Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How Our Environment Impacts our Lives?

We live in an environment and that environment defines us as a person. What we know about the world and what we think about the world is often understood in terms of that environment. Those who live in the Northern cold will think differently than those who live in the warm South. It is important to ensure that our environment includes some open and green space to connect back to nature.

Environment can be lush and green, hot and dry, rainy and seasonal, or even concrete and noisy. Those who have access to clean environments that are connected to nature have lower stress levels than those who live in congested, dirty, or noisy environments.

As children our environment influences how we see the world. We adapt to our environment in order to survive and learn about our environment. This adaptation is often deeply rooted into our subconscious.

I believe its important for all different types of environments to offer access to parks, green spaces, and areas that are quiet and designed for relation. As a species our natural environment was designed to live with nature.

City planners and government officials should consider the benefits of designing eco-friendly cities that contribute to the mental health and well being of their citizens by supporting greening initiatives. As the environment improves so does the quality of living and overall value of properties in the city as people find them more habitable.

Keeping the US. Economy Growing in 2017

The economy looks like it is growing faster than expected in the last quarter of 2016. Gross Domestic Product improved to meet inflation at 3.2%, total grown improved to 3%, consumer spending increased to 2.8%, and after tax corporate profits bumped to 3.5%. To keep the American economy moving in the right direction during 2017 means making sure investments continue to rise with profits.

Investment and profits is a main reason why companies build new products, open plants and employ American workers. As recent data indicate that corporate profits are rising and this should encourage greater investments.

When companies realize higher profits, when compared to other countries, they will invest more in the American economy. Profits lead to higher investment and additional employment opportunities.

Of course greater employment also has a snowball effect that reduces poverty and crime while raising standards of living.

Improving the American economy means we should continue to encourage greater investment by finding efficiency that leads to higher corporate profits and additional employment. That requires adjusting how we connect our infrastructure to the needs of companies and the people who rely on that infrastructure.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Opportunities for Affordable and Competitive Universities

American universities have some of the best elite colleges in the world but American students are suffering from a lack of skills in certain areas according to an article in the New York Times. Americans are not doing well in math and literacy which means we have lots of room for improvement. Rethinking higher education may raise quality and create greater price sensitivity.

When market forces work well they can influence and improve American universities by pushing those institutions to grow and change. Such competition can impact the cost of universities as well as the quality of the curriculum.

Whether we are discussing a business or a university it is necessary to keep higher education at the center of innovation and continually seeking methods of growth and development. They should be at the leading edge in quality and concept.

It is difficult to grow and develop unless there are universities that push the limits and institutions that adapt and integrate successful programs. Innovation and market adaptation requires greater flexibility and less regulation to provide opportunities to try new things.

Cost will also creep upwards when government regulations protect some universities and hinder others that are developing new models. New models, such as online education, have reduced overall costs.

Innovation and cost control are best fostered by market competition and multiple types of higher education models in the market. This variability offers appropriate spill over and exchange of new ideas and methods. It also forces entities to compete on price thereby reducing the overall cost of higher education.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Supporting Homegrown Brands-Buying American and Buying Local

Supporting local communities means supporting products and jobs through purchasing power. Local economies offer something that world economy can't-a sense of identity. The greatest form of home branding is when people associate that brand with themselves in a way that perpetuates the local identity. Each choice to purchase a native product raises the strength of the local economy.

Like local products, people feel enthusiastic about religion, sports, and politics because of the feelings and memories attached to them. These feelings and images create a deep connection because it is associated with who we are. When we brand a local economy we can also create a greater sense of community identity that fosters sales.

Buying local means buying into a people's identity. You know instinctively you are fostering positive impressions of your personal image but also the needs of your community. Each dollar spent locally helps to support your community and its sense of self.

Of course who could argue against the benefits of spending money in the local economy in a way that leads to to an increase in local wealth and jobs. Each dollar earned and spent in the community goes for schools, houses, programs and public works. That money improves community standards of living.

Creating a local identity helps to develop higher levels of economic growth by allowing the products/services to raise their value on the open market. Brands create perceptions that lead to higher sales and local growth. As those brands sell they raise local economic prosperity. Supporting homegrown brands means buying American and buying local.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

When Ecotourism is Big Business

Ecotourism is big business in places where nature is in abundance and a local economy thrives off activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and nature products. Places like the Upper Peninsula of Michigan offer opportunities to develop cultural tourism in a way that keeps small communities in tact but still brings opportunities for employment. 

