Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Influence of Robots on Unskilled Labor

Unskilled labor and robots are on a crash course that is likely going to make such labor less valuable and cut wages. The explosion in robot technology over the past decade has made the initial expense of such equipment worth it when we add in the cost of labor over the lifetime of such initial investments. While robots can bring back manufacturing to the U.S. it will displace vulnerable workers.

The temptations to use new technology that inevitably becomes cheaper over time is too great when we consider national competitiveness and return on investment. Yet one must wonder where certain sectors of the population will work if they do not have living wages and cannot afford expensive education programs. At some point class consciousness and their reckoning will be increasingly likely.

Reduction of Cost and Competitive American Manufacturing

The advantages of technology to clean stores, build items and move them around distribution centers creates opportunities to earn higher profits. With this technology, and perhaps some tax reform, we can bring back manufacturing. Where China competes on low skilled and low cost labor they are stunted by poor infrastructure. The Chinese are pouring billions into infrastructure improvements while the U.S. already has an infrastructure advantage but doesn't have access to cheap labor.

Robots Displace Low Skilled Labor

Low skilled labor will need to continuously compete against emerging technology. Those with just a high school diploma, and no technical training, will find their job opportunities and wages decline. A growing underemployed class will be created that will need cheaper and more effective training and education to keep them in the workplace. At some point, as technology emerges the skilled with high income and the unskilled with poverty wages will define new class consciousness.

Permission to reprint with attribution- Dr. Murad Abel

The 5 Forms and Uses of Power!!!!

Power! The ability to get things done through persuasion or pressure is a highly sought after commodity in a world where billions of people compete for resources and uniqueness. In 1959, the American Psychologists Betram Raven and John French, published an article classifying power within organizations. The five bases of power are coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, and referent.

Coercive: Forced compliance to certain actions and beliefs to avoid punishment.

Reward: The ability to influence people through rewards.

Legitimate: Leaders who can use their formal titles to get things done.

Expert: The use of knowledge, research, experience and education to be "thought leaders".

Referent: To have a high social status where others use your name and associate with your own personal brand.

There is inherently nothing wrong or immoral with the use of power to direct people to pool their resources for the greater good of all. However, for many legitimate uses of power are illegitimate uses that seek to push people to actions they do not morally agree with. Each can be used at different times, together or separately for great effect.

Permission to reprint with appropriate attribution- Dr. Murad Abel



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Asian Journal of Science and Technology

Monday, October 30, 2017

Book Review: Essentials of Economic Theory: As Applied to Modern Problems of Industry and Public Policy

If your in the mood to read an in-depth analysis of economics and enjoy the detailed discussion of wealth, land, population, capital, transportation interest and rail roads you should pick up a copy of the Essentials of Economic Theory by John Bates Clark published in 1907. It will teach about the fundamentals of economics from a neoclassical perspective.

By the time you finish this book you will understand the bigger picture of how large scale economic systems work.

Neoclassical, or Orthodox Economics, relates to the belief that people are rational in their choices. When given alternatives people will naturally pick the best choice. New products with new features and scarcity will be worth more than older products with high supply.

I wish I could say all people are rational but this isn't always the case. Much of our choices are based in our personal beliefs, available information, and limited options.

The book outlines so many fundamental concepts that economic students were required to read this book as standard curriculum. That is no longer the case, and while much of the information provided has lost some of its relevancy the majority of ideas holds true as much today as it did then.

You will likely fall asleep a few times reading this book. It is extremely long winded and 550+ pages of in depth analysis. The advantage is that by the time you complete you have a fairly descent understanding of basic classical economic theory.

The one big lesson is that every component of the system is influenced by other factors. When you adjust, supply-demand, labor costs, etc. it makes its way throughout the entire system.

You can read the book for free Free-Essentials of Economic Theory

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Preparing for a Day Sail-Double Check

Preparing for a morning sail takes some time to ensure you have the right equipment. Once you are out on the water it is unlikely you will turn around to get something. It just takes too much time and effort. So you better double check your gear twice before you start and then put it in your bag. There are a few things I pack that are not already on the boat. The safety items on a boat go through their own safety check before leaving land.

My personal pack

1.) Life Jacket: I usually use my own life jacket when I sale. So I typically pack it.

2.) Multi-Use Utility Tool: You never know what might need to be fixed or rigged.

3.) Drinks and Snacks: Put food and snacks in your bag because you might get hungry. A few bottles of water is great for a day sale.

