Sunday, February 10, 2019

Would You Die for Your Kids? Primal Urges Sometimes Take Over

At the very deepest part of our souls, before all the socializing, is the primal need to protect our loved ones. Our very soul and nature depends on the survival of the next generation. It is only our rational minds that have put in place other ideas of value that include wealth, land, and status symbols. Kristina Stratton tried saving her children and died in the process. Would you do the same?

Her children were at home upstairs sleeping in a California fire and she ran into the fire to save her children. Sadly here children survived but she did not.

Of course we all say we would! Its expected of us to put others before our own needs. This includes our offspring and progeny. Yet it is a choice about who we are and many parents are unlikely to put their children's needs before their own unless they are healthy and aware. 

Healthy means living in the modern world and existing in a way that leads to greater growth of self and society. At the end of the day, it is the next generation that makes all of the difference. Our time has come but may of us don't know that. We are still focused on ourselves. 

I wonder why some parents do and some don't sacrifice for their children. The world is full of people who take resources from their kids. They may suck their feelings of safety or take their inheritance. It just happens as part of our species. No one really knows another's soul until they have everything to loose and that is where you see miracles happen. 

Saturday, February 9, 2019

How to Be Scientific and Creative

Scientific minds and creative minds are often seen as separate things. They are not! The scientific mind might explore minute details and the creative mind may experiment with new forms but they share something in common. They share that they are actively seeking to understanding something. The process of using specific data and creating a framework for that data to put it within context is important.

Scientific people weigh and balance. They use measurements to determine the strength between variables. They also seek out additional information to help "fill in the gaps". By learning the scientific method they can investigate ideas with sufficient confidence. They create valid and supported results.

The creative mind is more about creating forms and exploring the relationships between different variables. They are willing to think outside of standard wisdom and find new ways of seeing information. The creative person like art, music, and other exploratory activities.

The creative and scientific mind works best when it is in the same individual. One investigates in depth ideas while the other one creates new connections. You can't solve new and scientific problems without at first trying to find novel connections between the information. To be of a full mind requires the ability to think rationally and in unique ways.

Concerns over Income Distribution and Wealth for the "Little Guy"

Life isn't always fair. People with lots of money get an easier time than people with little money. If you haven't tried to climb up from the bottom you have no idea how difficult that is. Even people who work very hard, all the time, receive very few of the rewards. Those that do seem to be in "hot" markets and knew where and how they needed to spend their college dollars.

Let me say that the system does seem a little rigged but also that higher wages don't solve all the problems. If we pay Americans more, companies just move overseas and circumvent our laws. At the same time, we do know that those who are wealthy and in charge of such companies receive advantages by keeping wages low.

There is no easy solution to this and people who say they do often have no idea what they are talking about. They are either on the Left or the Right of the argument. No doubt we need to do something about how people are paid and how they are not. The system must be cleaned from undo influence that hampers small businesses and American families.

The first thing I might think about is how to ensure that American small family businesses have an opportunity to succeed. They should have some protections from being "swamped" by larger more powerful companies. A small inventor should not be sued by a larger company just to bankrupt them and take the patent.

That would require our judges to be moral. They often look at the fine points of the law and dissect in that mindset. It is hard to legislate morality. The judges will need to agree that certain value of fair play are important in society.  The rules should not be skewed in favor of the powerful or otherwise these rules just become part of the problem.

Businesses That Sell Something Unique Win

Businesses are competing for clients and trying to make things work. They are buying and selling products but not sure how to get the next step up from their competition. Small businesses should be focused on selling something unique in order to compete. Trying to compete on price and quality is difficult when you are not buying in bulk.

The other day I went down to Kansas City BBQ and had a great sandwich. This was where Tom Cruise was filmed in Top Gun. An excellent place to visit that has become famous for its food and the show. It isn't upscale and isn't the nicest place in town but does offer something the others cannot.

If you have a small business you will want to sell something unique. Something that no one else in the area has. You can do this by conducting a comparative analysis of businesses that may be your competitors and then offer something they don't have.

