Sunday, June 19, 2022

Thinking About the Different Forms of Extremism And Why We Are Not Solving the Problem

It seems as though there may be different forms of extremism that have their own brands. Each based in a deep sense of identity. For example, you have religious based extremism, far right/left political extremism, cultural extremism (ethnocentric, sports, hometown, etc..) and other forms of ism. For example one might be national oriented and another racial oriented but they are going to have similar root strains of dysfunctional thinking.

What makes these similar is that they are deeply held beliefs about self and one's perceived superior right to determine the affairs of others. This is one of the reasons why might or over right is a the key tool many of these groups use (i.e ideology with an aggressive/violent flavor. Can include dangerous rumor spreading, passive-aggressive behaviors, blocking local opportunities, and/or violence. It is about "getting" the targets and raising their status within their social group.). 

Such groups struggle with logical dialogue and as long as they are connected to their core identity group/clan. They are unlikely to develop higher critical thinking skills. Their values and beliefs are anchored to their perceived in-group perspective and without being removed from that group they will continue to support those defunct values. 

That creates a problem for everyone else as poor values and distorted perceptions are often not well managed within the law and such groups often function without accountability (sometimes with the blessing of some law enforcement professionals). This is often why we are seeing a level of social upheaval (I'm 100% for law enforcement and 100% for civil rights. They are not mutual exclusive like our politicians and extremists state.).

The law becomes a type of toy to play with because it has few mechanisms for dealing with aggressive behaviors that aren't necessarily an outright attack but if allowed to persist could either lead to violence or encourage violence among others (...especially among those tied to group identity, with social support, and mental health issues. We also have problems going back and holding such groups accountable for the damage they caused leading to two different kinds of societies with different justic systems within the same society. Local extremism and hate is underreported and often not investigated. Federal investigators will often take such situations seriously because they have greater responsibilities for society outside of their local social networks. True right? )

The people who engage in these behaviors feel no remorse and are willing to lie, deceit, steal, or manipulate to get their way (The ends of harming others justifies their means. Its an ethical issue.). They don't care about anyone outside of their social network. Without a level of accountability they have no real reason to stop (They change form but they don't stop) and until it becomes unprofitable socially for them to act that way they will continue forward. 

I have outlined a Michigan Track and Solve strategy for those who take the carrot to self development but I do believe criminal prosecution for those who don't is warranted (Because I have a Muslim sounding name and have been a target of a group with hate leanings I apparently have NO IDEA what I'm talking about. Yet few others in our socio-political structure have come up with much. Maybe its much better to engage in petty political arguments than it is to solve real problems faced by the American/"American" people. 🤷). This is where moral conscious matched with a proper legal structure can help determine what kind of nation we will be going forward (We seem to be struggling with a vision that ties us together. Worse, some are trying to split us apart. Two doors open and we only need to choose one. We should be careful because as we step through one we can't also go through the other. One might lead to the beginning of our end and the other to a new beginning. Maybe not?). 

No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.Heraclitus

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