4.) Sweatshirts and Jacket: It gets cold out on the ocean so take with you some extra layers.

5.) Sun Screen: You will likely need it and you will likely burn without it.

The International Journal of S'ocial Science and Humanities Invention ISSN: 2349-2031

The International Journal of S'ocial Science and Humanities Invention ISSN: 2349-2031
Index Copernicus ICV: 45.28 [Year 2015],
DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi

THEIJSSHI is inviting papers for the volume 4 issue 10 2017 of the journal.
The International Journal of Social Science and Humanities invention (THEIJSSHI) is an open access and peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal. The main objective of THEIJSSHI is to provide an intellectual platform for the international and   national scholars. THEIJSSHI aims to promote multidisciplinary studies in social science and humanities and become the leading journal in social science and humanities in the world.

THEIJSSHI publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, case studies, empirical research, short notes, and book reviews.

Visit our website: http://valleyinternational.net/ 
For Online manuscript Submission Online Submission You can also submit your paper on info@valleyinternational.net

With Best Regards

Friday, October 27, 2017

Who's Dream is it Anyway? The "Rat" Race

In the early mornings we scramble to get to the gym, rush through traffic delays, and into jobs that provide little to no meaning to our lives. A few lucky ones can find meaning and purpose within their work but the vast majority are counting pennies in one way or another for someone else. They will never be rich and they will always live within the confines of some existing rule. The "Rat Race" has been known to tear open souls and leave society unproductive and less innovative.

Society has defined through generations of trial and tribulations values and beliefs that keep us together. Some of those values are beneficial while others are completely useless to modern civilization and move directly against good health and living inherited from our ancestors.

For example, the earning of more and more money despite the cost to society or the actual need of that money is an obsessive disorientation to hoard beyond necessity for emergencies or hard times. Yet we sit there and buy products on credit and push ourselves into debt in order to look like we have resources. That image can quickly fade once bills get called in.

That life has been defined for us based upon our need to build bigger and stronger companies that create higher return on investments. Those investment profits are used to make more profits and are not always reinvested back into the U.S.so our countrymen can benefit withnew jobs. They may equally be supporting a Frenchman or a Chinese laborer as much as an American family.

Yet the pressure to produce with limited wage growth and less respect for one's personal abilities will continue forward. We are "trapped" in the race to produce more with less personal return, mounting debt and lower satisfaction. Moving up to the "wealthy" status becomes almost impossible without owning the means of production that no one anymore can afford.

The "rat race" can be broken away from but one must rethink their motivations and life to create a new way of doing things. Without rethinking we will always be stuck in the "rat race". Working harder, receiving less, spending more, and taking on more debt is ludicrous when we consider the cost to our health, society and even long term economic strength. The secret door out of the maze is through the rejection of archaic Industrial Age values and embracing the uniqueness of your own existence and living your life as such.

MRMW Market Research Conference Europe 2017

MRMW Market Research Conference Europe 2017
8th to 9th November 2017
Berlin, Germany

It is no secret that participants at MRMW belong to the most forward thinking and technology savvy part of the industry. Hopes are high that upcoming technology developments in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Big Data can help the industry through its current transition.

In the run-up to MRMW Europe 2017 on November 8-9 in Berlin, we asked some of our speakers to share their views on the future of market research and share their favourite parts of the agenda. Check out our latest MRMW blog on what these experts have to say. See: https://goo.gl/WaTpVE

PLUS: Don't forget grab your tickets early! We have a fantastic line-up of speakers and exciting topics not heard anywhere else before. Hear how:

ZALANDO boosted brand performance through insights into 22 million customers
ORACLE is integrating Artificial Intelligence into existing research toolbox
SAMSUNG used crowdsourcing insights to improve retail performance by 30%
TURKCELL leveraged eye-tracking & EEG to uncover unexpected brand perceptions
MCCORMICK used new techniques to capture growth opportunities along shopper journeys
ORANGE implemented augmented research into an immersive fan experience successfully
FRIESLAND CAMPINA acquired a new insights engine that delivers fast answers to marketers
COCA-COLA enhanced its ideation processes through crowdsourced intelligence
ERICSSON is developing the next generation insight tools - Mobile MR without screens!
and many more exciting sessions!

