Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Woman Tries to Get Police to Arrest Black Man for Asking Her to Put Dog on Leash

I'm a dog lover and a nature lover. There have been numerous times where people have allowed their dogs to run off a leash and don't pick up after them. It is important to follow such rules in public spaces for the protection of the animal, the nature, and people around them. There have been a few instances where loose dogs have went after other dogs and even threatened people. Some people are afraid of loose dogs so asking someone to put their animal on a leash is perfectly acceptable.

What concerns me most is that this woman states she is going to call the police on a Black man who wanted her to put the dog on a leash. The underlining message is what is most chilling here. If she can call the police and say that he is threatening her life she is expecting them to come and arrest the minority with no questions asked. I'm not sure that is something someone can apologize for afterward.

It is inherently racist unless he was asking in a threatening manner. It also indicates there is an underlining assumption that police are against minorities and people can use that when necessary to "teach a person a lesson" or when they feel snubbed. This means there are things we as a nation need to work on. That includes getting rid of that perception in society through open dialogue and honesty. The time for negative race relations should be ending and we should see ourselves as one nation willing to work through these problems.

The man in recorded the video and he was wise to do so because without such proof things can be swept under the carpet, he may find himself in jail, and she very well might be out with her friends bragging about how this "so and so tried to tell her to put her dog on a leash!" These incidents are more common than we think and it is hard to build a strong and powerful nation while we don't do whats right even though we know what the right thing to do is.

In my mind she said very plainly she was going to try and get him in trouble without an actual crime. In my opinion she should be prosecuted. She not only wasted taxpayer money but also tried to exploit negative relationships between police and minorities to show power over a valued member of society. Without holding people who put in false and dishonest police complaints accountable there will always be a distrust of the system by minorities who all to often get the short end of the judgement stick.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day- Honoring by Not Dishonoring

Battles are not always fought and won on the battlefield. Veterans lived a life and have a code that non veterans don't share. That is what makes them unique. Most don't just go home and put their values in a scrapbook. We don't honor Memorial Day by dishonoring our vets!

I've seen successful veterans and I've seen homeless veterans. No matter their station In life they often share a sense of values as they relate to the core principles of our nation and it's historical purpose. Many continue to serve their country and community in their own way.

While most people who do respect veterans there are a few who go out of their way to be disrespectful. Behaviors that include disrespecting their lives all they way to manipulating the elderly to swindle money. Racism, religious bigotry, and encouraging others to engage in similar behaviors are just some of the disturbing actions.

I can only say such behaviors should be seen as dispicable and antithetical to what our country stands for. However, that is highly dependent on context. For example, discounting homeless veterans in our policies may be one moral violation but engaging in bigoted and racist actions may be another.

It's the same type of personalities that engage in such behaviors over and over. Selfishness, would never served their country or anyone else, worried about what others think to the point they have no autonomous personality, and highly interested in power dynamics and self orientation.  The only America such people believe in is the one that fits their small minded selfishness.

While your out there with BBQ tonges in hand let's celebrate Memorial Day by not disrespecting vets. ....but if you haven't done much for people or served your country in anyway you may not have the same understanding!  For those who respect their nation and what our veterans fought for....celebrate away!

Golf in Your Social Recreational Line Up

Golf was probably one of the most boring games I ever played! At least when I was younger. Time and age have chaged that perception. It has a place in your recreational line up. 

Golf is a game of patience and social connectedness in an outdoor atmosphere. It can also be a place where new ideas percolate. 

I didn't come from a golf playing family and never really cared much about being a "clubby". Probably because I'm a little more into deep ideas and not always so great at small talk. 

...but age changes people. I now see golf as a way to be in nature, be around people you want to connect with and a worthwhile recreational activity. It may not be as exciting as rock climbing or diving or maybe mountain biking but it has its place in your recreational line up. 

Want to include in your excercise routine? Try walking the course. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Michigan Court of Claims Ruling Over Executive Orders and Order Extension

For those interested in reading the document you can find Court of Claims Ruling on the Legality of Executive Orders. The Legislative complaint was not successful and is going to be bumped up to the Michigan Supreme Court. New groups of judiciary members will see things differently based on a wider stakeholder interest. There is law and at lower course the language and history may be more important than at higher courts where wider more fundamental issues could have influence.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out and how time frames will play into it.

