Saturday, April 27, 2024

Oceanside pier fire rages north of San Diego

Each time I watching something in the fire news I try and find a resource that I can use in my own support of local firefighters in Michigan. This is video is of the pier of Ocean Side CA. I have been there before and its in SoCal. I think highly of our local Cali firefighters. 

100 firefighters helped out and they recently got it under control. It appears 90% of the structure is still good. Stubborn fire at iconic Oceanside, Calif., pier now under control, officials say

This place has an interesting fire research grant that someone might be interested in. A researcher should study how fires behave on piers as it appears much of the flames were in tough to reach places so it lingered on for some time. (I think it is possible to create a study out of the data they may have collected. Not for me but I'm sure someone will do it.)

I came across this interesting organization The Fire Research Division "develops, verifies, and utilizes measurements and predictive methods to quantify the behavior of fire and means to reduce the impact of fire on people, property, and the environment."

Firefighting is a good occupation for the young who want to find meaningful ways to serve.

Update on Hate (03/27/2024) Why Its Important to Challenge Hate Groups and Their Supporters? Failing to Manage

Let us continue on with our hate group example to fully understand more of the dynamics involved in growing partisan and extremist networks. When I discuss hate groups I do so in the spirit of strengthening a nation of minorities.  Meaning that any race or religion can be part of the problem or part of the solution, but if our nation is to survive we must all be focused on the same goals. Its not a particular political side nor is it advocating for any particular kind of person. White, Black, Arab, Jewish, etc. or any religion Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. 

The first observation about hate groups is that they work in large groups to intimidate people they view as "outsiders". Even if you are an "insider" they will hate you for any difference whatsoever and they will hate you more for disagreeing with their bad behaviors. Such groups often utilize corruption and corrupted networks in official positions to protect against accountability. Therein is a huge reason why we need to reform and universalize some of our institutions (In this example locally). 

Read an older U.S. Department of Justice article on Hate Groups

Let me give you a hypothetical example for illustrative and learning purposes only. A person wanted something and used their connection with some corrupted and extremist leaning officials to launch hate narrative against a family (Pick a religion or race, anyone you want. In this example I used a Catholic Muslim Jew who is open to multiple religions and that didn't sit well with some people who committed crimes on religious holidays to send that person a message of what religions are acceptable in "their domain". Not to mention that one of their leaders came and told the person they were being targeting for their religion and used racial terms to belittle their lives to this network.). Local judiciary systems protected this hate and failed to hold perpetrators to account because of identity and social Good Old Boy networks. Over time numerous other people came forward and challenged the hate and corruption they experienced and they were quickly retaliated against and sidelined. The hate network continued to grow using partisanship to support their hate cause. 

If you are a victim of such hate and corruption, remember that you have a greater responsibility to society than they do to engage in such criminal and immoral acts. You are a free person even if they don't believe that to be true (Slavery is gone but segregation lives on!) Likewise, you also have greater responsibilities to stand firm no matter how corrupted and dishonest the situation gets. They will throw everything they can at you to dehumanize you and dismiss your equality. They will utilize politics to protect and support such behaviors (Which political party does not matter in this example). Expect everything from hate narratives, to violence, to rumors, to gamesmanship, misuse of authority/power, rejection from jobs, ostracization, to wholesale in your face corruption. Do not expect justice!

Let us say that 100+ people grew to 1,000+ and some tainted officials who likewise felt much of society shouldn't have rights. They are higher and everyone else is lower. Don't be intimidated. Accept the end game because you are doing your duty to society. Smile, refuse to be intimidated, stand tall despite the rumors, and most of all continue to support your oaths of "liberty and justice for all" because the situation will change no matter how many dark souls they attract and can muster (There is no promise you will make it but it is better to support something you believe in that is helpful for the next generation, our society, and liberty. You have a responsibility to protect our future and the young.). 

Be involved in your community, don't let them push you out of you work, your activities, don't let them block you from public service, and stand for your God given rights. While they may talk about God generally as an observation they know little about the history of God nor the many different ways of seeing him/her/it/being/power. I believe good people will win in the end no matter how large the network...because there are others who still believe in that freedom and have not sold out their values. When faithful Americans stand for their oaths against all odds, you know they actually believe in it. Those on the sidelines will stand for what is right or there will be sweeping generational change. 

Remember they failed to manage the problems they created and they failed to stand for what we believe in as a nation. They are sell outs to the greater cause of a universal nation with universal freedoms that our forefathers created (You have to read the whole history, the personalities involved, the gifted people who came up with our social contracts that lasted 250 years and will continue to do so, and their ability to think beyond the past kings to create the greatest experiment on earth.) Their oaths and the Constitution mean little to those who dip into hate. Yet they will continue to mean much to those who served, those who care, and those who have hope in the future. Hate Crimes Explained 

What about that large network that support hate and continues to create chaos? They are on the wrong side of history even if they have a green light to engage in these behaviors. Remember, they made a choice and you choose to be better than them through quality of character (You might be better than them in many ways but quality of character is a universal one that counts.). 💁

What we learn:

1.) Hate networks use intimidation and numbers.

2.) It exists where there are other markers of corruption. 

3.) Many others come forward with similar complaints. 

4.) Much of society doesn't believe in hate and does believe in our universal values. 

5.) Freedom requires we stand for that freedom in the face of all odds. You can do so positively, peacefully, and politely...but let your voice be heard. 

6.) In history there has always been movement toward a more just world and a stronger society because it biologically and psychologically woven into our species. 

7.) You are judged in the next life by quality of character and not the hate networks that do not understand our nation, its history, any one else religion/race, or even their own religion/race. Truly ignorant in the full sense of the word.  Be polite and take pity on them.

