Sunday, March 12, 2023

Biden $6.8 Trillion Budget: Rapid Military Development?

The military proposed budget is out and its quiet remarkable. China's military is growing faster and I think our competitive edge should be our natural strengths such as innovation and entrepreneurship to rapidly create new technologies that provide a competitive position. On the battlefield we have opportunity to put in place entry digital era technology many other nations will have a hard time copying for maybe 15 years because they are not at that level (copying is different).

China has some of our exiting foundations but is still missing key components that would match the broader prior groundwork through our own economic history. Meaning we structurally created our nation through a number of generations of entrepreneurial spirit and natural business development. 

While China grew rapidly it did so through forced infrastructure (i.e. top down) that hasn't yet found its solid natural footing (i.e. all the small things connect to it.). It means it is not optimized as well as ours. To match our new and existing infrastructure would take time and if we press the gas, just like in MI (Thank you Rino-Dino compromise and critical thinkers in the world. 🙇), we could potentially create a buffer in technology disparity.

(A balance between industry knowledge exposure and protecting new discoveries until industry has turned prototypes to scalable manufacturing. This is why selling information is not appropriate and could be seen as selling out ones nation! No espionage allowed. In case some of our officials are unaware its illegal! No?)

That doesn't mean that numbers don't play a part but when and if you have a ground breaking technology you may find that the opposition has no viable alternatives and/or sustainable defenses. In other words, throwing money at it is one thing but using it in a way that maximizes its outcomes is a government-industry-craftwork affair that can lead to market and military dominance.

If you put the right people in the right places it will impact the strategic implementation of newer high priority objectives. Bridging the theory to ground based innovation is difficult without a solid theoretical explanation of primary transactions and motivations that lead to constructive root discovery by proper resource allocation (Maybe Not? 🤷)

So how does one create synergistic value in a way that could potentially impact multiple industries at the same time through rapid product development? Turn page.......oh poo the next chapter hasn't been written yet.

 US Congressional Budget Office

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Overcome Obstacles and Create Opportunities: Be All You Can Be! (New Army Recruitment Video)

I saw this video for the Army. The one thing that the military is, its the great equalizer of opportunity (like education). It is the place that trains young talent to become excellent and take places of leadership. There is honor in being in the military and there are codes and rules that must be followed. When I consider hiring people, their service is important to me because I know they have a value system not everyone else can claim. They joined something they believed in. There is no greater honor than to serve one's nation. Join the cause! (The end looks like the bus in Cali)

A Blog on National Development: Honest Conversation is What Get's Us to New National Performance Level

The U.S. is a system like other systems except its root values that differentiate us from many other nations. It is only these values that make us different. Any nation can build a better mousetrap (Based on their current development), and anyone can tell someone what they want to hear (Based on their current development). The difficult part is positive and constructive change. 

That is change to how we view each other, leadership, and our ultimate goals. We have something to teach the rest of the world. Our core values are unmatched but we have people that have forgotten those values. They think its ok to forget those values and self-enrich through blind party affiliation and social networks designed to open doors for people who may not be qualified for those positions. 

My take is this........half of Congress deserves their spot (not party oriented and not a specific number.) and the other half have gotten there because they said things they know others will believe without critical examination. We know it happens in every country, and it holds us back, and I suppose others, from full national self-actualization. 

Imagine in the insanity of it all, that we developed a nation on merit where race and religion are not the deciding factors of leadership or success. Many Americans that are grinding away for something better for their kids and their futures. They do so despite not coming from wealth backgrounds, elite education and easy access to top jobs that the common man/woman will never have.  A truer metric of performance based actual versus perceived performance. The doors to success should be open to anyone who has the skills, grit and values to lead. 

That will be hard if we don't change or fall back into existing patterns (Covid, conflict and challenge have pushed us to change our patterns.). We will become second best if we do not self-reflect. That may not be important to some people, but the average person needs opportunities for success and they want more avenues to reach that success. Its important for our leadership to work on the development of higher levels of opportunity for a broader based population. 

