Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Michigan's Wishing Well Budget Shortfall-What is our fiscal responsibility?

The state budget is a little like a big wishing well. We throw a penny in and wish for wonders. No one really knows where all the pennies go. Ever since I was a child I suspected some official came, scooped them out and hauled them off for safe keeping.  The wishes may have stayed but the pennies are long gone and spent. As a state we need to do do a better job of thinking of how to put our short term needs into a longer term strategy. We can tighten our belts but need to get to work to raise more revenue.

COVID decimated our state budgets. It was a pandemic we didn't expect and had little cushion to overcome. The shortfall may be caused by the acute crisis but it our inability to manage budgets properly in the long run that creates the biggest issues.

The pennies are gone but the wishes remain.

The Money

According the article, "Federal aid helps Michigan fill $2.2 billion hole, but Legislature faces another major shortfall" school officials are worried about the billions of dollars budget shortfall that will require $1 billion now and if I'm understanding correctly $1.1 billion next year (Eggert, 2020). That is a lot of 0's we have to make up for and I'm not sure where the money will come from.

What I like about the article is that it helps me think about the dangers the state faces in terms of education money and lack of resources to fund it. There are some Federal dollars coming into play and some movement of money from the "rainy day" fund but there isn't enough money to go around.

Updating Schools

Pressing on this budget shortfall is the natural rights of children to get the education they deserve. Yes...our education system has been in need of reform for a long time. The type of reform needed is up to the philosophical and political differences of the politicians. What I can say is no matter if we use the traditional school system, or free choice in school system, we should consider ensuring our curriculum and methods are aligned to the needs of the modern society.

ROI on education is important because we must train people to compete in the future.

The way in which public education and universities prepare our students is important for long-term competitiveness. If we are not laying the foundations in the beginning it will be harder to develop those skills later in life. This is one of the reasons why people from impoverished neighborhoods often don't have the same opportunities as people from wealthier school systems. Its sort of a fundamental right in modern society.

Short and Long Term Thinking

The budget and its current crisis is short term. It doesn't seem that way but over the years we can get out of it in the long run. The problem is that we always seem to run into budgeting issues and deficits. It is a modern practice in government to spend almost all of the money on non-essential projects that may not have much return for the people in the state. That is why government should ensure no corruption is present and decisions are being made in the best interest of the citizens.

We are left with only two real options. Yes we can move money around, take more debt, increase inflation through printing more money, and play musical money chairs but we are still left with only so much money (units of labor). Of course we can tighten our belts and do without some things by stripping all non-essential programs. That may not be the wisest choice either; although reevaluating how money is spent is important for long-term state returns.

We need more investment in the state. Utilizing programs like Pure Michigan to reach a global audience and finding new ways to draw in foreign investment, focus domestic investments, and improve the business prospects of the state are important long term considerations. We might need to rethink about what type of information is available about high potential budding community clusters that can increase wealth, the laws/regulations we have in place that may be hampering business, and the need to get multiple stakeholders on the same page. Change isn't easy, nor is long term thinking, yet we can overcome this COVID crisis together if we think about our, and our children's futures.

Lets make a make a wish together and keep the pennies in place.
Eggert, D. (July 20, 2020). Federal aid helps Michigan fill $2.2 billion hole, but Legislature faces another major shortfall. Crains Detroit Business. https://www.crainsdetroit.com/government/federal-aid-helps-michigan-fill-22-billion-hole-legislature-faces-another-major

Implicit Trait Tests for Business Executive and Military Officer Selection

Leadership carries an important function in society to influence and manage large groups of people to achieve worthwhile organizational objectives in both the business and military world. We may think we found a great leader and then we find them falter under difficult and stressing situations. On the flip side, we may discard a potential leader based on inaccurate traits and come to find they have the right stuff when under fire. Having more accurate implicit measurements can make a difference in selection and performance that has tangible results on institutional assets and outcomes.

Selecting leaders is important to nearly every aspect of society. We may want a leader to enhance corporate profits, a leader to help our military, or a civic/political leader that can bring society to a new level. Human Resource departments and human enhancement fields don't always use the right tools.