Join us on Nov 8-9 in Berlin and be inspired by our speakers!
Find out more about our speakers, conference agenda and venue at: http://eu.mrmw.net

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Register now at: http://eu.mrmw.net

Enquiries: events@merlien.org
Web address: http://eu.mrmw.net
Sponsored by: Merlien institute

Institutional Investment in Cluster Stages of Growth

There are key times when large institutional investors can swoop in a make radical change that leads to cluster growth. The key point is when companies within the cluster have moved beyond their initial inception, or entrepreneurial stage, and into their growth modes. When strategically approached large scale investment in multiple connected businesses will have their greatest impact.

Clusters are often based in market trends and budding new ideas. Whether these ideas are a new widget or a new service doesn't make much of a difference. They grow together, suppliers and producers, that lead to multiple businesses relying on each other for success. Investing in different strategic companies can ultimately lead to higher growth for entire industries.

Industries are like companies and formulate around an idea and entrepreneurship. If the business becomes sustainable it attracts investment capital that seeks to improve upon the product/service and create higher profit margins. As one business grows so does the other businesses within the cluster that connect and relate to it. They all feed off of each other in that growth process and encourage growth of each other.

Therefore, it make sense for large institutional investors to consider the different places within the cluster to invest to ensure that the entire cluster develops together. Injecting needed funds into a manufacturer and the supplier to that manufacturer makes sense in the same way as investing into the supply chain and telecommunications of the cluster leads to increased performance of multiple businesses that use those systems.

When coordinated properly large institutional investors can grow those areas and regions necessary for maximum growth of the entire local economic system. In essence, they can build the system with their investment choices and maximize profits by knowing when and where to invest within the cluster. Watching the life-cycles of multiple businesses within the region can make a big difference in striking while the iron is hot.

That requires the ability to understand the cluster from a micro and macro level. It takes considerable analysis and willing information sharing to allow this to happen. Instead of hiding information companies will need to share information so they can attract investment capital at just the right time within their life-cycle stage to maximize their growth.

Businesses within clusters often develop around new and innovative technology. Offering accurate information and institutional investing in the right places can lead to the growth of multiple businesses at one time. As these businesses grow they create synergy that leads to higher levels of investment return and stronger business outcomes that move initial business entrepreneurship into a growth stage. It is precisely this growth stage, or target return on investment, that institutional investment should seek when considering pack investment into innovative industries.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Live or Artificial Fishing Bait

Live or artificial bait is a common debate fisherman have. As a person who loves the outdoors I have used both. I will say that fake bait offers opportunities to not worry about storage and use of a retractable pole to fish anywhere almost anytime without preparation. Yet, fake bait has some limitations so consider the different options.

Live Bait: Is natural and attracts fish through smell.

In my experience I have caught more fish off of live bait then fake bait. Yet this depends on what type of fishing you are doing and in what conditions. If the water is murky and you need to attract fish then live bait may not be your best option. However, if you are fishing under normal circumstances live bait seems to attract more fish. There is a reason why commercial fisherman use live bait.

-Natural and gets more bites.
-Smell attracts fish
-Relatively cheap
-Needs storage
-Higher "bit" rate

Artificial Bait: It is easy for fish to detect and can be taken anywhere.

Fake bait can be bought for a few dollars and doesn't need a refrigerator or other cooling method. You can throw it in your tackle box and not worry about it. Likewise, fake bait is often colorful and can attract fish in a way that natural bait can't. Unfortunately, not all fish that see the bait will take a bite at it. I can only assume they can determine the difference between real and fake.

-No storage needed.
-Can use anywhere
-Easy for fish to see.
-Can be used over and over.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Why is it important to push college students to solve their own problems?

If you work in higher education you have likely heard just about every excuse for not turning in your work. With sappy eyes and a truly heartfelt plea they contact their professors in an effort to just let them turn in their work late just this time. The excuses range from the simple such as I didn't have time all the way to serious medical issues.

As professors we should show a level of empathy for those problems that are very much out of their control that could impact their grade unfairly. However, this isn't the same as giving a free pass or allowing students with any excuse to skirt the rules.

There are those who become accustomed to violating rules and have a hard time holding themselves accountable for learning. Unfortunately without self-accountability they eventually fail out of school or fail themselves in life. It is those students we should push to solve their own problems so they can master new skills.

Let us say a student has already received a free pass on one assignment and now needs more time on another assignment. You suspect the student isn't being honest so what do you do?

1. Ask lots of questions: When you ask a lot of questions you will soon find the truth of whether the student had an issue or it is something you can help with. Asking questions leads to discovering root causes that lead to greater awareness. 