These industries appeal to a younger and more trendy crowd that likes the outdoors and in general have a higher education. The towns provide quaint lodging, breweries, wine bars, recreational activities, outdoor recreational classes, and other activities that appeal to this demographic. In some cases the appeal can be international as alternatives to traditional beach and sun are sought. 

9 Customer Service Skills that Enhance Your Return Rate

Businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors through having strong customer service. When products and services are similar then it is the treatment of customers that will make a big difference. Customer service is a statement about how much companies care about the satisfaction of their patrons and can leave a long-term impact on their impressions.

1.) Greet customers quickly 
2.) Stay positive and friendly
3.) Treat each customer as an individual
4.) Learn to say "no" without saying "no"
5.) When your business makes a mistake recover quickly
6.) Check back with customer often
7.) Remember names 
8.) Customize service when possible
9.) Follow up on ideas

Friday, November 25, 2016

How Emotions Influence Your Income and Expenses

Keeping your expenses low and your income high has much to do with our way of thinking and our personal habits that is fueled by deeper feelings of inadequacy. If you are having a hard time controlling your spending you should delve deep into your needs and explore why these things are occurring. Don't allow your income and expenses get out o whack because you failed to understand yourself.

There are a few triggers such as inadequacy, fear, and the positive feelings that push people to buy more than they should. These emotions have deep seated needs that may drive you to make impulse purchases even when you know they are not helpful.

Most of our actions and activities are subconscious and form the backbone of our personality and decisions. The very way in which we view the world is based on our subconscious processes and how we interpret information.

If your subconscious is saying you need approval from others or that you are afraid of inadequacy you might buy products you don't need. Typically, people start to look for brand products that help them fell like they have greater purchasing power and therefore more skill or worth than others.

If you have tried to control your expenses by budgeting, looking for sales, and forcing yourself to go without but still seem to fall back into the same spendthrift habits then you will need to go deep into your personal issues. Improving income and controlling expenses requires you to face your emotional demons and what drives you to make poor spending choices.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Personal Standards of Professionalism

Standards of professionalism is a personal choice based on experience and understanding of its benefits. Professionalism gives the perception that you can be trusted and will be consistent in your offerings. To the future customer your value rises as there is a belief that you will follow through on implied and stated contracts.

To be a professional means that you provide high quality service every time and know when you have reached your limits. If you cannot provide this quality service then you state that specifically to give the customer options and raise your trust level. Providing options and referrals is a solid practice.

Professionals are also fair to all of their clients. They are not trying to penny pinch or manipulate others to make more money. They offer a solid service for a reasonable price. They seek to create a positive impression and solid brand image.

Professionals are also capable of keeping up with the skills needed to service their clients. They typically have the certifications and license to support their qualifications.

Professionalism is a personal choice where one decides the type of business they want and how to achieve it. They work to create long-term positive results and are consistent in their approach. .

Being professional has advantages for you and your business. As the reputation and quality of your service rises you will also find that you can draw more customers through word-of-mouth marketing, create higher percentages of return customers, as well as increase overall value of your business. Maintain your focus on your long-term goals and think about how each action and choice leads or detracts from that goal.

Marketing Your Small Business

Marketing a small business can be tricky when you don't have a marketing department or a person to guide you through the process. Small business and large businesses share some similarities but ultimately revolve around scale and market. Large businesses must reach a larger audience in order to keep their operations going while small businesses must reach the "right" audience.

Small business will use different tools such as their local newspaper, door-to-door, passing out cards, social media (i.e. Facebook), and window advertising.

Much of the success of a small business, depending on the nature of that business, will rely on social connections.

Being involved in your local community and attending the business events will help in familiarizing people with your product/services.

The key point about advertising is that it is exposure of your core value. Wherever that is possible and whenever that can happen is important. For small businesses without much of a budget much of it will rely on their capacity to make an impact without much cost.

The success of a small business doesn't only rest on an initial sale but making sure that the sales continue over and over. In a small community this is more possible but it requires positive customer and personalized experience that larger businesses will have a hard time recreating.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Revitalizing Small Towns Through Niche Strategies

Small towns across America are dying as companies pack up and leave for foreign locations taking viable jobs with them. Common complaints from local residents are that young people move away, there is no money to be made here, and amenities are lacking. Rethinking our economic strategies may help in creating a more vibrant economic restructuring of rural areas.

Without a doubt many of these towns are beautiful and offer charm for people who want to get out of the crowded cities. The problem is they don't offer solid employment and are many times too far to commute for busy professionals.

The Internet may offer some advantages in the future to create virtual jobs and help employ people in areas that offer a slower and more family oriented environment. However, this may be a few decades off and many of these towns will continue to decline.

Current approaches should focus on recreating small town cottage industries in niche markets that lead to greater overall growth. While it would be difficult for many of these towns to compete with large manufacturing centers they can create greater focus on a few products that have high market appeal.

For example, a town could focus on creating bicycles that are unique to the location and sold to a wider market. That could be something that isn't well served n the market like bikes for disabled people or bikes for long-distant travel.

Before a town can find their niche industry they will need help in understanding the world market and the many different demographics in that market. When a under-served need is found, even if it is a small market, small towns can focus on building the capacity to fulfill that need.

While niche markets can be subject to market swings which can lead to greater or lesser growth they do offer opportunities to create skill sets that can be used in other industries. Revitalizing small towns takes effort and fore-site. Policy makers should consider the merits of helping local entrepreneurs find products and services that are likely to succeed and employ local workers. Teaching them how to make it happen can go along way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Coffee Shop Learns to Diversify their Offerings to Earn Higher Income

Small businesses sometimes struggle to make ends meet. They suffer from an inability to capitalize on their niche offerings in a way that leads to higher profit margins and sustainable operations. Much like their larger competitors, they should consider diversification of offerings or specialization into a core demographic.

Lets look at an example in the historic city Dubuque Iowa. A small coffee shop struggles to survive selling coffee and must make a choice to draw in additional customers. They can add more coffee and food items to penetrate their core demographic or they can expand their offerings to draw in a slightly different crowd.

The owner decides that he doesn't want to be in the food business because of over concentration and regulation but decides to instead offer beer and wine. During the morning and day he has plenty of coffee drinkers but as the evening rolls on they die off and the beer/wine drinkers come in. At 9pm the coffee shop turns into a trendy lounge bar.

This is a place for the Iowa hipster. The lap top coffee drinker dots the place during the day and the socializing wine drinker takes over the evening. Their sales increased and their fledgling business draws in a different crowd. They have two routes to  by finding a connection between customers that like coffee and beer/wine drinkers that frequent lounges.

Monday, November 21, 2016

To Restrict or Not Restrict Imports?

U.S. leaders are contemplating new economic policies and there is hot discussion on restricting or not restricting foreign imports as a way of create a level playing field.  Import restrictions must be used wisely and only when necessary least they permanently damage the economy. Those times are defined by abuses in international trade and as a method of seeding American businesses.

Economies are based on competencies of labor. When workers have knowledge and skill in certain areas they have a chance to compete internationally. To gain competencies it is necessary to have companies that employ and train people in those areas. The more jobs that employ skilled labor, the more competencies grow!

A problem occurs when countries like China dump, in violation of treaties and good business practice, products on the American market. Part of their motivation is to kill off American businesses that have no way of competing with ultra low labor and materials cost.

In cases where dumping is occurring, it is helpful to restrict these imports through greater tariffs to give American businesses a chance to grow. Where there is no illegal dumping, import restrictions can be harmful because the general market forces can't be thwarted for long without wild swings of market correction.

Tariffs and restrictions are helpful in the short run to seed businesses and to limit the harm of illegal practices. They are damaging in the long run where American businesses can't compete on their own merit, don't innovate to meet challenges, and live in an artificial bubble paid for by American taxpayers. Import restrictions are a powerful tool and should be part of a larger strategic tool kit to be used for specific purposes. `

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Three Simple Rules to Saving Money

There are lots of people willing to give you advice on money. Many of them have something to gain from it while others are trying to give you good advice based on experience. There are three simple rules to saving money that include 1.) spend less than you earn, 2.) understand interest/risk and 3.) . hedge your bets.

1.) Spend Less than you Earn: No matter what you make you will need to spend less than what you earn. If you made $1,000 a week and you spend $800 than you are saving $200 from that period. If you spend $1,100 than your going in debt $100.

2.) Understand Interest/Risk: The higher the risk then the higher the reward. Find investment vehicles that accumulate compounded interest over time and put your money that you saved from spending money into these accounts.

3.) Hedge Your Bets: Try and put money in various places such as your 401K, house, cash, land, Roth IRA, and anywhere else. As the mortgage crisis showed us, find a few different arenas that are not related and spread your money so you don't get caught with no money.

The Need for Researchers to Integrate Fields

Researchers often work in silos and continue to create finite focus seeking deeper and deeper explanations for problems. Over time the lens becomes narrow and the knowledge more specialized. There is a constant search to find the head of the pin and few look back to see where their knowledge aligns with other fields. Integrating fields leads to new insights that would not be possible under traditional approaches to research.

Not one explanation fits all situations making theories limited to contingent circumstances. Comparing and integrating theories helps them to be broad based and apply to other industries in a way that a single theory cannot. Together a bundle of theories is more useful and strong than a single unintegrated theory alone.

For example, psychology, sociology and economics are not different fields but different lenses focused on various perspectives of a similar phenomenon. Psychology looks at the individual, sociology at the group, and economics at financial transactions. Together they are able to provide a better explanation of purchasing behavior than what would be possible alone.

Integrating research is a changing of perception as one takes their own theories and compares and contrasts it to other theories. When it fits well with other fields then one can say their work is comprehensively thought out and supported by a wider body of knowledge. The potential application and use of the theory rises.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Managing Chaos in Business-Lessons from Sailing

A strong practice simulator or chaos is competitive sailing. If you can master chaos in a sailing race you can master chaos just about anywhere else; such as your job and relationships. As ships swipe within feet of each other at the beginning of the race and people yell out commands all over the place as the whole ship goes buzzing in activity one can get drowned, not in the water, but in the chaos of sailing.  A few tips can help you keep your mental bearings during chaos:

Train: The key to overcoming crisis is the train yourself on what steps to take and what contingencies are available. More training will lead to greater understandings of what to expect and what actions are needed to make it through the stress.

Stay Focused on Your Tasks: People will be screaming and running in a chaotic situation and will be creating additional chaos. Stay focused on your task and don't get overwhelmed. Drown out all the background noise and put one foot in front of the other.

Take a Second, Think and Breathe: Chaos pushes people to make decisions and actions quickly without thinking. The problem can result in the creation of even bigger problems as the wrong direction and activities occur. Take a second to breathe and think about your next steps.

Reflect:  After the chaos is all over, think about what you learned and how to improve for next time. Each new chaotic situation is a chance to learn and improve. Think of chaos as training.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Business, Management, Education and Law

2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Business, Management, Education and Law (SBMEL-17)

26th to 27th January 2017
Cebu, Philippines

CHED Endorsement -

SUBMISSION METHODS by Email: editor@belrg.org

- Advertising
- Banking and finance
- Business
- Business Ethics
- E-commerce
- Economics
- Human Resources
- Management
- Marketing

- Distance Education
- E-learning
- Higher Education
- Lifelong Learning
- Teaching and Learning

- Accidents & Injuries
- Arbitration & Mediation
- Bankruptcy & Debt
- Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Civil Rights
- Consumer Issues
- Criminal Law
- Dangerous Products
- Divorce & Family Law
- Education Law
- Elder law & Aging
- Employee’s Right
- Estates & Probbate
- Health Care Law
- Immigration Law
- Intellectual
- Internet Law For The Public
- Justice and legal studies
- Lawsuits & Lawyers
- Real Estate
- Securities Law
- Small Business
- Social Security And Retirement

Enquiries: editor@belrg.org
Web address: http://belrg.org/conference/176
Sponsored by: Universal Researchers (UAE) & Business, Education and Law Research Group

Sunday, November 13, 2016

When Pies and Wine Sweeten Economic Growth- Julian as an Example of What Small Towns in Michigan Can Do

One of the old beauties of California is the popular tourist destination of Julian California. Started in 1850 by an English settler and freed slave, the town became a gold rush and transformed from a tent city to a permanent settlement overnight. Since that time Julian has become a know as a resort town that offers wine, pies and bed & breakfast establishments.