First, it important to say that leadership is culturally laden but there is some elements that seem to be cross cultural and prized by others. Acting with honor, having strong decision making skills, influencing networks of people, and being able to achieve goals are just a few.

Explicit leadership traits are a little easier to observe and we often rely on these outward post performance measures. Implicit leadership is a little different. These are the internal leadership characteristics that are under the surface that are waiting to come out in the right situation.

The most common leadership models often revolve around 1. trait models, 2. behavioral models and 3. contingency models (Buble, 2000). In short this means their personality traits, their behaviors and how they handle certain situations. Implicit personality traits aren't always easy to observe and take special testing to uncover.

 Measurement of the implicit dimension requires specially crafted instruments, including the “classic” Thematic Apperception Test, as well as recently introduced instruments such as the Implicit Association Test and the Conditional Reasoning Test for Power Motive (Trojak & Galic, 2020) .

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): Interpretation of pictures of social situation that reveal inner motivations. Participants who interpret social pictures in one way or another reveal their own goals and objectives.

Implicit Association Test (IAT): Used in forensic psychology and marketing to measure implicit social cognition through quickly categorizing information in split seconds that indicate subconscious connections (vs. intentional).

Conditional Reasoning Tests (CRT): The test seeks to discover the rationality we justify when achieving our innate goals. People use cognitive processes justify their objectives in defensive thinking. Rationality is often subjective to the goal.

Tests are tests and are part of the overall selection process. We can use them to help us make better decisions but they should be rounded out with other observable characteristics and the needs of the organization. However, using these tools can further the selection process of future leaders in the business and the military world.

Buble, M. (2000). Management. Split: Ekonomski fakultet.

Trojak, N. & Galic, Z. (2018). How to select a true leader? Introducing methods for measurement of implicit power motive. Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, https://doi.org/10.30924/mjcmi.25.1.13

Monday, July 20, 2020

Picking Up Trash While Diving in Gladstone-% of Polluted Waterways in the U.S.

Our environment is vitally important for our long term survival. I think we will find that out in the future as our environment has a bigger impact on our lives. Our environment impacts our health and our resilience to COVID and other diseases. It also can impact tourism and the economy through reduced environmental appeal. Likewise, there is a GDP cost to pollution that we are starting to calculate.

I came across this statistic that I thought was very interesting, The EPA states that 46% of U.S. streams, 21% of lakes, 18% of coastal waters, and 32% of the nation’s wetlands are polluted (EPA). I found that statistic in a pretty good article entitled "How Air, Water, and Plastic Pollution Affect the Economy".

My accomplishment today? World Pollution- 2 Pieces of Sheet Plastic

Circling Back to Damage a Child and the Cost of Betrayal-The Discounting of Life

My story continues on and it is an important one for society to learn. I have come to face and see my world without the rosy glasses and idealism that has been part of my outlook for as long as I remember. I used to think people want to do the right thing in all cases, that justice was something we all agree with in society, and that people had the best intentions for others. Through very tough experiences I learned that isn't true in all cases and even the protection of children is not a universal concept if they are deemed different and less worthy than other children.

In a previous post I discussed my son taking a nose dive with all of the text, conversations, lies, and manipulation being sent by a group of adult and child bullies. I created as much distance between the perpetrators and my family as I could. That need for distance included not going to a social club I enjoyed (a number of problems occurred there and I will explain in another post) as well as certain events and blocking anyone who sent me a hate message or supported the perpetrators in any way.

I'm not sure if that was the right thing or not but I can say It seemed like the most prudent way to create a protective barrier. However, as long as they had my sons phone number they were going to to continue sending text. But I felt that if I take myself out of the picture they would send him less messages. That isn't exactly what happened.

My son was struggling and it isn't fair for me to explain to what extent or the details of this (I will explain it to any law enforcement official that wants to hear it). The mother and I had the same impression our child was in harm's way and we had concerns that serious damage was being caused. As a matter of point, the mother, even though we have not been together for decades, enjoy a strong relationship and a universal love for our children. We are both level headed individuals.

She was more concerned than I was and wanted to take more protective action. At that time I'm still confused by what is occurring and I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around such hate. I needed some help in understanding so I talked to someone who has prior dealt with local racism and informed her of my son's struggles and asked her not to tell anyone because I fear that the perpetrators will lean in on him more. She promised.

