Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Update on Hate (02-16-22): Believing in America and its Freedoms?

There are times when you scratch your head and think about the values of society. Where good moral conscious should be forthcoming it is often buried in the subjectivity of our laws. Because hate and targeting children is more than just bad behavior it should be treated with more seriousness. Free passes are not free passes as they are little chips from the bedrock of our institutions. The integrity of the system must be maintained at all times through thoughtfulness and wisdom. That requires a commitment to certain American principles and values. We have to step back and look at the bigger picture and make sure in the long run if our decisions and choices are making a stronger nation or are destroying our fundamental values that tie us all together (You can say that objectively with a straight face.)

The good news is that for the most part the community has rejected the false propaganda of hate group members and have shown a positive and welcoming attitude (except a few institutions whose decision makers have close contact with the original group. Time will tell the greater story.). However,  it would also seem that corruption and hate based behaviors may not have been held to full account so we might expect more of the same in the future (Maybe not with me but there may be a history of these behaviors and other victims. I am also not ignorant that I will likely be a targeted for a long time spanning years for standing up for some basic American values and trying to protect my community from what appears to be corruption known by others. I actually do believe in my community and want to ensure that "bad apples" are removed so they can do no more harm. Numerous community complaints of corrupt behavior have gone unheeded. There is so much potential here and I believe our future success is worth the challenge. That won't happen if the most backwards of us bully their community and the people within their social networks to silence dissention. When you can't make decisions for yourself for fear of backlash you are not truly a free person.)

In most societies children are sacred and our rights are sacrosanct and to be protected at all costs. That doesn't mean it happens in all cases and sometimes the measuring ruler is not calibrated correctly. I have asked for mandatory mental health, a review into the corrupt practices of this officer (and anyone who engaged in hate behaviors in an official position; not ones who made a mistake and corrected. It should be noted that most of the law enforcement officers acted with integrity but a few did not and engaged in stalking, threats, and intimidation tactics just because they are friends with the perpetrators. Some of the questionable behavior was just a few months ago so it continues on unheeded. I can only say questionable because I am not privy to its cause but I suspect it was about jumping to conclusions without facts again. We make these assumptions all the time. Black people with nice car, Arab person with long beard, Jewish person with money, Mexican person with heavy accent, etc...they are not accurate they are bigoted assumptions. Almost as though they have a stake in proving they did nothing wrong. However, you don't get to target someone just because you are subjectively involved in the outcome.), as well as a forensic review of embezzlement.  

Dangerous behaviors will continue to be dangerous without accountability (Think about it. Why would they change? Mistakes are one thing but criminality is another.).  I personally  believe that we are setting our selves up for failure if we sort of don't take highly sadistic and immoral behavior based in hate and greed seriously. Its a type of pass that encourages others to do the same (not saying that has happened here.). It should be within our minds that history sort of repeats itself and unless we change our values we are bound to find ourselves in a difficult future situation (While I'm not privy to everything that is going on and am open to multiple interpretations there is some indication that the initiators of the problem have been granted a type of immunity for their behavior. The inner group has shown no remorse for their conduct and it increases the likelihood that it will be repeated in the future.)

Certain behaviors are beyond the scope of national consciousness and without social recognition and condemnation we inadvertently teach others its ok through social learning. We can no longer afford to intentionally or unintentionally maintain a caste type social system with different rules for different people. We are failing in developing our human capital in part because we have devalued certain groups (As a nation we can no longer afford to not develop all of our talent. If we fail it is because we failed to rally around certain national principles.).  We all have inalienable rights under the law and when people violate those rights should be held to account. To use a baseball example, everyone should get a chance to swing at the ball.

Believing in America means believing in our freedoms as a people. I encourage those who have been wronged by bigots and hate groups to push for justice and accountability (They had no reason to get involved but felt they were "above the law". This is often called entitlement and a distorted belief that the law is created exclusively for them. Its easier to do this when you nestled yourself in with corrupt elements in law enforcement.).  That depends on your value system as a person and as an institution. I still believe in my country and its Constitution (many of these group members do not) and believe that the justice system can still provide justice (Its just a little spotty sometimes.). 

We have become a people that are pro-Constitution and some who are not pro-Constitution. If you are one side of the spectrum you get upset and roll your eyes when someone says "rights" and if you are on the other side you get upset when "rights" are thrown in the trash can. I'm sort of in the middle. I think the laws should be universally applied to all citizens and doing so release performance benefits we need to overcome our current and future challenges (Those who are against rights are doing so through a distorted lens that will limit our future options.). I'm not pro or anti minority but I believe that we all should be under the same system. Let people perform and succeed on their own merit. Hate is a disease that detracts from our national legacy and future performance options. Try convincing others of value of a moral code is like an uphill battle (Some have values and some won't ever have values.). The danger is that as long as we give a free pass to certain sadistic and racists/bigoted behaviors there are no incentives for people to stop and we all own the consequences for our failure to believe in something greater. 

What do you believe?

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