Showing posts with label environmental branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environmental branding. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Beautiful Beaches Raise San Diego’s Digital Profile as a Vacation Destination

San Diego Beaches are some of the most beautiful in the country. According to Trip Advisor the beaches of La Jolla, Coronado and Carlsbad made their way into the nation’s top 25 (McVicker, 2014). As a local attraction beaches are a clear draw for people and a way people envision San Diego. The right kind of images can raise the status of an area.

If you doubt the brand of San Diego as associated with sunny beaches go ahead and ask someone from any place in the country what the first thing they think of when the city is mentioned. Most likely they will say something about the weather, ocean, beaches, restaurants and military. San Diego is seen as a destination place for vacation and fun.

Having positive reviews of San Diego in the news, vacation sites, and in general on cybersphere helps to raise the status of the area. The more times it is mentioned in various information channels and media the higher the association of the image in people’s minds. This can help the area become a greater destination place that reaps the financial rewards.

Consider how people find information today for trips and vacations. They search online using key terms such as “best U.S. vacation places”, “vacation places with beaches”, etc… The frequency of terms used to describe the city, or any city, will impact the which localities will be recalled for people to consider in their choices.

Trip Adviser is one popular site that impacts the amount of people who will eventually visit the area and spend their money. Like the marketing of any company the more people who see positive information about the city the more likely they will choose to vacation here.  The money people spend is converted to profits, wages, taxes, and investments.

Beaches may not seem like much but they are a major draw for vacationers. Other factors that attract people are the types of jobs in the area, the recreational activities, the social life, and the type of city governance. When people are deciding where to visit and spend they will naturally gravitate where their interests lay. Where and how they find that information is becoming increasingly digitized.