I was wrong. I admit I made the mistake in being too trusting. She went and told them and I feel she/they discounted the value of my son. With this new knowledge of my son's struggles the perpetrators contacted him again trying to cause more issues. He reacts again and I realize "this is very serious, they are really going to damage this kid!". Its that moment when you realize a person/group would push your son over the edge and then blame someone else, something else, and walk away.

Later my son confides in me and says they text a lot of negative stuff about their father to him (Seems made up and inappropriate to tell a kid. Likely an intentional attempt to do harm and force conflict.). The things they they texted him were grotesque, designed to cause pain, and used as a method manipulation. I wonder what would drive someone to try and push a child who is struggling and I realize that I may not be dealing with normal people and normal behavior. I can't find any logic in it. It started to look like something sadistic and part of sociopath type behavior.

So when there is no logic to a persons thinking, or that logic is distorted and the information is distorted, I believe that it is an emotionally driven response with no end. Hate and rage against people who are different, even if it is for ego reasons, should never be accepted in this society. Children are supposed to be sacred. It isn't always the case and we are not always willing to protect them if they have a different creed or race than ourselves.

I think about it and even now with all the destruction and damage I do not hate them and I wish them no harm. Yet I do wish them accountability and I hope our justice system will stand up and do the right thing so that this doesn't happen again. It seems similar things, even worse things, may have happened before and yet no accountability has been brought. My door is open to any law enforcement official that would like to discuss the details of events.

There is still that part of me that says the more you talk the worse it is going to get. Yet who would I be, and what type of American can I claim myself to be, if I don't at least make some small contribution to our society. I'm not a perfect person but I am empathetic and a sympathetic person that wants to help others who may be struggling with the same types of issues. I can do that through telling my story and ensuring that criminal behavior is held to account. If I would have lost my son, or other people would have lost theirs, what kind of moral obligation would I feel in hindsight then? We need stronger legislation to protect the victims of hate crimes, bullying, and coordinated harassment. I'm not asking for any money, and I'm not asking for a personal apology, but I am asking for accountability and a change in our thinking. Why is one life worth more than another's life?

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Presidential Order on U.S. and Hong Kong: What does it mean?

There are changes in the way Hong Kong will be treated as having special status. To understand the open nature of Hong Kong and how it became connected to the West you have go go back to the 1800's and the opium trade. The culture and history are likely going to be at odds for China after 200+ years of differences. You can read about some of the history HERE.  What essentially does this mean in terms of business, commerce and trade?

It means there will be changes in business and Hong Kong will be treated like other areas of China and there will be restrictions the same as there is in China. Hong Kong was part of the global economic community and helped influence how we thought of global business as a conduit to the Eastern world. In many ways, it will now be seen as part of China (Britain released control in 1997)and thus not part of the Western business networks.

The move is symbolic in many ways but will also have some economic teeth terms of investment, exports, and trade. The extent of those changes will need to be seen but for one thing there will be impacts on how American and Chinese businesses will be treated there and thus become part of the brewing cold war. Lower investment and business prospects in Hong Kong will likely have impact for the economic health of the city thereby turning it East.

Civil rights will increasingly be raised as an issue of contention between the two countries as China asserts its authority over the area. China is often seen by the U.S. as not having the same protections and those who protest against the state or wrongdoing may not have a court case, due diligence, or protections to free speech. Thus, it falls out of line in general with American tradition. Of course, the Chinese are likely to disagree and have their own vantage point on the issue but it is an important underpinning of the trade war (culture and economic ideas).

I'm sure there is more to come as China and the U.S. get locked into arm to arm grappling.

The following order issued July 14th, 2020 was taken from the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau and can be found HERE. 

