Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Importance of Judges To Society and Why They Must Have a Bigger Purpose

We have problems brewing that range from extremism to discontent and our local judges have a responsibility to not only stand against such behaviors but also actively thwart them for a greater purpose beyond their bench (When local judges become bankrupt, Federal judges should step in to ensure the Constitution is upheld and the integrity of the system is maintained.). Social connections, corruption, and disingenuous behavior often leaves some members of society wondering, "Has it always been like this?" and  "Are the laws nonexistence or inherently so warped that they no longer count?". We do know we can do better reporting certain crimes for statistical reasons and holding people accountable for moral reasons but....

A model of slow and fast change. Covid was a 
non-linier fast event that shifted behaviors and tech.
more change is likely on way....
How we handle similar issues will determine the smoothness
of social transition.
(Sablonnière, 2017)

....if places like this exist we must ask ourselves what circumstances does it take to uphold the law and continue forward with time honored American principles (the torch) being offered from one generation and willingly accepted by the other (Remember we have to keep our legal system clean in order to ensure it is trusted and the basic values can be passed. Judges who cannot uphold basic human rights should not be allowed to stay on a bench. Past behaviors become suspectUN Impact of Legal System Corruption). When those values become distorted it not only puts more then the victims at risk it also warps what makes a country like the U.S. great (Let's not let the wealth of the past few generations blind us to the need to maintain those values for the current generation that is now beginning to question capitalism and democracy in general. In other words, people believe because good moral conscious is at the forefront of our behaviors and these are still the two best systems in the world...but we have to believe and enforce those values within our institutions to maintain it. All societies are rooted in a social contract. I encourage our legal system, politicians, and societal stakeholders to investigate and root out inappropriate behaviors when reasonable maintain long term societal trust of the institution. Integrity will help maintain the system from social shocks during sociological shifts; of which we need to be done as smoothly as possible. i.e. a shift from local to global perspectives/big data/renaissance and the blending of values that will put greater pressure on local officials to maintain those values that bind society into a single identity.)

Brookings. Rule of Law and Development are 

If we want a society that is fair, just and stable we will need judges that look at the big picture and make decisions that are in the best long term interest of society. These are the one's that make decisions with wisdom and not in their own self-social interest. There are just times when certain behaviors are not acceptable and have created other victims who not only no longer have a voice but whos lives and rights were smothered because the judge failed to roll up his/her sleeves and earn their taxpayer paycheck. (Truth and justice should be the main banner and that leads to positive benefits throughout society. Judges should not have the right to circumvent victims rights just because "rights" are inconvenient and they may not be liked by their social group members. If no one looks, no crimes are committed....but that is not how our society should be....that is a sign of societal decline.). 

Its not so much the legal system as it is those within the system who subjectively choose who and when they are going to hold certain behaviors accountable. We have a level of responsibility to a greater moral compass. We don't want a system where the only truth comes from people who go public with irrefutable evidence that can't be denied when all the signs of illegal behavior were already present but intentionally glossed over (Notice how people now intuitively pull phones out to document behaviors. We should ask ourselves why people feel that is a necessity in today's world? Has a culture of distrust developed? Why has it developed? Big research questions for scientists to ponder.)

Moral failures relate to societal decline.
Moral Collapse and State Failure:... 

When bad behavior comes to light and it appears reasonable these judges should explore those concepts from a neutral standpoint (i.e. look for the truth). They have an obligation to society beyond those who look, act, or worship in the same way they do (...even if they don't get re-elected. We can look at historical examples of poor judgeship such as what happened to notable figure such as Jesus, Socrates, Voltaire, etc.. I suspect if the judges had feedforward insight they were going to be branded in the history books as villains' they would have made different choices; but that is not how it should work...because this is just self interest. ). They willingly choose their path to judgeship and must fulfill those obligations once on the bench regardless of their personal gain/loss. 

How does one fix this problem? I'm not sure its least without a more enlightened perspective. We need a self reflective justice systems that is willing to hold its own bad actors accountable to maintain and restore trust....and we need it to keep the republic moving toward its ultimate destiny/path. Its much more difficult to get us to that ultimate philosophical/national goal when some of us are holding us back based on a limited perspective and social self interest.

What we do know is....if these things are happening (I'm sure it happens from time to time)....they are detractors to our great nation and against the spirit by which the country should run its course. Greater knowledge and awareness of the different perspectives in society helps us learn and improve; or double down on bad strategies (Reuters conducted a review that indicated 9/10 judges that engaged in misconduct stayed on the bench. Yikes! What about all the victims? No rights?💕) . Failure to stand by these principles eventually leads to institutional distrust that results in things like increasing riots and dangerous group behavior such as the sacking of the capitol (..point being that economic issues, COVID, indifference, bias, etc... erode trust and diminish stability.). Where first world performance is needed some opt for third world results. The Blind Eye  and Morality and Law

Side note:

I'm just writing in general about things I feel and think might be helpful in building something bigger than ourselves from a national perspective. I have been watching politics and watching how certain behaviors are playing out in society and I think there is some benefits to trying to maintain an objective as possible stance and encouraging society to develop when and where it can. Our legal, social, economic, etc... structures do impact our opportunities to attract resources and grow as a nation. It is becoming increasingly possible to build a more comprehensive model of how local corruption might work and where it can be investigated (i.e. specific document focus) to determine the validity of that model.

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