2. Let them think through the alternatives: Don't consider giving any extra grace period unless the student answers your questions and thinks critically about what they could do differently next time. You are helping them in the long run achieve their goals.

3. Hold your ground: There may be times when you need to hold your ground. The student may not have answered your questions, provided a reasonable explanation, or thought through the possibilities. Without holding your ground the student won't learn. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

San Diego Extreme Sailing Series

The San Diego Extreme Sailing Series occurred between October 19 and 22nd and was best seen at Harbor Island. A little difficult to get to if you have a car but for those of us who live on the bay you could simply bike down the bike path and be there in 15 minutes.

Such races offer a chance to see how well finely tuned teams work together. It draws together professional sailors from the Middle East, Americas,  and Europe. Once can see hydro-foiling catamarans cruising faster than you would expect any ship to go at 20-30 Knots.

Watching these type of racers and going to some of the events if you can find them helps in improving my sailing skills as well as connecting up with people who have mastered the art. they say that if you want to get better then hang out with people who are better than you.


Friday, October 20, 2017

More Systems Thinking is Needed in Today's Global World

The Flat Earth-An example of early Systems Thinking
Systems thinking is becoming an increasingly important part of managing larger international firms. From supply chain management all the way down to the marketing and design of products systems thinking offers a set of skills that American business professionals will need to learn. The availability of this skill among managers will make a difference in the ability of companies to function at their best across large global networks.

Systems thinking is a conception of the whole by understanding each of its parts. While we may understand these parts individually a person who has a systems thinking mentality can also see how the parts created something more. A "sum is more than its parts" mentality.

It is often seen as the ability to be in three different perceptions at once and apply systemological concepts in everyday life (Lobanove, 2009). The person can break down and put back together complex systems through appropriate analysis.

How does systems thinking apply in the workplace?

Think of the international supply chain and how each of the manufacturing components work together. From a systems thinking aspect people who can understand these complex chains are able to produce real value through management decisions that leads to better outcomes. (Seong-Am & Dong-Jin, 2005).

To be true masters of systems thinking we shouldn't just see and analyze components but also be able to think beyond these components to possibility. This isn't possible unless we have mastered the ability to "see" the systems from a "birds eye" view. 

Improving on the system will require thinking shifts that allow for more flexibility (Pathak, 2005). We must see beyond the system to higher levels of performance and influence.

Systems thinking is about understanding complex global systems that will be needed to keep American businesses moving forward. Business professionals should be able to move beyond understanding and creating efficiency within the system to redesigning aspects of the system to achieve higher levels of performance. With consistent improvement our business managers can improve corporate global performance and reach.

Pathak, R. (2005). Thinking shift of organizational excellence. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 6 (3/4).

Seong-AM, M. & Dong-Jin, K. (2005). Systems thinking ability for supply chain management. An International Journal, 10 (5). 

Lobanove, A. (2009). Systems thinking manager. Scientific Technical Informtion Processing, 36 (3).

Detroit Provides an Example of Economic Marketing with Their Move Here, Move the World Video

Detroit provides a marketing method that leads to greater city and state pride as well as appeals to the fun loving Millennials that like to balance work, fun, and their social networks to create a lifestyle. Cities and states can also market their locations for potential business and investment but also to attract people with skills. Higher education and incomes often means higher tax revenue and opportunities.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Education Increases Novel Learning Throughout Our Lives

Our brains are amazing muscles that continually learn and get faster and more accurate with repeated practice. Attending school and obtaining higher education has long-lasting impact on our incomes and our minds. Now according to new research it also impacts our cognitive abilities in a way that increases our novel learning.

According to a resent study the more we learn, the more our novel learning goes up (Buerra-Carrillo, Katovich, Bunge, S. (2017). Novel learning is something we don't already know but can understand and provide some type of solution. People with higher education have an advantage over others when it comes to learning.

Think of when you have a business problem. There may not be a perfect previous solution out there as the problem is unique and needs to be worked out in a novel way. Your novel learning abilities create higher levels of ability to solve problems.

While the study showed that this effect was consistent across different ages. While the advantages on each task are significant the overall advantage over one's life would be huge. Each small decision creates compounded benefits over time.

If your reasoning and cognitive processing abilities rise then you are likely to be able to make better decisions at work and understand things better than others. This helps you earn more money and achieve more of your goals.

