Monday, April 26, 2021

Morgan Stanley Indicates Roaring 1920's-Opportunities Rise for Pro-Social Investing

The economy is poised to grow and investors project that some of this growth could have long-term sustainability. Morgan Stanley believes we could have another roaring 20's with the right investment environment (1920's and 2020's 👷). Investors rely on complex tools to understand, manage, and predict the environment for maximum shareholder returns. Those tools help investors plug in certain company criteria and come to a more manageable short list of firms to include in their portfolios. Powering up the American economy through active and purpose driven investment can go a long way in future international competitiveness. 

Data is important for investors to best determine which companies are most likely to take advantage of market changes. Some of these algorithms can be quite complex and it would take a serious mathematician to sort of break it all down into something mentally manageable.  Despite its PhD complexity no system as of yet is 100% accurate (100% can never actually exist outside perfect form mathematical reality)! 

Its interesting that people have an impressions of investors as cold hearted, vest wearing, gold watch swinging, tall hat bearing princes/princesses of modern industry. Wealth doesn't change a person's soul and it doesn't change the dreams they had when they made their first serious investment (It might take a minute to get back there🤔? If your unaccustomed to self-reflection start slow and build your abilities over time🙊). As the hair greys and the bravado of youth wanes, prosocial interests come to the forefront. The motive to be part of something bigger than themselves tugs increasingly harder making its needs known (See Investing for Money or Morals?). Tasting the fruits of one's investment is great, but making money for a pro-social cause is of the sweetest nectar the investment world can offer; aftertaste is good too! 🧉.

Keep a look out for opportunity!

The free hand can whip up a tasty batch of solutions but without a hot oven nothing will rise (See Isolation vs. Globalization). The government can invest taxpayer money but it is the market that makes the biggest difference in the longevity of such strategies. Planted seeds of investment and innovation don't just vanish (See Innovation Diffusion and Evolutionary Economics). One draws investment through information and focused resources while the other sustains and pushes global market penetration. (See theory play Michigan Economic Solutions. )

When the right environment is created the business community can solve some pretty dicey problems. For example, if an investor toss and turns over police and protestor violence, (a heightened dispute in our American family👪) he/she may come to a practical solution that investing in advanced non-lethal weaponry lines could significantly reduce fatalities (A solution that might be helpful to police, national guard and international peace keepers. Maybe we can get Hawks and Doves to build a nest together?🤷 🕊.). I suspect officers and communities would feel a sigh of relief when a split second action/reaction isn't the final irreversible judgement. Redirecting the investment community and our politicians to the same shared vision (based on our central American values) would likely be a transformative experience for everyone involved. (See Stimulus and Ethical Econ and Pack Investing)

All civilizations
 need resources

How we as a nation attract international investment is influenced highly by socio-political stability of the country (central focus of political parties), safety and policing, corruption, infrastructure (i.e. digital networks for knowledge sharing and ports to export products), available skilled labor, technologies, education quality, patents, etc... Solving problems through our pragmatic American values and shared sense of purpose can be the vanguard to spearhead post Covid economic renaissance (See American Values & Treaties and Global Supply Chain).

We may have planted seeds in previous generations but it is up to this  new crop to break ground and reach for the sky while the sun still shines on their destiny (Inactivity increases the length of its shadow)⏳. That won't happen if the soil is dry, cracked, toxic and untilled (See Global Supply Chain Dev.) Investors have the power to change their environment through coordinated multi-industry efforts that seek the most profit and at the same time the most good for the most amount of people. Prosocial investing can transform dying American industries into new thriving market champions♘♞. Its rational economic agents that make the choices that allows our entrepreneurial gladiators (See Global Knowledge) to compete in the global arena. ( See Perpetual Sustainable Invest)

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