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. Take with a grain of salt.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Update on Hate (11/26/24): The Greater and Lesser Responsibility to Society (The issue of unsubstantiate hate based rumors)

We have greater and lesser responsibilities to society. Those who engage in hate and corruption (and protection thereof) have used their positions to further the lesser in society at the expense of the greater. Because power is a sacred oath and should be used for the purpose of good we must ensure there is more integrity where protections and support for behaviors that are antithetical to ethical, moral, constitutional, and human rights. It is a duty and oath for people to always push society to grow and develop to its highest state and removing and correcting poor behaviors is important. 

The Greater and Lesser Responsibilities:

Failure to correct is a sign that a system has become weaker and has become increasingly compromised in terms of its values and orientation (That is any system on the planet) When there are aspects that function for personal, religious, social, and political gain while neglecting the greater good of society it creates a net negative and steals from our shared futures. Tackling extremist leaning corruption and violations of civil/human rights is central to our national identity and long-term growth. 

Those that cause these issues appear to have less commitment to the rest of the nation (can augment with the term society) because they have allowed ulterior factors into their decision making (Trace back the logic of why they would free pass criminal behaviors if they are against certain type of people based on superficial reasons no matter the race or religion we are all free and I stand by that.). Worse, if they are in positions where these distortions can continue to infect the rest of society we have risks that will continue into the future. The wake of prior victims and their complaints seem to fall on deaf ears. 

(What I find interesting is that hate has few bounds. The people have such little experience in life seem to know all the answers and know things of which they have no experience. Its an observation on the deep distorted identities of those who create these stories, those who join the hate group and those who protect such behaviors. The more different a person the more they can justify their hate with likeminded homogeneous followers. While the report discusses one common type it really can be any race or religion. Understanding the Psychology of Hate)

This study is sort of interesting because you can see the self interest in corruption and you can see how poor values and beliefs are often precursors to bigger issues (Failure to uphold our most cherished laws and values comes from many compromises along the way.). If people become corrupted, power oriented, arrogant, etc. it creates a profile of those more susceptible to these dark arts. Notice also they seem more prevalent within organizations that lack accountability. You can trace back poor values and behaviors when you have enough information and fully grasp the depth of such partisan corruption. The cognitive psychology of corruption Micro-level explanations for unethical behaviour

The Example:

In this hypothetical example for learning purposes only I have been using, someone wanted something and spread hate rumors among their large homogeneous friend network and corrupted officials to put pressure to cleanse the person and their family out of "their community". Threats of violence, attempts at violence, enrichment of perpetrators, damaging kids, defamation, putting people in dangerous situations, elder abuse, and lots of other behaviors were the result highlighting some important divisions in values (Dark triad behaviors impact any arenas of life such people touch.). Even though they are now seeing these divisions grow broadly they lack the insight and wisdom to sew it back together. Solutions don't come from self interest or political gaslighting. 

Some people including those we see as authorities rolled their eyes....but why?

Potential violations could include using position to silence political expression (freedom of speech), direct retaliation against legitimate community concerns, corruption, targeting based on race (civil rights), targeting based on religion (freedom of religion), involving minors, threats of violence implied and direct, misuse of official equipment/position, and more. Justice became a dirty word. It comes from seeing others has half citizens and dehumanizing them in word and action. As a people the vast majority are against these things but the few seem to create most of the problems and do most of the damage to society.

To further this silly over the top extreme insane example....

Other victims of corruption came forward and were quickly retaliated against. The community began to rally but had to press against corrupted officials. In this example, the victims still deal with hate networks and the perpetrators were given a wink and nod free pass. Documented complaints were quickly rejected to protect the clan network and perhaps some of the crimes they committed. Meaning, some officials were aware during and after and refused to hold the perpetrators to account indicating that their duties to society/community/nation were not their primary concern (In theory).

Institutional trust declined and continues to decline.  The solutions are still being formalized for such behaviors and dereliction of duty.

The problems were there in the past, it caused problems in the present and it will continue to damage the community in the future unless there is reform and change. That will require commitment to a higher moral order. One must question the commitment to our oaths and values when there are intentionally two different rules and systems for different people. It becomes clearer that some get free passes and some have their rights quickly violated thus making sharp divisions in society.

Listening to Hate Rumors:

One should wonder what created all these flying monkeys and hate based corruption. It appears based in their social networks mixed with ethno-centric misperceptions of how low others are. When challenged they turn to bullying and threats of violence and that behavior is supported and protected by some officials. Maybe even alot with no accountability whatsoever. The brazen un Americaness of the behaviors opened a can of worms. Its hard to put the genie back in the bottle when people are so reckless and sure of there self-confirming superiority. In this example it was a lie upon a lie to circumvent what is a moral duty. 

Let us pretend they had a history of treating others differently and hate supporters were allowed to behave anyway they wanted with complete immunity in the past. A type of lawlessness. Let us say that they had little oversight and did these things to others at different times and places. Hate violence would become a useful temporary tool that was wielded against fearful victims to silence them. The facts, evidence, witnesses, and laws make no difference. The rumor mill runs all things! 

Those tools are weak and can be easily broken. They are short term solutions can highlight, not mask, the issues at hand. It likely had a counter effect in this hypothetical example. 

Those that listen to these rumors and act on them risk breaking the law and becoming wrapped into a hate network that could have legal consequences (As soon as we get everyone from every party and background to stand for our shared oaths and universal free democratic society). If we consider that poor behaviors occur in a social context and in turn that social context furthers a hate agenda then it is natural to seek to resolve and hold to account those who further their distorted social perceptions on conjecture (Rise of Hate Crimes Remember that we should make no distinction on race and religion.).