There are number of ways to look at this:

1. From the Logic of Court:
-The request was to declare all orders and that which it rests upon  as invalid and without merit. The authority rest on Emergency Management Act and Emergency Powers of Governor Act. EO 2020-67 is a replacement and re-issuance of  No. 2020-33.

2. Case History: We might look to history of other cases but unfortunately unless they are related to a similar type disease previous cases are likely to be created with different situations in mind. It is a little like comparing apples to oranges. Even if there was Spanish Flu legislation it might be Apples to Mapples.

3. From a Representative Standpoint: As a nation we want to insure that people are empowered as much as possible. That means decisions should rest in the collective will. The problem is that during times of crisis the collective will is too slow to act on fluid evolving situations. The governor is one arm of collective will but the legislature is more grass root oriented. One is faster and one is slower and that is why such orders were created in the first place. Yet power must move to a rebalancing with legislature having a say.

4. From Constitutional Considerations: People should have as much freedom to earn, visit, worship etc. There are times when this may be restricted but as soon as it can be returned back to the least restrictive situation it should be. Decisions are made based on the vantage point of those who are making them. Data and science is a great way to make decisions but judgement on the "human elements" should also be included in those decisions.

There are ways to analyze this situation by going through in significant detail on the decisions made and why particular logic was used. However, any choice we make will also need to take into consideration future needs of of the state, pressures to reopen and the overall intent of governance within the social, legal, and legislative contracts made with people. This is likely why pressure will continue to mount and the governor will begin to open as to stay ahead of looming court cases that are likely to start favoring the plaintiff as the risk levels decline.

Friday, May 22, 2020

White House and President Trump States Faith Places of Worship Should Be Open (May 22nd, 2020)

In an interesting turn of events President Trump indicated that faith based places must be opened and the Federal Government will override them. There are essential questions as they relate to the right to practice one's religion. More specifically, he mentioned three large religions indicating all Americans are part of this great country regardless of their religious affiliations.

There is further decline in sickness and illness. The virus isn't gone but it is definitely not creating the dark cloud it once did. There may be a couple of issues here as they relate to learned social behavior, the virus strain working its way out of an organism (us), and emergency/mortality issues are declining. We are in a different situation than we were when this emergency situation began.

President Trump donates his salary to important causes. In particular, he is donating 100K to Health and Human Services to further Covid research. The total salary not including extras is 400K. So this is a pretty large chunk.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Traps of the Mind-When Hate Has No Self-Reflection-Spring the Trap

Hate isn't rational on its own and is based in deeper misconceptions, guidance and fear of self and the world. Rational and irrational behavior is often defined in intended goals and the logic that would reasonably achieve those goals. Hate is an irrationality based not in intent but in lack of true objective. While the intent to harm and the methods of doing so may be rational the deeper reason of why is often irrational. Thus the strategy of hate won't actually alleviate the discomfort of deep feelings of inadequacy.

Let me give you an example. Lets say you hate someone because they told you "no", have different beliefs (cultural, religious, political, etc...), or perhaps look in some way different than you (Different race, tall, skinny, heavy, ugly, etc...). When people experience rage because of frustration it has little or nothing to do with that person unless they have caused you intentional harm. If you are not under that pressure then hate is irrational and not based in the target...it is based in you!

A trap of the mind occurs when none-reflective heuristic thinking defaults back to the same rudimentary assumption.

I have a problem with someone....snap!......something is wrong with them!

I lost my job......snap!......it was THOSE people!

We have an argument.......snap!.....your line of thinking is wrong!

Snap!  Snap! Snap! The one person they never looked at was themselves! They did not gain self-reflective insight nor were they rationally able to solve their feelings of inadequacy.

Those assumptions are based typically in misconceptions and pain from childhood. Sometimes traumatic life events occur but in many cases people don't know they are living by those traumas. We see it all the time with people who "hate the other" and prescribe to them characteristics they did not observe in the person.

The worst part about it is that they carry this dysfunctional thinking throughout their lives and encourage others to believe in the delusional narrative until they are forced to self-reflect on their behavior; one of the reasons why hate is often a group issue. Some people learned bad values but can change and adjust those values with additional learning. True dysfunction occurs when people can't learn their way out of a situation and become destructive to others.

There may be people who simply need to stop being lazy and work through the logic the other person is using in a non-biased way but that typically isn't the case for people who are truly destructive. When a normal person is being cognitively lazy they will stop themselves from being overly destructive because they will raise the stress and risk to themselves in terms of conflict, consequences, etc....

