Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Survey Says Virtual Workers More Productive and Happy

Remote employment is growing as a way to reduce costs and expenses while still encouraging higher levels of productivity. According to a ConnectSolutions survey, virtual employees were happier and more productive than those who went into the office every day. The new way of doing business may have a positive impact beyond simply saving on commuting and facilities costs. The secondary benefits should be included in any cost analysis for corporate policy making. 

Remote work policies are increasing across the country and 32% of employee’s state that they work this way at least some of the time. The survey also found that 27% of employees are working remotely full-time. This would mean that the workplace is starting to shift in terms of moving from traditional structures to virtual structures.

Employees are also taking their mobile devices and lap tops home and hanging out in cafes, libraries, pools and other locations making their work more interesting and appealing. The employees also indicate that they are more productive then they are in the traditional workplace. The quality of their life is going up when 40% are getting more sleep, 32% more exercise, and 33% are spending more time with loved ones.

If your workers have the blues it might be interesting to find that 63% of people have a more positive view of their work. Somewhere in the process they become happier with their work situations and their employer’s flexibility. This can lead to higher levels of skill retention and employee satisfaction with 100% of family oriented women said they would stay with their employer.

The survey’s findings are interesting but should not be considered conclusive in itself. Additional surveys matched against the performance of companies would lead to higher levels of cross analysis. Such surveys do add to the body of knowledge on virtual models but will still require additional surveys, research, and historical analysis to create solid conclusions. 

The virtual model isn’t fully developed yet and will continue to grow and change as it faces new market challenges. The type of employee that can work well within a virtual environment may parallel those that would do well with online learning. A higher level of intrinsic motivation and interest in the type of work may be needed. Working from home can lead to incredible amount of distractions if one hasn’t the disciplined to stay focused. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Countering the Negative Influence of the American Dollar on Exports

The trade gap bumped to $46.6 billion in December from $39.8 billion in November showing a move in the wrong direction. Exports are somewhat complex and even though new businesses have been recently attracted back to American shores they have not yet taken hold in full force. Likewise, the rise of the value of the American dollar means that exports are expensive and imports cheaper. Despite the damaging effect of a higher dollar there is something that can be done to counter this impact and improve exports.

It should first be remembered the any number and any dollar is subjective in value. This means that its value is only as good as it relates to some other item. For example, the number two is a higher number than one but both are relative to the other. One must still relate to some measure such as inch, centimeter, etc... that reflects an actual distance in our environment.

The same can be said for the dollar that is compared against some other metric to determine its value. One American dollar equates to .88 Euros. In January of 2014 the dollar was worth .72 Euros. The dollars value as a stable currency is rising and this is making American dollars and products more expensive for international markets. Exports are becoming more expensive because it takes more international currency to purchase.

As a subjective measurement the price is a reflective number on the comparable worth of a unit of production. In the U.S. we consider an hour of a person's time as a unit of production and we are willing to pay a certain dollar value per hour. Wages are factored into the overall cost of producing a product for sale on the market. If the dollar rises in value we are paying more for that unit of labor that is reflected in the final price.

This doesn't mean that the American economy is doomed. It is possible that it won't have a long term impact if we understand the other factors that go into the value the dollar that result in a particular value on the market. The dollar produces more when worker productivity, innovation, and skill are put to use in industries that can compete on the market.

The American worker would have to produce a lot of generic widgets to keep up with a Chinese worker to create value. However, if the American worker is more productive through the use of technology then his/her value rises in the overall production requiring less hours to produce products. Technology, skill and productivity can come together.

We may also raise the value of American labor through focusing on those industries that have the highest value on the market. One of the reasons we don't compete in textile industries anymore is because the products can be produced cheaper overseas and have relatively low value. The process can be run with moderate technology somewhere else.

Now if we were to place our workers in high end manufacturing, service, and other valuable industries we can create high value products that can lead the market. We can find this value in manufacturing, light metals, micro processing, IT services, and much more. These are the advanced industries that should power our economic return and create a more export driving economy. The value of the American dollar is subjective based on the value of the products produced and the efficient use of input. Educating our workers in demand industries and focusing their attention on exports can go a long way.