Thursday, December 30, 2021

US May Out Perform China in 2033 If "American's" Learn to Compromise and Coordinate a National Vision

 One of the biggest and most difficult tasks is to get people from different political spectrums to focus on a shared future and vision. Without a sense of direction China is poised to overcome the U.S. by 2033 according to a report by Japan Center for Economic Research (Tomiyama, 2021) by pointing all of their hypothetical ships to the same destination 20 years into the future (See China Stats). Technology is here to stay and hedging that technology into the first digital era large modern manufacturing nation that can produce next generation products and a state of the art economy (including advanced education/skill development, enlightened law enforcement/intelligent rule of law, inclusive capitalism, mental and physical health, pharmaceuticals, military supremacy, etc...) would be appealing to international investors. 

The amount of coordination between our law makers, stakeholders, and bureaucrats would be a serious commitment about a shared vision and sense of purpose. Each actor/agent would need to determine how their actions either ensure we are the first advanced large scale nation (and its benefits and risks) or allow natural forces to pressure change more slowly ( and the risks of coming in second to an emerging market. Yes...countries are actually a type of market for international investors.). 

(Yasoshimo, R., et. al, 2021)

To me the technological trends, infrastructure investments, and political capital to return manufacturing back to the U.S. are present. They are present now but they may not be present in a decade as we become accustomed to our new role (...or eat ourselves alive politically with fewer and few resources but with impossibly high expectations.). I'm an optimist so I say we can sort of see where we need to go in terms of infrastructure, education, international investments, and technology and might consider coordination of effort across political lines (...we have made some progress since the pandemic but are still sputtering along.)

(There is something called the Hierarchy of Values popularized by New York Law School Professor Myres McDougal in his 1966 work 'Jurisprudence for a Free Society' in the Georgia Law Review that models how decisions are made in terms of their importance to a person/group. Thus if we ordered Family, Country, Career, Political Party, etc... For politics to function properly on a high level overview perspective it must have an order the fulfills the needs of the widest distribution to the members of society. For example, if one has 1. Country [One could also insert God anywhere within this order based on one's beliefs], 2. Society 3. Career 4. Party 5. Family as their hierarchy of values they will make decisions differently than a person who orders 1. Self 2. Party 3. Career 4. Country 5. Wealth, 6.,etc... 

Universal Core Values
Brosche & Sander, 2013
Neuroeconomic Choices

Depending on the make up of our current generation, culture, and leadership we will collectively define those hierarchy of our values through social expectations. However, since governance is about inclusive benefit to maintain stability one might want to include the wingspan constructs such as Country and Society at the higher levels. Its a very personal choice so public professions and private confessions sometimes differ. Lots of people engage in politics for various reasons that have little to do with serving anyone else. Its called public service for a reason!
 🙈🙉🙊 How we work together to achieve something greater than ourselves will determine the future of the next generation, generation after that, and likely the generation after.  See Biggest Post Afghan Risks: Decisions Making and Human Capital)

World GDP is expected to reach $100 Trillion in 2022 for the first time in history much sooner than the 2024 projection (CEBR, 2021). While the Pandemic was destructive it also opened an opportunity to reset a course and embrace new economic platforms and the benefits that come from building the best capitalistic environment where human rights and innovative entrepreneurship attract foreign direct investment on a mammoth scale (See Economy Change COVID, GDP Govt Mind,  Q1 2020 Short Stock Drop or Digital Recover, Michigan Invest, DC Start Up Invest, DC Multi Cluster Innovation Industry)

The quality of leadership is based in the ability to critically think about all the options, pick out the essentials, and create as many win-win situations as possible with the widest benefits to society. To create a change initiative (See Change in International Business SWOTCH) Nation and Society values should move to the forefront of our values while self and career should move to the rear of our values (at least for the next few years.) (See Innovation & FreedomBacksliding Democracy).

Leadership can be defined many ways and while scientists look for the exact definition there are certain characteristics and abilities that seem to separate leadership abilities from others (Wheat from Chaff. See Ways of Seeing as how change of perspective helps highlight new ways of viewing the world around us.). Leadership rests in part on the ability to use their creative ability to solve new, unusual and unique problems (Connelly, et. al. 2000). One way of looking at leadership problem solving is from the following quote (Mumford, et. al. 2017 pg. 28) (See Evidence Based Decision Making, Not out of Woods

Death and Miser 1490
Esoteric Bosch
The stages of life and values.

Problem definition
, the ability to define noteworthy issues or significant problems affecting the organization.

Cause/goal analysis, the ability to analyze the causes and goals relevant to addressing problems

Constraint analysis, the ability to identify the constraints, or limiting factors, influencing any problem solution

Planning, the ability to formulate plans, mental simulations, and actions arising from cause/goal and constraint analysis

Forecasting, the ability to anticipate the implications of executing the plans

Creative thinking, the ability to develop alternative approaches and new ideas for addressing potential pitfalls of a plan identified in forecasting

Idea evaluation, the ability to evaluate these alternative approaches’ viability in executing the plan

Wisdom, the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of these alternative approaches within the context, or setting, in which the leader acts

Sensemaking/Visioning, the ability to articulate a vision that will help followers understand, make sense of, and act on the problem"

Leadership secures victory by making a commitment to bigger principles and the willingness to see how solving problems for the widest amount of people leaves a legacy. Doing things others don't expect but are based in strategic validity can lead to game changing results (See Level K Decisions). If we practiced for two years  trying to see the other sides points and compromising where its prudent we would likely solve a big portion of our nation's problems (Sometime pitting sides and arguments against each other blocks the awareness of which perceptual gate leads to new solutions that can come from divergent type thinking. Changing our language and perspective opens up new possibilities we would not have been aware of otherwise. See Conflict and Higher Cognitive Models. The ability to see new solutions often means opening the mind to all of the information and possibilities that leads to key insight and higher order thinking that often vanishes among those stuck in one sided logic. See Data Triangulation). We could tame the tempest and ride it to a higher performance platform with lots of more options and possibilities. 

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” Aristotle

CEBR (2021). IMF World Economic Outlook October 2022. Recovered Dec 29th, 2021 from

Connelly, M. S., Gilbert, J. A., Zaccaro, S. J., Threlfall, K. V., Marks, M. A., & Mumford, M. D. (2000). Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 65–86"

IMF (Oct. 2021). 'Recovery During a Pandemic'. Retrieved December 28th, 2021 from

Mumford, M., Todd, H., and McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive Skills and Leadership Performance: The Nine Critical Skills, The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), p. 28.

