Saturday, November 30, 2013

U-CAT the Robot Sea Turtle

Researchers Asko Ristolainen and Taavi Salumäe at the Centre for Biorobotics, Tallinn University of Technology developed a robotic sea turtle called U-CAT that has the capability  to explore underwater shipwrecks. With four independent flippers and cameras it can explore these tight cornered locations by moving in nearly any direction it needs to. The hope is that the images captured will be used to reconstruct sites to understand them better.

The robot will be used in tandem with other larger robots. At present most sea robots are put to use in Oil & Gas as well as defense. They are large and expensive machinery. Smaller companies need an alternative to exploring underwater sites without putting divers at risk.

Researchers copied the design of creatures in the wild. It helps to create useful machinery that does not kick up underwater sediment and can get in and out of hard to reach places. Using these small robots is more cost effective and functional than some of the alternatives on the market.

The copying of natural creatures in robotics is one way to hedge the natural development knowledge. Without this copying, researchers must invent completely new ways of producing robots. Using a natural prototype encourages faster development of such alternatives.

Other Reading:

The Economic Development of Society

Production and economic structure have a level of association when attempting to develop stronger economic growth. According to a paper by Tvaronaviciene & Lankauskiene (2013), a review of economic history finds that many of the main theories associated with economic growth are about platform growth. They propose in their literary study that economic growth often puts pressure to change the economic structure of society. 

Most researchers measure economic growth through GDP. As a benchmark, a large percentage of countries use natural resources to create wealth. Yet this approach is not sustainable in the end. The development of knowledge based societies and innovative sectors are more likely to maintain growth into the future. This growth improves upon the livelihoods of those within the workforce. 

Adam Smith produced the famous book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations (1776). Market forces are seen as the invisible hand and are generally better regulators than government (Willis, 2005). Societies that seek to gain wealth begin to improve upon their production and then export that production to other areas of the world. 

 John Maynard Keynes published the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936).  In Keynes argument, the free market could be a positive or a negative force and that investment was the real key to overall growth (Willis, 2005). Continually investing in newer infrastructure projects helps adjust the structure and maintain higher levels of growth. 

One method of increasing development was the mobilization of domestic and foreign savings in order to generate sufficient investment to accelerate economic growth (Todaro & Smith, 2011). Economies move from subsistence agriculture, to modern urbanized centers and into more industrial diverse manufacturing and services.  In order for an economy to develop, it must move transit from one economic structure to a higher structural platform. 

The paper discusses the movement from a primarily agricultural society to one an urban society with products and services. It does not really move beyond this point but does hint how social structure can advance through advancements in technology. If we look at the pace of technology development as seen in portable computers, social media, micro manufacturing, etc. the next level of development is not yet clearly defined. True sustainability is based in the high capacity development generated from the advanced technologies of modern times. These technologies create a higher platform where various entities can help form profound new products and services through the contribution of interconnected societal elements. 

Willis, (2005). Theories and practices of development. Routledge, Taylor & Fracis group: London and New York. 

Todaro, M. & Smith (2011). Economic development (Eleventh edition). Pearson Education limited: England.

Tvaronaviciene, M. & Lankauskiene, T. (2013). The impact of production factors and economic structures on economic development. Business Theory and Practice, 14 (1).

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Best Deals of Black Friday

How to find the Best Deals?

NASA Brings Keplerstein Back to Life-Kepler Space Telescope

The Kepler Space Telescope comes alive once more. After two out of four wheels failed in May of this year, the space mission has been out of commission. With a little ingenuity, the scientists believe they can get the telescope to work another year.  

The telescope needs at least three of its four wheels to work properly. This allows them to adjust direction and hold its position steady in order to study planets far out in space. Using the solar panels at the sides of the telescope NASA believes that they can even distribute light pressure to keep the telescope pointed in the right direction. 

The only problem is that it can be in proper alignment only part of the year thereby seriously limiting its mission and abilities. Senior administrators are likely to determine the cost and benefit of such a project for the 2014 year. However, the telescope’s costs has already been sunk into its design, production, launch and use. It is hoped that another year of operation will cost much less than preceding years.

At present, scientists have significant amounts of data and they have not yet found the time to analyze it all. Through independent verification, they believe that approximately 103 earth-like planets within the habitable zone could exist. Further analysis of the results will help in determine if there are others worth analyzing. 

Other Pictures:

Wine Review: Rex Goliath-Lots of Value for a Little Chicken Scratch

Are you seeking a wine that is good for sports night sipping that can cater to a variety of tastes? You may want to pull together a few dollars and buy HRM Rex Goliath 47 Pound Rooster Merlot. Some of the words that might describe Rex Goliath’s Merlot dark, ripe, smooth, plumb, cedar, and cherry. Very little back of the tongue tannin aftertaste but still maintains mouth-filling flavor. It is a medium-bodied wine from California.  One of the best wine values I have come across for under $5.00.

