Wednesday, November 21, 2018

North Woods Painting for Fun and Charity

Painting is a great hobby that leads to tangible benefits such as memory, creativity, emotional mastery, community, and stress. As a hobby I occasionally sell some and donate proceeds to a charity or two. Other times I might give them away to friends.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why Should All Research Keep the End User in Mind?

Research is the process of discovery based on the ability to utilize that information in some practical way. Well....sort of! The goal of research isn't truly the end user and there are lots of research that isn't useful today but may be useful tomorrow. However, having research of interest with the end user in mind often means you have an audience, will have a more practical solution that helps industry/society in some way, and are more likely to gain funding.

There is research and there is practical research that has immediate use because it solves some problem. Working on questions and issues that help the nation advance, industry move forward, or help people is important for relevance. It does something beyond collecting dust in an academic library.

Industry and government stakeholders are more likely to support practical research that they can lead to either advancement or profit. This make sense considering inventing new technologies and resolving medical issues seems to be high on their list of needs.

Shifts in market needs also influences research funding and focus.  Where technologies and medical solutions have significant corporate support and have the best chances of funding at this time  there will be growing need for additional investigation into pollution/ climate change.

The end users are the people and organizations that are most likely to use the research. Where a large pool of stakeholders have questions, researchers should fill these gaps with their investigations. When in alignment the end user is more likely to implement this research and in turn advance society. If you are a scientist/researcher you will want to work on practical problems for future funding.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Firewood and Utility Vehicles

You would think living in a small town in the woods you would have plenty of firewood. Apparently people don't enjoy going out in the woods and cutting it up. While I have got wood into smaller vehicles the little SUV Chevy Equinox did a pretty good job taking in half a face cord. A little more needed to to in the back seat but I did get my wood for the snowy winter!

Hauling it to various stashing places around the house I start thinking I'm more of a squirrel hiding nuts than an actual person. You have to sort of think about ease of obtaining as well as how far you have to walk. Sometimes a sled can help but.....without kids in the house....I got none of those.

I'm always looking around for more wood anyplace I can get it. It should of course be hardwood as pine burns way too fast. I'm in a place surrounded by trees but not enough firewood.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Additional Benefits from Cold Weather Fitness

While hiking at a good pace I realize there may be some additional benefits of working out in cold weather.

1. Body Temp must be maintained do additional calories must be expended.

2. More layers of clothing means more resistance.

3. Getting out and enjoying nature with a purpose.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why is it Important to Update Content Regularly?

People scan the Internet looking for information that helps them understand something, solve a problem or engage in an activity. Stale websites don't have many visitors because there isn't dynamic content that draws people to the table. Writing and posting new content keeps people coming back over and over in a way that encourages them to be engaged.

What does updating content mean?

It means putting interesting things on your site that draw people's attention. It could be posts, sayings, videos, just about anything that attracts people to come back over and over.

Why is it important?

People will come back if they like the content. This can lead to greater sales and influence through repeat visits.

How does it help Search Rankings?

Search rankings improve with fresh content. Search engines will spider and place strong content above information.

How does it draw people to products or ideas?

People who are interested in a particular topic will be attracted to the site by the search terms they use. This in turn should be related to the mission and products/services of the business.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Three Things Students Should Think of When Writing

Three things students can think of when writing are helpful for providing thorough answers to questions. It doesn't matter if we are discussing papers or class questions because professors are looking for well thought out answers. Higher education does support specific knowledge but it is more about a way of thinking than anything else.

1. Critical Thinking and Evaluation-The person has evaluated alternatives and thought critically about the information.

2. Logical Discussion and Connection-The logic used to create that conclusion is consistent.

3. Substantive Reference that Supports Conclusion-There are non-biased details that support the conclusion (theory). 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

What is the Difference Between Preferences in Work Style and Performance?

Managers should be aware that there are differences between work style and work performance. Not all people will work the same, have the same personalities, or have the same approaches to problems. Diversity of approaches is an advantage to organizations but sometimes managers may want to stifle differences without being truly aware of why they are doing it.

Performance is the ability to completed items, conduct work, and finish projects. It is the total completion of the end product (at least for that work function) and its value to the organization. If the workers is completing what is required of them and doing well then they are "doing their job" as far as an contractual obligations are concerned.

Work style is how they do that work. Unless you are in manufacturing where there is one major way to complete tasks people of high intelligence and capacity prefer to use their own abilities and methods to get things done. Pushing them down specific paths limits their potential, output and motivation.

Over our professional lives we learn what works and doesn't work. Work style gets developed in ways that enhance strengths gets things done. When we try and narrow that into a style that isn't innate in the worker we may end up inadvertently damaging their performance. In essence, we take our own personal styles and micro manage them onto others.

This stifles creativity and performance in the long run. Seasoned managers hire the right people, give them the task and then let them get it done their own way. They may give advice when it is helpful but they trust the professional to know when the advice is valid or not. The higher you go in education and experience the more freedom from work style requirements you should have. This ensures you are a creative, capable person, versus a blind worker.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Advantage of Compartmentalizing Non-Core Business

Businesses change and adjust over time. Sometimes we know a section of our business is not our core business and could be managed in-house or through outsourcing. There are other times the function may become irrelevant in the market (i.e. dvds in the age of streaming) and be sold or closed in the future. Compartmentalizing these business aspects may be helpful.

If they are integrated into your other core operations it will become increasingly complex to untangle as the business adjust course. There is a fundamental difference between having these non-core operations responsive to business needs and integrating them fully.

This means they have management that works within a particular cost center that nearly functions as a separate entity except for at the very top of the organization. It is the creation of an intentional silo so that decision making and expenses are different from the rest of the organization.

Sometimes it is helpful to bill different departments so that there is an expense associated with the transaction. The entity pays rent and has profits and expenses that help to ensure that it is cost effective for the business. If expenses get too much outsource, if they become cheap it is possible to add business from outside sources.

One can determine these rates by determining what it would cost to have these services offered from the outside of the organization. Essentially, you are out sourcing your business to yourself.

Compartmentalization has the advantage of easy breaking off of the business while putting the mindset in place what the "core" business is. Financially and legally you are preparing to separate except you are not forced to do this. The level of separate will depend on the current state of affairs and can be furthered as the core business changes. As an additional bonus the "core" business concept will stick in the minds of workers leading to greater focus.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Are Students Preferring Faster and More Media Rich Learning Environments?

A few colleagues and I worked on some research as it associates to online student learning. The research was relatively simple but basically asked a series of questions to students in a number of classes. The end result was students wanted more technology. What did they want?

1.) More Interaction: They liked to engage with their classmates and learn from each other.

2.) More Videos and Recordings: Students enjoyed listening to videos and podcasts more than actual reading.

3.) Critical Thinking: Students enjoyed critical thinking and problem solving. The process of creating solutions excited them.

What they didn't like.....

1. Reading: Students didn't like reading large text books.

2. DQ: They didn't necessarily enjoy DQ unless there was a problem solving aspect to it and some social interaction.

What we should do.....

It would make sense for us to consider the option of breaking up large books into smaller reading integrated throughout the course. In addition, where videos, pod casts, etc... can be used they should be implemented. Furthermore, helping students to interact more and solve problems collaboratively is helpful. One may also want to use more solution based DQ.