Friday, May 13, 2022

Pence and Trump Part Ways in Georgia: Where are They Going Next?

There is an internal debate going in in the GOP over who will back who and where the party is heading. Currently Trump is the leading candidate but there are others within the party that want something different. These are also big donors and powerful people so the party will be moving in two different support directions that will be further highlighted in the primary races. You can read more about this in the NPR article by Deepa Shivaram entitled, 'Pence will rally for Georgia Gov. Kemp, defying Trump, who backs David Perdue'

Pence will support Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Trump will Support David Perdue (I know its part of the title above.). 

Its an interesting race. That is why I encourage GOP to be neutral from the beginning because ultimately the people have sort of decide who would be their top leaders. That will influence the nature of politics and the direction of the nation. 

Why Its Important for the GOP Leadership to Stay Neutral in Party Debate

Mitch McConnel Seeks Purge-GOP at Historical Crossroads

Pence Starts to Mount The Elephant: One boot in the stirrups and one hand on the saddle

Ohio River: Flooded this time of year

Checking out a few food joints off the Ohio River. Seems flooded. Probably part of the spring. This is a small river leading to the larger Ohio River. A cool little casual bar. Harrods Creek Tavern

M777 Howitzer 155mm in Ukraine to Increase Range

The Howitzer in Ukraine will influence the battle especially if it forces Russian artillery out of range. That will require commitment by troops and in smaller batches. Supplies will also be slowed down to the front lines also needing to be delivered in smaller batches. Ukrainians still have an issue with planes and bombing so there will need to be additional protection from this thereby limiting air superiority. Once they are shielded/covered it is a numbers and strategy issue until something new is inserted (Beware of small scale tactical nukes and chemical weapons as Russian contingency. More Russian troops would eventually impact support for the conflict in Russia.). Germany and Netherlands are also providing Howitzers to increase range. 

(FYI on equipment in the Digital Era military technologies. As equipment develops there should always be independent manual overrides. The old way and easier to use by those that aren't highly trained.).

Thursday, May 12, 2022

My Four Top Concerns For the Nation

My four top concerns....

1.) Geopolitics and U.S. Competitiveness: We got real players out there like China and Russia and were still struggling with basic strategy formation. All of our doctors and scientists are focused on little slices but not on putting all those slices together. Forest and trees discussion. Rewarding specialists in the market and suppressing generalists that can utilize the information into broader useful frameworks. 

2.) U.S. Military: I'm less concerned about their capacity and more concerned about the political environment that encourages/discourages adaptability and funding for new emerging technologies. Kind of why I have a transactional innovation theory that can be used to speed up industries but also come out with tangible outcomes that are practical for the military (...can also increase development of communities). May or may not be worth much. Its just a puzzle.

3.)  Hyper Politics and Radicalism: Both sides got it wrong! They are fighting over slivers of ideological soap box rallies and not keeping their eye on the ball of the bigger picture. The U.S. is a live running theory about human freedoms and the process of democracy to encourage self development of people (It should lead to higher performance of people and the nation.) Its about self governance and control over government to ensure we are developing opportunities for the masses (not just certain people.). Intimidation seems to be a growing trend. No one is sure anymore if the chicken or egg comes first.

4.) Hate and Human Capital: I see people of different backgrounds do amazing things and yet we haven't maximized that human capacity through our educational systems and through drawing people into a shared vision (The best and brightest should rise and not the "most connected"). Were pitting parties and people against each other in a dangerous way and you can't really stop our politicians from doing it. Their choices are eating away at our foundations and then wondering why things are working out as planned (Capital riots, protesting at Justices houses, etc... it all seems self oriented and lacks civility.) We must have some basic values that keep us together (Just in case you are wondering I'm a light right republican with liberal friends. Meaning.....I can handle differences of opinions without storming through the White House doors or intimidating members of our Supreme Court by massing outside their homes. 😶🙊💨) 

That is it for now. I could go to 100 but that likely isn't going to be of much benefit today. 


Fed to Raise Inflation Rates to Cool Economy

The economy is an important thing! A strong economy is awesome! The Federal Reserve is trying to raise interest rates to slow down the economy. Perhaps there is a different way then slowing down the economy. What if we push the system to move toward the center of the supply chain to the highest value outputs and push the lower output production to our allies and partners? 

In other words we maximize our national value of our labor and production by improving outputs through increased creative productivity of employees and augmenting human limitations with new wearable technologies that improve human labor productivities (i.e. lowering pressure on hiring shortages. In other words, do you want wasted human capacity doing low level work or do you want them doing high level work and in turn using technology to master lower level activities. That can come through new tech and limited contracts with others.). 

