Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Update on Hate: Hate as a System (Economic and Social Renaissance)

Hate is destructive to our society and to the world at large. It has caused a lot of mayhem and warped outcomes that could help humanity. Those who relish in using hate for personal and political power risk galvanizing the rest of society/humanity. Engaging in hate on an unofficial and social level still exists creating difficulties so we have some work to do (USA Today-Hate Crimes Up) Worse, mix that with some corruption and you might find that charging up that metaphorical hill to protect universal American values is challenging at best (Protecting for all Americans no matter their race or religion.). The good news is that the tide is turning and the winds have changed making hate a lesser worthy and strategic path. 

As a nation we must stand together to ensure our generational values are carried forward. Protection of democracy, broad based capitalism, and an inclusive society based on human/civil rights are central to what defines us as a people and a nation. This is why we have the longest running experiment in history. The young now have a firm hand on the torch (The other hand by the older generations) with their new ideas, still developing skill, and love of freedom. They share a commitment to our national strength, embedded deep values into their generation's collective conscious and stand united in furthering our universal American values. 

United We Stand Photo in
The Wooded Pathway Gallery
(Universal American values are related to a universal democracy that could be the next stage of national development in a highly diverse society where human capital from all different types of people are maximized for the benefit of the whole. Hate groups and distorted politics impact that but also provide opportunities to overcome such challenges. We learn from adversity. If we overcome that challenge with an upswing on technology we might be the first nation to achieve two fronts; economic renaissance and social renaissance. As the resilience of our economy has shown, we may have bumped up in an economic platform. Now we must do the same socially to create an inclusive society not based in the hard rules of law but on deeper natural connectivity. Socio-economic growth comes from maximizing human capital, and technology tools thereof, to help economies grow while hate breaks down the foundations that allow free commerce to thrive. Most would opt for an inclusive thriving society; a destructive few would not.)

First read, Hate as a system: Examining hate crimes and hate groups as state level moderators on the impact of online and offline racism on mental health

What you often find is that hate is social and it designed to raise pressure on the targets through group bullying and other types of nefarious behaviors. Once a hate narrative is created such groups act through chatter and microaggressions (if macro aggressions didn't work well). Normal defense and avoidance by targets are used as justification to engage in further hate, ostracization, and blocking of opportunities. (The central point is who is causing the problems? Try avoid blaming the victim even though that seems to be the most easiest bigoted choice.)

Let me give you a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. A group associated with a number of corrupted officials spread hate rumors, launched a 100 person plus group of supporters. damaged kids, engage in threats, manipulate the sick to enrich themselves, violated the rights of the targets and much more. They tried to restrict targets from employment, social connectivity, and public service to further their homogeneous distortions. In this example it went on because there was a lack of respect for deeper American values (This is why it should be illegal and enforced on people who continuously further the hate narrative or act on that hate.).

In this example normally such behaviors would not be acceptable but there were a number of underlining catalysts that were not addressed for years (even decades) because of spotty oversight. Those that came forward with complaints were quickly retaliated against making it appear that the concern was not the safety of the community but the protection of a clan. Rights of their fellow Americans (60% of society they view as second class) were mocked with a roll of the eyes and wink & nod justice. Corruption in this example made them immune hinting at two different systems and legal structures based in race, religion and social connections (There are good people in the world reconnecting these groups back into one.). 

Here are my thoughts and they may not be popular. I believe that our American values transcend all groups and people and that the quality of a person is based not in their racial, religious, or political affiliations but in their inner values, their contribution to society, and their willingness to do what is right and good for society. That is not something all of us believe, but it is something most of us believe and when we don't walk the talk, trust in institutions may decline (There are many seeking to protect these institutions through adaptive enhancement for the next generation. Do good and it will always turn out well). We as a nation and those in the next generation are standing firm to the commitment of a greater American cause.

Our society needs new ways of looking at problems and they need to reorient toward our central true north values. It is not always easy to think for yourself or do the right thing (the American thing! 💁) and that comes with great benefits for society but often detractors for those with a moral conscious. Our nation will overcome hate because the other options are not so positive. I have great faith in the value of most, but am cautious of the values of some. There is a type of curse for thinking for yourself and not acting like an animal (Business Insider: The Curse of Intelligence)

The economic and social renaissance is at our doors step? I advocate for embracing the future, understanding our present, and reflecting on the past as the greatest path to wisdom.

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past!"

Thomas Jefferson 

*This is a hypothetical example and discussion for illustrative purposes only. It is meant to encourage thoughtful idea generation and greater awareness for living by our values and connecting communities around shared principles and goals. A type of thought experiment on freedom of religion and freedom of helpful speech. It makes no distinction among different types of people or one political party over another. It is meant to be a discussion on universalism. I thought this article on Universalism was interesting and how our values can appeal globally.

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