.( Certain core values and trust in institutions is essential to stability and growth.)

When hiring managers limit student opportunities through inappropriate selection criteria that reduce exposure to diverse thought and people they also limit global and market readiness.

All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires [countries, societies, republics, etc...] depends on the education of youth. -Aristotle

Side note: In any economic system you will need a way of preparing people to take on new jobs and responsibilities. The local education system includes primary all the way through college is important in that preparation. Educational systems should understand their central purposes and in turn align skills, knowledge, and abilities to fill the most jobs while still developing the whole person is important. Anything that is counter to educations central purposes should be reviewed and adjusted and/or removed.