Tamiyama, A. (December 15th, 2021). China to become the world’s largest economy in 2033. Japan Center of Economic Research. Retrieved December 28th, 2021 from

Yasoshimo, R., et. al (Dec. 15th, 2021). China's overtaking of U.S. economy delayed to 2033, report says. Nikkei Asia, Retrieved December 28th, 2021 to

DC Firefighters Talk about Responding to Capitol Riot (Becoming Targets of the Mob)

January 6th was a pivotal moment in America's history forcing all those who were loyal to rethink their assumptions. I'm a supporter of police and firefighting (......not blind support and would have no issue holding "bad apples" accountable. Some people/places struggle with understanding the essential purpose of our institutions.) when semi-organized extremists attack firefighters and EMT officials (in some cases their own kind) trying help others we should be appalled; many of us unable to see the risks.

 Whether we are in the Capitol or in our hometowns we struggle with differentiating between those who support the Constitution and who those who are radicalized and want to circumvent it. The lines are blurry but radicalism has certain markers that can tip authorities off to its presence. Our police, firefighters and EMT are there to help others and people nationally/globally should respect medical support (...but that is the mentality of the people and their supporters we are dealing with. I'm a light right conservative and find such actions against everything I was raised to believe. There are places where right and wrong are often subjective to inappropriate symbolism).

You can also read the article DC Firefighters Remember Challenges of Responding to Capitol Riot

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Community Colleges Hiring Practices Influences Student Global Competitiveness

Community colleges are an important part of building the local knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) people need to succeed in a fast shifting environment. Local institutions share a vital purpose in the rebuilding of a next generation nation strides forward towards its central goals of freedom of the human spirit, governance by people, and "whole society" opportunities. Colleges are about providing working skills needed in the market and the developing of human capital that leans toward our national legacies. Without degrees or skilled trades people communities will fall behind in attracting and retaining high paying jobs.  

School of Athens
Philosophy as Diversity of Thought
Between 1509 and 1511

That may be difficult if hiring practices restrict opportunities for competitive exposure and higher levels of national achievement. Let's think of diversity from a wider perspective. Diversity of thought, study, race, religion, and background create higher levels of exposure to new ideas. This is vitally important for small rural communities that are realigning to global competitiveness. Providing avenues for relevant up-to-date knowledge impacts people throughout their lives in profound ways (See a summary of a GSS study on the benefits of higher education. HERE.)

All societies need skilled workers that often come in the form of skilled labor (i.e. skilled trades, artisan, etc...) or intellectual capital (doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc...) We have seen industries decline that resulted in lay offs for thousands of people as jobs move overseas or are replaced. Community colleges have a responsibility to prepare workers to take on new and emerging fields/jobs in a market competitive way. For hands on skilled trades, returning workers, and new students community colleges help prepare people for meaningful careers. 

Ok....well preparing students is supported if their hiring practices are well thought out and include a diverse set of educators/trainers that have a wider range of experiences. Sometimes hiring mangers take on perspectives (unintentionally or intentionally. The way in which I judge a 'red flag' is by transparency and professionalism. When practices are not transparent and there are levels of unprofessional behavior it would be more associated with the personality and perspective of the hiring manager(s).) that limit their hiring practices and in turn the opportunities of their students to be ready to deal with different cultures and ideas. 

While the goal of the HR department is to manage human capital it sometimes runs a foul of that mandate for personal, political, religious, or racial reasons. Training HR professionals on how to manage available human capital is beneficial but so is ensuring that those who willfully follow their own personal hiring practices do not continue with misaligned/malignant practices. Its not a liberal or conservative idea but an absolute MUST in any society that has a diverse population like the U.S.( Certain core values and trust in institutions is essential to stability and growth.)

When hiring managers limit student opportunities through inappropriate selection criteria that reduce exposure to diverse thought and people they also limit global and market readiness.

All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires [countries, societies, republics, etc...] depends on the education of youth. -Aristotle

Side note: In any economic system you will need a way of preparing people to take on new jobs and responsibilities. The local education system includes primary all the way through college is important in that preparation. Educational systems should understand their central purposes and in turn align skills, knowledge, and abilities to fill the most jobs while still developing the whole person is important. Anything that is counter to educations central purposes should be reviewed and adjusted and/or removed.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Settled In the UP and Wisconsin Since the Mid1800's

This weekend a few relatives came in to visit and of course brought the family album. Interestingly we have family in the area UP area since at least the mid 1800s. This was Pine River from Florence WI. (Bark River MI. and Iron Mountain MI were others.) They used to drag for logs in the logging industries.  Based on one of these pictures I would think it would likely be in the early 1900's. The house was built by hand and is currently in use. I keep thinkin of keeping an eye on it in case it goes up for sale someday. So far we have records to the mid 1800's that include backgrounds on one side from Prussia, Swedish, Belgium, English, and Blackfoot Indian. The other side is Belgium, German, and Caucus. My kids will likely be able to add Arab and African to that list. Hmmmmmm I would guess we have international genetics and yes we are still Americans (Diversity actually makes our species stronger through variability.). Being American may have something to do with where your born but it is a thought and belief; not a genetic code/sequence.  (Kind of interesting mix. Ok I guess just to me. LOL Its my blog so I'm posting it! 😤)

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Michigan Winter Trip in Upper Peninsula 2021

Browsing on the highway for winter related content I came across this video of what the UP looks like in the winters. It can be harsh and also majestic. People use to live in that environment with little more then basic supplies and a hatchet. Delta County has a number of trails to visit and recreational activities to engage in. A little of an outdoor tourist destination. If your working online and thinking about an affordable place to stay for a few months while still having some outdoor fun check out Escanaba and Gladstone. I have snow shoed and cross country ski through National Forests and trails. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Global GDP 2021 in Visual Form

You may be interested in looking at a quick sheet on GDP 2021 from Visual Capitalist that provides data driven visuals. As we know the year isn't yet finished and you may need to trace back some of the stats for more accuracy but you can get a solid visual picture. 

College Borrowers Get Another 90 Days Loan Forbearance (Hope I Win the Lottery in the Mean Time!)