The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-393), the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 (Public Law 116-76), the Hong Kong Autonomy Act of 2020, signed into law July 14, 2020, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, determine, pursuant to section 202 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, that the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is no longer sufficiently autonomous to justify differential treatment in relation to the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) under the particular United States laws and provisions thereof set out in this order. In late May 2020, the National People’s Congress of China announced its intention to unilaterally and arbitrarily impose national security legislation on Hong Kong. This announcement was merely China’s latest salvo in a series of actions that have increasingly denied autonomy and freedoms that China promised to the people of Hong Kong under the 1984 Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong (Joint Declaration). As a result, on May 27, 2020, the Secretary of State announced that the PRC had fundamentally undermined Hong Kong’s autonomy and certified and reported to the Congress, pursuant to sections 205 and 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, as amended, respectively, that Hong Kong no longer warrants treatment under United States law in the same manner as United States laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1, 1997. On May 29, 2020, I directed the heads of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions under United States law that give Hong Kong differential treatment in relation to China.
China has since followed through on its threat to impose national security legislation on Hong Kong. Under this law, the people of Hong Kong may face life in prison for what China considers to be acts of secession or subversion of state power –- which may include acts like last year’s widespread anti-government protests. The right to trial by jury may be suspended. Proceedings may be conducted in secret. China has given itself broad power to initiate and control the prosecutions of the people of Hong Kong through the new Office for Safeguarding National Security. At the same time, the law allows foreigners to be expelled if China merely suspects them of violating the law, potentially making it harder for journalists, human rights organizations, and other outside groups to hold the PRC accountable for its treatment of the people of Hong Kong.
I therefore determine that the situation with respect to Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the PRC to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to that threat.
In light of the foregoing, I hereby determine and order:
Section 1. It shall be the policy of the United States to suspend or eliminate different and preferential treatment for Hong Kong to the extent permitted by law and in the national security, foreign policy, and economic interest of the United States.
Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 202 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (22 U.S.C. 5722), I hereby suspend the application of section 201(a) of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, as amended (22 U.S.C. 5721(a)), to the following statutes:
(a) section 103 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (8 U.S.C. 1152 note);
(b) sections 203(c), 212(l), and 221(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1153(c), 1182(l), and 1201(c), respectively);
(c) the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.);
(d) section 721(m) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. 4565(m));
(e) the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (50 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.); and
(f) section 1304 of title 19, United States Code.
Sec. 3. Within 15 days of the date of this order, the heads of agencies shall commence all appropriate actions to further the purposes of this order, consistent with applicable law, including, to:
(a) amend any regulations implementing those provisions specified in section 2 of this order, and, consistent with applicable law and executive orders, under IEEPA, which provide different treatment for Hong Kong as compared to China;
(b) amend the regulation at 8 CFR 212.4(i) to eliminate the preference for Hong Kong passport holders as compared to PRC passport holders;
(c) revoke license exceptions for exports to Hong Kong, reexports to Hong Kong, and transfers (in-country) within Hong Kong of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR Parts 730-774, that provide differential treatment compared to those license exceptions applicable to exports to China, reexports to China, and transfers (in-country) within China;
(d) consistent with section 902(b)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-246), terminate the export licensing suspensions under section 902(a)(3) of such Act insofar as such suspensions apply to exports of defense articles to Hong Kong persons who are physically located outside of Hong Kong and the PRC and who were authorized to receive defense articles prior to the date of this order;
(e) give notice of intent to suspend the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong for the Surrender of Fugitive Offenders (TIAS 98-121);
(f) give notice of intent to terminate the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong for the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (TIAS 99-418);
(g) take steps to end the provision of training to members of the Hong Kong Police Force or other Hong Kong security services at the Department of State’s International Law Enforcement Academies;
(h) suspend continued cooperation undertaken consistent with the now-expired Protocol Between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America and Institute of Space and Earth Information Science of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Concerning Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Earth Sciences (TIAS 09-1109);
(i) take steps to terminate the Fulbright exchange program with regard to China and Hong Kong with respect to future exchanges for participants traveling both from and to China or Hong Kong;
(j) give notice of intent to terminate the agreement for the reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes on income from the international operation of ships effected by the Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong (TIAS 11892);
(k) reallocate admissions within the refugee ceiling set by the annual Presidential Determination to residents of Hong Kong based on humanitarian concerns, to the extent feasible and consistent with applicable law; and
(l) propose for my consideration any further actions deemed necessary and prudent to end special conditions and preferential treatment for Hong Kong.
Sec. 4. All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:
(a) Any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:
(i) to be or have been involved, directly or indirectly, in the coercing, arresting, detaining, or imprisoning of individuals under the authority of, or to be or have been responsible for or involved in developing, adopting, or implementing, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Administrative Region;
(ii) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, any of the following:
(A) actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Hong Kong;
(B) actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong;
(C) censorship or other activities with respect to Hong Kong that prohibit, limit, or penalize the exercise of freedom of expression or assembly by citizens of Hong Kong, or that limit access to free and independent print, online or broadcast media; or
(D) the extrajudicial rendition, arbitrary detention, or torture of any person in Hong Kong or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights or serious human rights abuse in Hong Kong;
(iii) to be or have been a leader or official of:
(A) an entity, including any government entity, that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, any of the activities described in subsections (a)(i), (a)(ii)(A), (a)(ii)
(B), or (a)(ii)(C) of this section; or

