Showing posts with label space exploration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space exploration. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gaia Space Probe Seeks to Map a Billion Stars

The European Space Agency launched on Thursday the Gaia space probe into the darkness to discover worlds still unknown. Its mission is to discover, record, detail movement and determine the potential substance of a billion stars in the Milky Way (1). Over the next five years it is believed that the probe will create a census of our solar system in a way no other ship has yet been able to complete. 

The Gaia is also equipped with a digital camera. This is not a normal camera you may find on your Android Phone. It is a billion pixel camera that can scan great distances to take pictures with significant clarity (2). This will help researchers determine what they are seeing in space and where planets are located. 

The amount of data processing is huge. Gaia will find a place out in space where gravitational pulls will allow it to sit still and take pictures of the galaxy around it. At a cost of a billion dollars it will be able to beat out the abilities of the Kepler system by cataloging many large worlds (3). The program will run for five years. 

It is appears that the sequence of recent flights that the space race has heated up again. From China’s soft landing on the moon to the potential colony on mars the technology has rounded a corner. Google’s purchasing of robotic companies and other innovative developments have created more opportunities in mutual technological advancement.

Friday, November 29, 2013

NASA Brings Keplerstein Back to Life-Kepler Space Telescope

The Kepler Space Telescope comes alive once more. After two out of four wheels failed in May of this year, the space mission has been out of commission. With a little ingenuity, the scientists believe they can get the telescope to work another year.  

The telescope needs at least three of its four wheels to work properly. This allows them to adjust direction and hold its position steady in order to study planets far out in space. Using the solar panels at the sides of the telescope NASA believes that they can even distribute light pressure to keep the telescope pointed in the right direction. 

The only problem is that it can be in proper alignment only part of the year thereby seriously limiting its mission and abilities. Senior administrators are likely to determine the cost and benefit of such a project for the 2014 year. However, the telescope’s costs has already been sunk into its design, production, launch and use. It is hoped that another year of operation will cost much less than preceding years.

At present, scientists have significant amounts of data and they have not yet found the time to analyze it all. Through independent verification, they believe that approximately 103 earth-like planets within the habitable zone could exist. Further analysis of the results will help in determine if there are others worth analyzing. 

Other Pictures:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nano Nano! Are there other Earth Planets? Scientists Think So!

NASA scientists discover potentially billions of earth like planets. In 2009, after the Kepler space telescope was launched, interesting data indicates there may be other earths in our solar system.  According to proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences nearly one in five of the 11 billion planets have at least one earth-like planet orbiting it.  It has opened a new perspective to scientists, researchers, and space buffs.

These planets are within 12 light years away which is not that far once the right equipment is available. It should be remembered that Columbus first proposed the idea of finding a new Asian route in 1485 and on his third voyage hit mainland South American in 1498 (13 Years). 1492 was the year he discovered the islands and he did not move at the speed of light.

Around 2011, scientists discovered the Kepler-22b that contains stars within appropriate orbits around the sun. This means they could contain water and possibly be within the human habitable zone. Being in this zone means there is a chance they contain carbon based life forms, could be visited, or even colonized. Of particular interest is the Kepler-62f which has about 40% more mass than earth. Many other small earths were also discovered.

In the Milky Way it is believed that 11 billion of the 50 billion planets are earth like. Most of them are likely to be composed of substances that cannot contain life such as rocks, gases, small atmospheres, etc. Yet if we look at the odds of the 11 billion containing a few thousand, or more, of earth like planets containing earth qualities the overall findings become significant. 

NASA scientists were monitoring 147,000+ planets to try and determine if similar planets were rarer or more of a common occurrence. They investigated changes in light from interstellar movement, distance from sun and temperatures that may contain life. The scientists vow to find more information and seek additional answers despite the eventual malfunctioning of the telescope.

As technology develops we may someday be sitting on one of those planets looking back at Earth through a telescope wondering how we got there. The answer is likely to be something along the lines of, “After crawling out of the wilderness a few great minds like Einstein and Ibn Sina dared to dream”.  We will ponder our long development from eking out a living with simple bone tools to navigating interstellar spacecraft. We may even wonder what happened to the other dreamers who contributed to this triumphant moment…and with a sigh, remember the improper uses we found for those primitive instruments. 

Moving from a flat earth to a round one, having the sun circle us to us circling the sun, from one continent to the next, to being one earth among many, human perception has changed . This is the process of development that continues to widen and afford opportunities to understand a greater context of information. As new information enters the human conscious we become more aware of how we are one piece of a larger puzzle still holding petty differences that may soon fade away into irrelevance (a century near you).

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions."-Albert Einstein.

Read previous blog post, original journal publication, and theory of relativity HERE

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