President Biden announces that student loan payments for 41 million borrowers will be paused with 0% interest until May 2022. You can read the White House Press Release HERE. That is something students and borrowers will likely maybe they can win the lottery and pay off the rest when its due (Disclaimer: Its probably not a good strategy.😏 No seriously, the odds are against you. You don't need to be the Rain Man to figure it out. "Definitely yes definitely." ).

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Escanaba City Council Meeting: (December 16, 2021) Recreation, Democracy and Change

Democracy is about the ability to draw in the most amount of people into governance as possible and in turn build a strong base of support for national development that improves citizens lives. While there are often subsections of society that are more politically active (demographic) than others, the concept of inclusiveness in politics is what helps democracies grow as it pushes an entire governmental system to adjust and change to new ideas and leadership influence (We elect new people to ensure we update and change....there is no negative reflection on prior leadership because it is a necessary process that goes back to the beginning. The old create stability while the new bring forward fresh ideasThe U.S. had its very first town hall in Dorchester, Massachusetts, in 1633. You can read about democracy HERE.). Escanaba is one of those examples of democracy at work in our home towns and you can see it in action by watching the city council meetings! You may want to read the agenda for more clarity beyond the video Escanaba Agenda December 16th, 2021. (I kind of looked through the data at the comments. You got to read all of them...some are very interesting! Yikes! 😬....and no I didn't put any comments in there. 🙊)

Roosevelt's Four Freedoms of Speech
Norman Rockwell’s 1942
Freedom of Speech, Worship, Want, Fear

Escanaba is a rural community that is located on the shore of Lake Michigan in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The area played a key role in regional natural resource extraction that helped build the preindustrial era with lumber and then the industrial era with ore and metals (You can read the history of Escanaba HERE. Notice how positive interaction in history, first settler, and native Americans started something new. Just take a mental note...and later on we will discuss this in greater detail. That same "under current" might have occurred in other places and is intimately part of our past and likely our futures as new and old ideas blend based on idea exposure.). Escanaba, like many rural communities, is still on a path to finding its global footing but may receive increased market investment interest and grant opportunities in a way that aligns local jobs with global opportunities ( could happen! Maybe...maybe not!🤷 A few things going on in terms of investments, social change, and national trends are signaling pending adjustments based on environmental challenges and local resources. However, its only one path of possibilities and not yet fully substantiated or realized. 🙆) 

For now...lets just look at some of the things going on in the area. I know its exciting times but hold your horses as time and reflection often lead to insight! (See Advice on Change)

Bay College Lease: Continue the lease for 4 more years and then a $6K for early 10 year early termination and changes to agreement (Was originally a 25 year lease.). Carving out some of the south end of the field for the daycare and YMCA. One option would be to terminate immediately the agreements on the field but that might ruffle some feathers. Soccer program would be a good thing to offer as its an attractive sport important globally/nationally (Del Mar went from polo to soccer a few years ago but it is what it is. 🐎⚽🏒!)

DNR Recreation Plan: A very nice presentation and PowerPoint within the Agenda. The recreation department indicates that people want more events but participation is sometimes small. Variety, access, lake front, free and inclusive recreation opportunities. What they hoped to change was off road bike paths, soft service trails (hiking), updated play grounds, splash pad, clean bathrooms. Volunteers is what makes things happen in this town (along with full time employees.).  

Fishery Grant: DNR working with Escanaba that can help in fishing but also fishing docks. Such grants increase not only tourism but the long term viability of the area in terms of Great Lakes fresh fish, fishing industry, and recreation (I'm still dreaming of my part-time commercial fishing business 😢). Some money will be used to improve the bike path which is also something of interest to a lot of people. Not a bad idea. It was also included into the waterfront recreation approach. (Escanaba Harbor)

Housing Variety: I'm going to agree that there is a need for seasonal, condo, apartment, etc... housing. I would seek to maximize those places located downtown and above the existing businesses. One reason why there should be a push for this areas is that it helps redevelop the the downtown and draws a younger demographic while still serving tourism and seasonal buyers. Selling the buildings to entrepreneurs (in area or likely out of area.) that want to micro build (especially if outdoor tourism oriented) toward selling on the global market would balance the need for tourism and export oriented small business that have higher likelihood of future growth. (Rebuilding Escanaba Downtown, SME Attract, Start Up Delta, Full Bloom Delta)

As a side note: Some of these members and the mayor are new to the council. You can see a hint at the positive transition occurring from meeting to meeting in terms of coordination and ground rules. They seem to be in the Storming and Norming stages and with further adjustment might eventually be in the Performing stage where higher levels of team outcomes are actualized. (See  Psychologist/Professor/Researcher Bruce Tuckman's Stages. You may also be interested in reaching about Internal-External Strategy and Schumpeter.)

Monday, December 20, 2021

What Are the Motivations of Online Students? Survey Answers

A survey by Wiley Education Services polled 15,000 fully online learners to find out what were some of their motivations for taking online courses. You can read the actual survey HERE. While the study was conducted in 2020 it is important to remember that it was also the year the Pandemic was in full swing. It didn't seem like it matter much in the survey but there were shifts in the online-ground based educational system during this time. Online will becoming increasingly likely (See Colleges that Won't Make it 2020, Changing College Needs, COVID Changes, Higher Ed. Reform, Online Ed. Earns Place, and State Budgets.) 

Surveys like this help in understand how to improve on the educational system. This survey is focused on things that are important to learners such as reputation, price, speed, etc... What you also find is that the vast majority of people think online education is the same or better. Furthermore, the survey provides other insight such as where they learn about schools (employers, online searches, etc..) as well as what devices they use. 

For those in the higher education field knowing your customers is important and conducting research of executives, students, etc... can create a broad understanding of how to push online education to newer heights. Just as a quick example, if you know what executives seek, understand industry trends, the changing skills needed, technological development paths, cost-value position, might know a lot that can help you make a strategic decision.

A couple of key highlight points:

-70% of colleges and universities expect to start one to four new online undergraduate programs in the next few years.
-More than half of students cite affordability/cost as their most important factor in selecting a college
-Reputation of the university is very important.
-Transfer credits are important to students.

Reach the Report (CLICK HERE)

Friday, December 17, 2021

Are There Methods of Turning Group Hate from Exclusive to Inclusive?

