Thursday, June 20, 2019

How to Know When You Need a Quick Break

I'm a physical machine when I want to be! Lap swimming in the morning, hiking in the forests, horse riding, and then drills for diving in the evening. Crash in bed at mid night and up and at it by 5:30 am. Of course I have to get a lot of other work done with my professor job as well. Therefore, there are times when your body says, "wow...slow down and take a day off".

This usually happens when your body gets over trained. I know this because I typically fell like my legs are very heavy, I'm dead tired all day, my body is sore, and I sneeze a lot. My body is simply tired.

I used to try and push my way through it and in many cases it would go away. Yet I wouldn't see the real results of working out like that. I found that if I took a day or two off my body was in better shape and I could see the results of my workout.

Rest is an essential part of working out. It is an absolute necessity if one wants to see real gains. When your body begins to tell you to slow down and relax don't be afraid to do it. You won't lose anything and likely will have much more to gain.  As your body heals and recovers it gets stronger.

Using Processes to Improve Your Writing

Writing can be very easy or it can be complex. How you view this depends on whether you see writing as a tool or more like an art form of communication. Once you have a rudimentary understanding of writing as a communication tool you can fulfill its function but may not be very effective in motivating people to act. Following a process will help you reach more people and spark their interest.

I'm probably never going to be a great writer of magnificent prose but I can still improve on my writing by following a simple process. The process allows us to think about the various aspects of writing and come to a better outcomes.

1. I would look at the audience in which I am to write. This means looking what the audience like, their buzz words, and how they relate to the world. The deeper you can move into their collective understanding of life the better you will be able to write for them.

2. Understand what media you are going to use to reach them. If you are writing a blog, newspaper article, Tweet, etc... will determine how you write. You are limited in the amount of depth and characters you will used.

3. Determine the objective of your writing. Make sure what your goal is and center your writing around a single focus. This will create clarity throughout your writing as a theme is created.

4. Determine which keywords are most likely to be used by people who have interest in those topics. Select a couple of key words based on their ability to compete in search engines and other methods.

5. Write your draft. Free flow your thoughts and ideas until you get your writing completed.

6. Determine the type of pictures, videos, and other enhancements that will highlight your main points. A picture or sound recording can make a big difference.

7.  Proofread and then proofread again. Depending on your level of accuracy you will want to proofread a couple of times. If your like me you may need to proofread three times and different times.

8. Publish and check. You will want to publish and double check its displayed properly.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How Might China Try and Capitalize on The Trade War to Set Up New Alliances

China is trying to limit some of the damage of the trade war with the U.S. by inviting other nations to increase trade with them. What they used to get from the U.S. they are trying to get from other nations. That will change how products and information flow throughout the world. A polarized world of military and commercial activity may be the long-term result of long-term trade adjustments.

1. Gap filling suppliers are likely to be permanently part of the Chinese economic engine once they begin working within the country.

2. China may have reached a point where it no longer needs to rely on the U.S. but move toward creating its own global network of commerce.

3. China will seek out countries that align closely with its own culture in terms of fundamental beliefs creating political connections along with financial ones.

3. They are capitalizing on low cost production enhance the reach of its market approach by a sector of countries.

There are a few things China may not have thought of.....

1. If the U.S. increases their innovative capacity they can product better products at lower prices thereby being a market leader.

2. Not all countries align ideologically with China and may end up solidifying support in Europe and other places.

3. A polarized world world will likely slow down commerce on both sides.

4. Much of the Chinese economy is resting on Europe and the U.S. A prolonged trade war may end up limiting both trade and information.

Why Big Data is Changing What We Know About Society

Giving off Data while Fishing :)😬😲😀
Big Data is here to stay and its not going to change anytime soon. Information about us is everywhere in cyberspace and never truly gets deleted. Our lives are recorded into little 1's and 0's that technology can analyzed and discover. We collect information on keystrokes, buying habits, political affiliations, Interests, friends and one and on. The information is extremely helpful for marketers but likewise very important for understanding societal trends.

Imagine if you tapped into a few large databases that companies or government entities have been using to store information and in an instant you can determine a persons income, medical records, hobbies, interests, friends, etc... You may know more about them then they know about themselves. That is real power!

On a macro level you could analyze people's opinions and come to conclusions about how different beliefs are impacted by culture. Those countries that are cultural generators share a way of thinking that impacts other nations. With Big Data we may someday have enough information to see which cultures influence others and to what level.

It is important to remember that data is predictive as well. It can predict who is going to win an election, how people are going to react to events, which groups are supporting which causes, and even whether or not war is coming. Connecting databases together tells you a lot about the world you don't know.


Lets say you are looking at pictures of vacations online, logged into your bank account, moved over to another screen and checked your credit card statement, bounced over to see the prices of airfare, looked at a new tent, and finally emailed your friend about taking a future outdoor vacation.  Would this be enough to predict behavior? It may not be 100% predictive but a company would know what type of items I should be displaying on advertisements directed to you.

