Thursday, April 5, 2018

Circuit Exercises for Boxers

I love the sport of boxing for getting into shape. Whether you are actually in the ring, into general fitness, or just learning basic self defense circuits offer an opportunity to lose fat and gain upper body strength. For a number of years I have engaged in martial arts and kickboxing. What I found is that the entire body must be developed to do well. A little more focus on your core and upper arms also encourages better performance.

Circuit training is high cardio workouts that help focus on the needed areas. If you do these on a regular basis you will lose weight and gain strength quickly. They are not easy though. You are likely to burn out fast so just add them to your workout when you can. Don't get lazy...just make it happen.

Using the Market to Find a Product Value Proposition

Business owners often have difficulty finding what their value proposition is for products and services. The process can seem daunting if you have never done it before. Knowing its position and price will help you gain more customers quickly.  However, by following a few steps you can find your place in the market, its appeal to customers, and potential price range.

1. Explore all the possible uses and benefits of a product. Some products sell on their strength, functionality and quality. There are many ways to "pitch" a product and using your brainstorming skills will better understand an array of product benefits.

2. Talk to your customers and gain valuable feedback about what they believe are the benefits of your product. You may be surprised that customers have a completely different perception of value than what you believe the product has.

3. Compare your products to other products to determine where it is the same and where it is different. When you are comparing and contrasting your product with other products you may find something that differentiates it. This differentiation can be used to gain a market position.

4. Conduct a market analysis to determine the potential value of potential product attributes and where those attributes fit within the market. You may need to narrow down the potential benefits to determine which couple may be of most uses in the marketing products.

Once you have explored benefits, gained customer feedback, evaluated against similar products and conducted a market analysis you will have a pretty good idea what you value you want to focus on when developing a marketing campaign. Still, there will need to be fine tweaking of this concept to narrow down potential images, slogans, and specific messages.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Greater Responsibilities to Society

Sometimes we are so self consumed that we forget our greater responsibilities to society .We are worried about our pay, families, items, and needs that there isn't much left at the day to fulfill our responsibilities to society. When a great number of people no longer feel connected to certain principles that encourage a country to be great we run into an issue where the very fabric of our society begins to unravel.

Without values we collectively cherish with we will slowly dissipate into a mob of self-interested individuals. We fail to see the bigger picture that the world is bigger than us and there is a continuous stream of human development that leads to a better world.

In many ways, we can't blame people who are excessively focused on themselves. We are designed on a biological and psychological level to be self-absorbent from the day we are born and looking for nourishment and protection. We have a difficult time looking outside our "bubble" of consciousness to greater awareness of the "other".

As the mind develops, a few individuals begin to create a level of global intelligence that sees a greater connection to the world, themselves and the universe. They gain the "Eagles Eye" that sees the world from a different perspective that understands the systematic nature of society. They are the leaders of tomorrow.

While it may not seem that any one individual is important they are an important like a drop of water in a bucket. If they become exceptional leaders they guide a whole lot of others to greater awareness and action. As a nation of droplets we are at our best when we are work together to hedge our skills and abilities to create a tidal wave of force that leads to improvement for everyone.

Our people are a collection of ideas, thoughts, and efforts that leads to national action that can change the course of history. Leadership moves people beyond their selfish needs to help them find a piece of themselves in a national vision. Once the path is created and mechanisms understood, a lot of action at just the right times creates new beliefs that become part of our national identity. If the calling is noble enough other peoples and national will adopt the truth of those ideals as well.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Horse Riding as a Lifetime Activity

I once took classes in the past and do so now. Horse riding is an activity that takes significant commitment. It isn't as though you just walk out there and jump on a horse and your ready to go. There is time to learn balance, commands, how to care for a horse, the cost of the horse, and its general maintenance expenses.

You might ask why to get one?

I think there are few reasons that you can consider. They are connection to nature, hobby, social, and reward for hard work. You will eventually bond with your horse and it will become part of your family. There will be a need to groom, ride, and visit the horse on a regular basis.

You will get involved with a community of horse riders who are engage in horse activities that include parades, camping, hanging out at the stables and share horse tips and help each other out.

It will definitely be a project. The project includes continuous practices, learning, training, and spending time taking care of the horse and working on its overall abilities.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Open Education Resource for Text Books-Will it make a difference?

The $5 million budget offered for studying OER for people in college is one step in reducing costs. There are times when a single text book can cost over $200. That is not to say the authors don't deserve it but that the cost can be prohibitive to students. Amazon has a rental program that is also helpful that also is fairly expensive. I have two fundamental questions related to their potential usage as well as whether or not students can learn on their own.

Will OER be used?

That depends on whether or not professors actually assign these books. They are likely to be used by open access education but there is a stake professors have in some books that they have written. Sometimes they simply support their own researchers at the university or who support their viewpoints.

Can students learn on their own?

It is important to remember that university is based in knowledge they don't have a monopoly on knowledge. What they have a monopoly on is whether a person is certified to have that knowledge. It lends to the authentication that a person has gained certain knowledge. However, someone could theoretically read all these books on their own and have the same knowledge as the professor.

Routines that Help Stretch Muscles After Heavy Exercise

If you are engage in a heavy exercise program you will need to stretch your muscles and improve your overall balance. As our muscles grow they get tight and loosing them helps in overall flexibility, balance and general performance. The last thing you want to do is be so tight you start to rip muscles even when doing basic movements. One sign of total fitness not only includes muscle tone but also the ability to use those muscles at different flexible ranges.

This program has some stretching and balance that can be helpful.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

International Conference on Business, Education, Social Sciences and Technology

09 to 11 August 2018
Helsinki, Finland
Registration fee for students (please show ID student)

Submit Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Before: May 15, 2018
(Miss a deadline Contact us on email:

Please join us for the International Conference on Business, Education, Social Sciences, Humanities, Tourism, Transport and Technology in Helsinki. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of research to an international audience. Since 20 to 25 different countries are typically represented, blind peer reviews are available. The papers will be published ISBN. Proceedings on flash drive will be provided at the time of the conference.

If you would like more information please look at our website.

Topics of interest for submission include any topics as follows:

--Business Education
--Business Ethics
--Business Information Systems
--Business Law
--Business Teaching Methods
--Business Technology
--Human Resources

--Distance Education
--Higher Education
--Interdisciplinary Studies
--Islamic Studies
--Lifelong Learning
--Multidisciplinary Studies
--Teaching and Learning

Social Sciences and Humanities:
--Art History
--Information Science
--Local Government
--Museums and Heritage
--Occupational Science
--Religious Studies
--Social Sciences
--Women's history

--Tourism management
--Tourism business
--Tourism study
--Health care
--Hotel management

--Computer Information Systems
--Diversity Management
--Energy Policy
--Information Systems
--Information Technology
--International Business
--International Energy Development and Usage
--Service Science
--Supply Chain Management


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