We want to draw investment but still lower pressure on labor through pushing it to higher values with greater productivity and wages. There is a big world out there and not all countries are growing as fast as our own. Thus, we have opportunities to think about ways of partnering with Mexico and Canada to push lower aspects of our chain there and drawing the higher value here. Its about using our resources and maximizing them to improve capacity that slows down internal pressures but also create value.

It is like maximizing our current resources by minimizing reorienting the pressure by using our partners as release values to that pressure. When the economy slows and we need to lower unemployment we draw them back creating a level of resiliency and cushion (I think it would be in the nature of the contracts and how the technology is maintained by the U.S. even though work is being conducted across the boarder. If the country demands that only their own companies have access to certain technologies and rights to production we move on to another more open country. Maintain the tech in American companies, renting out whole production capacities of other companies, and hiring their employees as above market rates.). 

If a system is designed well and the contracts have protective limitations we can spill our excess capacities while still developing our supply chain centrality where highest value production outputs can be sought. We definitely don't want to outsource our centrality like we did in China but increase our capacity by removing lost opportunities out of the system (Put our energies where the real value is.). 

 Its not completely thought out but its a kind of an idea of maximization of production and use of existing resources for the highest ROI while creating short term releases of lower value functions. We want capitalists to have the best return on their investments in the U.S. and push our capital resources upward. We want the investment and we want to maximize that investment for profit. That in turn draws higher levels of investment and in turn national strength in production while tying our partners closer to our needs.

Side note: International influence comes through economic/business influence (At least it has in history. Think England, Phoenicians, ancient Turks, Spain in Mexico, Islamic empires, etc...). I'm a military supporter and increasing budgets and strength of military is supported by our economic activities and maximization of resources to create strength. Some feel muscle comes alone with no skeleton. That isn't truth. Our military and economic strength are buddies. Also...skip the spelling and grammar errors. I'm still better than the writers in the 1800s. 

Escanaba City Hall Meeting (Balancing Budgets and Attracting Business May 5th, 2022)

 Its amazing that people came out on this level to support the library. Its also amazing the people are willing to stand for a good cause. I also agree keeping the police and fire department Door Cams is important (Its good data that gives insight to prosecute criminals and learn from mistakes. Also sorry inside sort of joke but in a round about way I guess I can ask City Hall for better digital cam funding as long as they can raise their revenue....working on it! {developing ideas for raising revenue and drawing business} Might consider a few cams downtown in the party zone if future funding improves. Just make sure the quality is good for zooming. 🤔 📷 😮 That is what a community look out for each others interest and the long term health of the people. Supporting our public safety is part of that process and ensuring they have the funding is important. Let us not cut there. They are doing important work. Economic, social, institutional, etc...). We should never think of selling the parks! It can be enhanced as soon as a plan is developed to attract new business and use them as a tourist draw (and local quality of life.). 

We haven't thought much about what it takes to bring new business to the area. Its probably one of the only major long-term solution (cutting is a short term strategy) yet I'm not seeing a full plan. I proposed a couple of things that make sense such as attracting small business, better investors oriented information, using real estate to find small business owners in other areas and attracting them to an innovative cluster (I think we should start thinking out of the box. Smart City However, everyone must make their own choices and live by those choices. That includes small towns and governments i.e. state, federal, etc.... Outcomes are a series of choices that open and close different doors. Pick the right sequence in the right environment and at the right time and you can win. Let other considerations get in the way and you might lose. Evolutionary Economics

You can read the 05/05/2022 Esky City Hall Meeting Agenda

I agree with maintaining the funding of the library (I spent much of my childhood at the now vacant Carnegie Library across from Saint Joseph Church. I would like to buy it for $1 and turn some of it into a residence and some of it into a creative studio; depending on zoning. Not sure what type of work it needs but if someone wants to dump it I might be interested. Thus far it looks like it has been vacant for years. Maybe allow people to put in art classes, kids self-defense, science and other enrichment stuff as a tandem to the nearby Bonifas Center. Its not really fully thought out idea but if the chips fall there I might pick them up.) . The public library is an asset to the community and an opportunity for people to focus on their education and development. Let us look for grants and improve business prospects. 

