Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Governor Whitmer Lifts Many of the Stay Home Orders (06-06-20)

Missed this but it is pertinent to Michigan residents.

Saved a Distressed Snapping Turtle-Living With Nature

Highways can be a difficult thing for wildlife to navigate. In this case, the snapping turtle was trying to cross the highway and cars were driving over it but fortunately not hitting it with their tires. I drove past and my conscious kicked in and I thought, "This turtle will never make it to the other side". Turned around and by the time I got back someone else stopped. I picked it up and brought it to the river as it was trying to bite me. Put him back in the water. Not sure if he appreciated but I still have my fingers so I'm happy. We must protect our environment and learn to live with nature as much as possible.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

White House Hosts Meeting with Law Enforcement

One of the important pieces we hear from this is that there is a need balance reform so that we have a strong police force but one that is fair. We have two developing philosophies and somewhere along the road we will need to find balance. That balance must include investigating wrong doing, changing of metrics to raise good officers and remove bad officers, use of physical force, outside investigations when concerns warrant them, training, consider alternatives to incarceration, and connecting with different communities that have something to say. Some discussion on the need of courageous leadership and work with the National Commission of Law Enforcement.

Change is needed and its coming. We must remember we are not AT the ending place of national development and legacy. WE are becoming something and such large philosophical questions on race are being discussed that will likely create whole new ways of thinking about equality and economic growth. Its messy and there will likely be lots of fighting among different parties but what we can expect is movement to eradicate systematic racism and that could lead to further minimizing destructive belief systems that don't support our national development.

Getting people to work together and see each others perspective is important. Hearing from Black leaders and minority leaders (including religions readers) on how to improve the system and also hearing from law enforcement officials help creates a more round perspective. It is that sharing of perspective in the national dialogue that leads to new solutions and innovation in our law enforcement approaches.

Woody's Run Golf Course-Most Affordable Around Escanaba

Woody's Run is a large 9 with one of the most affordable courses around. Around each if you are two people to a cart.

What Am I Thinking | General CQ Brown- More Thoughts of How this Works in Everyday Life

This general is making some important and powerful statements. I can say that I have seen bigotry in action in everyday life. Justice is more than lip service and foot dragging. We have a responsibility to make a stronger nation. I have seen injustice in action where children have been ostracized because adults in their lives have not grown up. One wanted to be a pilot and wasn't invited to an Honor Flight while the other grand children were. Another was purposely put in harm's way and people bragged about the harm they did. This is the life of those who fit outside some delusional sense of normal.

There is no normal in this country any more....there hasn't been for a long long time. Our diversity can be our strength. I can say that as a Republican who believes that people should rise on their own abilities and that large government is not the solution. I suspect people on the Democrat side could say something similar as well based on their own ideologies because they have a track record in recent times working with minorities. So....this isn't a political argument...this is an argument of civility, decency, morality, and human development. I would love a strong nation where all people of different backgrounds were seen as equals...that is our long term American legacy.

I can say what I learned. There is little to no remorse among the racists (I must also add bigots). Their beliefs are embedded in their mindset because the very same mechanics that push them to spew their problems into hatred are the same issues that default when it is time to have self reflection and remorse. I say....we have a responsibility to believe in our American principles above the surface words and comments people say. This general seems to feel what people have felt for a long time. American is for those who believe in certain principles and their race and religion should not shut the door for good people and open the door for the wrong people. I will say its not this general's job to change society it is only his job to be the best person he can so others can draw strength and learn new values. No one can walk with a heavy burden for long. His statements serve his country again.

When Everyone Knows the Answers-Beyond the Birds Chirping in Justice Reform

Your listening and watching the news and everyone seems to have a ready made solution. Wherever you look and listen people have all the answers. Some of these answers are great and some not so great. Mostly they are saying the same thing and begin to sound a little like birds chirping in some type of large social activity. Same song with different tones, tempos, and pitches but the some seems to be the same. We need new voices and coordination among our leadership to push us to the next level of national development.

One thing I noticed groups do when someone has ideas that are different they shun them. I'm not talking about any particular political party or ideology. It just seems to be a common behavior. Anything from policing to your local basketball team and all the way over to our national leaders. Ideas seem premade and copies of other's ideas. Uniqueness is rare.

We all knew that racism was a problem for a long time and most people claiming a solution didn't act when they didn't have supporters to encourage them on. That is called integrity. Its not so much what is being said but how it is being said. New ideas are short. I guess this is a little how politics work. It is about influence. One must have ideas that appeal to the masses and the goal is to sell those ideas as original.

I wonder if being the voice of the people means that one must first have their finger on the pulse of the people's heartbeat. To see, feel, hear, and understand intuitively what people want? This may very well be true. For example, equality of law and justice is one thing but under that is a deeper meaning to belong, to matter, to be seen as worthwhile to society.

True feelings are deeper than what is being chirped by the political birds. It isn't about selling great new ideas it is more about understanding what people need and want to ensure we are fulfilling that in our governance policies. Building great societies requires us to move beyond the "clunkiness" of law and law enforcement and more toward creating an enlightened society where people know on a deep and fundamental level that everyone is part of the same large clan.

What hurts worse than overt bigots and racists are those who hold their tongue, don't give the invites, look the other way, ostracize, pass over, look down on, etc.... etc.... etc.... It is those who you can see right behind their polite words that they would rather throw you over a bridge than tolerate your existence. When you are raising mixed race kids with different religions I have seen people do things that if their truer intentions were known you might gag in disgust and feel ashamed that people still act that way.

I can't chirp directly about the pain that others feel. I can only say that reforming law enforcement is one issue but eradicating the ideologies that rip at the sole of unity are another. The words behind the words. What would happen if we were all one society that "walked the talk"? Would we look back 100 years from now and find that we were a silly ignorant people? I think we could build a stronger society. Maybe we all need to chirp together for change so that each person can rise based on their own abilities.

Monday, June 8, 2020

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds briefing (6/8/2020)

There is a lot of information in this press release. I can say that what I agree with having development by helping local businesses, in any race (or creed), develop and grow. To do this well I believe that good ideas should be funded through investment and loans. We should encourage all races to get ahead by focusing and supporting people's natural entrepreneurial spirit. Americans want to get ahead and don't want the "wet blanket" of racism and bigotry to stop them.

I have to include bigotry because many times peoples religions can have an impact on how people treat them. That includes locking them out from opportunities, promotion, and sometimes even justice. So matter what race or religion (not excluding other differences) they should be able to rise and grow to their own abilities. We also have the 1% wealth issue creeping up and helping people start businesses may make a difference.

White House Press Release Transcripts