We have experienced in recent times growth in extremism that cuts across the civilian population and into the ranks of some officials. Watching such behaviors in real time can often lead us to different types of conclusions but not necessarily the one's that end in a beneficial outcome. While in the situation below we might be looking at what appears to be a single phenomenon we also mustn't ignore the similarities of this situation with others experienced across the country (In terms of mental health and destructive behaviors.). Gaining a grasp on how quickly false information can spread and radicalize preexisting bias to act without conscious is concerning; whether in the capital or in our hometowns.

Extremism within Local Groups

Thus far in the situation in which I am familiar we have a group of people (core group leadership) who sought to gain financially and socially by exploiting hate through their social connections (including those in law enforcement) to remove a family from "their town". It wasn't as though that family did anything wrong but they did put up a red line when it came to patterned intentionally rude, destructive and potentially illegal behaviors (I doubt these members will ever see themselves as doing anything wrong. Sadism sanctioned by social "immunity".). 

That ability to tell this group "no" in a town where most of their peers have become accustomed to a distorted pecking order within their ex sport playing culture (set 30+ years ago in highschool) seemed to throw the "leadership" off guard. While it may be normal to implement boundaries when mental health turns aggressive it isn't normal to have to deal with a larger group of mediocre ex sports payers you don't have an issue with (including at least one if not more stalking law enforcement officers.) To maintain control and "teach a lesson" they targeted one of the kids and started a smear campaign to radicalize their followers to engage in intimidation tactics (...which mirrors what we might find in less developed nations.)

Most of these group members are good people and without prompting would not have acted (Most likely didn't act but some were all too willing to take extra steps. The question is, "Why are you involved in any way?" Reluctantly, you might hear we wanted to help one of "our own"....but then fall short on facts). Those that did act are supported through their social networks by silent agreement/disagreement and/or blind support of the perpetrators (See research on polarized and hyperconnected social networks acceptance of false information to create cascades on twitter, 'News Sharing, Persuasion, and Spread of Misinformation on Social Networks'. (Hsu, Ajorlou & Jadbabaie, 2020). In this case the group utilized Facebook but the process is likely similar and with factors as other social media mechanisms.  Some of those members know their social group were acting immorally and illegally but were silenced through fear (We saw this happen in Nazi Germany were people who disagreed went silent through a culture of fear. One by one they fell. Imagine if you were the one in the crowd who disagreed, didn't think Jews were at fault for Germany's problems, and voiced your opinion! Yikes! 😬)

Levels of Accountability (Silent to Involved):

There are at least four different things going on here 1.) the initial group 2.) the corrupt law enforcement officer(s), 3.) the extremists within the mediocre sports group and 4.) the immaturity of the larger sports culture. What should happen isn't an easy call because doing nothing when behaviors were grotesque would be inappropriate while at the same time locking people up and throwing away the key might be counter to what a long term resolution would look like.

While I might be able to go into particular depth on each of these concepts I believe that each person should be judged on their merit. To do that it is helpful to take into account their prior socialization, mental health issues, criminality, pecking order, etc... While they acted in a group there was a level of individual responsibility of each of the members who should "own" their behaviors. Even when crimes were being committed it looks like most stayed silent (Indication of powerlessness and diluted  sense of shared responsibility).

Beyond accountability for the most egregious offenders I would say an awareness of the group of how they were manipulated (critical thinking skills), correcting of false information (especially that designed to damage and encourage violence against the intended targets), how mental health can impact people's behaviors, and more awareness of pro-American values of inclusion (I'm not sure where their values came from but they are antithetical to the values of most of American society; save the radicals).

The Bigger Picture-Exclusion to Inclusion:

I think it will be hard to change people who are exclusive to inclusive as they have been socialized for a long time to view themselves as superior to people who they view different than themselves (They have the blueprint of an organization run by a narcissist managed through comparisons, shallow values, self-seeking behaviors and conflict. Groups become extensions of hate when individual members are not empowered to stand for central values as codified by a wider society. See Braun,2017.). This was not a normal situation it was more of a Stephen King type creepy novel. Our system was not designed to accurately understand and deal with local extremism and therefore it was hard for authorities to recognize the behaviors quickly (Why mental health and research can lead to solutions. See Michigan Coding and Solving Hate Crimes). 

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm, but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

— T. S. Eliot, The Cocktail Party (1949).

Furthermore, there are members of law enforcement who lack accountability for mischievous behaviors so even after they went rogue there wasn't enough mechanisms in place to hold them to account (Redesigning the system to support good officers and remove bad ones could be helpful. Could we really trust rogue officers to be honest and work in the best interest of society and the laws? Think about it. Mistakes can be trained but a criminal mindset must be removed. The wisest approach we can take is to maintain the integrity of our law enforcement institutions. I support good officers and institutional integrity. As soon as a few bad apples act without account it creates wider problems in society. Its short versus long term thinking.). Likewise, much of the behaviors were intentional and masked indicating it wasn't the first time they have circumvented the law in a coordinated way to avoid detection (Opening a question of other victims.)

How does one get those who hate to respect the value inherent in their fellow Americans? Mob supporters acted blindly with no conception of right or wrong and no actual justification for the behaviors (If you ask them they would say my children and I are pretty friendly but they heard from so and so......) but on the commands and misinformation of their "leadership". How does one reform such ignorance when it spreads intentionally to others (including some employers and businesses) who now feel morally justified to further their discriminatory viewpoints despite the nagging of a higher moral conscious (The risks and consequences are transferred to the targets who must then deal with the issue over and over in its more microaggressive form. The only difference this time is that I feel there is a duty and a bigger American purpose to ensure we don't regress in our local-national development or make the turn towards what Germany did prior to WWII. )?

Hate is a disease growing in our communities (not everyone but a group of motivated followers paralleling what we might find in some poor radical villages overseas) and will need serious action by our lawmakers and administrators to solve adequately. Extremism exists within hyper politics that gives such people "the right" to act with social blessing and lack of local enforcement. Truth is.....likely my family and I will continue to be targets when and if the economy takes a downturn, another lockdown, lost election, divorce, financial problems, etc.... as it is all projection that has nothing to do with our behavior but to do with "perceptions" of worth! . False judgements, comparisons and appraisals "are targeted at the hate target itself, rather than at specific actions carried out by that target" (Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988).The sad thing is what they think they are targeting me for is a reflection of who they are....and I'm am the opposite of what they perceive me to be in their socially constructed reality. We just needed to enlighten the situation with a brighter lamp to see the this case torch 🗽.  See Through the Looking Glass, Darkly: Perceptions of Hate in Interpersonal Relationships (Aumer, 2015).