(B) an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
(iv) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section;
(v) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section; or
(vi) to be a member of the board of directors or a senior executive officer of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section.
(b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted before the date of this order.
Sec. 5. I hereby determine that the making of donations of the types of articles specified in section 203(b)(2) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(2)) by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 4 of this order would seriously impair my ability to deal with the national emergency declared in this order, and I hereby prohibit such donations as provided by section 4 of this order.
Sec. 6. The prohibitions in section 4(a) of this order include:
(a) the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 4(a) of this order; and
(b) the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.
Sec. 7. The unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens determined to meet one or more of the criteria in section 4(a) of this order, as well as immediate family members of such aliens, or aliens determined by the Secretary of State to be employed by, or acting as an agent of, such aliens, would be detrimental to the interest of the United States, and the entry of such persons into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, is hereby suspended. Such persons shall be treated as persons covered by section 1 of Proclamation 8693 of July 24, 2011 (Suspension of Entry of Aliens Subject to United Nations Security Council Travel Bans and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions). The Secretary of State shall have the responsibility of implementing this section pursuant to such conditions and procedures as the Secretary has established or may establish pursuant to Proclamation 8693.
Sec. 8. (a) Any transaction that evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
Sec. 9. Nothing in this order shall prohibit transactions for the conduct of the official business of the Federal Government by employees, grantees, or contractors thereof.
Sec. 10. For the purposes of this order:
(a) the term “person” means an individual or entity;
(b) the term “entity” means a government or instrumentality of such government, partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization, including an international organization;
(c) the term “United States person” means any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States; and
(d) The term “immediate family member” means spouses and children of any age.
Sec. 11. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to section 4 of this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 4 of this order.
Sec. 12. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to me by IEEPA as may be necessary to implement this order. The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions within the Department of the Treasury. All departments and agencies of the United States shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.
Sec. 13. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to submit recurring and final reports to the Congress on the national emergency declared in this order, consistent with section 401(c) of the NEA (50 U.S.C. 1641(c)) and section 204(c) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1703(c)).
Sec. 14. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 15. If, based on consideration of the terms, obligations, and expectations expressed in the Joint Declaration, I determine that changes in China’s actions ensure that Hong Kong is sufficiently autonomous to justify differential treatment in relation to the PRC under United States law, I will reconsider the determinations made and actions taken and directed under this order.
July 14, 2020.

The Great Outdoor Americans Act-Does it Help Delta County?

I was reading the article "Great American Outdoors Act Would Improve National Parks—and U.S. Economy" by Marcia Argust from the The Pew Charitable Trusts’ campaign to restore America’s parks and it sparked my interesting. The Act introduced by Senator Cory Gardner states
"investing nontaxpayer dollars to fix deteriorating assets within our aging National Park System (NPS) " Such investment may have some impact on the Delta County area and its natural resources through the improvement of resources and in turn tourism. We can do a better job capitalizing on the growing trend of eco-tourism and its related industries.

Like the author I believe there is a link between investing in our natural assets and improving our economies. There is a wider benefit that could be utilized to help places like Escanaba/Gladstone and the rest of Delta County Michigan not only improve their economies but also protect healthy U.P. environments that are increasingly becoming national treasures. We can do more with the right economic plan in place.

