Monday, February 13, 2023

American Queen Voyages Coming to Escanaba in May (Applied Economic Theory?)

In the spirit of growth, eco tourism, and renewed interest in our Great Lakes, the American Queen Voyages is starting to bring tourists to Escanaba in May of 2023 (Cruise Line Adds Escanaba, Feb. 13th, 2023). I can go on and on about how awesome this is going to be in relation to some of the other developments around the area such as Billerud, $200 million state investment, hotel, ship building, and other great things activities in the works (i.e. what some investors might be missing on.  I won't because it is obviously wonderful and its starting to highlight the area as an investment, vacation, industry and start-up location.

The tourists are going to see some interesting things that help expose them to the culture of the area. 

"Sayklly’s Confectionery & Gifts, the William Bonifas Fine Arts Center, U.P. Veterans Museum, and Webster Marble “Inventing the Outdoors” museum. This stop will also feature educational cultural sessions on Native American stories and values with Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company. (Cruise Line Adds Escanaba, Feb. 13th, 2023, para 4)

Older Example
Nonspecific Location
See how multiple industries
could work together on specific
products for the market?

Good choices! Too bad we didn't have a wall or mini sports museum with historical pictures and labels of  different sports that have played in the area. For example, some of the early football teams, dog sledding, Native American games, baseball, etc. Show that there are real people living here and there is a history. You could maybe ask the Escanaba Fan Club if they could work with the public, historical society and local tribes to put something together for the city (I think it would be good exercise for community good will building that reaches out to diverse members of our population to do something construction. Maybe some of the kids would like to get involved and learn more about the sports in the area beyond the one's they are currently playing. Perhaps they can meet and learn about other activities. Sports is about health and confidence building. That should include exposure to other sports so as to find a good health match. I say that as a person familiar with sports and its positive influence on people's lives. Many people stop playing sports after highschool and then get out of shape because they didn't learn the "health" skills. It took me many years later to learn them.). Also likely a good chance to get donations if circulated you state your looking for historical pictures in a community newsletter. It would have to include the history of sports and not just basketball, wrestling, hockey and football. While I love those sports too there are others that highlight the diversity of sports in the area! just saying! 💁

I'm more on the applied theory side (Disclaimer. Theories explain phenomenon in our market and are based on a predictive hypothesis. One studies such a hypothesis to create a theory. See Theories and Hypothesis for a better explanation. In capitalist societies each person acts in their own self interest {and collective} and that can come from the prompting of government or through private investors {large and small}. Finding a way to hedge the needs of both can go a long long way. The one I'm playing with is The Theory of Interactive Transactional Clusters for Innovative Economic Growth that seeks to ensure a diverse, robust, and innovative economy that meets local stakeholder needs. I have seen a few others developing similar theories. I got the idea from SD fishing and maybe or maybe not seeing something on coordinated economies, Schumpeter, and Theory of Firms. Not sure. I actually don't remember. I think that is accurate. 

Influence illustration of 
cluster Sponsors.

(There are lots of steps between A and Z and very many places to be derailed. Its also not a finished theory. I specifically wrote it to a certain point and then switched to having the market start to define it through organic self-interest and/or natural relations determined through content analysis. Proper information and vision is important. So is the process of allowing for personal choice and buy in would be important for the long term health and utility of a cluster through self . 

You can map a cluster and its potential.
(I'm in the process of rewriting and am sort of looking at the the activities in the market as a guide on what might be working on a "real" level. That helps to keep theories applied from market feedback. New information and adjustments creates an open adaptive system of a learning organization. The theory is the guide while the actions of the market are the feedback that improves theory for practical application. At least in theory! LOL)

You have to look at
the market from multiple angles.
(Let us go a little deeper into this idea. What if you needed a fast innovative products that will help our industries and military both push their innovative capacity together. You would then provide an industry-government-local stakeholder opportunity of development. Industry might include investments, entrepreneurs, local businesses, etc. Government might include local, state, federal, military, civilian, etc. Local includes local buy in of development and making changes that allow such investments. It also might include helping locals develop their own businesses on the upswing and/or get in on investments through a Delta County Hedge Fund or something that is funded by large and small investors.
Will our market
take on a more
 digital platform?
What are the theories
that deal with rapid

(In theory, as a theory is proposed and it develops organically as a natural feedback look it starts the process of self validation. While other studies will determine the strength of different connections the self validation is a "finger in wind" sort of activity that moves beyond face validity. One could measure on the way but it will be follow up studies that will ensure to what extent how components work and the strength between them. The market development aspect of the theory is the "real" development that models adjust to reflect. While the a model can be proposed based on other studies, it is the market that makes it valid. Other studies are drawn from individual observations but in this case we are taking many observations and putting them into a semi formulated theory that needs actual market activity to complete.)

Ways in which large and small 
business can find spots.
At this point, I would think local governance might keep in mind rewriting outward communication (marketing or govt. webpages) to be target audience leaning (They have relevant, up-to-date info, SEO, readable formats, cell based browser compatible, places to ask questions, etc. that are needed by locals, investors, and information that is picked up by search engines.), downtown improved through start-up/investment interest, "getting the word out" for other area improvements, adjusting local governments toward coordination, and encouraging industrial interest by putting in place good policies that foster buy in from industry and community. (All in all there is some indication that different entities/stakeholders are semi-loose in process of coordinating. i.e. Billerud. ). There is more to describe as one could do volumes to describe basic ideas but this is coffee drinking highlights.

Ok...that's enough for an article. 

Esky has been on a decline.
This is an opportunity to change that.
All systems must rejuvenate or readjust.
In this case we are connecting to market.
Remember this article is made to think through the use of cognitive engagement. It might be worth something, or nothing so one could click off and enjoy their day. This may or may not be a good idea, but it is an idea. If we are to be an adaptive society we will need ideas and effort. Universal democracy with widespread human capital development {among other things} leads us down a stronger strategic path. I'm seeing this occur here in a positive way. There is another sort of layer to this in terms of factors of perpetual sustainability that are beyond this post. Similar reading might include DC Multi,Sub Transac, DC Start-Up, MNC Headquarters, Research Questions, San Diego Fishing, Expanded Marketing, Esky Tourism, SMC Esky, Tourism Manu, Rebuild Esky downtown, Financial Info, Supersize Esky, Billerud, DC Shipping, DC Hedge Fund, Billerud Bullish, The Hunt

A city style cluster has many different 
working parts. Everything from how the courts
function to how the roads function 
are part of the same process. Its 
an interwoven system. Each aspect
influences the others. 

Cruise Line Adds Escanaba (Feb.13th, 2023, para 4) TV 6 News. Cruise line adds new port in Escanaba Retrieved

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