Thursday, March 29, 2018

Detox vs Healthy Eating? Why Detox is Counterproductive for Weight Loss

Detox programs are popular in California and I know of people who are trying them. Of course there are programs out there that people have to pay for and this is one major motivator why some companies (and people) advocate for it. In most case they are just misinformed. There is very little difference between this and supplement companies that promote their products even when they are not healthy or helpful. What people don't realize is that there are dangers to using these programs and they are likely to gain even more weight when they are done.
They are unlikely to gain anything out of these detox programs and should focus on lifestyle and exercise changes.

Image result for detox weight lossWhat I have heard from people who have completed a detox program is that they often feel sick but do drop a few pounds; in their minds it is worth it! This includes weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and low energy. When they are done and begin to eat their normal routine again they usually gain the weight back because their metabolism has slowed. The same problem with all quick calorie restriction diets and this is why doctors no longer promote them without long term changes.

Unhealthy detox programs:

Serious calorie restriction, lack of nutrients, not eating well for days, with minimal protein and fiber. People who use these programs often have existing problems with weight and think this is a "magic" trick that leads to a quick solution. Unfortunately, they could cause themselves serious illness and sickness if they deprive their body of nutrients and blood sugars drop too low.  In some cases it can lead to malnutrition and even coma.

Why most weight loss programs like Weight Watchers have changed their program?

They no longer seek to radically limit your calorie intake but to instead teach you about healthy nutrition for lifestyle changes. In this case, they now have it right and are focused on eating proteins, vegetables, fiber, whole grains, and other foods that provides your body with natural nutrients it needs. Weight loss is a by product of a healthier lifestyle.

A healthy detox program:

If you are getting rid of bad fats, eating whole grains, protein, minimizing unnecessary carbohydrates your body doesn't currently need, and consuming lots of vegetables/fruits then "yes" this detox program will work. It isn't about calorie restriction. It is about eating healthy and could be maintained for a long time to improve health. Yet...this really isn't a detox is a eating healthy program!

Of course you will need to check with your doctor as to whether any detox program beyond simply eating healthy will make a difference. More than likely they will give you some nutritional and exercise advice.There are lots of people selling all types of things that we don't need and yet 2/3rds of Americans are overweight and obese!

Philosophy Crash Course

I believe that philosophy is part of a persons development and depth of their thinking. Without understanding we can't have a true grasp of the nature of life or the sciences. While most people are focused on what they are going to have for supper, while there are others who think about the greater universe and its needs. For those who want a crash reading I would suggest the following book.

Philosophy Crash Course: An In-depth Overview of History's Great Thinkers by Paxton Casmiro

Its an easy read and offers an opportunity to get the "skinny" on each of the major philosophers to understand what is out there in terms of thought. While most philosophy books written by philosophy professors seek to create a perception of wisdom through big words and complex sentences this book is for the average person.

Philosophy helps us balance our place in life by helping us understand our place in the world and the nature of people and society. A question most of us struggle with in our lives even though we don't know the question. There is a reason why we attend spiritual events and get involved in causes in order to find purpose.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Personal Attributes and Skill Needs of Marketing Graduates

Getting that degree and jumping into the next position may be difficult without the right kind of skills and personal attributes that appeal to employers. Higher education is partly about developing the whole person so they can be an active and engaged individuals in the workplace and society. Research helps us understand what employers are looking for from marketing graduates.

A study in the Journal of Marketing Intelligence & Planning help shed light on this issue.

Half of 250 employer recruitment profiles required a degree and 1/4 required a marketing degree (Wellman, 2010). However, experience was required. Skills needed were communications, interpersonal relationships, information and communications technology, planning, self‐management, decision making and problem solving. Personal attributes included creativity, responsibility, initiative, determination and confidence.

This study helps us understand that there are some skills that apply to many different types of areas. While marketing will teach you the specifics you need to function in your job most entry level positions will require that certain skills and personal attributes are developed. Employers are looking at the whole person. 

Wellman, N. (2010). The employability attributes required of new marketing graduates. Market Intelligence & Planning, 28 (7). 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Does Timing Meals and Fasting Work for Weightloss?

Does timing meals and fasting work? There is no conclusive answer yet and the jury is still out. There may be some benefits but no scientific results. Most of it has been from individuals who have tried it and claim they have lost weight.

How does it work?

Only eat during a 12 hour period and leave the other 12 hour period for not eating. It is believed that your body needs this time to adjust to not having food and without it we put our cicadian rhythm out of wack. We weren't designed to eat all the time. 

That we can agree with and it makes sense. 

However, the biggest benefit may simply be less calories being imputed into your body. Think about it. If you are eating when you feel hungry for 12 hours versus 18 hours that means you have less calories to burn off. 

