Friday, May 20, 2022

What to do with Highly Manipulative People? (Resolutions to Hate 05/20/22)

Highly manipulative people are hard to deal with in society. Sometimes they cause very big problems from their dishonesty. History is full of how manipulative behaviors have caused conflict, war, death and violence. In this case, the goal was to harm the target(s) as much as possible by spreading rumors, lying, encouraging violence, putting in false police complaints, embezzlement, ostracization, and encouraging a larger group of people to focus on damaging that individual to hide those behaviors. 

While the reasons and questioning of why is one issue it is the ability to effectively use those tools is another (i.e. indicating a functioning bully network). Lack of personal and legal accountability means that such behaviors appear to have been learned over the years and in many ways rewarded through legal failures (Indicating the possibility for a bigger problem in the local justice system. Without an in-depth investigation we can only say "indication"). Thus we can expect that there were other targets in other places which places subjective value on life (Not what our Constitution intended.).

Mental Health, Self Interest, and Hate

Let us pretend such behavior is true (Such behaviors may or may not exist under our current legal structure. There are differences between the actual behaviors and the legal definitions of such behaviors. This is why often caught blindsided by what appears to be new phenomenon. Often they are old issues that are so bad we become consciously aware of them). When mental health creates the perspective, there are opportunities for gain and an easily exploitable difference can expect highly manipulative personalities to exploit situations.

Supporters of Hate (Active and Passive):

Such distorted personalities manipulate their followers to engage in such behaviors because they know they do not hold the capacity to question that network or its values. Its says a lot about the quality of people that believe and act on such behaviors (Think about it. Is it normal to attack people who have been nothing but be polite because someone told you to do it? If true, what does that actually say about this group and their informal/formal leadership? What does it say about our society and legal structure? Its not a "I'm right" discussion. Its a fundamental discussion on where we want to go and be. It is also a discussion on how people can support behaviors that in hindsight we often find to be atrocities. For example, let us say that one of the member decides they have enough and pulls out a gun and decides to "get rid of the problem"? While the group didn't intend to do it they also encouraged bullying, devaluing, bigotry/racism until someone acted on it. There may have been signs but we ignored them because we were blinded by our lack of theoretical understanding. Perhaps we are also blinded by other factors such as what a false perception of "American". ) Some are active supporters that will act on false information and others will stand around and support yet both contribute to creating dangerous situations.

The Possibility They Can't be Resolved 

No one is going to wake up and say they did something wrong (When distorted personalities are involved most people will not be able to recognize their behaviors. Its a type of entitlement that criminal bent seems to have.) Once a problem like this sets in it would be difficult for such networks to change their beliefs about the target. The person, their quality, their actual behaviors don't factor into the quick emotional conclusions. The things they tell each other are designed to create a sense of higher then and lower than in society.

Chasing it Down Until it is Concluded (More Important than This Group)

Understanding these behaviors is important for society in an era of public displays of hate, group acts of violence, and highly controversial discussions on race, religion, and society. To help thwart such behaviors in other places we should investigate back to the root and then pull similarities so that we have a way of assessing and intervening in hate behaviors. Not assessing and investigating means society, and their targets, will continue to be dealing with these issues in the future and different times and places. Who should have the rights? Hate supporters or their targets?

Possible Prior History of Such Behaviors

For the most part people aren't born with instant knowledge. Few of us get into a conflict one time and know all of the answers and how to professionally escalate conflict. Such behaviors were developed over years of successful learning experiences where certain activities lead to pro gain outcomes.  Learned manipulation on one level leads to manipulation of an entire group: that includes law enforcement associates of the group.

Manipulation across Different Life Domains

When we are talking about grotesque displays of manipulation we might find other areas where such behaviors are being displayed. For example, we may have found prior monies disappear from inheritance or we may find isolation of family members to extract financial resources. Manipulation based in the outlook of a personality and likely reaches across different life domains. Those behaviors might indicate a general approach to others that don't blindly follow inappropriate or false information (Perhaps a sign of maturity, inner values, and self direction).

Truth May Not Be Enough with Social Networks

The truth may not be enough with such social networks. They believe what they want to believe because it is in their best interest to do so. People don't often come forward and admit they did something inappropriate or that they were so easily duped by false rumors (As long as they are not the targets there really is no incentive to get better or to change. Self interest in beliefs and self interest in activity. In such situations you may know you were wrong but don't want to go against the grain of your group. Often exhibiting cultish characteristics. Think Waco!). 

There is very little incentive to admit mistakes when one is seeking to avoid recognizing their deeper dysfunctions by placing those values on someone who rattles their distorted view of the world (i.e. they must harm what they fear might unravel their web of dishonesty. Its a classic narcissist way.) Without self accountability there should be legal accountability (Even if you encourage them to deal with their issues they may be so dysfunctional and supported by blind followership that there are no feedback loops for personal growth.)Without change in similar situations they are likely to do it again at some point in the future. Good friends tell you when you need to change while self interested friends follow the herd. There are differences between throwing a good kegger and having good friends.

We make choices and we stand by those choices. I don't mind being a target if something good comes out of it. However, when my kids were put in harms way and such people continue to engage in these poor behaviors there should be accountability. There are people who are being harmed in society and we often knew these behaviors were inappropriate, aggressive and could have led to violence but we failed to act. Where is the balance to act and when should we leave alone? We don't have a good theoretical understanding and until we do we will let extremism, group coordinated bullying, and extremism slip through our fingers. With that becomes major divisions in society and likely a very bumpy future ride for the nation. Everything is a choice that leads to outcomes. We own that together. Good Karma or Bad

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