Do people who willingly listen to hate narratives/rumors and then act on them in a way that damages institutions change? What are the long term costs? This study seems to highlight the issues we face when we are not able to correct or find a course in which to navigate the bigger ship.  The Polarizing Impact of Political Disinformation and Hate Speech: A Cross-country Configural Narrative

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." If there are places where that is not true, we must correct. It is of greater importance than the lesser personal, religious, political, social or racial considerations. Not all people believe that or stand by it. We need to encourage and bring forward leaders who do. 

*This article is a thought experiment on freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the commitment to democracy. It is meant for illustrative learning purposes only and one should take it with a grain of salt. By exploring these hypothetical situations we begin to see possible solutions to bridge the gaps in divergent perspectives.

Advanced Estimate Shows US Real GDP Slowing to 1.6% in Q1 2024: Immigrants, Productivity, Human Capital, and Innovation

 Like many others I like to watch the big metrics and what they can potentially mean (Its a little like an economic puzzle with lots of moving pieces.). An advanced estimate of real GDP slowing to 1.6% raises some eyebrows. There has been some slowdown in the U.S. economy but for the most part it was expected there would be some slowdown by most economic forecasters. If we add on top of that geopolitical issues, inflation, partisanship & decision making (entertainment and critical thinking are different), and slowing worldwide economy one could envision that the U.S. would be impacted in some way. We don't live in a vacuum. 

Now, that doesn't mean it has to be this case or we are going to for sure mirror the rest of the world. We do have opportunities to think about how to maximize productivity by maximizing immigrants onto the tax rolls and productive work (This is going to be a big political discussion and we kind of all know how that goes.), improve productivity through technology, maximize human capital through learning, and improving innovation in many industries to improve the market value of American products (I have been working on a rapid innovation theory for a while that I recently decided not to work with my 300+ pages of resources developed during theory construction and more or less just write under 100 pages of easy to understand connected concepts. I think I'm going to start this weekend. I'm not near a beach so I won't get distracted by my other great calling in life and that is beach bumming. Alas, I'm stuck with theoretical dribble that is just as likely to be untrue as true.🤷)

The question then becomes what would happen if recent immigrants were put into tax paying positions, we improved productivity through new technology, advanced human capital, and improve innovation in a synergistic way beyond recent infrastructure development? Not sure.....something to think about. 🤔 It could be like typing Google into Google or it could be a beneficial activity with helpful outcomes (Its not the end result but setting on the path that makes the difference in our national goals.)

A Few Productivity and Inflation Articles:

-Productivity does improve capacity and reduce inflationary pressure. Productivity 101
-Innovation and technology seem to reduce inflation. Technology and Inflation
-Adding productive workers (i.e. immigrants on payroll) may help reduce inflation. Expand Labor and Inflation.
-Human capital can have an impact on economic growth but not seeing a 1 to 1 on inflation but it is related to productivity and . Resources, Human Capital, Economic Growth

"Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, according to the “advance” estimate. In the fourth quarter of 2023, real GDP increased 3.4 percent. The increase in the first quarter primarily reflected increases in consumer spending and housing investment that were partly offset by a decrease in inventory investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased  (BEA GDP, April 25, 2024, Para 1)."

A Few Key Points:

-Food up, energy up, electricity up, shelter up and transportation services up, and all items less food and energy down. 

-Fuel oil down and piped gas down.

Interesting News Articles:

MarketWatch says Supercore Inflation Rose and Productivity Down .4% ( BTW MarketWatch has a lot of interesting information for investors.)  Notice how productivity and growth are related.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Delta County MI Candidate Debates: (04/23/2024) League of Women Voters Improves Collective Candidate Knowledge

Delta County MI League of Women Voters put on a great debate! I wish we had a few more of these in the area because you learn a lot about the candidates. Debates help create informed citizens who know what their candidates believe and their values (party neutral statement). Each new question helps us gain insight and that can support democracy through encouraging informed citizens that are based in their personal perspective (Not everyone agrees but I think its important.)  You can learn more about the League of Women Voters HERE and HERE.

Escanaba Marina
Remember we are doing this in the spirit of learning so everything in this post is party neutral because it is a discussion on voting and democracy in general. This report helps us think how viewers make inferences and the more we know about candidate positions the less other social factors take precedence.

Do citizens make inferences from political candidate characteristics when aiming for substantive representation?

We may watch debates on social media but we might forget that the answers were seeded a long time ago in our home and hearth. Each answer is within a wider context of the environment and one's place within that environment. The more aware a person is of their environment the better they can craft an answer that resonates with them and others.

The study doesn't really discuss this but these debates start with different ways of viewing the world and on an intimate level candidates share how things could, should, and out to be in their perspective. Much of agreement and disagreement is on these shared or divergent world views. We are like fish in a fish bowl who struggle to see past own perception (That is almost every person on the planet). We might be able to recognize other fish in another fish bowl but we swim in our own schools. 

 Americans misperceive the frequency and format of political debate

A few key points came out of the meeting:

-Attract Small Business and Large Business (Good idea. Might require a coordinated marketing effort to maximize industrial interest as well as downtown entrepreneurship. Delta County has both an industrial park and affordable downtown properties.).

-Make the county a destination-tourism. (Good idea. Will need the downtown to get a paint job and a few new businesses. That could be encourage through grants, marketing, low interest loans, etc.)

-Year round industries. (Good idea. Its called hedging in cluster development. Seasonal tourism, mixed with retail, mixed with industries that run throughout the year create more stable income bases with multiple avenues for growth. Likewise, when one can get two factors to work together like tourism, store fronts, retail, events, outdoor adventure, entrepreneurs they are creating net positives that strengthen and enhance each other.)

-Discussion on Pay (One would need to raise the tax revenue to make this easier and that doesn't always come from raising taxes alone. Think of net positive to attract new industry, use grants to improve the infrastructure and appeal, and then build a brand for the area. If you can attract business and more revenue then you have done so in a fiscally sustainable way.)

