Sunday, May 31, 2020

Rock Climbing Sugar Loaf Mountain Marquette

Pictures were taken while rock climbing in Marquette at Sugar Loaf mountain. Its a nice little hike up. When you go off the trail a little you can find a number of places to throw your rope over and climb up. I've been thinking about climbing Mount Everest someday. Not sure if I will do it but it seems like there is so much we as a nation need to do to work together for a better future. Riots, economy, politics, science, crime, and the list goes on. I think justice (A more philosophical kind and not really the common language of it) is a good reason and raise awareness for children. It seems we need to start listening to each other and do what is best and right. I'm not sure we can do it but one can hope. It is not use vs them it is us vs us. We are reflections of each other. You may want to read sociologist Charles Horton Cooley' Looking Glass Self to have a better understanding of what is going on right now in society.

Governor Whitmer May 30th, 2020 Discussion of Michigan Workforce Development Board

Governor Whitmer holds press discussion. Primary announcement revolved around the Michigan Workforce Development Board. It appears the goal is to develop workforce and skills across state. I think we need additional focus on attracting businesses and investment with STEM-Tech labor so they can support each others development. Pushing companies to be innovative will help them increase their impactfulfullness on the global market. Much of this is about linkages among economic components.

White House Donald Trump Roundtable With Industry Executives On Reopening (May 31 2020).

The good news is that the economy is getting stronger and its coming back. Hopefully, it will come back in a way that leads to greater prosperity for everyone. That will mean starting new businesses, and enhancing the business environment. We must ensure that as protests rage across the country that we take into account how our justice system impacts perceptions of fairness and whether or not people fully engage in economic activity.

If you feel that no matter what you do will not result in due reward for your behavior you have no reason to fully engage the economy. That is what racism throws a wet blanket over economic enthusiasm. Capitalism can be a great and powerful tool if all people are drawn together to succeed. That means we will need to rid ourselves of racism and racist people from positions of authority to ensure everyone works together to build a great nation.

People make this into a political argument. From my experience Republicans do well with economic issues and Democrats do well with social issues. If we can get them talking together we can share some good ideas and come up with a plan on how to build the strongest most enlightened nation on the planet. Economic growth and our business environment can be enhanced and so can our jobs and skilled labor. I don't see the politics in that as there are many aspects to the strong economy.

The message we need to be telling people is that as a capitalist democracy every single person can earn his or her fair share solely by their ability to compete in the market. We will not judge them or hamper them for their perceived differences in any way. We want everyone to be entrepreneurial, work hard, treat their neighbors right, and get what they deserve. Those that believe in ONE nation are American and believe in the American way. Those that abuse their power and discriminate believe in a different way but I do not want to call that American.

Who are WE as a ONE nation?

I have faith we will begin to renew our thinking and get to that next platform of American Destiny.

Trump Round Table Discussion Notes

Businesses Re-Opening in the U.P. May want to Review Miller Canfield's Free Webinar

Senator McBroom's office release information on re-opening your business in the U.P.. The Miller Canfield Law Office has a free webinar you can watch to understand some of of the legal aspects of re-opening your business. HERE  It can be hard to stay on top of legal changes and issues. This is one simple way to get an overview.

If you are re-opening your business it is important to stay up to date and knowledgeable of changes in the legal environment. Be sure to protect yourself by opening in a wise and legal way. Businesses in the U.P. are unique when compared to other parts of the country. We come from small towns and small businesses. Its important to stay informed.

Senator McBroom is our local region's senator. You can contact him below:
Please call 866-305-2038 toll-free or 517-373-7840.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Shared Firefighter Service Fill and Dump Tests

Took the trucks from around the area that have shared service agreements and timed filling and dumping under different sources of water. For example, a drop tank, hydrant and pond were the primary systems used. Its the first time I saw all the different types of vehicles from the countryside in the same area. It was a fun Saturday morning working to ensure our community is safe from fires and we are prepared to handle tough fires.

We Need Reform....Protests are a Sign of Things to Come

Sometimes you just get tired of waiting and waiting for justice and when it does come it often looks a little distorted and not what would normally be expected. That is what many of these protesters are saying. They want to be treated as human beings with constitutional rights that can't be taken away based on a whim of a sadistic individual. The pain many people in the minority communities feels is overwhelming and boils over onto the streets. To fix this problem and avoid future chaos we need to start thinking on a different level and move beyond old paradigms.

I fell the pain of both side because I have friends that are police officers and I raised two multi-racial children that are likely to be leaders someday. The narratives are different for protesters and police and its hard for people to sort of step across the isle and think about the other. Bad officers shouldn't come to define good officers. The good news is I think change will start to occur because a message of despair is loud and clear. Good people, good politicians, good judges, good district attorneys, and good leaders will hear that message and push for change.

But we must get a grip on the deep problems our officials have ignored for a long time and continue to ignore even though they have the capacity to "do the right thing". I've thought about this for some time and feel that perhaps they don't know what the "right thing" is because they have never been on the other side of the line. They never walked a mile in the shoes of the downtrodden.

1. Racism Damages Our Society: It breaks down trust, it impacts our economy, and it destroys the fabric of American life. It creates pessimism in work, life, and the ability to overcome problems because all of the messages received are designed to tear you down and raise someone else up.