(Like in Gestalt psychology the perpetrators filled in all the blanks of information they didn't know or understand thereby revealing much about their latent thought processes. In this situation the group's members devalued me and my children....yet on a overall factual comparison I'm not seeing why they feel so superior. They don't have enough information for an accurate judgement. I have lots of flaws but I know what they are...I'm not sure they have a clue of their more serious issues 😲 A famous philosopher and religious figure once stated, "first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Lack of accountability often leads to feeling that harming the targets is justified. Here is an interesting study on devaluating and hate. When you read this report don't get hung up on the examples it is any race, religion, or group who devalues others. 'Why we Hate' Fischer, et. al 2018 ).

Where do we go from here? It is up to each of us to decide what is in the best interest of everyone involved and the generations after us. If our American values and Constitution will be our primary directive or if "other" sources of power/authority can carve out through unlegislated and unwritten laws/"rules". While I view myself as a single father trying to buy groceries I'm sure they view me as something different. I suspect the essential rub is the image of who is "an American"?  I have already decided (Its an internal value not associated with color, religion, ethnicity. Meaning a more enlightened society that can enlighten other nations as a beacon of fair treatment and opportunity for the diligent.). While it might sound "radical" to doesn't to me! 💕 One foot in front of the other. 👣

Aumer, K. (2015). Through the Looking Glass, Darkly: Perceptions of Hate in Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Relationships Research 6 DOI:10.1017/jrr.2014.14

Braun S. (2017). Leader Narcissism and Outcomes in Organizations: A Review at Multiple Levels of Analysis and Implications for Future Research. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 773.

Fischer, A., et. al. (2018). Why we Hate. Emotion Review, 10 (4). Retrieved December 15th, 2021

Hsu, Chin-Chia and Ajorlou, Amir and Jadbabaie, Ali, News Sharing, Persuasion, and Spread of Misinformation on Social Networks (July 1, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

Ortony, A., Clore, G. L., & Collins, A. (1988). The cognitive structure of emotions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Federal Chair Jerome Powell Reduces Fiscal Support for Economy(12-15-21) Digital Transformation Coming?

Federal Chair Jerome Powell discusses forward guidance of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) that is responsible for open market decisions who indicated a need to taper inflation (See description of FOMC). He provides an assessment of positive economic news in terms of labor, opening of economy, and aggregate demand. The assessment includes healthy outlook of business prospects in the near term. Higher GDP growth, low unemployment, and other positive indicators prompted the Federal Reserve to begin reducing financial support for the economy. There is also a market opportunity that has opened up....

Real GDP growth for the U.S. is expected to be 5.5% in 2021 and 4% in 2022. Its not a bad number and certainly could be correct but could also be influenced by digital adaptations of the Digital Economy that is not yet well understood on a Federal level yet. (Sometimes its beneficial look at trends of the two largest world economies such as China and the U.S.. You can review December 15th, 2021 Q3 China GDP Stats HERE. You can also get a glimpse of a strategy by reviewing China's increase in research and experimental expenditures 10.2% HERE. The U.S. is likewise making a strategic push by developing new infrastructure, COVID digital adjustments, return manufacturing to the US, and similar R&D expenditures. You can read an October 4th, 2021 congressional report on the nature of research in the U.S. and how much is business, university, federal, etc... Congressional Research, 2021 ). 

According to IDC, a provider of market intelligence projects, between 2022-24 more than half the global economy will be influenced by digital in some way, digital investments were 40% higher than two years ago ($6.3 trillion) and one in two companies will receive 40% of their income from digital projects and services (IDC, October, 2021). Such reports seem to indicate that fundamental way in which we conduct business (and the basics of transactions between entities is changing beyond traditional economic assumptions) is adjusting to new technology and such methods will become increasingly a  priority to the U.S. Thus, all numbers should be seen in imperfect benchmarks of international comparison and in turn the very definition of economic activity from a metric level may change (...likely to new future benchmarks through big data.).

The  U.S. experienced one of the largest growths in e-commerce (33.9%) in 2020 while the global economy experienced a 27.6% of e-commerce expansion over the same year. (Ti-Insight, 2021). You will also notice with the IMF report (Granted they are using data from 2019) that the most advanced nations have the most Internet users 80+% (IMF, October, 2021, Fig. 1.22) and as the market reaches saturation it will likely be more focused beyond new Internet sign ups. That shift will likely lay on bandwidth, security of data (new storage and dispersion methods), and advanced robotic/distribution methods that will increase production, delivery and innovation (Maybe an important marker of moving into an advanced digital age with new manufacturing capabilities; among other changes as a platform shift.)

You can see the U.S. as a top E-commerce
market in 2020

We can find some justification for this digital transformation from a CISCO Whitepaper that discusses increases in global Internet usage (66% of world population), increased bandwidth (more than doubled), and unfortunately more stolen records ( 776%%) highlighting security adjustments (Cisco Annual Report, 2020).  The trends toward greater integration of digital technologies with our physical world is becoming an increasing trend and the pandemic pushed it faster thereby putting pressure on American institutions to adapt more quickly (Stability can be maintained by focusing on integrity and transparency in institutional changes.). 

That can be a good thing for countries like the U.S. who instead of being swallowed up by the pandemic found a way to increase competitiveness and regain some lost ground. As the nation ponders infrastructure one should consider how investment in distribution and fulfilment can lead to increased venture and foreign capital investments (Lincoln International, 2021). Using our resources wisely today to build an export oriented infrastructure that complements an advanced digital nation will likely change the U.S. trajectory into something more positive (It could have went the other way but we were already beginning the transition and both presidents took reasonable steps that for the most part worked out on an economic level.) That network can be used to make the U.S. not only the most effective place to start businesses but also a place where new ideas meet advanced capabilities that leads to higher investment ROI. 

You can see some of the potential platform changes in a graph Digital Era/Information Age (See Sociological-Economic Platforms

(Disclaimer: These are only ideas based on a transactional theory that has been developing over the past 12+ years. It seeks to understand digital development through human adaptation that leads to innovation. Because theory constantly seeks to be tweaked one should make their own assumptions and do their own mental analysis. They are just no claim to their accuracy other than to say they seem "in the ball park". Time will tell. If not...I learned some new things anyway. 🤷 For example, you an look at some Michigan's EV industry to see how some changes might occur. HERE or changes in how to power like industries HERE.)