The has a couple of interesting points (quoted from the article).....
  • $778 billion in national economic output—or 2.2% of U.S. gross domestic product—each year and generates 5.2 million American jobs.
  • Park tourism generates $21 billion in direct spending on lodging, restaurants, gas, and similar costs, resulting in over $40 billion in total economic output. This supports over 340,000 jobs each year.
  • The hunting and fishing industries in the U.S. are supported by 49 million sportsmen and sportswomen; these businesses employ 1.3 million Americans and contribute $200 billion to the national economy each year.
  • A Boston University study states that every $1 million invested in the LWCF produces 17 to 31 jobs.
There is no doubt that this fund will have an impact on some local economies. There are other benefits that are not calculated in these figures that include impact on eco-tourism and related industries for rural locations like Delta County Michigan.

You can read about the Act in Congress HERE.

The fund has the following criteria.....

200402. National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund

“(a) Establishment.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the ‘National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund’.

“(b) Deposits.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), for each of fiscal years 2021 through 2025, there shall be deposited in the Fund an amount equal to 50 percent of all energy development revenues due and payable to the United States from oil, gas, coal, or alternative or renewable energy development on Federal land and water credited, covered, or deposited as miscellaneous receipts under Federal law in the preceding fiscal year.

Let us take a look at how some of the funds will be used. That will give us a better ideas of where and how that might impact the local area. 

“(e) Use Of Funds.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be used for priority deferred maintenance projects in the System, in the National Wildlife Refuge System, on public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management, for the Bureau of Indian Education schools, and in the National Forest System, as follows:

“(A) 70 percent of the amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be allocated to the Service.

“(B) 15 percent of the amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be allocated to the Forest Service.

“(C) 5 percent of the amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be allocated to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

“(D) 5 percent of the amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be allocated to the Bureau of Land Management.

“(E) 5 percent of the amounts deposited in the Fund for each fiscal year shall be allocated to the Bureau of Indian Education.

That means there may be money being spent on some of our local resources that would in turn improve tourism and create a stronger environment for other eco-tourist industries. You may want to see an article I wrote on Attracting SME Adventure-Venture Capitalism to Delta County (Escanaba & Gladstone) Through Neuroeconomics to gain a greater understanding of how this might work.  I'm not sure if there is a plan out there yet that determines who gets what but it will be interesting to see what the budget will look like.

If you look at the map below you will find that Delta County Michigan exists and lives in nature. Its major industry is mining, small business and the paper mill. Local officials sometimes dabble with tourism but haven't diversified their industry to protect its local population and jobs from changes in the global market. Much has to do with creating the right plan and drawing in interested stakeholders.

Developing Tourism and Related Clusters

Escanaba and Gladstone have opportunities to develop and grow micro-manufacturing of recreational tourist products, draw in tourism and develop a distribution base for a new push into manufacturing. By developing the right clusters they will eventually find industry grow and develop exponentially as these industry take hold. Such industries are likely to fit within local skills and abilities which can be beneficial for developing clusters.

Development requires a commitment to using the areas resources wisely. It is important to remember that nothing stays the same forever. It must change and adjust or it must die and become another town with a decaying downtown and few opportunities. Escanaba and Delta County have a solid base and with the right investment and capitalization on resources it can return to a growth stage while keeping the outdoor flavor intact.

Thus far the Senate passed the legislation in June on a bi-partisan vote 73 to 25. I say I support this Act.

Argust, M. (August 16th, 2020). Great American Outdoors Act Would Improve National Parks. Pew Trust. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2020/07/16/great-american-outdoors-act-would-improve-national-parks-and-us-economy

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Intentionally Damaging Children to "Teach a Lesson"-Hate Crimes

The saga and story continues to unfold as we move forward. One of the biggest blow outs was the lack of boundaries and intentional manipulation of children. While I became more aware of missing money from an inheritance I didn't mention it to anyone because 1. I didn't know what it all meant and 2. It wasn't the most important thing to me. However, when my children were being put in harms way and there was intentional manipulation that looked like it was damaging them I couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

Let me say that if we don't have the right to protect our children then we have no other greater purpose. I have no idea what dysfunctional values have made their way into this group but I can't find a different bottom line than protecting children. It shouldn't matter what is going on in our lives or disagreements we are having the exploitation of children isn't the answer.  So I said "NO!"