However, when a person is stuck in a "trap of the mind" they are not able to reflect fully on the differences of the way they feel about themselves and what can be honestly described to another. I have seen time again people act on someone for a perceived wrong and then blame them for defending themselves. This becomes increasing justification for further attacks and blame. Self-reflection would have changed everything.

Because people with true aggression cannot jump out of the "trap of the mind" by thinking of alternative explanations their thinking leads them to rage and more destruction. This is why it is important to advocate for better laws that not only give opportunities for self-reform but also ensure that those who are stuck in the trap cannot harm others. They aren't always the people you think they are as they may be friends, shopkeepers, teachers, friends, etc...that only exhibit those behaviors in certain situations; although you can sense the underlining dysfunction in most situations. They may be nice to those who don't challenge their assumptions and rage on those who are different than them because it causes them to question themselves.

I think there are three ways to sort of handle this situation.

1. Politely reach out and give them feedback. Its a light checking of behavior. If they have the capacity to self-reflect sometimes just mentioning they are doing something inappropriate is enough to snap them out of the trap.

2. When that doesn't work they should secure the counseling they need to help them get out of the trap. Perhaps it is just a learned pattern of thinking but with some help they can find an exit path. That could include medication which changes the underlining neural chemical system.

3. If they are bent on being destructive then they must be held accountable. Many narcissists and people stuck in the trap won't get out without serious in depth work. That won't happen because they have hidden from their conscious their pain. Thus they must know that the consequences of such behavior is more than the pleasure of doing others harm.

President Trump's Speech at Ford Motor Company (May 21st 2020)

President Trump discusses manufacturing in the US and the history of Ford. For decades we have moved jobs overseas and abandoned old supply chain networks. This creates some national security issues as our capacities are lost, intellectual and labor "know how" dwindles, and innovation moves to emerging nations with higher growth rates. By bring back these capabilities and encouraging central supply chain networks into the US we generate more sustainable wealth.

I also support resource extraction and the capabilities to do so. Other nations can diversity our supply but we need to maintain our rock-to-retail ingenuity. Spill over suppliers create tertiary businesses and innovations that leads to further innovative growth beyond that line of development.

Governor Whitmer Discusses Opening of Retail and other Activities in Michigan

Governore Whitermer discusses the opening of retail and other activities in Michigan. This comes in time for Memorial Day weekend. I suspect not everyone is going to be happy but we can start moving around and opening up businesses. At some point someone is going to calculate some numbers on the total devastation of COVID in terms of life, property and wealth. We have a lot of work to do to bring back our economy (Michigan and Nationally). This is our chance to reclaim a dominant global position if the nation focuses on finding new ways of approaching the market and eliminating waste and mismanagement.

New Coins Honoring First Responders, Scientists, and Frontline Workers Coronavirus Front-line Responders Commemorative Coin Act

New Coins may be issued to celebrate those who helped with the COVID response. Monies earned will go to CDC Foundation to help fight future infectious disease.
Press Release......

Bergman Introduces Legislation to Honor Front-Line Responders
Watersmeet – Today, Rep. Jack Bergman introduced the bipartisan Coronavirus Front-line Responders Commemorative Coin Act with Rep. Joe Neguse (CO-02). This legislation would mint coins to honor the health care professionals, first responders, scientists, researchers, individuals who provided care and services during the Coronavirus pandemic, and all front-line workers. Surcharges from coin sales will go to the CDC Foundation to support the health care response to infectious diseases and pandemics.

On April 8th, Rep. Bergman cosponsored legislation that will give a four-month federal tax holiday to law enforcement officers, corrections officers, firefighters, EMT’s, paramedics, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, hospital and licensed medical facility support staff, and senior care facility staff.

Rep. Bergman said, "In the First District and across the nation, our medical professionals, first responders, and all of our front-line workers have been working hard to protect our families and reopen our economy. Minting coins to commemorate and honor our heroes is a time-honored tradition in the United States. This legislation is just another small way to say thank you for the selfless service shown through these trying times."

Background information:
The bill would come at no net cost to the taxpayer, and surcharges from coin sales—after covering the cost of minting and marketing – would be given to the CDC Foundation to support the health care response to infectious diseases and pandemics.  The coin would be issued in 2022, which is the next available date for a coin to be minted.
View the legislation HERE.

Good Morning America! Don't waste your day!

Mountain biking in the U.P. Delta County MI.