I have seen a deep world and I will say this....hate has no place in this country and it has no place in our future. It doesn't rob just those people, but the rest of the nation as well from human capital. We need the best and brightest from every corner of our nation and we need to ensure they make it to the places where they can do the most good. Blind button pushing and connected networks won't get us to the next level.

Here is my suggestion as a person with a Muslim sounding name (That doesn't necessarily qualify me for anything. I'm being honest. My experiences are helpful but they are not definitive for each situation), that has felt like half citizen from time-to-time, and has challenged some pretty dark corners of our society....let's compete! Let us get serious about it! Let us take the political drum banging down whisper where we can hear that inner voice that tells us, "This is the moment where we decide that the future of our nation, its values, and our people supersede all other considerations" (Its not actually that finite or fatalistic but you get the point. Time is ticking away as we squabble over little things.)

*This blog is designed to get you to think. If your upset, click off, and go self-reflect. If you agree, then get motivated and do positive things with that. Whether your Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Bahai, Hispanic, White, Black, Asian, Mixed, rich, poor, middle class, etc....we need you!  Patriotism moves beyond our party politics or the self-flattery it offers. We just need the right environment and those who can maximize our human capital in leadership positions. 

China Brokers Peace Deal Between Saudi and Iran

New Iran-Saudi deal sort of raises a few eyebrows. China is seeking to insert itself in world affairs and flex its influence. We should expect that to happen and should not be surprised. That does require us to start thinking about how to put ourselves in the best possible position on international relationships and build our nation to create shared resonance of our core values of human dignity and freedom. That might require new ways of thinking about things. 

Each time something happens (i.e. phenomenon) we should ask ourselves why these things occurred and in precisely how they were realized. As we universalize our democracy we are going to have new people come forward with skills that have not been fostered in our inner "connected" circles. That is going to open new ways of looking at the world and that will likely bring forward a lot more options. As the world starts carving up, assuming the cold war continues to grow, we will need to rejuvenate our American mission (mission as our values.). 

We can overcome this challenge and we can do so in ways that put the U.S. in its strongest position it has seen in its history. We have already started on that process from infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, and human capital development (We moved from C+ to C++ in our thinking but are not maximizing yet.). Matching that with renewed effort to rally our base to solve problems and focus on the big picture locally, nationally, internationally.

The deal is overall can be helpful, unlikely to be truly altruistic, but we should have brokered it. We need to get competitive as a nation and that won't happen unless we have sustained commitment to be the best we can be. Ideological maturity is needed in our leadership and its time to resolve any internal squabbles and self actualize as a nation. It is their duty and it is part of why they are in politics (If there are other reasons they probably shouldn't be there.)

If you disagree that's fine click off. I have a Muslim sounding name and earned my right to talk regardless of the shortsightedness that is often rewarded for Yes Ma'am or Yes Sir lip service. I stand for principles as a nation even when it's not popular. We can be the best but that will happen as soon as we focus on our core values. That can be a hard sell in some circles and their blind supporters. Life is choices and I choose my country over politics. Proof in pudding.... No? 🤔

*The purpose of this article is to get you to think. Hopefully, think about a greater purpose of drawing people to a national cause and not rewarding poor behaviors for political or reward. We will need to be our best going forward and false flattery wont get us there. Patriotism isn't just for politicians or have racial or religious anchoring. It's our nation and we need our politicians to earn their positions and we need to elect high quality candidates beyond normal party politics. We the People need the best leadership we can get! 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Dr. Powell Provides Testimony to House Committee on Monetary Policy (03/08/2023)

Dr. Powell discusses the state of the economy. Is the porridge too hot, too cold, just right or something else??? As the labor market gets tight and technology further pushes itself into the Digital Era there will be natural implementation of new technologies. Different types of skills are needed and they are going to be less labor oriented and more creative in design in order to maintain that innovative development through natural human motivation. Maybe not? No one really knows but its interesting to think about.

 For an overview read Jobs Report Gives Fed a Mixed Signal Ahead of Its March Decision

The other option is to not do anything which I don't think is a good option. However, we could always try something interesting and perhaps hedge technology and human capital to reduce labor pressure and improve the entire system to higher platforms of performance. 

