Saturday, March 11, 2023

A Blog on National Development: Honest Conversation is What Get's Us to New National Performance Level

The U.S. is a system like other systems except its root values that differentiate us from many other nations. It is only these values that make us different. Any nation can build a better mousetrap (Based on their current development), and anyone can tell someone what they want to hear (Based on their current development). The difficult part is positive and constructive change. 

That is change to how we view each other, leadership, and our ultimate goals. We have something to teach the rest of the world. Our core values are unmatched but we have people that have forgotten those values. They think its ok to forget those values and self-enrich through blind party affiliation and social networks designed to open doors for people who may not be qualified for those positions. 

My take is this........half of Congress deserves their spot (not party oriented and not a specific number.) and the other half have gotten there because they said things they know others will believe without critical examination. We know it happens in every country, and it holds us back, and I suppose others, from full national self-actualization. 

Imagine in the insanity of it all, that we developed a nation on merit where race and religion are not the deciding factors of leadership or success. Many Americans that are grinding away for something better for their kids and their futures. They do so despite not coming from wealth backgrounds, elite education and easy access to top jobs that the common man/woman will never have.  A truer metric of performance based actual versus perceived performance. The doors to success should be open to anyone who has the skills, grit and values to lead. 

That will be hard if we don't change or fall back into existing patterns (Covid, conflict and challenge have pushed us to change our patterns.). We will become second best if we do not self-reflect. That may not be important to some people, but the average person needs opportunities for success and they want more avenues to reach that success. Its important for our leadership to work on the development of higher levels of opportunity for a broader based population. 

I have seen a deep world and I will say this....hate has no place in this country and it has no place in our future. It doesn't rob just those people, but the rest of the nation as well from human capital. We need the best and brightest from every corner of our nation and we need to ensure they make it to the places where they can do the most good. Blind button pushing and connected networks won't get us to the next level.

Here is my suggestion as a person with a Muslim sounding name (That doesn't necessarily qualify me for anything. I'm being honest. My experiences are helpful but they are not definitive for each situation), that has felt like half citizen from time-to-time, and has challenged some pretty dark corners of our society....let's compete! Let us get serious about it! Let us take the political drum banging down whisper where we can hear that inner voice that tells us, "This is the moment where we decide that the future of our nation, its values, and our people supersede all other considerations" (Its not actually that finite or fatalistic but you get the point. Time is ticking away as we squabble over little things.)

*This blog is designed to get you to think. If your upset, click off, and go self-reflect. If you agree, then get motivated and do positive things with that. Whether your Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Bahai, Hispanic, White, Black, Asian, Mixed, rich, poor, middle class, etc....we need you!  Patriotism moves beyond our party politics or the self-flattery it offers. We just need the right environment and those who can maximize our human capital in leadership positions. 

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