2. Incarceration Doesn't Always Work: Throwing people in jail for little crimes is expensive and costs a lot. It might be better to refer them to another agency they can get help so they don't become a long term detractor to society.

3. Bad Officers Tarnish the Name of Good Officers: Bad officers may not be the norm but become the unintentional spokesperson for all police. When a rogue officer becomes a menace and gets complaints few take the time to look and it is nearly impossible to have them removed. Authority is a very important responsibility that shouldn't be given to the wrong type of person.

4. Justice needs to Focus on Justice: The Justice system isn't about processing individuals and giving tickets, slamming the jail cell, and stuffing our prisons. It is about giving justice. People wait and wait and wait for justice but if they are a minority or seen as "other" justice is unlikely. If they do something wrong someone "throws the book at them" with maximum penalties while others seem to walk for much larger wrongs.

5. Stop Listening to the "Experts": The experts keep saying the same thing over and over. The people who do know how to handle this situation are skipped over for the same defunct methodologies and people proposing the same incorrect solutions. Talk to some business people, psychologists, sociologists, minority leaders, religious leaders, and others to get a better perspective.

6. Change the Metrics and In Turn the Culture of Policing: Culture plays a big role in whether or not a police station will engage the public or view them as the "outsider". Adjusting the metrics to include referrals, talking with locals, customer service, critical thinking, solution finding, etc... can do a lot to help people engage with society while holding each other accountable.

7. Promote the Qualified: Stop promoting those who make the most arrests! Promote those who have the capacity of further developing their teams to do amazing things. These are the ones who build excellent departments and further create inspired followers. It isn't power over people it is power with people that saves the day. Look for great leaders and promote them...I can give you the names of a few.

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.” Albert Einstein

Friday, May 29, 2020

Main Street Lending Program Fed Chair Jerome Powell discusses the economy at Princeton University

Small and medium businesses are the backbone of the American economy. Large corporations employ a lot of people but it is smaller businesses that employ people in our hometowns and communities. Because of this crisis they have closed their doors and don't have access to cash flow.

Capital keeps their doors open and allows them to restart their operations. That is important if we plan on putting people back to work and powering up our economy. The timing is good as the virus wanes and it is hoped we can salvage many of these businesses and jobs.


The Federal Reserve has announced that it is establishing a Main Street Lending Program (Program) to support lending to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Program will operate through three facilities: the Main Street New Loan Facility (MSNLF), the Main Street Priority Loan Facility (MSPLF), and the Main Street Expanded Loan Facility (MSELF).


(1) the business has 15,000 employees or fewer; or

(2) the business had 2019 revenues of $5 billion or less.

More Info:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF)

Mountain Biking and Hiking For Fitness On the Trails-Delta County Michigan

Mountain Biking and Hiking is a great way to get into shape and enjoy the outdoors. There are physical benefits, mental benefits, and nature benefits. Supporting nature and enjoying it are helpful. You can always augment your workout with mountain biking. Put the headphones in and rock your petals.

One thing you shouldn't do is take garbage on the trails and leave them there. I found a disposable non-biodegradable coffee cup and wondered, "Who would do serious hiking with this?" Then I realized it was near the entrance and likely someone just strolling. Not someone who regularly use these trails or understands the real purpose of these trails.

TeleHealth in the U.P. $214,000 Funding

Telehealth is growing. The U.P is rural and sometimes it can take a long time for first responders to arrive. That doesn't include the snow and other issues. My family had a cottage in Stonington and one of my neighbors fell ill. We had to drive them a half hour and first responders needed to meet us half way to shorten the time frames.

Telehealth up here makes sense.

The press release below.....

Bergman Announces $214,000 in FCC COVID Telehealth Funding for U.P.

Washington - Today, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC's) Wireline Competition Bureau approved an additional 53 funding applications for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program. Health care providers in both urban and rural areas of the country will use this $18.22 million in funding to provide telehealth services during the coronavirus pandemic.

To date, the FCC’s COVID-19 Telehealth Program, which was authorized by the CARES Act, has approved funding for 185 health care providers in 38 states plus Washington, DC for a total of $68.22 million in funding. 

The Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center, in Gwinn, Michigan, was awarded $213,997 for telemedicine carts, computers, monitors, and diagnostic equipment to be used for community-wide triage for COVID-19 screening and testing, as well as routine medical management of nursing home and congregate living patients to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 high-risk patient populations.

Rep. Bergman noted, "This is great news for Great Lakes Family Health Center and the rural and remote constituents of the First District. As we move forward combatting the coronavirus, telehealth capabilities will remain an important and necessary part of the health care future, especially for our Michigan seniors who are among the most at-risk. "

Donald Simila, CEO of the Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center said, "With the support of Congressman Bergman, Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center is grateful for the FCC COVID-19 Telehealth award. This funding for telehealth equipment will support the ongoing clinical care of our most vulnerable patients residing in congregate living environments in addition to reducing and suppressing the spread of COVID-19.

Found Old Ship Hatch While Diving in Escanaba Michigan

Diving is a fun sport that takes some time to practice and get comfortable with. I don't go to super deep narcosis levels but I do like to get out as much as possible. I'm fixing my little dinghy boat with liquid rubber coating so I can rig it to dive off of it. There are a number of ship wrecks and other places to explore along the water front in Delta County Michigan. I keep trying to find new places to explore and test. This was near the municipal dock. Its an hold ship hatch or door or something. Mostly rusted out.