Knowing What Type of Workout to Do and When? Growth and Recovery

The first rule of working out is to enjoy yourselves! Much of what you do and what you don't do will depend on whether or not you are having fun. Beyond that there are plenty of different exercises and activities you can do that will encourage recovery and improved health. I have created two lists that may be helpful.

Growth and Recovery: You are in your growth period trying to gain muscle and actively improve health.
-Jogging, speed walking, elliptical, etc...
-Sports and competition.

Recovery: You are sore and need time to recover. Some light activities will help you do this.
-Tai Chi and moving medication

Friday, February 8, 2019

Poll Shows American Adults Don't Value Higher Education as Much as Executives

Eighty-two (82%) percent of executives believe that it is very important for people to get a college degree according to a survey by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. You can contrast that to a Gallup Poll that says only 45% of adults have high confidence in the value of higher education. There seems to be a disconnect between companies and people. Americas may not see the inherent value in higher education like they once did. 
Creative Commons

I often wondered what life would have been like if I focused on getting certificates and working without being an intellectual of some type. I cannot say I would enjoy work as much but I don't know. Not having student loans seems to be helpful. Maybe I could just go to my library for free!

Of course one could also argue that you can go to the library and get all the knowledge you want without stepping into a university. This is actually true but you are unlikely to have any guidance on that information. There will be certain topics you will not understand even if you read them. The degree is what sells. 

Executives seem to be focused on broad skills that cut across different degrees. The most important seem to be oral communication, critical thinking, ethical judgment, teamwork, written communication and application of skills & knowledge. Such executives are looking at broad skills and taking into consideration specific skills in their analysis. 

They also found that specific skills are important for functioning within the workplace. Thus curriculum should have the broad and the specific built within it. The specific provides them with the ability to function in their work while the broad skills focus more on developing a framework for understanding their work and continuing to learn. 

AAC&U,  "Fulfilling the American Dream: Liberal Education and the Future of Work", 2018

Gallup, “Words Used to Describe ‘Higher Ed’ Make a Difference,” Gallup News, February 23, 2018,
Hart Research Associates, Falling Short? College Learning and Career Success (Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2015).

Tranquility on the Beach-The Way We Live Our Lives-Beach Tranquility Poem

Beaches bring with them a sense of tranquility and quietness. I can't even imaging living in San Diego, or other beach area, and not being on or near the beach. Walking, jogging, surfing, socializing and shopping become a beach community affair. If you spend enough time there you will eventually get to know most of the people that also live in these small communities.

Beach of Tranquility Poem

Soft waves roll their way up the sand. 
Ever reaching for something more in a soft stretch. 
Fingers roll up and roll down. 
Stretching and slowing with each tide. 
Inner tranquility comes from connecting with the beginning and knowing the end. 

People Who Dream! We Need a Few More!

Dreams are the stuff that creates new futures. There have always been dreamers among us that think the world can be a better place. They are the ones who change things, create things, and improve things. Without them we would never change and our society would stay the same forever. We would stop progressing as a species because the dreamers are all gone.

What does it mean to dream? It can be a dream about oneself or the world around them. It could be accomplishing some great feat or something as small as thinking about improvements in your life. It may be to rally a nation or rally a family.

Without the dream there can be no change. One must first think it before one does it. We must dream because we must advance or die. It is hardwired into our system that some of us will always strive to be a little more than what the world tells them is possible.

Not all dreams become reality but all dreams do help improve the world. Some dreams simply don't come true or people are not able to overcome challenges to make them a reality. Yet to dream is still to be a growing and developing person that influences the goals and directions of society. Dream because its in your nature to dream!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Why You Should Encourage Bullies to Get Help? Life Long Disruption

In real life people don't not always have an inner compass or concerned about the rights of others. While the majority of society sort of follows standards and codes of conduct, there are others who seem to violate them on a regular basis. While bullies feel they are entitled to whatever they want they are masking deeper pain and this presents an opportunity. Typically, they are looking for targets so they can feel better about themselves. They also receive the rewards that society gives them...up until a point!

Image result for bulliesWhy is Bullying Bad in the Workplace and In Life?

