Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Debunking In-Out Group Ideological Pressures (Resolution to Hate 05/24/2022)

Small dysfunctional groups eventually are pressured to conform to wider societal values through sustained pressure and the practicality of higher level thinking. The wider value pressure based on the philosophies acceptable to different sociological, religious, political, economic and ideological entities (I think you could probably find how how society is demographically sliced and how each influences group identity formation. That would be way beyond the scope of this blog post.) will exert different types of influences to create cohesion (vs. conflict) because ultimately it is in the best interest of society (local, national, global).

Sometimes small groups can influence larger spheres based on the ability to describe something, understand something or solve a long stemming problem (That is why its important to create a universal society to minimize ethnic, racial, religious, political conflict. See Conflict Modeling). When dysfunctional groups influence their surroundings it is through false solutions and rhetoric that seeks to manipulate information(Think Hitler, Proud Boys, ISIS, etc..)

What we often find is that internal pressures among certain societal members create requirements for social adherence to certain distorted values (i.e. perception of the value of human life as anchored to race, religion, and in this example sports identity. The same can be said for religious, political, racial etc... types of extremism). Those who do not adhere to these values are considered out-group members and their values are discounted (Why pressure is often needed to change thinking patterns of in-group members). 

Dysfunctional personalities help to form these bubbles of distortion that seek to create influence and then press outward to create influence and control (In some cases it also impact institutions and their functional levels through personal values and social connections. For example, a couple of corrupted officers or hiring practices of a local college based on likely past bad behavior and blind loyalties.). They do this through passing of poor values in implicit and tacit communicative expectations to group adherents (See positive and negative communication patternsparalanguage)

One way to break the cycle of distortion is to insert more accurate information with consequences so people must take the time to think about the information and its value to them (See Blind Eye, Creative Critical Thinking, Critical thinking in Businessconflict modelingReverse Learning). The more they seek accuracy for self interest  the more they are able to see logic and debunk false information (Assuming its not deeply rooted and matched with psychological distortion which is often the case in the leadership of cultish groups. Its also why we want to raise independent thinkers that can use evidence based management and critical thinking. That is also why say in a sports group that have taken on distorted values of racial/religious bullying we may need to go to the coaching practices themselves to ensure that poor values are not being passed to impressionable students that grow up emulating the values of their coaches. As of yet they are unable to peel off of their leadership to create a cohesive community. They create an "us" vs. "them" mentality based on false self-images and are unable/unwilling to take in more accurate information from outside he network. The group exists within a community of positive people but have carved out a kind of social inner network around key leadership figures that encourage "clanmanship" through rigid social adherence. That gives more testimony to the good coaches and people that have not bent to such values. At least in theory.)

The faster we can intercede on poor behaviors the better able we are capable of stopping the spread of un-American and distorted vales. For example, in the Capital Riots we noticed how it only takes a few coordinated groups to hype up a larger crowd into violence. The same can be said when a core group of locals hype up a contextual hate in a larger group of ex sports players (Notice how they cling to their groups and are not able to create positive connection with their "targets" for fear of social rejection. It is important to remember that lack of accountability on the leadership means that the groups will use these approaches to others they disagree with, have the wrong color/race, or are not part of the "super cool" crowd. It also risks creating undue influence on local judges and officials which can distort our institutions. Democracy is not based in aggressive clanship but in "liberty and justice for all" that seeks to tie us together as a nation and people.). There are fundamental differences between freedom of speech and intentionally distorting information to harm others or take over national capitals. 

The wider environment will create pressure on these groups to adjust their thinking to reduce the cost of conflict (Which has little benefit for society at large). The process is cyclical. Great conflict often creates greater opportunities for growth. It is a process of change. The same learning can occur on a community level (local hate groups) or on a national level (Sacking of Capital and near civil war) or even international level (Conflict with Russia over aggression). Those risks become minimized through newer definitions of what ties us together and the opportunities that lay before us (i.e. newer definitions of "American" or international standards of behavior that lead to lasting peace.)

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