Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Acai Bowls Benefits and Detractors

Acai bowls are popular in California. Most of my favorite coffee shops and cafes offer a number of different kinds. Personally, I think they taste great and I order them a few times a week. What I didn't know is that while there are some health benefits there are a number of detractors we should consider.

If you haven't hand one it is a little like frozen yogurt with lots of topics. It will run you around $8-10 in most places.

First, they are chuck full of healthy stuff like acia berries, fruit, anti-oxidants and healthy fats. These help your body fight off diseases and cancers.

The downside is that many of these bowls contain a huge amount of sugar. All the berries, almonds, butter, and granola spike your body full of sugar.

It is recommended that you don't have them every day. Just eat them on occasion as an actual lunch. They are too rich for a snack so make sure you aren't eating that and loading up later on during the day.

Why Graduating Students Should Learn to Write Custom Cover Letters

It doesn't really matter if you are a student or a seasoned professional it is important to make sure your cover letter is specific to each job you are applying. While it may be easier to use the same cover page for every employer it will deaden your opportunities and lower your chances of getting called for an interview. 

A cover letter is a statement about who you are and why you match the position. Because this is the first thing the hiring manager sees it is important to be very specific about why you match the position.

If the listing is asking for computer skills and Microsoft Office experience then apparently it is very important to them. You will want to state how you have those skills in the very first paragraph.

There may also be some generic skills that are common to positions of your industry. These are fine to state in a second paragraph and applied to all cover letters in that industry.

Try and keep your cover page as short as possible. One should be able to get 70% of the information in 10 seconds so they can put you in the "follow up" pile.

You will still want to use a professional business letter format. It is these small impressions that can make a big difference.

Salsa Dance for Coordination and Fitness

Dancing is a great sport to augment your fitness and encourage greater coordination. You may also find at times that you will meet people and develop like minded enthusiasts. As you age many doctors and fitness instructors encourage people to get into dance. It is something that allows the heart rate to rise while still having fun.

A couple of good reasons to get into dance.

-Improve cardio health.
-Strengthens core muscles.
-Creates greater coordination and flexibility.
-Keeps you motivated.
-Can be used to change up workout routines.
-Develop a community
-No gym membership.
-Fights workout boredom.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Does Senator John McCain Make A Point on the Need for More Civility in American Values?

Politics is ugly and its getting uglier by the minute. It is easy to throw stones and sling mud in favor or your favorite candidate. This isn't that type of argument. Despite the bitterness between McCain and Trump the essential point is that our government must work together to solve problems. Republicans and Democrats should both be soul searching to find where they can strengthen our country. 

If our nation ever fails it will be because our leaders have allowed our nation to gridlock itself in a way that it can no longer function. With constant bickering and arguing not much is going to get done and we are failing both ours and the next generation. 

Of course we are not so smart...we keep putting forward and voting for the same types of people. 

John McCain says we should vote for a person with some modesty....he goes on to say... “modestly promises to build relationships on both sides of the aisle, to form alliances to promote their ideas, to respect other points of view, and to split differences where possible to make measurable progress on national problems.”

Lets be realistic about this though. When will big special interests and corporate donors put money into a candidate who doesn't care about their money? It isn't likely that a modest, humble, thoughtful, and creative problem solving leader will come forward in this environment. They will be smacked down by the more narcissistic potentials who seek to serve themselves over the country.  

As a nation we should start voting for people who share our American values. Not the one's who look like us, the ones with certain religions, the ones who are super liberal, or the ones who are super conservative. We should be voting for a practical person who understands the points of view of all of those around them and makes decisions based on the best interest of all. 

Why It is Important to Turn into the Wind and Wake When Folding Sails

I enjoy sailing on a regular basis and go as much as I can. Luckily, I even have my own sail boat I stay on sometimes. Over time, and through trial and error, you learn tips and tricks that help you learn to sail better. One of those sailing tips I learned over this weekend was to turn your boat into the wind and wake when folding sails.  Sometimes they call this the "Irons".

We are out in the ocean just before the mouth of San Diego Bay. The wind is wiping and the swells were about 4 feet high. New boat and new skipper. Never been on this 44' yacht before and it was a new experience navigating a larger vessel.

Me taking a break!
The boat was at a broad reach with the wind and it became extremely difficult to lower, fold, and tie the sails down. Three people worked tirelessly trying to get a hold of everything while the boat tipped back and forth in a rugged manner.

I didn't know the skipper well enough to say something so I just sort of did the best job I could with the crew present. However, what I have learned in the past is that if you turn the boat toward the wind there is equal pressure on both sides of the sail so it will likely stay steady and be easier to scale down.

Likewise, the boat won't rock as much as the bow cuts through the waves. Less wind and less boat movement is helpful in releasing as much pressure as possible. The more you get out there and practice with different sailors the more you learn the tips and tricks.

Where to Buy Healthy Snacks to Contribute to Your Fitness Routine

Image result for healthy snacksIt isn't easy to stay in shape if your eating patterns are all wrong. When we are hungry we jump for what is within arms reach. Our little fingers skip over anything that requires any type of preparation and straight for those items that can be ripped open and eaten on the spot. Convenience foods are often not healthy so you will need to do some shopping beforehand.

1.) Shop beforehand and stock your refrigerator with healthy quick snacks.
2.) Look for pre-made salads, fruit, and veggie plates.
3.) Consider wraps form places like Trader Joes.
4.) Learn to cook meals in advance and put them in your fridge.
5.) Pack a lunch with extra snacks.
6.) If you have to eat out make sure you are focused on fish, salads, soups, and other healthy foods.

In Business it is Necessary to Make Goals and the Steps to Achieve Them

Business strategy is about setting goals and then finding the pathways to achieve them. Those goals should be based on the long term strategies of the organization and the best position to maximize shareholder wealth. Setting goals is not something to be taken lightly and requires us to consider the capacities of the organization and its ability of changing and adapting.

I have seen organizations set goals that don't seem to make any sense and waste a lot of time and energy chasing their tails for something that doesn't have much benefit. It is important to ensure personal goals of owners clash with the long-term needs of the organization.

Goals should actually be achievable. While not all goals need to be easy they do need to be within reach. This isn't easy if you don't have a thorough understanding of your organization. There will need to be some research both before and after goal setting.

Once the goal is set you will then need to create the steps that will allow those goals to be achieved. Each step step should fit within a context of other steps that eventually lead to goal achievement. Sometimes it will be necessary to talk with managers to understand what steps they can actually contribute.

As you move to achieve your business goals you will have to be mindful of the need to adjust your methodology. Sometimes the steps you are using are not the best ones out there. You may have to research and ask a lot of questions. Sometimes you will need to use feedback loops and metrics to ensure you are on the right path.