Friday, April 18, 2014

Wine Review: Castle Rocks Pinot Noir for Summer Sipping

Summer is almost here and it is time to switch from hardy winter wines like Merlot to something a little softer like a Pinot Noir. Castle Rock’s Pinot Noir has a strong showing in the market with a number of enthusiasts on the Web stating it is a great wine for the price of under $10.00. Wine and Spirits Magazines rated it as one of their top 17 American Brands with a specialty in Pinot Noir.

In relation to other Pinot Noir brands, Castle Rock is also a dry wine of rose pedal aroma. There is a touch of strawberry and raspberry in the taste. A warm and light after taste that doesn’t hang past five seconds. The color is soft red much like a rose wine. It would make a great selection for meats and vegetables due to its light and subtle taste.

Castle Rock is not your normal winery and can be better classified as a virtually winery. What this means is that they do not actually own the land or winery but found a way to lease the extra capacities of other wineries. They buy the grapes from growers and then make their wine at their locations to create a variety of styles and offerings. A nice way of doing business without all the fixed overhead.

The Parries of Saber Fencing

Cabrillo Academy of the Sword
Saber is part of the three genres of fencing along with foil and epee. Most fencers start with foil because it is highly stylistic and teaches proper form. Eventually, a few students may make their way into saber which opens everything above the waist to attack and requires a higher skill level. Pushing students too quickly into saber will create an excessive amount of whacking that lacks style, form and effectiveness. 

In Saber there are generally the three parries of Tierce, Quarte, and Quinte with two secondary parries of Prime, Seconde, and Sixte. Their descriptions are below:

Quarte-High inside parry to protect the body.

Quinte-Parry to protect head.

Tierce-A high outside parry to protect the body.

Prime-Sweeping motion that protects the inside line.

Seconde-Guarding the low outside line. 

Saber fencing is ancient. It dates back to over 3000 years to Egypt with sticks, a German text in the 1300’s, and as a status symbol in the 1600’s (1). Practice became part of education where young wealthy families sent their sons to learn the art of combat. Today the sport is dominated by the French style but may also include the Spanish and Austro-Hungarian styles.

The Purpose of Basic Blocks in Kenpo

Basic blocks are used as a foundation to more advanced blocks in Kenpo. All blocks are designed to protect the most vital parts of the body from injury. Vital areas include the body and head. A solid blow to one of these locations may immobilize a person quickly putting them at risk for further injury. Most of the blocking movements are swiping and deflection designed to provide maximum protection. Learning the basic blocks is often the very first actions to be learned in Kenpo as they are central to the philosophy.

Both swiping and deflection try to change the direction of a person’s attack while not necessarily stopping it. For example, a punch to the head may be countered with a vertical outward block. The opponent’s punch will still move forward but be directed to the side of the head. The opponent’s attacking momentum often leaves open their own vital areas thereby allowing for counter strikes. You will find in Kenpo that the opponent’s momentum is effectively used against them.

It should be remembered that the best defense of all is distance. When faced with an aggressive person the wisest choice is simply to remove oneself from the situation. Making every effort to remove oneself and deescalate the aggression protects one physically and morally from criticism. Even black belts in kenpo will miss blocking a few punches and kicks from time-to-time thereby enduring some risks of injury. 

Practice the movements over and over until they are internalized as a reaction.

Inward Block: Palm comes to ear facing head. Arm is nearly perpendicular. Swing the arm across the body to protect against straight punches. The fist should be facing your body and end near your opposite shoulder. 

Extended Outward Block: Bring hand to opposite ear and push outward and across to protect body. Palm should end up facing downward and slightly outward just beyond the same side as the connecting shoulder. 

Vertical Outward Block: Hand in fist moves to opposite side at waste height. Move upward and outward to cover the entire mid region and face. When finished the arm should be on the same side as connected shoulder and look like you are making a muscle. This move protects against punches and grabs. 

Downward Block: Bring fist up to opposite head height with palm facing opponent. Swing fist downward and to the opposite side to protect against kicks. 

Upward Block: Push hand upward with palm facing outward and just above and away from the head to protect against bashing.

Universal Block:  Combine inward block with downward block to protect the midsection from a range of attacks. 

Videos are often worth a thousand words

Call for Papers: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM; ISSN 2348-0386; is a peer reviewed monthly journal, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid review system.

IJECM is inviting research papers/ reviews/ conceptual papers for April issue (Vol. 2, Issue 3; releasing on 20th April). For detailed authors' guidelines visit
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