Society runs by certain rules. If someone is not attacking you and they are living their lives in a way that doesn't bother anyone, they should be allowed to go unimpeded. Bullies don't see it that way! Whether for physical or psychological gain they attack a target and disrupt the course of life in an unfair manner.

Why People Should Encourage The Bully to Get Help?

Bullies not only disrupt life they also damage people and relationships. Because Bullying is a pattern of behavior that has been learned over life and through deep pain they naturally are not going to stop. A single person could damage 10 or 20 people in their lifetime with no regret. With help they can discover their own personal pain and work on it so they don't project it onto others.

What Drives the Bully?

Bullies are driven by lots of cognitive dissonance (the image they have of themselves vs what the world sees) as well as pain (inner emotional turmoil that wants an outlet). There is a psychological benefit by projecting pain on others. They wish they could hurt themselves but find it easier to attack others. The more pain and disruption they create, the more powerful and lowered dissonance they receive. Their inner hate also leads to depression and other mental health issues.

What is the Bully Personality?

Bullies come with problems and issues that they are having a hard time overcoming themselves. You may not know it but they are suffering on the inside. Unfortunately, they infect other people around them with their toxic behavior and try and isolate anyone who finds such behavior inappropriate. They are often addicts of one type or another as many of the same mechanics that push them to be a bully also push them to hide their pain in alcohol or drugs.

Why Are Passive People Also Guilty?

Society owns part of the bully problem. If you see a crime and don't call the police or take some type of action you allowed the behavior to continue. Bullies only do things because others around them accept that behavior. Bullying is a social affair and anyone who either engages in the bullying or doesn't encourage the bully to stop if they have a reasonable opportunity to do so is also morally guilty.

Who is a Bully?

Bullies can be kids or adults, men or women, American or foreign, etc... Those bully kids in high school don't grow up to be mature adults without working on themselves or getting help. It can happen at work or it can happen within families. It could even happen in retirement facilities or churches. Wherever there are people their is also the possibility of dysfunctional personalities. Bullying is a toxic negative lifestyle that can impact anyone.

What the Bully Does?

Bullying is a method of control and projection. They lie, triangulate arguments, encourage collective bullying, isolate people, "snub" them, and act superior. There is an inherent flaw in their character that doesn't turn off hostile feelings that would allow more rational minds to move forward. Their core assumption about their worthlessness is covered by feelings of superiority that help protect their fragile egos from the truth. The key to discovering bully behavior is to look for damage, manipulation and control.

What to Do?

Remember that a bully is a weak person on the inside that feels pain and can't process that pain effectively. Each bully hides their pain and shame with anger. One wrong word could set them into a rage. They deserve a little empathy for their toxic plight but not at the expense of your safety. Standing up is important but don't get angry and engage in a battle. Stand your ground and disengage because bullies are very unlikely to stop once they get started. The self-reflection that represents highly developed adults simply doesn't exist here.

Bullies to Spread Rumors to Gain Flying Monkey Supporters (Proxies)-A2

Protecting Small Business and Local Wealth Through Legislation

Small businesses were always part of the American landscape from the beginning. While many small businesses still thrive there are many more that are going out of business because they can't compete against the large corporations. The businesses simply must have a higher margin simply because they don't have the volume of sales. Protecting them helps create a more vibrant economy that keeps money local.

You can have 5 good family businesses or you can support 1 larger business and a bunch of minimal wage workers. Ok...maybe things aren't this black and white. There are many shades of grey when evaluating the benefits and detractors of consolidating businesses.

Many times value of actions are evaluated by how much they contribute to the economy. The biggest question is not how much money is made but who actually receives this money and where does it go after? We will find that money is made, moves to fewer hands, and then out of the area.

Local businesses keep money local. They do that through rooting the business with their families and workers who spend money in towns. They also ask for business related services that are also very local. At the end of the day the create positive impact on businesses.

How do we support small businesses? Mostly through legislation. Legislation can be very important for helping protect the environment or workers. That is great! Unfortunately, legislation is also adjusted to support larger corporations through government action. Small businesses might be legislated out of the market giving larger businesses government sanctioned advantages based in part on political donations and self-interest.  We can support small business legislation that ensures well balanced policies that not only keep money local but also improves the economy of the nation.