While no one can definitively tell you what programs to go into and how long you should study they can say that the process of studying does actually train the brain to do better. The benefits of higher education moves beyond the collection of useless facts and into stronger ability to do something with new knowledge.

Guerra-Carriolo, B. Katovich, K. & Bunge, S. (2017). Does higher education hone cognitive functioning and learning efficacy? Findings from a large and diverse...PLos One, 12 (8).

Feel free to reprint with appropriate attribution-Dr. Murad Abel

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Business, Management and Economics Research Journal Submission

Business, Management and Economics Research

Dear Scholar

Hope, you will be fine. You are cordially invited to submit manuscripts to the coming issues of the journal(Business, Management and Economics Research).  The journal is fully open access, peer reviewed, published every month and accepts papers globally. You may see journal's website here. http://www.arpgweb.com/?ic=journal&journal=8  
Manuscripts are reviewed and published on time. Hard copies are also published.
Submissions are made by email to the editor at editor@appgweb.com or info@arpgweb.com and online submission.

Will Working Out Too Much Kill You? Study Says Yes!

Working out too much and being in perfect shape could kill you according to a scientific study from the University of Illinois.

The study found that for White men that worked out more than 450 hours a week (60+ minutes a day) their risk for increasing the risk of build up of plague in the heart arteries by 86%.

Those who worked out consistently for decades, since say 18 were 26% more likely to have coronary artery calcification (CAC).

CAC increase additional risks associated with heart failure and other cardiovascular deaths.

What we learn from the study is that working out too much can impact your health over a long period of time. The body doesn't seem to be designed for such sustain pressure and stress that is needed for growth. Instead of working out a few hours a day we may want to adjust our eating to augment the lost time and keep workouts around 1 hour a day for 7 days or 2 hours each session at 3 sessions per week.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Long Tail Marketing Through Niche Marketing and Shareable Content

Developing online marketing that "sticks" around to create a long tail can be difficult for many businesses. We are in a fast paced society and those who use the Internet are accustomed to frantically looking at and discarding information. To have your marketing efforts reach the greatest amount of people over a longer period of time you should consider niche marketing and shareable content.

Focus on a Niche Market

Long-tail search-engine marketing works well in niche markets where customers become familiar with the brand (Ciurel, 2013). Where millions of search engine terms are used and large companies are paying for such terms to point to their site it is advantageous to focus your key terms in combination with your specific niche market.

Provide Shareable Content

Social media has taught us that long tail marketing requires some level of sticking power much like marketing residue that stays circulating around the Internet for a long time. For example in the music industry blogging and sample music clips create a longer tail because they are shareable (Dewan & Ramaprasad, 2012).  If you want your content to stick around blog, post pictures, video clips, sound bites, and other interesting information.

Ciurel, D. (2013). The long tail principle in online marketing. Timisoara, 19, (XIX)

Dewan, S. & Ramaprasad, J. (2012). Music blogging, online sampling and the long tail. Informational Systems Research, 23 (2).

Free to republish with appropriate attribution- Dr. Murad Abel

International Journal of Current Science and Technology

ISSN: 2320-8090



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Poem: Crisp and Cool Companion

Poetry is the process of expressing and finding an appreciation for nature and ourselves. I have seen such poetry in publications like Gray's Sporting Journal, The Farmers Almanac and other prints. While society may have advanced our appreciation for poetry and the outdoors is still a labor of love.

Poem: Crisp and Cool Companion

Crisp and cool air,
Seasons roll with time and our minds soon follow.

Perched on a fallen log reaching over the lake,
The days mesh into another creating a consistent stream of time.

We change and our lives change,
In the same ways as the days lead into seasons.

While time changes the place stays the same,
Nature is slow and wise.

Knowledge comes from spending time in nothingness,
Natures gift is the ability to slow so we can hear the inner and outer peace.

Find a log and sit near the water and you will not find yourself alone,
In the cool crisp air wisdom will be your companion.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Are Business Professors Focusing on the "Right" kind of Research?

Research is an important contributor to business education that allows intellectuals to ponder over business problems and find meaningful solutions in a way that improves the economy. Institutions that support research and publish widely obtain benefits in the market related to brand image and academic quality. At most institutions, research is focused more on the pleasing of peers than actually contributing to societal change which limits the potential benefits that business schools can offer for innovative development.

We exist within a social network of business intellectuals that support research on topics deemed of interest. The most popular ideas of the time are given precedence over long-term discoveries that are years in the making but are typically more profound in outcome. The intellectuals ponder the popular "flavor" of the times at the expense of more profound and unique research.