Those Who Make It and Those Who Don't: Challenge for Improvement!

Over the course of my life I have met many people of many different backgrounds from all over the globe. There are some who will make it and many who will not. None of it has to do with their background, wealth, religion, race, or origin. Those who do make it have certain traits and inner core values when compared to those who struggle to accomplish the basics. Fundamentally, it comes down who we are as a person and what we want out of this life. 

Each person defines what they see for themselves in you. Research Truth or Lie?

The mediocre often want to tear down those who strive for a greater purpose because change requires them to self-reflect how they view themselves and the world in which they live. It is their misperception that holds them back and when someone represents difference, depending on the perceived level of that difference, they begin to push away that which is bright.

The next time someone rips you for being a little different, ask, "Which side of "truth" are they on?" What they don't understand is they do not "see" you through the transparency of a glass window, but only gazing into a mirror at a person they do not really know well. People fill in their own blanks. 

Life is a story, let's turn the page.....

*Some implied swearing. 

**The article is designed to help people think and be inspirational for those who want to accomplish something beneficial in life and want to stay motivated. I encourage young people to think about their inner value. Sometimes we don't all come from prestigious backgrounds but that doesn't mean we can't contribute to society. Often those that are quickly discarded are the one's who are trying to improve their world. We just sometimes prejudge people, things, and other's motivations without really knowing what we are looking at. If you didn't notice. You are looking at yourself. What you see defines you as a person. So start self-reflecting.......turn your own page.......its story book? No? 🤷

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Detroit State of the Union Address Duggan 2023 (Ed: "Big D" and "Little E")

Detroit is a beloved city and I like to watch how she has been progressing (I think Detroit is a She? or He? I'm not sure. 🤷). We also thought we lost the auto industry but we now have made a full circle back to bring it where it Michigan. Our world is going to start changing very rapidly in a few years and new technologies many of us have never seen will be hitting the market. Most of that is going to happen is likely to happen in the next 5 years.+-

When we first lost a big investment to another state, I was concerned but then a couple of smaller announcements came out that hinted the EV market was likely to head this way (Michigan has a unique investor aroma.). The state turn around success came from pushing on the gas peddle at exactly the right time when the market was scrambling for investment safe haven and when the market was fidgeting. Michigan offered a solution (Some would say pure luck, but I would say a strategic choice by the state in a fog/murky waters as investors were unsure of what to do next. When you offer something at the time it solves a problem, the world responds. Sometimes you get luck and sometimes you don't.) 

Other semi-related light economic reading (Its not necessarily directly related but it is part of a trend and there is some relation between economies that are becoming entrepreneurial oriented {I know someone must be chuckling out other}. Yes, Esky could be a itself a start up lab. I'm not saying it is, but I suppose one could do that if there was enough pack investing going on and easy in and out access. Detroit is on a large scale and Escanaba is on a small scale. Both have been punched in the gut when executives sold out for a few pennies on the share and went overseas. {Welcome back! Didn't work out?😂} If both systems function it could make a case for an avenue national scale {Infrastructure+Advanced Manufacturing/Digital Era Tech+Human Capital = Market Lead}. I mean in hypothetical abstraction land of Axis Mundi): Hedge Invest, EV-MI InfrastructureKeep on Truckin!, Esky Jail,  Forest Process, Esky Business and Fun, Esky Downtown, SMEFord Doubles Down, Ford 2 billion, CEO VentureGM President, GM Announces, Pure MI, Esky EMP, Digital Capital, Made in AmericaShipBuildingStart-up Esky, Full BloomEscanaba Harbor, Esky Redevelop, The QueenChina Trade,  $5 Billion MI, Could MI EV, US Outperform China, Digital Explosions?  (I wonder if cities can partner to bring executives up here to Escanaba. It used to be a straight 1 hour flight to the Detroit. I'm thinking a few design firms for testing new auto technology and parts would make sense. A place to come and be creative. An amazingly different environment with creative juices everywhere. An opportunity to expose and connect. Lots of land!)

Big D and Little E! 😏