Congressional Research (Oct. 4th, 2021) U.S. Research and Development Funding and Performance: Fact Sheet. Retrieved 12-17-21 from

Cisco (March 9th, 2020). Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper. Retrieved December 16th, 2021

IDC (October, 2021). Digital Transformation Investments to Represent More Than Half of All ICT Investment by 2024, According to IDC FutureScape. Retrieved December 16th, 2021 from

IMF (November, 2021, Fig. 1.22). World Economic Outlook [Figure 1.22, Internet Access Around the World]

Lincoln International (August 2021). E-commerce, Sustainability and Digital Capabilities Drive Consolidation. Retrieved 12-1721 from

Ti-Insight ( Sept. 30th, 2021). The world’s fastest growing e-commerce logistics market. Retrieved December 16th, 2021 from

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Happy 185 Birthday Upper Peninsula of Michigan-Frostbitten Convention 1836

The hardy people from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are used to the cold, the wild, and small communities. Prior to the Internet (I know the young might not remember) people had to travel with their cars to visit friends and relatives. Prior to the car (which I don't remember) many farmed, hunted, trapped and didn't go beyond 30 miles from their home. You had to be hardy to live in an area like this (Think Alaska and Siberia!) 

Today is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's 185th bday and we Yoopers are still around to celebrate the Frostbitten Convention of 1836 (I done cleaning my driveway out of 13 inches of snow a few days ago so I guess I can celebrate! ❄️). Maggie Duly from Fox TV 6 put together a celebratory article Happy Birthday, Upper Peninsula! U.P. turns 185 on Tuesday

Monday, December 13, 2021

Could Michigan be the Place for EV Investments and Export Infrastructure?

Michigan is one of those states where opportunities to invest, build and "frolic" are available in abundance. Michigan isn't just a beautiful outdoor tourism state (the Upper Peninsula is a great place to visit) it is also becoming a "hot spot" for EV investment. The political climate of Michigan seems to be shifting toward collaboration in the post-Covid world and it would seem there is increased focus on building a cutting edge industry so as to secure economic vitality for the foreseeable future (Once your the branded as the primary place for certain industries they stick to those regions for a long time.). GM investments are one sign of renewed effort and hopefully we will see other advanced auto manufacturers following suit once a proper infrastructure plan is created. That will also require some form of marketing opportunities to industry stakeholders (....and other industries that will benefit from that infrastructure. See Pure Michigan, Marketing Databases, Attracting SMEBranding Cities and Clusters,  ).

The article GM eyes investments of more than $4 billion in Michigan EV plants that includes two Michigan locations(It costs $1 to $2 Billion to start an EV plant). Plant 1: $2.5 billion battery facility near Lansing in partnership with LG Energy Solution (051910.KS) and Plant #2 another $2 billion build in Orion Township to produce electric trucks. You can read more about other types of car investments in Michigan in Whitmer's GM Announcement.  Michigan Economic Development also put together some state auto statistics. To move into more depth on the topice it is often beneficial to look at industry reports such as 'The State of US Automotive Industry' and 'Exploring the Mobility & Automotive Industry Cluster'.

When I checked Ford's site I noticed increases in EV efforts but didn't see many announcements specifically focused on Michigan (According to some recent announcements they have decided to invest outside of Michigan indicating that the strategy shift appears to be true. There are ways to avoid this in the future. If the State of MI invests in hard infrastructure in conjunction with major manufacturers and suppliers they might become one of the most cost-value effective places to invest; regardless of reasonable tax rates. See $18.5 Billion MI Christmas Think about how shipping, resources, labor, etc....included in clusters and how the availability of such factors/resources influence the cost of conducting business. Tax rate is subjective based on the benefits the cluster offers in terms of rapid innovation and the infrastructure that allows for the shortest lead time between prototype and full production; not to mention decreased costs and improved access to resources. Ford trying to recreate much of that in a new location would seem short and mid term counterintuitive. Not sure on the strategy. It could work in the long run but the benefits aren't as likely to be realized as those who utilize new advanced infrastructure and have access to resources needed by shifting industries to quickly adapt and grow. In other words, there are also long term risks for Ford that is dependent in part on what MI does. Better to hedge with other industries to improve the export oriented structures that can push an industry to global leadership; in our case reclaim. See Systems Thinking, Industry Game Theory,  Cross Structure SynergyInstitutional Investors Cluster Stages, Economic Platforms, Perpetual Sustainable Development and American Semiconductor Cluster. I have been working on a theory and wrapping it back into itself to ensure it helps explain potential phenomenon as well as maintain an internally consistent logic. The model is just used to help explain the bigger phenomenon. Its just an its up to each person to determine its merit. Theory of Transactional Clusters. Its just a theory so and a Delta County Model

Where the industry development magic really happens during ground breaking innovation is in situations where companies like Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler, Toyota, etc... work in collaboration and competition within a similar larger system where resources and ideas spill over from one to the other. It is those shared competencies and resources that expand homegrown supply chains, educational competencies, advanced design engineering, tertiary industries, etc... Success in one industry often changes the technology available for other industries who then seek their own production contracts in locations that minimize their risks and increase their likelihood of success. 

The basic auto and manufacturing infrastructure currently exists in Michigan and seeing the the benefits of localized pack investing often leads to larger outcomes beyond the initial investments. The state can still recover by working with GM to attract other car manufacturers, suppliers, similar tech firms and long term EV investments that can build off of prior infrastructure systems (I looked around for some resources and found MICHauto Investment that talks about retaining the auto industry in Michigan. Some more information on Drive Electric Week.)

Furthermore a quick review of a couple of car companies/suppliers show there is increased investments by auto manufacturers in the general Great Lakes region (Someone would have to run the official numbers and do an actual formal analysis to determine what areas, products and extent.). That could be an indication of larger ramping of up of next generation transport and aerospace technology produced in Michigan and wider Great Lakes region (Michigan should develop a plan to rejuvenate the state through innovation, small-business/start-ups, advanced manufacturing, investments and tourism.). 