According to Rex 47 Pound Rooster is the 1152st most popular wine on their site. Various other reviews rank the wine 3.5-4 out of 5 stars. This means that most of the customers found the wine to be of quality value and a discount price. Comments such as “great taste”, “smooth”, and “candy” are common.

My personal impression is that the wine is great for casual drinking. It is likely to cater to a very broad range of non-serious wine drinkers. Low tannin and acidity help make the wine comfortable to the average crowd. By no means is it a high quality wine but it tastes just fine for the price. Some love it, some call it flat, but I am somewhere in the middle.

In case you are wondering whom that big bird is on the bottle it is Rex Goliath the world’s largest rooster. People came to Texas’s fairs to see and hold the large rooster. The label is part of its vintage artwork and circus banner. The wine’s label is designed to honor the animal by providing a strong option for everyday chicken pairing.

Silver Medal
2013 Critics Challenge
2013 Long Beach Grand Cru
2013 World Value Wine Challenge
Best Buy, 89 Points
2013 World Value Wine Challenge
88 Points

2013 Ultimate Wine Challenge

Healthy Cooking: Chocolate Biscotti for Less than 50 Calories

http://cornerofheaven1.blogspot.roSnacks, cookies and fudge are great for the holidays. The problem is that they contain loads of calories and fat grams, which are probably not the best for you. However, if you are looking for a great dunking biscotti with 50 calories this might be the recipe for you. This type of chocolate biscotti is offered at Starbucks, Pete’s coffee shop, or other similar places and have 150-200 calories. This is a low calorie alternative. Use with coffee or tea.

Mix in bowl one:
3 egg whites (no yellow)
1/3 cup avocado oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tbs. concentrated (strong) coffee

Mix in bowl two:
1& 2/3 cup all purpose flower
½ cup sugar
¾ cup cocoa mix (sweet or unsweetened)
1 tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
1/3 cup walnuts
1/3-1/2 cup cranberries

Slowly mix all of the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients. Using a mixer will save your arms and effort.  Once a consistent mixture is completed, two logs which are 12” inches long 1.5 inches high and 6” wide, and formed on a greased cooking sheet.

Place the two logs in a 350-degree oven for approximately 30 minutes. Let the partially cooked logs cool for around 10-15 minutes. Cut 1.5” width biscotti size pieces along the entire length of the log. Flip the pieces on their side so that the cut side faces upwards. Place back in the oven at 350 degrees for approximately 20 minutes.

Upon their completion, the biscotti should cool on a rack. It is also possible to adjust this recipe to include melted chocolate or icing poured onto each piece to give it additional flavor. Keep in mind, this will change and adjust the calorie count of each piece. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

David Hume’s Construction of Senses, Thoughts and Science

David Hume was a Scottish Philosopher (1711-176) who gained fame and wealth as an essayist and historian. He spent a considerable amount of time discussing the non-intellectual aspects of human experience and the factors that create knowledge. His arguments were more in line with naturalist, pragmatists, and positivists. He believed that the relations of ideas and matters of fact are the greatest place to start a concept. 

In his work, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding the section Origin of Ideas is of significant interest. He believed that the senses are only representations of actual objects within the environment. There is a fundamental difference between experiencing and the reflection of experience. The experience and then the reflection lead to the formation of thoughts. 

Impressions come from the senses. The senses of taste, sight, smell, hearing, and touch draw information from the environment in different ways. This information is used to make conclusions from the available data. Multiple conclusions can be used to construct larger and larger understandings of the environment.  To have full understanding one must conceptually blend the conclusions to make stronger cognitive maps. 

Rational thought is the process of understanding clearly, what the five senses are bringing forward. Those who have the ability to sense their environment more are able to draw greater amounts of information that leads to higher complexities of thought. This creates an accuracy that is rooted in rationality but beyond the sensory impressions of others. 

Science is the testing of senses to ensure that the most information is drawn from the environment, a type of cause and effect. Validity increases when multiple people experience the same phenomenon and can describe that phenomenon in rational ways (i.e. we all know what the color red is). The problem is that this is a common experience but ignores the concept that red is more accurately based in the reflection of light (a non-common experience that is valid). 

Learning and thought formation is a concept of awareness. Awareness is processes of helping other people construct various data to come to rational conclusions.  If they do not understand the factors, cannot put them together, or are not willing to pay attention they cannot come to the same conclusions.  Open mindedness is a frame of mind, meaning that one is open to different possibilities and makes rational judgments based upon the quantitative (rational) analysis of those possibilities.

What are your assumptions not based in fact that hold you back from understanding?

Thanksgiving as an Example of How Business can Further Societal Interest

In 1620, a small ship named the Plymouth with 102 passengers landed on the new American shores. In 1621, the colonists and the Wampanoag Indians shared a meal together from the harvest. By this time, the 102 members were down to about half due to their first year spent on the ship trying to survive the cold. They were greeted by a Native American who spoke English after returning home from a slavery escape at the hands of an English captain. Without that Native American’s help, the Plymouth visitors may have perished.