-Discussion on DEI and Diversity (This is a growing political discussion nationally.)

If your interested in knowing more about Delta County MI click HERE. TV6 Coverage of debate HERE. As background the area received a $1billion or more investment in the paper industry and in a town of 10K residents it will have a big impact. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

America's Financial Well Being: Education and Age Factors in Having Extra Money

It appears from this chart provided by Visual Capitalist that age and education are big determinants of who has money left over and by extension possible wealth (Visual Capitalist has some good graphics). Thus, I encourage people to obtain an education and/or trade certificate. I have two kids of which one is college bound and one is not. I say you can do either but you don't want to be in general labor constantly competing against new technologies. The pay and opportunities will typically stay low unless you do something remarkable.

The question we still have to work on as a nation is how do we raise income for the middle class? That comes from raising our nation to the center of the global supply chain so that companies and workers can both earn. Part of that solution is encouraging small business and side/moonlighting mico businesses to keep innovation and wealth flowing. Remember we have a rich getting richer and the average person getting poorer problem. 

That also means we need to make decisions that encourage broad based capitalism so new leaders often bring with them new ideas and that gets the juices flowing with leaders and lawmakers. There is a natural cycle in societal development. New business, focus on national development, circulation of wealth, and a young generation bringing forward new ideas can help improving general wealth accumulation.

My advice...stay in college, use you skills to advance yourself and society, be innovative, engage in entrepreneurial activities, and build a better world with your ideas.

Source: Visual Capitalist 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (04/18/2024) City Budgets, Classic Cars, and Motor Speedway

Few can say we don't like cars in this area! A couple of great events to consider and of course there is the process of setting up city budgets. Not sure its the most exciting job but it is necessary. Anyway, I'm just keeping up with the local news so I can understand how well the city is doing in terms of growth. Things have really looked up for the area in the past few years. New investment and great activities. 

Classic Cars of Escanaba in 
The Wooded Pathway Gallery
City Budget Four Keys to Successful Municipal Budgets

Kruisin Klassic Car Club May 31st, 2024 Ludington Park and Street

Escanaba Motor Speedway Races

Music a Bigger Part of Escanaba This Year (Marquette Mining Journal is a great news outlet for locals. That and the Daily Press would be good ones to put advertisements in.)

Most of the information is in the Agenda 04/18/2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

Update on Hate: (04/22/2024) Corruption and Manipulation Further Defined

There are times when behaviors and rewards for such behaviors prick the moral conscious and you become aware of how destructive, dishonest and dysfunctional some beliefs have become and whether or not there are solutions. I'm a believer that there are always answers and solutions if we take the time to reflect on our inner values and live them; or at least try. We must first understand the situation and environment to find solutions.

Let us first discuss a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. Its just for learning so take with a grain of salt. Someone wants something and spreads hate filled rumors throughout a network of blind followers and a few corrupted officials to target a minority family. The laws became subjective and acts of intimidation potential violence surfaced. 

Others in this example came forward with similar complaints of corruption and misuse of power and were quickly retaliated against. The wrongs of the past started bubbling upward and those supporting such Good Old Boy networks continued forward with caddy, rude, and dismissive behaviors that on the surface seem to support and be comingled with hate (Behavior is often patterned so we should have expected others to come forward). Makes you wonder.... Alternative Milligrams Study Perspective

Why would seemingly good people and members of organizations engaged in relatively un-American and somewhat despicable behaviors more akin to third world clans than civilized people? I came across this study that might help shed some light on the issue. Not sure I fully grasp the concepts but I have a limited perspective on the depths of depravity that can corrupt the soul and what it touches. A Paradox of Ethics: Why People in Good Organizations do Bad Things.

The world is not always an ethical place and yet we should strive to be the most ethical we can for the benefit of all of society-a universal society. Loyalty to ones oaths includes being loyal to one's own values. When they are variants in healthy values and homogeneous cultural constraints these situations rise from time to time. If it happens more than once to form a pattern we might need to reform a few things. Maybe not?  🤷

*This is for learning purposes only.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Moving Beyond Brains and Bronze as Enhancements to Military Human Capital Development

There is the brain and there is the bronze but what many people don't know is there is also something in addition to those that connects them together-Wisdom. It is a symbiotic connection between the two when one can use and master both but knows the difference of when and where to apply either. Education and training are processes that encourages knowledge generation and skill development in a way that when matched with a concept called wisdom (whole person development) it can lead to fully actualized personnel. 

Technical skill practical tools for given situations (Training on XYZ/tactics), advanced education provides the connectivity of those skills among a wider angle lens for adaptability (i.e. strategy, systems thinking, innovation, etc.), and wisdom provides the when and how of use such skills (people knowledge, self-awareness, environmental context, global knowledge, ethics, etc.).

A few random thoughts:

1.)Technical Skills one can train on in class and in the practical fields. The exceptionally trained soldier.

2.) Advanced knowledge can be learned through theory that draws from learned practical knowledge and then can find ways to apply that knowledge. A practitioner-scholar.

3.) Wisdom can be found through developing the whole person through personal and career development. A fully developed leader aware of the bigger purpose and soft and hard skills needed to get there.

Higher education is becoming increasingly more big data rich and that can be helpful for measuring performance and areas of improvement. What higher education and training doesn't often do well is develop the whole person so they create the third leg of wisdom. However, there are ways to infuse wisdom based self-learning into curriculum to create greater self and environmental awareness. There is a type of self-reflective and symbolic process that pushes deep learning beyond the big data. Things that once you learn you simply can't unlearn because they change a person and their views. Theoretically anyway.

I found this publication very interesting...