If true that significant resources are making their way to the area it could be indicative of industries starting to adapt to a national trend into the Digital Era/Information Age. A strong EV auto and space industry matched with an export oriented infrastructure investments could create butterfly sparks into other industries. (See Delta County Multi Industries and Butterfly Effect Innovation).. (Maybe or maybe not? It depends on choices, political capital, investment climate, etc....lots of different factors involved.) The point being if we believe we have a chance to return manufacturing to Michigan (US) on the cusp of digital technology changes, then participating industries could ride the upswing in renaissance type innovations. Whether or not we "frolic" through the fields of opportunity is highly dependent on our choices today at a time when many industries are shifting toward emerging markets (Which will determine in part whether the U.S. will lead or follow). 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

What is the Summit for Democracy?

The Ouroboros represents the
cycle of renewal. Science and Democracy
Scientific Education=Science Literacy=Reflective Citizen=Democracy
The Summit for Democracy was/is an international pro-Democracy forum hosted by the U.S. Department of State as an avenue to raise awareness of the risks to democracy itself. You can obtain some additional information on their main page 'The Summit for Democracy'. As a response to seeing democracy backslide around the world, the U.S. put together a summit to discuss and display commitment to democracy from government, civil society, and the private sector leaders. The message resonating is that we have to renew our commitment to certain democratic principles if we expect them to survive.

Authoritarianism mixed with corruption that moves beyond the financial incentives to include circumventing human rights seems to be growing as an international trend (From a sociological perspective one could say there are shifts in the underpinnings of society.). Authoritarianism is antithetical to a free people who decide things collectively by ensuring the natural power and rights of each individual is not supplanted by the selfish needs of the few. Democracy has its roots in the very beginning formation of our civilization (beyond western civilization) and is essential to our success (or failure depending on the ability to make it a relevant philosophy for each generation's problems.).

There are always forces that seek to gain power over others and that often means they would need to undermine our democratic institutions by casting long shadows of doubt through unjustified criticisms. There is always room for legitimate criticism of public institutions and when well thought out are worth their weight in gold. There is a difference between undermining and reflecting for future growth. Our institutions should and can adjust but we as a people must commit to working within those anchor institutions to ensure our way of life persists. Unjust criticism often is amebic by nature and doesn't offer many solutions.  

Nietzsche believed that people always want more power using motive based behaviors throughout their lives in his publication Will to Power. This deep seated urge is precisely the reason why we need strong trusted institutions that act with integrity so as to ensure the power stays in the collective. Corruption, hyper politics, radicalism, elitism, etc... all reduce that trust and in turn breaks the mutually agreed upon bonds of common destiny. (Ok...I know...I'm just being philosophical here.)

The event seems to focus on rebuilding international commitment to democracy. In this case, it looks like the U.S. is trying to lead this conversation (Which isn't a bad strategy or rebuilding our international position.) to attract democratic supportive governments to work toward the bigger picture. Participating organizations/countries can support each other in this process by the free exchange of ideas, peoples, and commerce mixed with thoughtful feedback (so we aren't blinded) in a way that often leads to greater long-term partnerships.

Our problems won't dissipate until there is firm commitment to essential American values and our hierarchy of beliefs puts core essential principles primary in decision making (i.e. Constitution, rule of law, freedom of speech, etc....)  You may want to read 'What is a Backsliding Democracy and Why was the U.S. Added?' to gain an additional perspective on how and why the U.S. was included as a society that became more authoritarian. The good news is we can reverse this trend if we rebuild our centralists, ensure our institutions focus on their missions, remove corruption (of any type) and draw people into a single vision of who we are and where we want to go. 

I could probably go on and on and on about some needed changes such as more focus on balancing the economy with small business (opportunities that create net positives), hiring for skill/ability and not nepotism, universalized justice system, focus on innovation, building a high values adaptable export oriented infrastructure (i.e. ports, Internet, multiple source energy grids, etc....) and attracting HQ and manufacturing to the U.S. Moving beyond hard infrastructure we can turn attention to the importance of arts (poetry, meaningful music, painting, drawing, dance, etc....) to embed our essential beliefs (There is a historical pattern to art I believe with the same symbolic impressions "core truths" that come up in every society and in every generation. Art is about teaching values and beliefs in an entertaining way that breaks through our mental schemas that would have likely missed the message of the authors. See Thousand Years, Red Queen , Vervet MonkeysHyperpolitics and Dem/Rep Comp.🤓) 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Subtle Form of Discrimination or Fair Management Judgement (How Would You Interpret It? Community College Example)

The Importance of 
Quality Education
to Our Young
There is overt and subversive types of discrimination of which the later is the most dangerous. Because its not direct it is hard to address and has far reaching consequences for the full development of communities and society. Subtle forms of discrimination can be very hard to put your finger on because candidates can be rejected for any reasons or no reason at all. To determine whether its an accurate reason, a reasonable reason, or a discriminatory reason are elusive without accurate information. We continue to discuss and debate these issues in a nation that is now diverse and our long term survival of our republic depends on solutions that bind us together. 

Let me give you an example of how this might work at community college. Based on the job description you are a qualified candidate that exceeds the requirements of the position by education, skill, academic/professional experience. No response on a number of applications to various prior adjunct positions but as a stand alone factor it isn't of much concern. In and of itself means nothing because sometimes more qualified candidates are found and that would make sense.

You apply for an adjunct position and someone from HR gets back to you right away because they have a desperate need. The HR representative looked at your resume and thought you would be a good match as he/she explains that you are more than qualified. You agree to fill out the application and submit by the next day and in turn spend an hour or two getting it done to fulfill the hurried request.

There is one caveat. You don't have your references because you haven't applied for an adjunct position in a while. The system won't let you put the application in until you have a reference. You put a place holder reference in and get back to the HR representative and let them know you completed the application but didn't put the references in but if they need them you will get them. 

Indicates Global Societies
Need Leaders of Capable of Understanding
to Create Intellectual Capital
and Financial Success. That will be hard skill to develop
 if we don't expose students
global cultures and practices.
Diversity Intelligence
You come up with a few good names of people have worked with and reach out to the HR representative again about the references (Actually you can exceed their reference requirements because you have been in the field for a while and have not only received high evaluations but have a history of positive working relationships.). Nothing! No response! You send an email to the HR director inquiring if there is still a need. Nothing! Dead silence!

You make the assumption that they don't need you and promise yourself that you will apply to the next adjunct position and have the references ready to put in the application (Regardless of if they tell you to get your application in quickly or not.). At the time you thought you were doing them a favor (I guess yourself as well) and were doing what they needed and requested. Sometimes wires get crosses so your open to alternative explanations but the lack of response is concerning.