With a median household income of $51,000, high home ownership rate, and population of 1,500 people, the economy relies heavily on tourism income that include Gold Rush structures, quint stores, mine tours, wine bars, and restaurants. Future job growth is expected to beach national average at 39.4%. Revitalization has occurred through maximizing tourism income and popular attractions.

Many American cities have not been so lucky and small businesses have failed to survive (Gunwell & Ha, 2014). Some success has been found in anchor institutions such as companies, industry, higher education, or healthcare. However, many small towns do not have these institutions to start building related industries.

Cities that survive find some niche that works well for them and in which they can capitalize on and make additional money. For example, Julian Pies, western souvenirs, wine bars or bed & breakfast tourism may provide a sound base for the local economy to expand. They can't compete with large businesses but would do better seeking something unique to them and creating new opportunities.

It will also be beneficial for small towns to diversify their offerings to develop and maintain employment while not changing their flavor and culture. For example, marketing pies to a wider market and building a stronger food production industries could be one way to go while manufacturing western gift souvenirs could be another.

The main point is that they can continue to brand their small community and build upon its present strengths to maintain their vitality. Small communities offer opportunities to create new kinds of businesses that appeal to specific demographics through local entrepreneurship and stronger marketing. The question small town residents might need to answer is whether or not bigger is always better.

Grunwell, S. & Ha, I. (2014). How to revitalize a small rural town? An empirical study of factors for success. University-community collaboration with a ssmall hisstoric rural tourism town. Journal of Rural & Community Development, 9 (2).

Friday, November 11, 2016

3 Reasons The New President Should Focus on Bipartisan Economic Policies

Donald Trump may have won the elections but the real work on the economy just started! Each new leader has an opportunity to change economic policies. To do anything meaningful means that both parties will need to have honest heartfelt discussions on where we should be heading as a country regardless if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton won. While the country has been slowly moving forward it has not done so at the pace many emerging nations have experienced. Creating policies supported by research that appeal to both parties is difficult but not impossible if we understand how the economy actually works. Three reasons we should reconcile and create new policies.

1.) We all are influenced by the economy whether we like it or not.

You are a willing or unwilling stakeholder to economic policy and there is no way to escape it! It makes no difference how rich or poor you are because you emerged in it. Your paycheck, taxes, purchases, and lifestyle are influenced by economic policy.

2.) Our nation amounting more debt.

As a nation we are continuing to amount debt and we are at 19.8 trillion which amounts to $158,000 per household. We have some choices that include your traditional arguments such as raising and lowering taxes as well as cutting programs. New ways are needed to raise revenue and lower the cost of our expenditures while increasing the impact of those expenditures.

3.) The importance of the economy was voted on by both major parties.

If there is one thing that the 2016 economic election taught us is that both sides view the economy as their #1 priority. Economy and jobs ranked above national security at 84% as a pressing issue for both parties making it a bi-partisan issue at its root.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2017 International Business Tourism and Applied Sciences Research Conference in London

2017 International Business Tourism and Applied Sciences Research Conference in London

London, United Kingdom

Submission Deadline April 5th, 2017 (Miss a deadline please Contact us via email)


The ICBTS Conference Center, four years ago for organized conference, hosts the International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences to promote all academic research in the field.

Please join us for the 2017 International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences in London. The purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of education. Since 20 to 30 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. 

In addition to the International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences, we are also hosting an International Conference Social Sciences Humanities and Education which will be held concurrently; one registration covering both. 

The Topic of Research:
-International Business
-Tourism Hospitality
-Social Sciences Humanities
-Applied Sciences

Inquiries: conferenceteam@icbtsconference.com
Web address:

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ancient Paintings Teach us About a Refined Personality

Ancient paintings can tell us a lot about a refined personality and its capacity to think on multiple levels. The Painting School of Athens by the Italian painter Raphael includes nearly all of the world's greatest philosophers in one communal setting. The painting currently sits within the Vatican and is a reminder of the benefits of philosophy in society. More importantly, it also teaches us about how the great minds during that time worked and how they can be used as a mental reference point for high capacity leadership. 