Doing and Thinking: Integrating Training and Education for the Best Outcomes

A motivating video you might want to watch. Hats off to our military!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Delta County Commissioner Meeting (04/09/2024) A Sense of Community

There is an awful lot going on in this video from some good things to some some eyebrow raisers. I'm a centralist/rationalist in politics so to me the best path forward is to work on creating a sense of community (This is also why I think the dysfunction of outside politics or ulterior interests should not be brought here. Party neutral statement! Smelly socks are smelly socks.<<<<Just in case you wondered why they smell.). 

You can read a study on creating a Sense of Community and Community Building.

Encouraging people to anchor to central ideas and goals that resonate with different members of the local peoples is beneficial. Likewise, focusing on shared futures is another goal that has long lasting appeal. A type of over the horizon thinking. Everything should be seen as temporary so in a year from now things might look different (I think positive as I'm a rational optimist!). 

Growing New Plants This Year and Thinking about National Garden Stats

Developed a green property this year with a bunch of different plants and foods. The experimental half shade no irrigation raised garden box produced most of what was planted last year so I am doing it again this year. There were a few crops such as pumpkins that didn't grow fully and a few smaller carrots in one row. Small growth on some plants is likely related to how I organized the box. I built another raised grow box out of some lumber I had sitting around and planted that one as well. 

A few things I'm thinking about are, 

1.) Only native hardy plants to MI. 

2.) Planting pattern. Avoid overcrowding or incorrect shading.

3.) Allowing roots to tap beyond the box for more water if needed. I changed the barrier on one to light mulch to see if that will help. I did nothing to the first box because its underground barrier likely doesn't exist this year and is degrading back into the soil. 

A few things I put in the yard are a mini honey crisp apple orchard, raspberries, corn, beats, carrots, lettuce, spinach, onions, and forgot squash (I might put some if I remember). Along my fence I'm putting in grape vines. A few new rose plants where I can't get anything else to grow. 

Ruby Home provides some interesting Garden Stats just in case you want to understand gardening in the U.S.

-55% of U.S. Households have a garden. 

-100-200 square feet can feed a person year round. 

-Average garden is 600 square feet and earns $600.

-US is one of three top gardening places. 

And I got a visitor. Looks like a fox snake. (BTW I was told you could use moth balls and that isn't true. I was going to use them and read somewhere you can't do that so they are being disposed of. Beware of wives tails! I went on the hunt for information and I didn't find much other then they can't be used that way. Not everything people say is true! They also say they don't keep snakes away.)  

Grabbed him by the tail and moved over 
to the woods.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

IMF World Economic Outlook-Steady and Slow-A Turtle over a Hurdle!

The U.S. is still doing pretty well and it said to have doubled the growth rate of other G7 peers. The IMF released their World Outlook showing some positives and negatives at the same time but the general lay of the land is the U.S. and emerging economies will grow at a faster pace when compared to mature systems. For now it looks like the U.S. is doing well and for the near future should continue to do so. The rest of the world is growing a little slower. G7 states are growing at about half the U.S. The global economy might be described as a turtle over a hurdle. 

World Economic Outlook, April 2024: Steady but Slow: Resilience amid Divergence

Turtle over a Hurdle Economy As a hobby I'm playing
 around with sayings. 
You can find the
unedited version in
The Wooded Path Gallery
Not particularly my best
photo but I do sort of put them
in a gallery in case someone wants
one. Everyone once in a while
someone buys one for a few bucks.
I try and give much to charity. 
50% is goal.

-World economy to grow 3.2% in 2024 and 2025. 

-Acceleration for advanced economies moving from 1.6% in 2023, 1.7% in 2024 and 1.8% in 2025.

-Global growth is projected at 3.1% for next 5 years. 

-Global inflation to decline 6.8% 2023, 5.9% 2024 and 4.5% in 2025.

-Advance economies returning to inflation targets sooner than emerging markets.

-A few comments on demographic drag. This is why I encourage technology advancement and universal human capital development.

January 2024 IMF Global Outlook Full Report

The Financial Times has some interesting articles sometimes, US to grow at double the rate of G7 peers this year, says IMF. We are like half of Emerging Markets and that is frustrating. It is also why I'm thinking of how to simulate rapid butterfly innovation with a transactional cluster theory. In my perspective, if you can use your much more advanced infrastructure to pinpoint innovation for needed industries in the right mix you can theoretically create totally new innovative products that are adapted by multiple industries based on a Schumpeterian innovation approach. That adaptation leads to greater overall wealth and national competitiveness. 

CNN highlights that there are some risks for overheating in the U.S. economy. Its of course possible but I think there are some other things going on as well that are not measured well by traditional economic models. IMF raises growth forecast for ‘overheated’ US economy and urges caution on rate cuts

An interesting idea that the economy is booming because of interest rates. While I may or may not agree, I haven't looked into it that far, I can say that its interesting to think about a reverse cause. What If Fed Rate Hikes Are Actually Sparking US Economic Boom?

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Update on Hate: Hate as a System (Economic and Social Renaissance)

Hate is destructive to our society and to the world at large. It has caused a lot of mayhem and warped outcomes that could help humanity. Those who relish in using hate for personal and political power risk galvanizing the rest of society/humanity. Engaging in hate on an unofficial and social level still exists creating difficulties so we have some work to do (USA Today-Hate Crimes Up) Worse, mix that with some corruption and you might find that charging up that metaphorical hill to protect universal American values is challenging at best (Protecting for all Americans no matter their race or religion.). The good news is that the tide is turning and the winds have changed making hate a lesser worthy and strategic path. 

As a nation we must stand together to ensure our generational values are carried forward. Protection of democracy, broad based capitalism, and an inclusive society based on human/civil rights are central to what defines us as a people and a nation. This is why we have the longest running experiment in history. The young now have a firm hand on the torch (The other hand by the older generations) with their new ideas, still developing skill, and love of freedom. They share a commitment to our national strength, embedded deep values into their generation's collective conscious and stand united in furthering our universal American values. 