Transformational ideas that create market adaptations take time and long-term focus. One could invent a new adaptation to existing products quickly or one could transform the market with more rudimentary research. Developing an application and inventing the Internet are two different things that require two kinds mental processes related to applied vs. theoretical research . One exists within a certain conceptual mind frame and the other creates a paradigm shift that can transform the market.

Tenure requirements also limit the ability to produce meaningful research when peer pressure over "acceptable" topics become a gateway issue.. Each university has its own requirements but typically after 7 years assistant-professors can search out opportunities for tenure based on research, service, and teaching. Depending on the committee and their beliefs professors can gain academic freedom by following popular opinion and research.

As universities ponder what type of research they fund and support through promotions, job assignments, and recognition they may want to take an active role in fostering short and long-term research. Cost and resources are always important but maximum societal benefit should be consideration in the overall analysis of where funds should be applied. Ensuring that some theoretical work makes its way into consideration can go a long way in helping universities maximize their contributions. Business will often push for product developments of their own but who will think up the ideas that have no immediate profit but create wider butterfly effect changes?

Permission to republish with appropriate attribute-Dr. Murad Abel

International Journal of Current Research

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Friday, October 13, 2017

Great Lakes Red Wine Review

Local wines are some of my favorite not only because of their uniqueness but also because of their variety. They offer small town production using local resources to create something not seen in most major retail stores. Leelanu Cellars offers a superb Great Lakes Red that will tickle your taste-buds just in time for the holidays.

While it says semi-sweet I would consider this more of a sweet wine. It is definitely "fruity" and that is one of its charms. Tastes like ripe Concord grapes and offers a holiday taste.

This wine will go well after dinner and with cheeses that balance out its sweetness. Contrast sweet with heavy cheese for a good combo.

It also has a significant amount of alcohol 11% which is indicative that it wont take much to get your guests to laughter. Be careful!!!

One thing this winery does is support the Great Lakes. As the worlds largest source of fresh water it is important to ensure that pollution and damage are not forgotten about and resources are allocated to protect them.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fayette-The Industrial Dead City in the Middle of the Wilderness

With high costs of shipping and significant weight waste (40%) of ore in the 1800's it was easier to build towns in the wilderness than to move raw products. Therein lies an explorers paradise that waits within the forests of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan between Escanaba and Manistique. The history of the dead town of Fayette and the economic history of the region are integrally tied together in a way that leaves ghost like ramparts on isolated shores of the Industrial Age.

The goal of the founding financing organization Jackson Iron Company was to build an ore smelting operation that would create processed pig iron and then ship that iron to steel-making centers. It needed to be close to the Escanaba Ore Docks, have its own port and access to limestone and hardwoods.

The town was built up around the two blast furnaces between 1867 to l891. It was a small wilderness outpost that died as fast as it was created. The city could have been much bigger if the company would have kept it open longer and was able to build multiple industries. Without alternative sources of income the people left as quickly as they came.

One must have wondered about the hardy spirit of the first settlers that lived and worked in such frigid environments. The draw of immigration and money must have been a loud banging drum to lure them so far into the wilderness.

Exploration takes many forms. There are few things as joyful as tredging into the forest for little known physical and man made landmarks.  One can relive the joy of the early explorers who set out on such trips with little more than a backpack and perhaps a dogsled of supplies.

While exploring parks such as Fayette are less radical and far less dangerous there are plenty of hiking trails and village nooks to keep the brain busy. Learning and exploring are part of the same activity and this park offers camping, hiking, and history in one secluded place just a from the bustling "mega-city" of Garen with 200 residents and a few watering holes.

Cities Find Trade Advantages When They Invest In Global Supply Chains

The world economy consists of millions of large and small networks that span from one country to the next. Ports-of entry and exit are key determinants of product flow and economic strength. The same process works in reverse for ports-of-exit. The strength of a nation's supply networks, and its position within the global supply chain, helps determine its ability to growth economically through the movement of products and goods.

Ports, railroads, airports, and highways influence economic growth potential as products find their way in and out of the country through the most efficient and cost effective pathways they can. Connectivity in the world-system increases spatial polarization toward global cities in a way their favors economic activities (Friedmann, 1986). Better connections attract more traffic that in turn increases business opportunities.

Cities that have placed themselves strategically, or by good fortune were geographically located in an advantageous locations such as rivers and trade routes, have historically found themselves more wealthy and more cosmopolitan centers of innovation and development. The principles that have applied in the past continue to apply today in a way that influences the wealth and viability of nations.