A red flag is sort of raised by the incident. Is it because you did something wrong, your not qualified, small town rumors, discrimination or something else? You really don't know...but its an odd situation. So the best thing you can do is sort of keep your eye out for new adjunct spots and "chalk it up" as an unexplained event. However, you scratch head as the concept of "did they really find a more qualified candidate?" and even if they did what is the "ghosting" and rude/unprofessional behavior about (Keeping in mind its not a university town and its isolated so some types of candidates are likely to be in limited supply.)🤔?

That is the problem with subtle forms of discrimination (not saying it is that yet) because like passive aggressive behavior its hard to address appropriately (maybe there is a psychological association between the two. See Passive Aggression-Discrimination and how it impacts not only "others" but also our veterans.) Behaviors could mean something or they could mean nothing (Its highly subjective without factual information.). Your personal and professional judgements believes its not "nothing" but you can't definitively say "its something". You can suspect it is based in bias, you suspect its based the "rumor mill" but you can't really say one way or another (See how this is difficult to say concisely?). 

However, we do know that if ("If" is the term and under what criteria?) such practices are occurring it runs counter to EEOC and Federal Law and limits the type of experiences students have (As based in the mission statement and the needs of tax payers.). Thus, the beliefs and decision of one person(s) impacts the student body by lowering the quality of education and in turn the mission and values of the entire organization (by extension anyone who attends and that in turn represents are large part of the community. Their decision may be limiting the future of youths/students in the area.). Does it really matter? Probably not....not unless we believe its important. 

How you interpret the situation might be dependent on your value system and your background. A far right ideology adherent might say...."Who cares? Do you think someone should just give you the position if you didn't earn it? I'm tired of these people always complaining!" While someone of the far left persuasion might retort, "Our society is inherently discriminatory and its exactly this type of masked biased that creates all the problems! Hiring mangers [companies, colleges, etc...] do what they want with no accountability! It must end!". Someone in the middle might say, "I don't know if its either one way or another. I do know that young adults should be exposed to different types of faculty and if the person exceeds qualifications they should not be rejected without serious consideration." The HR person might dig into their legal training and say, "They didn't put in their references [or other selection criteria] so I reject everyone who doesn't do that regardless of whether they were informing me of their time frame! I can find more justification if needed to support my decisions.".  ....or maybe something else. (I claim to know little here.)

What do you think? Managers discretion or something more? Try and answers it for yourself and your personal learning and solidification of what you believe. Which values should take precedence in our society? These issues will become increasingly important as we deal with the pressures and pushes of two different visions for America (I suspect the more practical vision will win out but you never know.) butting against the pressures of an interconnected global society (They have interests as well in how we turn out as a nation.). 

The goal is to highlight that as a society we are changing and we will struggle with similar issues in towns, companies, higher education and other institutions across the country....but it is these issues that will tie us together or break us apart. The causes and solutions can be amebic and of course can't always see these situations clearly because we are not "flys" on the wall. Despite academics and politicians and the general populace debating such concepts they often do so based on existing values. As a nation we will need to move toward national reconciliation where we compete as a single people with a single overriding vision (This is a team and organizational perspective and not a promotion of any political agenda.). As academics we have a duty to raise such issues for general mental consumption by societal stakeholders (and researchers). "Responsibilities of Doctors".We will someday find a way through the fog and politically dicey issues. See "The Intolerance of Tolerance-Respectful Civic Debate on Campuses". You may also want to read a study on how higher education is globalizing in 'The Development of Global Higher Education in a World of Transformation' and a somewhat dated University of Michigan study ,'Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes'.

Mense, Evan & Lemoine, Pamela & Garretson, Christopher & Richardson, Michael. (2018). The Development of Global Higher Education in a World of Transformation. Journal of Education and Development. 2. 47. 10.20849/jed.v2i3.529. 

Gurin, P., Dey, E., Hurtado, S., & Gurin, G. (2002). Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes. Harvard Educational Review, 72(3), 330-367. Retrieved from

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Act Seeks to Ensure Veterans Affairs is Updated and Functioning at Full Capacity

On November 17th, 2021 HR4626 was referred to Congressional Committee on Veterans Affairs. You can read the bill HERE .  HR 4626 goes by the title of “VA Assessment by Independent Measures Act” or the “VA AIM Act”.' The act is designed to ensure that the VA functions with efficiency, cost effectiveness and with positive outcomes. Based on some of the troubles of the past it is important to ensure we continuously improve the VA department (as well as perhaps all other departments as a general approach) to ensure positive outcomes that serve our veterans and society.

In general it states, "Independent Assessments.—Not less frequently than once every 10 years, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall enter into one or more contracts with a private sector entity or entities described in subsection (d) to conduct an independent assessment of the hospital care, medical services, and other health care furnished by the Department of Veterans Affairs."

Government systems are sometimes known to have problems because they become stuck using certain processes/mindsets that don't change quickly as the private sector to market factors (This is why govt. outsources. If they get efficient and effective they could outsource less.). Many of our systems are antiquated and based in the WWII post war emergence. We are moving into a new way of functioning (Digital Era/Information Age) and older systems will be thrusted to update not only to collaborate with wider stakeholders but also because people expect them to update. 

A formula showing how to measure
Bureaucrat performance by principle-agent problems
of incentives, selection, and measurement.
(Besley, et. al 2021

What I like about this Bill is that it offers a mechanism to create adjustments and changes to ensure the system stays increasingly effective (We know that every 10 years.). All systems must continuously tweak toward greater efficiency and effectiveness to create the building blocks to a more functioning larger governmental system. That is unlikely to happen without some type of audit and review (Based on appropriate performance metrics that still likely need to be defined and will continue to be defined.). However, there is something to think about here.....ensuring that the auditors and people engaged  in the review are not looking simply toward efficiency but also adjusting the entire system with "out of the box" thinking toward greater effectiveness through cross organization functionality. Thus reach, effectiveness, performance, and cross institution (vendor and other agencies) integration is helpful to develop immersive (total vs. disjointed) services that use our resources well to create "net positives" for society. 

"There is a strong positive cross-sectional relationship between the level of bureaucratic capacity and the level of economic development as measured by GDP per capita." (Besley, et. al, 2021, Pg 9, para 2)

Besley, T. ,et. al (August, 2021). Bureaucracy and Development. (Working Paper 29163). National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved December 7th, 2021