Now add the online behaviors of an entire nation into a mega-database. By just monitoring online "chatter" you can gauge peoples opinions. Through historical knowledge of previous "chatter" and social events you can predict societal behavior and reaction. You can determine the outcome of an event and its impact on peoples lives. Maybe not with perfect accuracy but you can have confidence.

Is this a good thing?

Its a little freaky and no one has truly done it on that level yet but it is possible. People are concerned that too much data is being concentrated into the hands of a few large companies. For those who have influence over such large predictive "big data" its a wonderful thing. For foreign countries that want to gain information about individuals and events it is also a great thing. But for those who want privacy, governments that want to ensure national interests, etc.... it may not be such a great thing! Legislation will determine how much information can be held by specific parties but technology and access will determine who has access to the wise swaths of information.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hiking Through Hiawatha

Its early in the morning and the mosquitos are on the hunt. Like bloodsucking bats they attack me with brutal rage! Hiawatha offers miles and miles of rugged trails. Up and down hills. If you feel confident in your navigation skills you can go off the beaten path and follow the streams down to some very nice rivers. Now that I know some solid bearings I would love to come down again in a few days and follow the river all the way up to any waterfalls.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Monday, June 17, 2019

Trolling Around Escanaba Harbor

Escanaba Bay is a great place to sail, fish, and enjoy water sports. One of the areas main attractions is its waterfront. I took my little dinghy and went a few hours trolling around Escanaba Harbor.  I was surprised I still had about half a charge left. Didn't catch anything but it was really sunny out so many of the fish may have went to deeper waters. It was well worth the effort. :)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

What do Abusive Families Look Like? Its All In How They Handle Conflict

Raising awareness of abused kids.
So what do abusive families look like? They look like your and my family. The only way to tell from the outside that the family has taken on a dysfunctional nature is to see the patterns inherent in the way they handle conflict and dissent. It takes a level of insight and openness to the possibilities but the signs are there for anyone to see.

First, no family that has engage in dysfunctional behavior will admit their behavior is a gross violation of human rights. They don't have the self-reflective ability to do so and are buried in their patterns and live in a self confirmed system. They created a reality that can't be challenged from the inside.

Second, abusive families are all about power dynamics. If they can't control you they will seek to damage you. In healthy families people can voice their opinion and their voice will be respected. Families that want control will either snub reasonable concerns or "shout down" dissent. The loudest and most bully voice wins!

The opposite of this is healthy families that listen first, ask questions, and the come conclusions that are helpful to all members. This is what we would expect out of mature people and this is what we expect out of healthy families.

Third, Some dysfunctional families spread rumors to damage another person's credibility. Its called character assassination and is well document in the literature. They know they have done wrong and instead of facing it they seek to win in the court of public opinion. The more they can get people to hate the target the more they see themselves as blameless.

Fourth, having civil conversations with abusive family members is almost impossible. They are a "might over right mentality". Some family members might use their popularity to damage another person or another might physical threaten.  The particular power someone uses to control another person is highly dependent on abilities and context. Yet in an abusive family there always is an issue of control.

Fifth, sometimes fights get legal because families involved children as missiles in perpetuating the dysfunctional behavior. This is not a healthy environment for the children or for the family members themselves. They talk openly of the hate they have for a person who may not be guilty of much but be a convenient target. You will often find a whole host of other questionable behaviors because of the lack of empathy and boundaries. Think about it...if your willing to damage to control are you willing to do other things for self-gain?

Sixth, dysfunctional families call anything that questions inappropriate behavior as "drama" They use the word drama to minimize and de-legitimize important concerns. They know that person is right about challenging poor behavior but it is just easier to "gas light". Gas light means making someone else responsible for their behavior through insinuating "insanity" and "over emotionality". Often there was no reaction other then calling out poor behavior.

Seventh, Not all family members are supportive of the abusive dynamics but they may feel powerless to speak up because if they do means they "sold out" their family. There could also be fear of having family arguments and stress.Some may be clueless what is going on while others may simply be choosing to stay quiet because it is in their best interest to do so. As this happens families damage themselves and fail to take on a healthier existence because there are no checks and balances.

Eight, dysfunctional families love to compare themselves to other people. They diminish others and raise themselves up. People of different, colors, lifestyles, religion, interests, education, friends, etc... are overtly put down and discarded. They are too weak to face their failures and take responsibility over their own lives so they must find targets. The people who engage in such aggressive behavior feel inadequate and project their feelings onto others. Sometimes they even lie about their own friends, children, and relatives.

I'm raising support for children who have been abused and need your help. These are orphans who now have no one in their lives. Problems first arise through dysfunctional dynamics that member refuse to change and eventually lead to more aggressive behaviors that result in children being taken away. If you support these kids you may send me money directly through Paypal or Venmo for Donations (@muradabel) and I will bring down supplies the next time I visit or you can support an established non-profit