Globally oriented cities think of their ports, airports, highways and railroads as an important pieces of the puzzle of becoming a global shipping center. Investment in these areas leads to greater economic growth when significant internal industrial and business networks have been fully developed. Networks reach to other major shipping networks and centers that connect international economies together.

Supplies and products come in, are converted to higher value goods, and shipped throughout the country. In reverse, raw goods and parts come from the region, are converted into a higher value products and shipped to overseas markets. The business ability of each city will determine what type and how much value they can create.

China found that after they invested in the development of their ports they also realized significant economic growth throughout the region (Song & Geenhuizen, 2014). These infrastructure investments had spill-had effects that reached into various areas of the country. Increased import and export activity opened new opportunities for regional businesses that further justified increased investments.

Think of the world as a round sphere of railroads, highways, shipping lanes, and air traffic routes.

Connecting a city to global networks does take some analysis. Such cities should have a solid manufacturing and technology base to improve and convert incoming and outgoing products. Investments in shipping infrastructure should be based on the needs of the international market and the capacity of the cities current position within existing global supply networks. Likewise, constant development of internal networks is necessary for value building for distribution to markets.

Friedmann, J. (1986) The world city hypothesis. Development and Change, 17 (1): 69–83.

Song, L. & Geenhuizen, M. (2014). Port infrastructure investment and regional economic growth in China: Panel evidence in port regions and... Transport Policy, 36

Monday, October 9, 2017


Journal website: www.recentscientific.com
SJIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 2016- 6.86
INVITED FOR RESEARCH AND REVIEW ARTICLES – Volume 8, Issue 10, October -2017

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (IJRSR) (ISSN: 0976-3031) calls Scholars, Engineers, Academicians, Scientists, Industrial professionals and Researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue. All submission will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to journal contributions. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) highly welcome theoretical, technical, research, as well as empirical papers from all areas of research. All the accepted papers will be published in the upcoming.
  • Physical sciences and engineering
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  • Original articles
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  • Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays
We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to recentscientific@gmail.com or recentscientific2016@gmail.com for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within 24h of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will be published in the Current issue. 
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Editorial Office
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Death from Overwork? The Importance of Defining the Good Life For Yourself

A good life is an amoebic concept that is fundamentally tied to our collective conscious and pursuits. For many of us we believe life is good when we own more items and have higher status to strut among our friends. A seemingly important theme of all societies but an especially important in Western leaning societies. As 31 year-old Miwa Sado found out, putting in 159 hours in overtime a month in pursuit of the good life can kill you!

The good life can be defined so many ways by as many slices that we can only begin to ponder its complexity. One culture may place more emphasis on relationships, another on status and still another money. Much of our images of an ideal life are socially constructed.

For many of us, the good life is very personal but is often matched against the wishes of our social networks. Where one group of friends may seek sports glory another group could view musicians as having the ideal life. Our needs often seek a type of alignment with the needs of our group.

The good life is that which makes us feel as though we are living meaningful lives of value where you wake up every morning excited to pursue your goals. It is a life we would be happy to live again if given the chance. Our lives are seen as valuable when compared to the lives of others and we find out we are "winning".

Work is important but so is the enjoyment of life from the fruits of one's work. Unless you are engaged in deep and meaningful work pursuits chances are your complex interests have outlets beyond your daily tasks. It is rare to find a job that fulfills all your needs. It is likely even rarer to find old people wishing they worked more hours.

Thus the good life is only partly work but also partly something else such as family, friends, travel, health, spiritual, and meaning. The good life is a culmination of at least a few things of which money and status are only a few. Its subjective difference apparent when comparing good life perceptions among simple and more complex societies that maintain similar psychological streams across different times and places.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Trust Through Brand and Accurate Information Leads to Higher Sales In Online Auctions

Selling online is an absolute necessity for almost any business in the world today. As most consumers search and compare products the ability to sell products online makes or breaks profit margins. Online auctions is an important method selling products and can lead to an increase in sales as well as the clearing of old inventory. Information and reputation can make a big difference in sales success.

According to an article in the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research those sellers who create trust and provide relevant information end up selling more.

People want to know the person/company selling the items is reputable and will sell the items as they promised. These items will be fully functioning and be of the condition and quality the customer expects.