That didn't go as well as I planned. Not because enforcing boundaries wasn't wise but because I was unaware of the bigotry, hate, and mental health issues in play. Telling someone "no" with narcissistic traits, surrounded by overly socially conscious, does not bode well for minorities that can be singled out as "different". The community made it very clear that people like us are not welcome, children will not be protected, and they are willing to express their disdain publicly with no recourse

I can only say that when these things happen you take pause and think about all the destruction and hate. Intentional misinformation designed to do as much damage as humanly possible. Taking all of that rage and focusing it on children seems way out of line. However, there are those I'm sure who question nothing the perpetrators say and giggle and snicker as though they will receive a little gold star from their friend group for being what would be considered in other places disgusting.

In hindsight I can say that it was under the surface and their were red flags I didn't see. I tried hinting that they were acting inappropriate and shouldn't say certain things to help change the trajectory they were on. My children were reacting to intentional manipulation. For example, one of the parents was going to rent a room for a concert in Wisconsin (across state lines) for some of the kids to go to a concert. However, the children were under age and I'm not sure it was wise to do this so I told my son he couldn't go. The parents exploited this to cause some mayhem.

Yet that wasn't the only thing that was going on. Another person promised they were going to teach my child how to shoot a hunting rifle. My children weren't raised with guns but if I was going to go with them and shoot at skeet or cans then that wouldn't be so bad. He intentionally raised my child hopes for over a month and then after I bought their plane ticket at then end of the summer told my son that they are going to do it the next day and that I should change the ticket thereby dashing his hopes. I asked this person specifically not to mention it to my over enthusiastic child until he is ready to go...he did the opposite.

So in some ways I was becoming increasingly aware that this group of individuals meant to do some harm. In some of the cases, even their children were being rude to some of my children. I was naturally concerned so when my son started to further react and one of the perpetrators started sending me text calling me names I stated loud and clear you will no longer violate my, or my children's boundaries. If you want a relationship you can't intentionally be destructive and damaging to us.

I can only say unbridled and uncontrolled rage made its way onto the scene....

Instead of giving my son the respite he needed they targeted him more utilizing as many people as they could muster. They even used and exploited their own children as proxies. Overwhelmed him with text of hate inventing, creating and saying whatever came to their mind they thought would do the most damage. My son reacted and began to take a nose dive. No remorse and respite. Worse, they were soliciting one of their law enforcement friends to put pressure on me.

In my wildest dream I can't image that protecting your family by telling someone "no" would be grounds for a false investigation launched by one of their friends. That officer has a long history of inappropriate and unreviewed behavior that is well known in the community. I suspect there will need to be some review of their file and deep dive to figure out what other things this officer has been up to.

Needles to say, I began to create as much distance as possible and that empowered them more. My ego and the need to protect my self esteem or integrity wasn't in play at the moment. I needed distance between them, my children and myself for the protection of our family. The more we backed away the more destructive they became. Their friends giggle and engaged in a coordinated harassment campaign so that no matter where I went if I came across one of their friends I was pointed at, laughed at, stared at, and show aggressive behaviors. The same group of  teens turned adults sports playing friends that never really grew up from highschool.

So I can say there is so much to this story I cannot possible write it out in one setting. I can only say I don't care what people think about me because I have an obligation to my family, myself,  and to others (including minorities) that became targets. It also seems that we have an obligation to stop hate and bigotry but we just say that in public without taking action where it is needed. I'm not asking for people to go to jail. I'm asking for people to get the mental health help they need (jail as an alternative for people who don't want help) and make amends for the what appears to be criminal behavior.

I suspect the more I write the more people in the community will become proxies (at least this has been the experience so far). I don't know whether I'm being a fool or I'm displaying leadership. I can say that something deep in me says what happened here is wrong and it may not have been the first time this has happened. Thus, it appears that if no one stands up to do the right thing then these bullying, racist behaviors will continue without account, investigation, or resolution.

Wouldn't it be great as a nation if we can learn that hate is limiting our nation's full potential.