United We Stand Photo in
The Wooded Pathway Gallery
(Universal American values are related to a universal democracy that could be the next stage of national development in a highly diverse society where human capital from all different types of people are maximized for the benefit of the whole. Hate groups and distorted politics impact that but also provide opportunities to overcome such challenges. We learn from adversity. If we overcome that challenge with an upswing on technology we might be the first nation to achieve two fronts; economic renaissance and social renaissance. As the resilience of our economy has shown, we may have bumped up in an economic platform. Now we must do the same socially to create an inclusive society not based in the hard rules of law but on deeper natural connectivity. Socio-economic growth comes from maximizing human capital, and technology tools thereof, to help economies grow while hate breaks down the foundations that allow free commerce to thrive. Most would opt for an inclusive thriving society; a destructive few would not.)

First read, Hate as a system: Examining hate crimes and hate groups as state level moderators on the impact of online and offline racism on mental health

What you often find is that hate is social and it designed to raise pressure on the targets through group bullying and other types of nefarious behaviors. Once a hate narrative is created such groups act through chatter and microaggressions (if macro aggressions didn't work well). Normal defense and avoidance by targets are used as justification to engage in further hate, ostracization, and blocking of opportunities. (The central point is who is causing the problems? Try avoid blaming the victim even though that seems to be the most easiest bigoted choice.)

Let me give you a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. A group associated with a number of corrupted officials spread hate rumors, launched a 100 person plus group of supporters. damaged kids, engage in threats, manipulate the sick to enrich themselves, violated the rights of the targets and much more. They tried to restrict targets from employment, social connectivity, and public service to further their homogeneous distortions. In this example it went on because there was a lack of respect for deeper American values (This is why it should be illegal and enforced on people who continuously further the hate narrative or act on that hate.).

In this example normally such behaviors would not be acceptable but there were a number of underlining catalysts that were not addressed for years (even decades) because of spotty oversight. Those that came forward with complaints were quickly retaliated against making it appear that the concern was not the safety of the community but the protection of a clan. Rights of their fellow Americans (60% of society they view as second class) were mocked with a roll of the eyes and wink & nod justice. Corruption in this example made them immune hinting at two different systems and legal structures based in race, religion and social connections (There are good people in the world reconnecting these groups back into one.). 

Here are my thoughts and they may not be popular. I believe that our American values transcend all groups and people and that the quality of a person is based not in their racial, religious, or political affiliations but in their inner values, their contribution to society, and their willingness to do what is right and good for society. That is not something all of us believe, but it is something most of us believe and when we don't walk the talk, trust in institutions may decline (There are many seeking to protect these institutions through adaptive enhancement for the next generation. Do good and it will always turn out well). We as a nation and those in the next generation are standing firm to the commitment of a greater American cause.

Our society needs new ways of looking at problems and they need to reorient toward our central true north values. It is not always easy to think for yourself or do the right thing (the American thing! 💁) and that comes with great benefits for society but often detractors for those with a moral conscious. Our nation will overcome hate because the other options are not so positive. I have great faith in the value of most, but am cautious of the values of some. There is a type of curse for thinking for yourself and not acting like an animal (Business Insider: The Curse of Intelligence)

The economic and social renaissance is at our doors step? I advocate for embracing the future, understanding our present, and reflecting on the past as the greatest path to wisdom.

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past!"

Thomas Jefferson 

*This is a hypothetical example and discussion for illustrative purposes only. It is meant to encourage thoughtful idea generation and greater awareness for living by our values and connecting communities around shared principles and goals. A type of thought experiment on freedom of religion and freedom of helpful speech. It makes no distinction among different types of people or one political party over another. It is meant to be a discussion on universalism. I thought this article on Universalism was interesting and how our values can appeal globally.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Small Business Filings Up Nationally: Escanaba as an Example of Growth Opportunity

U.S. Small business filings are up significantly and that could have an impact on the overall success of communities as well as the long term innovative health of the national economy. For example, towns like Escanaba Michigan are swinging upward in investment, infrastructure and growth. That could be furthered by drawing in entrepreneurs and investment. As an example, Escanaba's downtown could benefit by using the upswing in small business to further local growth.

Keep in mind that our country does need to encourage new wealth generation among the middle class and working class. Concentration of wealth can be dispersed in a capitalistic society by helping entrepreneurs and hard working individuals maximize their opportunities and outcomes. It creates a win-win for social mobility and long term national economic health. 

Build Your Sand Castle Escanaba MI.
In Wooded Pathway Gallery
Sometimes reaching out to people with a certain amount to invest, i.e. 100K, finding them a reasonably priced building downtown, and providing some grants, low interest loan access, can go a long way in spurring economic revival. Of course all of that would come with a few guarantees they maintain their business and develop it locally. 

One of the essential issues is finding mechanisms to reach out to these entrepreneurs using social media, targeted advertising, investment outlets, government agencies, etc. The same could apply to any small town with similar attributes similar to Escanaba's. See Delta County Chamber of Commerce and Escanaba

Some General Small Business Stuff: Small business improves innovation. It appears small business owners are optimistic.

-Small business index is steady with some optimism. Concerns over inflation. Index Remains Steady As Views of Economy Drift Upwards

-Small business owners are feeling more optimistic in 2024. As long as we’re in a vibe economy, at least small businesses are feeling more optimistic in 2024

 -Good ideas can come from anywhere and encouraging more inclusiveness and new ideas from diverse socio-cognitive levels leads to drawing in unique ways of looking at problems and solutions. Inclusive Innovation for U.S. Economic Growth and Resiliency

-Small business can help in creating innovation and stronger national defense. The Small Businesses Leading In Defense Innovation

-If you have a small business idea and would like to submit for funding consider National Science Foundation Seed Funding

U.S. Small Business Filings are Up: Upward trending filings should lead to further innovation and growth in about 3 years as such businesses gain footing and clients. It take some time to move from start-up to profit, to maximization. See Research on The 5 Stages of Small Business Growth

You can read some interesting Business Formation Stats to obtain additional details.

-Monthly average new business filings is 440,000

-Business filings are 90% higher than pre Pandemic levels. 

-Substantial growth among women, Latinos and Black business owners. 

-Agriculture down. Retail trade, management of companies and utilities up. 

Census Gov. has lots of information that includes inventory, trade, manufacturing, etc. so one can gain an understanding of the key points. Of particular interest in the overall economic indicators HERE. (You should really check this stuff out because you can get a snap shot of the economy.)

I have been talking a little about the platform change that may have occurred during COVID. New technology and shifts in infrastructure often spur economic renaissance in history. I'm making a mental note of the change in business applications and how that might impact future innovation in the mid and and long run. You can check new applications by state HERE.



Source: Harvard 5 Stages of Business

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Factors Impacting Volunteer Firefighting: Balance to Serve (Some Advice)

Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer.
 Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle, April 18, 1942,

Volunteer firefighting is very important for our nation and is becoming increasingly important as global warming and weather patterns change. Much of the nation is loosing its volunteer firefighters and some of the reasons likely relate to the overall competing commitments but it could also be part of how these volunteer firefighters are seen and managed. A few tid bits of knowledge below as a firefighter. You can see the psychology of management kick in. 

First, read the 2022 dissertation on firefighting and the basic discussion points.
Understanding Factors Impacting Volunteer Firefighters' Work, Family, and Volunteer Balance to Serve Family, and Volunteer Balance to Serve

A few discussion points in the study:

-Volunteer Firefighting is on decline. 

-Work and family obligations get in the way.

-67% of all firefighters are volunteer/part-time.

-Volunteer firefighters move beyond expectations and have internal motivation.

-(Side point: Volunteer firefighting isn't a paid occupation which means it is a labor of love. Others studies have shown that such fire fighters come with prosocial values and want to help their communities. That is a strength and it should be showcased.)

A few recommendations for organizations in the study: 

-Consider individual firefighter needs.

-Over strictness may cause issues.

-Recognize triggers such as work and family to keep them involved even if they have competing activities.

(Let me also add that personalities are important. The news is full of fire departments that dissipated because of toxic personalities and interpersonal conflict. Improving management abilities and people skills can help in ensuring the best managed departments and retainment of fire fighters. Make sure everyone has the same goals and is willing to build an environment where others thrive. )

A few recommendations from the study for the community:

-Many organizations may be strong on management and poor on leadership. 

-Recognize the commitment that volunteers make and support that. 

-(I'm going to add that it is important to include as many different people in these organizations as possible because the world is much more diverse than the typical talent pool. Reaching out to these large communities opens a whole new fertile recruitment grounds. I know from experience these groups will engage if the culture of departments are inclusive and they were encouraged and welcomed. If your departments are not diverse in a diverse area than something can be improved.)

-(Let me also add that many organizations do not know how to market and inform the community of their positive actions. There is official and unofficial marketing. All departments need policies and those policies should encourage community engagement and connectivity through social media, marketing, events, fund raising, parades, etc. Where policies are not aligned with the needs of the community by being too strict, we may find support waning due to lack of openness and lack of community connection. Basically, get out there and share your stuff but be respectful of scenes, privacy, good taste, and other. Being a fully develop person means you know what is appropriate and what is not.)

A couple of other points:

The study helps highlight the deeper motivations of firefighters. If you have management abilities and reasonable physical ability you may want to consider joining your local volunteer fire department. Its a very rewarding experience. With new thoughts and ideas we may be able to reverse the trend. It is one way to train on leadership in a real life scenario. Put your leadership and management skills to work. 

I'm looking for grants for a local fire department so if you have corporate donations monies and would like to help fund firefighting and training equipment let me know and I will point you to a great organization that could use it. Reach out to the right contact form. You can do your part and ask your corporate liaison if they donate to first responders. Consider those in your area or an organization like ours. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Can Human Capital and Technology Improve Economic Prosperity? IMF Thinks So! (Innovative Transactional Theory Development)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that GDP will decline for some nations in the mid term future. On a global level, there appears to be a slowdown in growth, and could impact investments in human capital and technology. Further, low growth and high-interest rates might make some debt unsustainable. The IMF suggests tackling labor, capital, and allocation, known as Total Factor Productivity (TFP) because it was responsible for approximately half of the declines since the pandemic. 

But wait...there is a silver lining......

(While they don't say this the U.S. was somewhat of an outlier because it is growing and with the right policies can grow further past a 5 year projection. i.e. midterm.)

As a person working on a rapid innovation transactional theory that relies in part on technology and advanced skilled labor (education or training), I agree with the concept that access to education and technological advancement (innovation) to better to allocate our human capital talents with emerging technology is important. Thus, we start seeing a similarity in concept forming across various entities and different research pieces.

To me, we can improve labor capital growth by encouraging accessibility, cost, and quality of education to help people update their skills for rapidly changing jobs that will emerge from new technologies. We should also focus on innovation (i.e. things like transactional cluster theories and other innovation supporters such as grants, research, academic-industry-community growth, etc.) to build on top of our updated infrastructure so as to boost the productivity of the whole nation in a way that fosters upward lift in the nation's advanced manufacturing global value chain.

What is it like to be a target of a hate group? (Update on Hate Theory Development)

Hate is a growing issue in society and we are struggling to find an appropriate pathway on protecting people's rights to have opinions while still ensuring they are not being destructive to their fellow Americans; including the long-term health of democracy. To me, I pick no side other than the side of good moral conscious and the strategic options and value systems needed to encourage togetherness as a people (You don't have to be a saint to have moral conscious, you just need basic values and a willingness to think prosocial.). Sometimes protecting freedom requires challenging hate with win-win arguments (...again assuming the goal is win-win).

Keep in mind it is never a 'better than you' or against reasonable mistakes. We have a moral obligation to society, at least those who believe in it, to challenged shortsightedness, bigotry and hate in a constructive way. While not each person can hope to have a positive outcome when challenging hate, we do know that if we don't challenge hate, toxic souls will spread the narrative to infect our society with mayhem. If we say nothing because of fear, than we become part of the problem (Also be kind and helpful even when challenging because we are still in the same ship together and things do change. You can have constructive conversations without being dragged into the mud with the haters....the key power hate groups have.)

You can consider reading, Cause for Concern 2024: The State of Hate (I don't know the organization but the information seems beneficial for understandingI have been using Update on Hate as a series of hypothetical discussions to explore the topic in a politically and socially neutral fashion as is needed when the same moral values apply equally across peoples. i.e. Universalism.

The following are based on a hypothetical example used for illustrative purposes only. They are theoretical in nature so may not actually be true but certainly could be true in some situations and places where the central tenants of our nation are not fully upheld. Hate is usually connected to other poor behaviors because it is a tool to cover inner distortions that lead to chronic poor choices for them and those within hate networks.

Those who complain about such behaviors are often sidelined as some people mock "rights" with a rolling of their eyes. I believe that victims have rights too no matter what anyone else thinks about it (Rolling of the eyes is an attempt to minimize its importance and the hard earned freedoms of our society.). Those earned freedoms are what makes us free and that is fundamentally what people support and protect. We are free because we positively challenge hate to maintain that freedom (Republican, Democrat, or Independent it makes no difference! You should never sell out your nation for your politics.).

Sometimes these groups working in social networks and chatter and as they act on their distorted beliefs in a way that creates increasingly more issues for others because they can't manage their bias. For example, what is a microaggression such as rude behavior and what is overt displays of extremism? We don't have a good grasp as a people so these groups are somewhat immune.  

The following is an attempt to start defining what these behaviors look like and what should be avoided in a universal democracy where each person is seen as having full rights as a citizen and valuable contributor to society. Where we fail, we morally fail, and where we win, we strengthen the roots of democracy. Leadership should manage for all of society and not partisan or extremist groups that use hate and intimidation as a tool.

This are just illustrative examples that I believe would apply to all different types of people such as White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc....its makes no different their color or their religion; at least it shouldn't. 

Concepts for Hate Theory Development:

Rumors/Hate Narrative: Rumors and false information is the first method in which they prepare the stage for targeting. That gets moral buy in among normally reasonable people.

Intimidation/Violence: As groups get hyped they engage in micro and overt displays of aggression that include incidents of attempted or threatened violence. It tests the boundaries and seeks to dominate fellow Americans based on unAmerican perspectives.

Subject to Corruption: Where such groups are associated with corrupted officials, the misuse of power may end up being used to further the hate agenda within social networks. Hate is a distortion in the mind based on illogical symbolism of self and society. Thus, hate is associated with other issues and problems through a pattern of choices.

Political Extremism and Hyper Politics: While this isn't direct impact we can find that part of the issue of corruption might be related to political extremism and hyper politics where divisions in society give cover for poor behaviors. Where race and religion are thrown into a discussion in a non-civil way, we have outward expressions of internal beliefs.

Dehumanization/Civil Rights: Where corruption and hate are associated we will find dehumanization and violations of human rights. Those who challenge hate were dehumanized before and such hate rapidly escalates to create more tension and intimidation to warn the victims their lives, opinions, contributions, and value to society are little to nothing; i.e. disposable second class citizens. The goal is to prompt others to harm.

Job Rejection/Enrichment: The hate narrative mixed with corruption allows hate group initiators to reject qualified candidates, manipulate the law and ultimately advantage themselves or their group. They will block people from jobs, pressure them to leave public service, use the hate narrative to damage their credibility, and seek to isolate them and keep them poor, uninformed, and not able to influence the assets of local governance and/its institutions.

One thing that targets of large hate groups should be aware is that it doesn't end just because someone said it should end. There will still be people out there that fall outside the normal line of correction and their microaggressions are lingering catalyst to again spark the waves of victim blaming and hate targeting. The lingering hate chatter creates long term risks of lone wolf actors, tension, and seeks to encourage interpersonal conflicts (i.e. the good old boy networks).

The long tail of hate occurs because the perception of minorities (White. Black, Hispanic, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc. in a highly diverse society) has been tainted so the victims have few practical options. Complaining doesn't always work well so one must be constructive. Challenging poor behaviors with a toxic personality may lead to another wave of hate but in the long run it is well worth the price so the next generation doesn't have to deal with lingering segregationist perspectives that have held our nation from its true potential (Notice you need not make a distinction by race, religion, gender, or politics. It applies equally. i.e. inching closer to the ideal.). 

Theory development doesn't yet come with an easy solution because there are structural and non-structural aspects of hate that move across different social, political, and in the case of corruption institutional lines. Social and coordinated hate are amebic in social networks but when its found in needs to be addressed quickly so as to preserve the integrity of such institutions. 

Hate should be rejected by all parties and peoples for the good of the whole. To think critically let us envision rejecting hate completely in our society and then let us think about what embracing hate fully in society looks me I prefer rejecting hate and its supporters. It seems the most logical and moral thing to do. Just saying the truth....

"“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson

If you want to conduct research on hate there are some grants available from the National Institution of Justice NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes. Personally I think researchers should collaborate when conducting research on hate for general validity and protection.

*This article is designed for illustrative and learning purposes to understand freedom of religion and freedom of speech in our society.