Sunday, June 23, 2019

Woody's Golf in Delta County Michigan-A few holes for a few bucks!

I went to this place called Woody's Run outside of Escanaba. First time I have been there. The greens were well taken care of, the fairways offered some challenges and the staff were friendly. This is a mom and pop family run golf facility run out of a barn. Despite its small stature the experience was definitely worth the price. Two people can play and rent a cart for $30.

Golf was one of those sports for the elite because it took considerable resources to not only manage the course but also to have the leisure time to engage in it. If you are working for your daily bread it isn't likely you will have the time or money to play. ...but that is changing.

Most people can afford to play from time to time. Maybe not everyday but if you have gone to the movies lately you may find the cost comparable. Places like Woody's are very affordable for the average person. There are some benefits people should think about while playing golf. That includes relaxing in the outdoors, creating friendships and exercise. It can be a quick respite from our daily lives. :)🏌🏌
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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Fishing Near Escanaba River Entrance

I'm out here fishing and searching for supper. I'm using a crawler harness with a little worm on the end. Very bright and colorful. Trolling around the mouth, by the pylons, into the weeds and lurked on all the other boats. A few fish jumped out but no luck for me. :(

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Isolationism or Globalization? Anyone Know What the Right Approach Is?

There are arguments to be made for isolationist policies as well as engagement policies. The problem is that over the long run choices create outcomes that don't often have the most value. Isolationism means a country stays out of the policies of other countries while a more engaging strategy seeks to influence the outcome of policies. While politics is one thing the economy is another. Getting connected to other nations leads to growth over a longer period of time.

It isn't wise to isolate for too long because economies become less competitive. Once they lose their market position they may not be able regain it quickly. Isolation limits the influx of new money and ideas.

The best economies put themselves at the center of the information and resource chain. It is where everything else sort of gravitates toward. Resources, ideas, people, money, etc... come to the center of the supply chain. 

With more and more data being collected it is possible to track how resources are moving around the globe. That can tell you a whole lot about where the value in the chain resides. It may be in the extraction of natural resources, conversion to working material, in the development of ideas or the manufacturing of the final product.

They only way the supply chain will gravitate toward certain regions is if the most value is being produced there. The resources are moving because people/nations are profiting at each of the supply chain stops where raw resources are refined into new things.

When all of the elements come together to create the most value through the general of a new product or service is where the high investment possibilities are found. This is even more true if we design and manufacture the highest value and quality products. The greatest value occurs where there is the greatest synergy.

Leading the market means create the most value. Regions that can do that become known for their local abilities. Establishing a product allows the region to capitalize on it. This will not happen unless treaties are made and information and resources flow.

The case against isolation is a strong one. There should be a balance where new resources and ideas flow in while the highest value products flow out. Manufacturing these products in the U.S. helps secure local clusters  maintain their knowledge and abilities here. Thus some isolationist strategies may be helpful in the short run but the long term game goes to the person who can draw resources and sell products while capitalizing on retaining abilities.

Success Careers Comes With Others-Say Please and Thank You

Success is not often a stand alone affair. Over the years I have realized that when you want to achieve some goal in your life you are inevitably going to rely on others. From the people who give you tips to the people who actually open the doors open for you there will be others on your path. Treating people as though they are important is a sign of a mature mind.

It seems sometimes like the lowest common denominator of behavior is becoming common. This isn't the best approach and those who have the capacity to see the bigger picture should make a habit of treating people well.

When we are positive and friendly we find new resources being pushed our way. People have a willingness to help others. They won't do this for very long if they don't feel as though their efforts are appreciated.

Say "Thank You" and "Please". People like to hear these things. They want to know that they made a difference and they helped someone.  These old rules haven't disappeared and make even more sense when social media is pushing just the opposite.

In one's career you will have opportunities. Most of these don't come through your local advertisements but through people you know. They will tell you about opportunities and they will get you into the door.

Make sure that you understand your social network and how to manage it well. This means keeping in contact with people, being positive, sharing resources and helping each other out. The management of ones networks means being a genuine and engaged person that brings benefits to others.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Happy Friday Pictures from Marquette

Beautiful day, cool, lots of sun and in Marquette. Nice. Sometimes its the little things that count.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Social Media in the Marketing World

Social media in the marketing world is becoming ever more important. It is helpful to remember that social media is useful because it deals with groups of people that share something in common. The more highly motivated the groups is the better the marketing potential. This means that social media is about getting in with groups of people so they can hear about the value you provide to them. They must see it as something beneficial to their lives and identities.

Social media is increasingly becoming common as technology changes and gives us greater access to others people who share interests. We are getting broader and deeper in our connections. They may be a local sports team or a global network on the Dark Net.

People rally around interests, causes, beliefs, and blogs. Networks are formed by people who share something in common with others. Tapping into those networks for marketing purposes opens up new opportunities.

Lifestyle groups are particularly helpful because people's identities are associated with engaging in certain activities. They will naturally buy products related to their lifestyle. For example if you like to downhill ski you will be connected to others that like to downhill ski.  You will want to sell something related to their hobbies.

It is important to remember that information about us is all over the web. Some people may want to engage with others but not want their information sold or misused. There is a movement to push companies to not collect or share such information without disclosures. Those disclosures are becoming more apparent and allow people to opt out.

In social groups marketing is focused on the group. Collecting information about others may be seen as exploitative and an invasion of privacy. Be sure that you are collecting what you need, disclosing that you are doing so, and protecting that information.

Social media marketing works a lot like other forms of marketing. One can provide discounts, sales, and opportunities for people who are part of that network. This creates an "insider" exclusivity that encourages members of one group to feel special. Social network is about perception and value.

Technology and marketing are continuing to change every year. New technologies create new opportunities. Staying on top of industry changes can help you beat the market odds when it comes to selling. Keep updated and continue to "play with" emerging technologies as they become popular.