I wonder what was going through this Native American’s head and why he took such pity on the European settlers. Regardless of the reasons, he decided that him and his band of people would help the settlers find a stronger footing. The peace seemed to have worked out.  Perhaps it was his familiarity with the values of human life that made all of the difference in his decision process. Certainly, he and his band could have made it difficult for the Puritans to get off  the ship. 

It is also important to remember that the Puritans would have stayed in Holland if they did not find some way of starting over.  They had a need to create their own destiny and the new land seemed like a great opportunity. The problem they faced was that they did not have the money or resources to pay for such a trip on their own. They needed the business community’s help.

An investment group by the name of Merchant Adventurers looked upon the Puritans who fled to Holland to avoid English persecution positively and decided to finance their operations. As the Merchant Adventurers were a joint-stock company that invested in fine clothing, trade, fishing, and other activities they thought the trip may someday prove fruitful. The Puritan group was seeking more freedom and the investors were seeking greater opportunities. It seemed to have worked out in mutual self-interest. 

Business and societal change are part of the same existence. We often view business as separate from these wonderful moments in human history. Yet they are the motivations, resources, and pressures that help create meaningful interactions. Business can be a problem solver or a problem creator and this depends on the person making the decisions and the environmental pressures they face.  Yet, when we think outside of conventional approaches, we may find that there are times when business can further human interest.

Other Reading:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Three Searchable Black Friday Sites

If you’re planning to avoid the long lines and enjoy holiday shopping while not having to skip out on the family you may want to enjoy some Black Friday Sites. Nothing is more annoying than freezing in a line all evening in order to be a“door buster” who screams, clobbers, and pull products out of each other’s hands.  Why go through the mess when you can search online?

Each of these sites is chosen because they allow for a searchable function.  Because I am seeking a T3I Cannon Rebel 18.1 Megapixel professional camera for under $350, I decided to wait until Black Friday to make my purchase.  Instead of banging down the door I better spend the holidays with family and let my fingers do all of the work.  It not only saves time but also saves the masses of crowds.

Black Friday started somewhere in Philadelphia and expanded to other areas as a time when holiday shopping starts.  Before this time, it was associated with Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and the 1864 stock market crash. Some believe it is a time when large retailers with huge overhead start to turn a profit for the year. This profit is one reason why the Holiday season, including Black Friday, becomes a major benchmark for retailers. A few percentage points can make a huge difference.

Book Review: Brand Asset Management by Scott Davis

Brand Asset Management by Scott Davis discusses the development of a brand image that sells within the modern market. Brand asset management is the inherent value organizations gain by having a proper image and brand for both the company and the market. Ensuring that the brand meets customer expectations is one way in strengthening your marketing prospects.

A brand is the forward face of the company that comes with significant competitiveness. According to the book 72% of customers will pay a 20% premium on their brand, 50% a 25% premium and 40% of customers will pay up to a 30% premium. This makes developing a brand a very lucrative endeavor. 
  • Developing stronger brands can lead to some of the following benefits:
  •  Loyalty that drives business.
  •  Brand-based price premiums that offer higher margins
  •  Strong brands that lend credibility to new product releases
  •  Greater shareholder and stakeholder returns
  •  Clear, valued and sustainable point of differentiation relative to competition
  •  Clarity in internal focus and brand execution.
  •   Forgiveness when a company makes a mistake
  • 70% of customers use brands to guide their purchases.

Developing strong brands takes some time. It is processes of creating the right image for the company by having commitment to the right values. The book will help highlight the concept of brand pictures, brand asset management strategies, and supporting a brand management culture. It is a process of creating an external image by focus on internal principles.

Davis, S. (2002) Brand Asset Management. San Francisco: Josey-Bass

Art: The Concert by Johannes Vermeer

The Concert was painted by Johannes Vermeer in 1664 and was stolen in 1990. The painting features a harpsichord, singing and other pictures. Items are thrown around in the foreground in a haphazard manner. These items include jugs, carpet, mirrors and other items. The impression appears to be a casual meeting within a manor or home familiar to the author. 

The meaning seems obscure and many don’t understand what message the painter is trying to portray. There are some hints with the paintings on the wall. Many have come to the conclusion that the author is trying to discuss harmony but hinting at something improper by nature. A special time and a special place with each member focused squarely on the process of music production. 

It is also possible to see a lute and violin by the table indicating that this room may be one for music only. The people within the painting are completely unaware they are being observed indicating that they are true musical lovers. The room appears to be a blend of the real and the imagined indicating that Vermeer used both real objects as well as his memory. 

The painter Johannes Vermeer was born around 1632 and died in 1675. He was seen as a middle class painter that appeared to complete much of his work out of local scenes as well as his home. Most of his paintings were with women. He did not complete many paintings and appeared to take considerable amount of time with each one which is apparent in their depth.  His death left his family in debt.

Other Reading: