Monday, April 22, 2024

Update on Hate: (04/22/2024) Corruption and Manipulation Further Defined

There are times when behaviors and rewards for such behaviors prick the moral conscious and you become aware of how destructive, dishonest and dysfunctional some beliefs have become and whether or not there are solutions. I'm a believer that there are always answers and solutions if we take the time to reflect on our inner values and live them; or at least try. We must first understand the situation and environment to find solutions.

Let us first discuss a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. Its just for learning so take with a grain of salt. Someone wants something and spreads hate filled rumors throughout a network of blind followers and a few corrupted officials to target a minority family. The laws became subjective and acts of intimidation potential violence surfaced. 

Others in this example came forward with similar complaints of corruption and misuse of power and were quickly retaliated against. The wrongs of the past started bubbling upward and those supporting such Good Old Boy networks continued forward with caddy, rude, and dismissive behaviors that on the surface seem to support and be comingled with hate (Behavior is often patterned so we should have expected others to come forward). Makes you wonder.... Alternative Milligrams Study Perspective

Why would seemingly good people and members of organizations engaged in relatively un-American and somewhat despicable behaviors more akin to third world clans than civilized people? I came across this study that might help shed some light on the issue. Not sure I fully grasp the concepts but I have a limited perspective on the depths of depravity that can corrupt the soul and what it touches. A Paradox of Ethics: Why People in Good Organizations do Bad Things.

The world is not always an ethical place and yet we should strive to be the most ethical we can for the benefit of all of society-a universal society. Loyalty to ones oaths includes being loyal to one's own values. When they are variants in healthy values and homogeneous cultural constraints these situations rise from time to time. If it happens more than once to form a pattern we might need to reform a few things. Maybe not?  🤷

*This is for learning purposes only.

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