In my experience you can't cut your way to solvency by reducing those things that help the community and attract national/international interest. It is better to increase revenue in some way. Cutting fat out of waste is different then cutting essential services. I'm sure that people can look through some of the other services and find that which isn't essential or used much. The library isn't one of them. Digitization and apps can help create viability in library use. i.e. they do some digital book borrowing. Maybe we can find more uses for the library. Perhaps some businesses that are coming in would like to donate to it.

I believe a well funded Escanaba Public Safety is also important; I think they need more money at some point in the future and I would support them in that (Not that I have much direct say. I might have some indirect say). When organizations are functioning well, people trust those officers (...there are many officers from EPS I trust. In another department there are a few I don't trust at all. Its based on their level of professionalism and focus on their higher mission. Supporting friends isn't a legit use of power. Intentionally trying to restrict community engagement for racial, religious, friend network reasons isn't a good strategy either. Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. Evidence based decision making and not pre-heuristic thinking designed to target someone and damage their reputation could be criminal under certain circumstances. Time will answer all questions.) and they can be a big part of what makes the community safe and those that are willing to reach out and help others when needed. They can also be an asset in terms of fighting against blight, drugs, crime, corruption, etc.... 

I agree with the young lady in blue. Everyone should be able to stand at the podium without rude people making comments or trying to interrupt. Its uncivil and a lack of good manners and morals. I have seen this bizarre behaviors from others who feel that what they want is more important than everyone else. They are the ones who encourage others to be disrespectful and in turn damage the community and its prospects as they build walls between people (I once saw a guy at our local casino go crashing to the ground drunk, heart attack, stroke etc... with some first responder training {and other training 🤔}I visual checked his vitals and made sure that no one stepped on him while waiting for the EMT to show up. A nearby security guard came over and stayed with me to help out. If there was something really wrong that 5 minutes would have been critical to their life {I'm sure his family would have appreciated the help}. Anyway, super studs were yelling that no one should help this guy; I'm not sure why they were doing that or why they would restrict help to him {This isn't the first time I saw someone restrict help to another person in the area. I always thought it was sort of illegal.}. They didn't know the injured/patient and they didn't know me such as my experience in casinos and qualifications. However, security got upset with them and I believe asked them to leave because they were being aggressive and disruptive {I get it! They were big them the right to risk other's lives.}. They were not my primary focus so I stopped paying attention at some point and security handled the situation. When the tribal EMTs/Security showed up they asked me a few questions and I handed the patient off to them. That is our duty but there are people who sort of get in the way of the process because "they know better" with no training, insight, or skill. Being drunk and loud isn't a qualification for much but it is a cocktail for ignorance and problems. Point being we owe civility to others and those that don't give it have other issues.).

For the most part agree with this new attorney on difficulties dealing with complexity in arrangements. It is best to sell the lots to developers. Here are a few ideas from prior on how to get people to work together (There are also a few ideas on how to rejuvenate the city. You can also search for Delta County and Escanaba on the blog. I wouldn't sell property always to the highest bidder but at market rate and to interested parties that are most likely to bring jobs, tourism, and push for other local developments. Sell it to the developers with an agreement for development by some point or ownership reverts. She used the term "red flag" so I'm going to note that in something else I'm looking at that sparked my own "red flags". Maybe something or maybe nothing. 🤷 💸 {Remember that most of these council members were not there or involves so no blame on them; assuming there is any issues at all. They are clearing up situation now. Good job! They could be close to kicking over an important stone. I also support this administration. I think they are good people trying to do the right thing. That isn't necessarily a reflection on the old administration.}  btw....I like this attorney! She didn't have as nice a suit as the last attorney 🕴 but she seems more genuine and perhaps knowledgeable 💇🤓. So far good contract/hire.👌👍 {P.S. You don't have to be on a NY runway to appreciate a custom cut suit. No seriously, I thought it looked good on the old attorney but likely out of my price range. Just saying. 🤷}.)....

Escanaba Hotel and Jail Site Development Meeting: Waterfront, Hotel, Housing and Nautical Considerations Important (Notice how you can get these multiple developers to coordinate with the purchase agreements to create mutual synergistic benefits and maximize the impact on the city.)

2020 Delta County Master Plan and New Economic Theories (Supported Old Theories) .

P.S. I would still like to someday see investment downtown and things like bike lanes that can be used by unmodified golf carts to funnel everything to downtown events and activities. 🚪's open and 🚪's close.

P.S.S. It would be great to get more people involved in these open board positions. Government runs best when old knowledge and new people are mixed together.

Its...just a few splattered ideas. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Captains Quarters Riverside Grille Louisville KY

If your in the Louisville area you might really like to visit the Captains Quarters. Very cool place, great food and location.