Customers also expect accurate information that highlights product features so they can make a purchase decision. A lack of information is ambiguous which often leads to purchase anxiety and lower sales.

Building a reputable brand that customer's support as well as providing solid product information leads to trust and higher sales. Potential customers look at the product and company before making a decision and when they both appear to be reputable there is greater interest in making a purchase.

To Increase Sales:

1. Create a trustworthy brand: return policies, marketing strategies, customer service, brand management.

2. Offer accurate descriptions on products: simple, to the point, and accurate.

Tu, Y., Tung, Y. A., & Goes, P. (2017). Online auction segmentation and effective selling strategy: trust and information asymmetry perspectives. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(3), 189-211

Permission to repeat with appropriate attribute- Dr. Murad Abel

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Eighteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations

Eighteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations

University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
15-16 March 2018


The Eighteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations will be held at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, 15-16 March 2018. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:

Theme 1: Management Education
Theme 2: Change Management
Theme 3: Knowledge Management
Theme 4: Organizational Cultures
2018 Special Focus: Navigating Change in Shifting Cultural Landscapes - Disruptive, Generative, Transformative?


The next proposal deadline is 15 December 2017. We welcome the submission of presentation proposals at any time of the year up until 30 days before the start of the conference. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.


The Organization Studies Journal Collection consists of four journals and an annual review. The Organization Studies Journal Collection encourages the widest range of submissions and aims to foster the highest standards of intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants as well as Research Network Members.

Journals in the Collection are indexed by:

Association of Business Schools (Grade One), Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO), Academic Search Elite (EBSCO), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Academic Search International (EBSCO), Business Source Corporate Plus (EBSCO), Business Source Complete (EBSCO), Business Source International (EBSCO), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI Scholar), Genamics Journal Seek, Management Directory (Cabell's), Scopus, The Australian Research Council (ERA), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


-International Graduate Center for Education, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
-University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany


-Peter Kell, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Law, Education, Business, and Arts (LEBA), Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
-Philipp Gonon, Professor of Vocational Training, Institute of Education Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland
-Alison Fuller, Pro-Director, Research and Development, Institute of Education, and Professor, Vocational Education and Work, University College London, UK


Proposals for presentation can be submitted in English and Spanish.

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested.

Enquiries: support@organization-studies.com
Web address: http://organization-studies.com/Konstanz2018
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/organizationstudiesresearchnetwork

Monday, October 2, 2017

Military Study Highlights Performance Benefits of Sleep-Tips and Tricks for Better Rest!

Sleep-The rejuvenating mystery that keeps us in good health and settles our stresses so that we may function at our fullest capacity. While cutting back on sleep might seem like a good time when seemingly more important things are pressing our time it does damage out intellectual and physical performance according to sleep deprivation studies of military recruits (Miller, et.al., 2008). Sleep may be a deciding factor between stellar and mediocre performance.

The 4-year longitudinal study looked at the United States Navy's Military Academy and the result of extending sleep time from 6 hours to 8 hours per night. The researchers evaluated approximately 1,300 students for 30-days during the spring and fall semesters.What they found was that increasing sleep from 6 to 8 also increased academic performance by 11% in academics and a similar performance increase in physical capabilities.

Sleep is a necessity for high mental and physical performance. Yet we often skimp on our sleep when we are busy and this could limit our growth and development at the gym. One must wonder why we should put in all this effort if we are not going to let our bodies fully recover and reap full rewards from its efforts? Primarily, it is because we don't see the one-for-one benefits of sleep.

Hours in the gym and "hitting the books" does have its benefits but there is a constant need for balancing with downtime. Those who don't get enough sleep are often overweight, have higher levels of anxiety, and have slower recovery times. The study helps highlight only a sliver of what sleep can do for us. Without sleep all types of mental and physical issues may arise.

Those who may be having difficulties getting sleep may want to follow a few tips and tricks:

1. Turn off electronic equipment and bright lights a half hour before sleep to ensure the brain doesn't get confused.

2. Avoid caffeine and lots of sugar 3-4 hours before sleep.

3. Turn off all lights and keep the room as dark as possible.

4. Make sure you have a quiet place to sleep.

5. Turn the temperature down to 65-67 degrees to improve sleep.

6. Comfortable clothing, mattress and pillows.

Miller, et. al. (2008). Sleep and Academic Performance in U.S. Military Training and Education Programs. Mind, Brain, Education, 2, (1).

Permission to repost with appropriate attribution-Dr. Murad Abel