The painting is one of a group of four of which each represents four distinct branches of knowledge that include "Seeking Knowledge of Causes", "Knowledge of Things Divine" "Divine Inspiration" and "To Each What is Due". Those categories correspond to the mental development of philosophy, religion, poetry, and law (Gombrich, 1975). 

Philosophy: The science before modern science that included anything from what we would view philosophy today to mathematics. The ability to be analytical and inquisitive about our world. 

Religion: Understanding that the world is connected and has a moral code. The ability to think of the greater spiritual forces of life and nature and our responsibilities in it.  

Poetry: Creating new things that enlighten us to what is beautiful in the world using intuition and inspiration. The ability to be creative as shown through activities such as art, poetry, music, and theater.

Law: The legal and moral aspects of living in a society. The ability to think about fairness and just weight with others. 

Under these pathways to knowledge we can say that a truly developed person should be scientific, spiritual, creative and seek justice in his/her actions. A very tall order for most people who are so inherently focused on their daily needs. As man develops, these four branches of knowledge he will come to find the similarities in each and how they influence each other and create different ways of looking at a problem. 

Ancient art tells a lot of ourselves and highly developed people and their abilities to think on different levels. These earlier ideas made their way into how we view modern leadership and human development. Psychological principles still maintain many of these ideas and find them useful for gauging what a fully functioning person looks like. 

As people develop their thinking changes and the way in which they view and act in the world also changes. Hiring executives with developed capacities also means they will be more independent, less likely to engage in unethical behavior, and more capable of completing the job using their leadership abilities. While ancient art seems like things of the past they have a major influence on how we view ourselves today.  

akward42 (2015). Raphael's School of Athens. Retrieved https://akward42.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/raphaels-school-of-athens/ure

Gombissh, E. (1975). Raphel's Stanza della Segnatura and the Nature of its Symbolism in Symbolic Images: Studies in the Art of Renaissance. (London: Phaidon, 1975).

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Benefits of Preparing PhD's for Both Academic and Industry Employment

Meeting of Doctors University of Paris
16th Century "Chants royaux" manuscript
A recent article entitled Where PhDs Work and What they Earn published in Inside Higher Ed highlights the importance of preparing Academics to work outside the traditional halls of higher education. Fostering the skills necessary to help academics to work in industry and academic rolls helps bridge the gap that leads to greater innovation in both worlds. Preparation means providing theoretical and practical knowledge in ways that can be applied to solve real world problems.

One of the complaints of the hallowed halls of higher education is that academics live in a bubble and don't contribute fully to practical problems. While academic jobs may become more difficult to obtain it also becomes possible to shoot three birds with one stone by adjusting higher edu curriculum to formalize industry knowledge, fill industry leadership positions with practitioner scholars, and create more relevant theories for academics to ponder.

Doctoral graduates should be able to take academic knowledge and apply it to the workplace while at the same time borrowing industry knowledge to enhance curriculum; a two way street of development. Each feeds the knowledge of the other by borrowing and creating areas of knowledge transference.

The value of a doctorate degree rises when graduates can apply their intellectual capital to both worlds. The formation of higher knowledge is a reciprocal process of awareness of problem, exploration of the problem, formation of theory/solutions, application of theory for solutions, and the re-adjustment of theory for accuracy. Intermingling of the two worlds creates faster development.

As a bonus, we also might find that the higher pay in industry can lead to higher pay in academia by supporting faculty negotiation power by enhancing options beyond traditional occupational roles. Wages in one industry create spill over effects when one sector must compete with the other such as that which the report indicates in increase pay for faculty in the business, healthcare and engineering fields. Pay, benefits, working conditions, meaningfulness, and environment become important factors in attracting top talent.

The academic world doesn't exist in a bubble and is a dependent contributor to industry and society. Training faculty to take duel roles as practitioner-scholars gives them needed intellectual and financial leverage. Bouncing between the two also enhances both as knowledge and information create spill over effects that force both to adapt. Knowledge and income rise when practical value meets higher knowledge. Connecting industry and higher education becomes a possibility when doctors are prepared to take on dual roles.