How to Know When You Need a Quick Break

I'm a physical machine when I want to be! Lap swimming in the morning, hiking in the forests, horse riding, and then drills for diving in the evening. Crash in bed at mid night and up and at it by 5:30 am. Of course I have to get a lot of other work done with my professor job as well. Therefore, there are times when your body says, "wow...slow down and take a day off".

This usually happens when your body gets over trained. I know this because I typically fell like my legs are very heavy, I'm dead tired all day, my body is sore, and I sneeze a lot. My body is simply tired.

I used to try and push my way through it and in many cases it would go away. Yet I wouldn't see the real results of working out like that. I found that if I took a day or two off my body was in better shape and I could see the results of my workout.

Rest is an essential part of working out. It is an absolute necessity if one wants to see real gains. When your body begins to tell you to slow down and relax don't be afraid to do it. You won't lose anything and likely will have much more to gain.  As your body heals and recovers it gets stronger.

Using Processes to Improve Your Writing

Writing can be very easy or it can be complex. How you view this depends on whether you see writing as a tool or more like an art form of communication. Once you have a rudimentary understanding of writing as a communication tool you can fulfill its function but may not be very effective in motivating people to act. Following a process will help you reach more people and spark their interest.

I'm probably never going to be a great writer of magnificent prose but I can still improve on my writing by following a simple process. The process allows us to think about the various aspects of writing and come to a better outcomes.

1. I would look at the audience in which I am to write. This means looking what the audience like, their buzz words, and how they relate to the world. The deeper you can move into their collective understanding of life the better you will be able to write for them.

2. Understand what media you are going to use to reach them. If you are writing a blog, newspaper article, Tweet, etc... will determine how you write. You are limited in the amount of depth and characters you will used.

3. Determine the objective of your writing. Make sure what your goal is and center your writing around a single focus. This will create clarity throughout your writing as a theme is created.

4. Determine which keywords are most likely to be used by people who have interest in those topics. Select a couple of key words based on their ability to compete in search engines and other methods.

5. Write your draft. Free flow your thoughts and ideas until you get your writing completed.

6. Determine the type of pictures, videos, and other enhancements that will highlight your main points. A picture or sound recording can make a big difference.

7.  Proofread and then proofread again. Depending on your level of accuracy you will want to proofread a couple of times. If your like me you may need to proofread three times and different times.

8. Publish and check. You will want to publish and double check its displayed properly.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How Might China Try and Capitalize on The Trade War to Set Up New Alliances

China is trying to limit some of the damage of the trade war with the U.S. by inviting other nations to increase trade with them. What they used to get from the U.S. they are trying to get from other nations. That will change how products and information flow throughout the world. A polarized world of military and commercial activity may be the long-term result of long-term trade adjustments.

1. Gap filling suppliers are likely to be permanently part of the Chinese economic engine once they begin working within the country.

2. China may have reached a point where it no longer needs to rely on the U.S. but move toward creating its own global network of commerce.

3. China will seek out countries that align closely with its own culture in terms of fundamental beliefs creating political connections along with financial ones.

3. They are capitalizing on low cost production enhance the reach of its market approach by a sector of countries.

There are a few things China may not have thought of.....

1. If the U.S. increases their innovative capacity they can product better products at lower prices thereby being a market leader.

2. Not all countries align ideologically with China and may end up solidifying support in Europe and other places.

3. A polarized world world will likely slow down commerce on both sides.

4. Much of the Chinese economy is resting on Europe and the U.S. A prolonged trade war may end up limiting both trade and information.

Why Big Data is Changing What We Know About Society

Giving off Data while Fishing :)😬😲😀
Big Data is here to stay and its not going to change anytime soon. Information about us is everywhere in cyberspace and never truly gets deleted. Our lives are recorded into little 1's and 0's that technology can analyzed and discover. We collect information on keystrokes, buying habits, political affiliations, Interests, friends and one and on. The information is extremely helpful for marketers but likewise very important for understanding societal trends.

Imagine if you tapped into a few large databases that companies or government entities have been using to store information and in an instant you can determine a persons income, medical records, hobbies, interests, friends, etc... You may know more about them then they know about themselves. That is real power!

On a macro level you could analyze people's opinions and come to conclusions about how different beliefs are impacted by culture. Those countries that are cultural generators share a way of thinking that impacts other nations. With Big Data we may someday have enough information to see which cultures influence others and to what level.

It is important to remember that data is predictive as well. It can predict who is going to win an election, how people are going to react to events, which groups are supporting which causes, and even whether or not war is coming. Connecting databases together tells you a lot about the world you don't know.


Lets say you are looking at pictures of vacations online, logged into your bank account, moved over to another screen and checked your credit card statement, bounced over to see the prices of airfare, looked at a new tent, and finally emailed your friend about taking a future outdoor vacation.  Would this be enough to predict behavior? It may not be 100% predictive but a company would know what type of items I should be displaying on advertisements directed to you.

Now add the online behaviors of an entire nation into a mega-database. By just monitoring online "chatter" you can gauge peoples opinions. Through historical knowledge of previous "chatter" and social events you can predict societal behavior and reaction. You can determine the outcome of an event and its impact on peoples lives. Maybe not with perfect accuracy but you can have confidence.

Is this a good thing?

Its a little freaky and no one has truly done it on that level yet but it is possible. People are concerned that too much data is being concentrated into the hands of a few large companies. For those who have influence over such large predictive "big data" its a wonderful thing. For foreign countries that want to gain information about individuals and events it is also a great thing. But for those who want privacy, governments that want to ensure national interests, etc.... it may not be such a great thing! Legislation will determine how much information can be held by specific parties but technology and access will determine who has access to the wise swaths of information.