Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Professional by Saving Your Quality Work Shoes

A high quality suit speaks volumes about professionalism but what about shoes? Dress clothing gives the right first impression that can impact your image for a long time. The right tie, shirt, and suit is one level of dressing well but additional attention to detail makes all the difference. Anyone can put on a suit but few consider the details of their accessories to create a total impression.

Shoes get worn out, the heels wear down, and they need a little care to keep them fresh. Those with a discerning eye will see beyond the suit and evaluate the watch, shoes, and accessories to determine the sense of style and focus on detail of the person. People who dress up every once in a while don't often consider the smaller pieces that say a lot about an individual.

Worn out shoes are one sign a person doesn't take their career or image seriously. Showing up to an important business meeting with scuffed or worn out shoes is in poor taste. You may not believe this but people will judge you buy your shoes and how well you take care of them. Shinny shoes signal that you are serious and pay attention to details that may transfer to your job.

Worn out heals not only look bad but also can be bad for your back. Rub marks occur where your heals receive the most pressure based upon your personal body mechanics and where the heel rubs on the ground. Keeping your heels in good shape will not only protect your posture and protect from back pain but will also give an impression of professionalism.

Like many of you I have spent a great many years buying cheap shoes because I always wore out the heel within a year's time. This made the rest of the shoe relatively useless once the heel was mangled. Since I did this on a regular basis I decided that buying expensive shoes really wasn't doing me any good as I am simply throwing away more money in the trash.

One day I found $190 pair of leather dress boots from Aldo on sale for 50% off. I was impressed by my purchase and wore these shoes on a regular basis. Who wouldn't feel good about wearing expensive latest style shoes? A problem arose when in a year I wore down the heal to the point that it was noticeable to just about anyone who bothered to look.

I extended their time by wearing them only in casual events with jeans during the evening hours. Eventually that also was not practical. With a saddened heart at being duped like everyone else into accepting price and quality as the same thing I started looking for a long term solution. A little search on Google and I came across a neighborhood leather and shoe repair shop.

For a grand price of $20 I not only got new heels but also a serious polish on my boots. To save your shoes will require you to buy high quality leather shoes to start and then ensure that you keep up with maintenance. No point in spending more money for new expensive shoes if you can double or triple their life with a little effort. Some shoes are not only stay in style but are worth the extra effort.

Looking good without spending a lot of money is beneficial. You can buy one or two pairs of high quality work shoes (brown and black) and ensure that they are polished and heels are in good working order to keep your image spit shined. No one will know your shoes are on their second life if they are in good shape. If you look around enough you may find some high quality and trendy shoes on sale so you don't throw your money into the trash bin.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Buying Handmade American Shoes-Is There Such a Thing?

Minnetonka is a uniquely American shoe manufacturer that has grown from gift shops distribution to selling products in over 50 countries. Fusing Native American traditions with modern design they are able to create branded designs by hand. Few companies in the U.S. make much by hand anymore but Minnetonka has found a way to keep traditions alive while providing a superior product at a middle price bracket. 

Walking through the Old Town area I tried on a pair of casual dress shoes for work and found them to be of high quality and of very comfortable. I made a mental note of the company and searched them out online. After a little research I made a purchase and have been satisfied with that purchase making it more likely I will purchase again in the future. 

If you walk a lot having the right shoes is important. According to a posting in the NY Times blog the average American takes less steps than other nations; something akin to 5,000 versus 8,000 (1).  Health officials desire us to take up to 10,000 steps a day to keep ourselves in great shape and protect us from health issues. Having the right kind of shoes to protect your feet will encourage you to walk casually more often.

They want style, comfort, and price. The shoes do not out price the average American and offer a trendy alternative to over priced products found in many malls throughout the country. It should be remembered that price and quality are not always the same thing and each shoe design should be judged by its own merits. Brands like Minnetonka are built around their unique American heritage and high quality product.