This depends on your goals. 

If your hitting the gym and working out alot you would have to shove a lot of food in your mouth during that 12 hours to build muscle. However, if you are the average "Joe" who lives a sedentary life this may actually help out. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

When is it beneficial to "dump" someone?

People get upset over dumping someone and avoid the sting of rejection. Sure its painful to break the bonds that you started to create. However, when "red flags" arise and you need to back away you can do so with some grace. Other times you may need to just make things abrupt.

Remember that the goal is not short term dating but long term bonding with someone who is capable of developing a meaningful deep relationship.  Not all people can. There are a few rules you can learn when it is wise to consider "dumping" someone.

Before you go headlong into breaking ties remember that there are times you can work out your differences by simply being honest and asking for clarification. If the other person doesn't want to respond or doesn't care enough to give straight answers they may not be the "one" for you. It takes two and if they are not in; then they should be out!

1.) Too many questions but not enough answers is a time to reevaluate the benefit of the relationship. If the person cannot answer direct questions you should let them go because they don't care much about open dialogue to clear up misunderstandings.

2.) Ditching their phone for long periods of time could mean they are busy but could also mean they may be dating someone else. If this happens frequently and always with a "friend" then consider asking about it and if you don't like the answer let them go.

3.) They are so self-centered your needs don't count. If you are trying to balance both persons needs and no matter how you discuss and bring it up they are just interested in their own things, all the time even when it impacts the relationship, consider re-evaluating.

4.) If the person doesn't pick up their part of the bargain and try to maintain equity in the health of the relationship. If they are sucking your money, time, effort and give little in return you might be getting taken advantage of.

5.) If the person lies, gets angry and criticizes.  Sometimes these problems can be worked out by having appropriate boundaries, but if they are always putting you down they are hiding deep insecurities.  The anger and lies are a sign they are not forthcoming and working on building a trusting relationship.

6.) They are pushing away. If you are trying to draw closer but they are chronically pushing away, hiding, going out, and not involving you then let them go.

7.) When they are trying to change you to fit an image they have of what they want out of a partner. We all could use some feedback for improvement but if this is just for image purposes then you may not be what they want out of a partner. Its a no win situation.

So what to do?

Try and address your concerns with them and if they can't work on it or have an honest discussion then put some space between you and them. Let them know that the relationship is ending and you will give them some time to think about what they truly want. Sometimes that sparks renewed effort. If they don't come around just let them go and move on to someone better suited. Win in the long run and forget the short-term worries. If they haven't learning anything will carry the same problems onto the next relationship, and the next, and the next.....

Leadership Confidence Gets Things Done

Leadership inspires other. We could spend all day talking about how being reflective, quiet, nice sweet and gentle are signs of leadership. While these are tools that should be taken out of the box when needed with certain individuals. Leaders have a vision and push others to achieve it. That difference of confidence and self-doubt make the difference between can do and maybe can do.

The traits of leadership.

1. Confidence: Belief in the ability to get things done, belief in self and belief that people can be better than they are.

2. Draw from Strength: They draw from their strengths and know their weaknesses but don't dwell on others. They encourage others but are not afraid to give constructive feedback.

3. Purposeful Reflection: They are willing to reflect on themselves and what they can do better but only if that reflection serves the purpose of doing it better next time.

4. Resource Draw: They collect and draw the resources they need to accomplish their goals. Always on the lookout for people, things, and situations that provide the best opportunities.

5. Willing to Take Risks: Willing to jump into the fire with a lion heart when others shirk from responsibility.

6. Intellectual Learners: They are learners and intelligent. Good leadership comes from having above average but not genius level intelligence.

7. Persistent: They never give up even when the odds are against them.

Research Should be Based on Organizational Strategies

We need another research your project and your not sure what you should be working on. Lets say that if the research doesn't have some practical use it isn't likely to give you much merit or allow you to move ahead in your career. Figuring out what research you should be doing should be based on the strategic plans of your organization.

Lets say your company needs to move into a new market but doesn't know how. They want to get to China but are struggling to understand the ins and outs of doing so. For in-house researchers this would be a great place to start. heck...studying how daisies grow or whether or not more coffee improve productivity.

Many studies die from lack of relevance anyway.

First look at the available literature because there is a lot out there and plenty to work with. Get the overall picture and see what you already have and how it fits with your research interests. No need to reinvent the wheel when you can piggyback on others.

Once you have a good "picture" then find the holes that solve your specific problem. That becomes your research question (s). Go about designing, funding, advocating and eventually executing your study. If it turns out to be relevant others will want the information. If not, it becomes something that is printed in an obscure journal.