Showing posts with label product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label product. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

Services versus Goods – Which brings your company more money?

A fundamental shift from good-demand logic to service-demand logic is occurring within the service management field. Service-demand logic looks at the economic value of the services associated with the product versus the actual cost of the product itself. Changing this scope of understanding helps decision-makers to view the value of the product as one of many types of possible revenue generating sources. These others sources may include servicing, insurance, technical support, upgrades, etc…

One of the reasons why a company would desire to move from a good-demand mentality to a service-demand mentality is because the latter affords many more opportunities to gain wealth. A secondary reason is because in today’s world of low price Asian manufacturers it is hard for American companies to compete on product price alone. Selling a total package raises the overall value of the product to the consumer.

It is important to understand the differences between products and services to understand how the mental shift impacts business operations. According to Vargo and Lusch (2004) there are four fundamental differences:

1.)    Intangibility: Services are intangible and products are tangible.
2.)    Heterogeneity: Goods are standardized while services are not.
3.)    Inseparability: The services are inseparable from the customer while goods are produced separate from the customer.
4.)    Perishability: Services are perishable while most good are not.

Through these four concepts it is possible to understand that services are connected deeply to the needs of the customer. They create a relationship and expectation on the customer through which long-term relationships and additional purchases can be sought. Thinking of a product with services raises the overall market value of the entire package allowing for higher levels of customer satisfaction and sales.

Service-demand logic is based on the culmination of many different marketing , organizational, and service theories. Lusch and Vargo (2006) reviewed 50 top marketing scholars from around the world and found much support and some criticism of service-demand logic. Eventually the field was integrated by Gummesson (2008) with marketing and customer relationship management to create multi-party networks through mass marketing.

Even though this is an emerging concept it stands to logic and reason that the service economy requires a new way of thinking about products. The product is sold into a relationship with the customer. It is this relationship that can either foster over many years or be a simple one-time sale. Through the proper management and development of appropriate service offerings organizations can create higher revenue streams that further their sustainability interests.

Gummesson, E. (2008), Total Relationship Marketing, revised 3rd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Vargo, S. and Lusch, R. (2004b), The four service marketing myths: remnants of a goods-based, manufacturing model. Journal of Service Research, 6 (4).

Vargo, S.. and Lusch, R. (2006), Service-dominant logic: what it is, what it is not, what it might be, in Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L. (Eds), The Service-dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, pp. 43-56.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Neurological Approach to Economics: The measuring cup of the brain!

Inside the crevasses and cracks of your brain are the components to economic activity. Research has helped scientists understand that certain activation centers within the brain lead to economic activities associated with purchasing, ethical behavior, theft, choices, violating social norms and much more (Ruff , Ugazio, and Fehr, 2011). A new science entitled neuroeconomics moves to a deep micro analysis that may help to explain the macro-economic system in greater detail.

Simply looking at the large economic system as a cold running machine gives one a static vision which does not offer an adequate discussion on the depth of human thought that makes up the final decision. The other half of commerce may be in the human brain and how we perceive our stake in the larger economic context. Through the internal workings of the mind we can begin to see how different choices are made based upon cellular activation.

The field of neuroeconomics is new and is not yet widely studied at many universities. Available information is scarce. This science tries to explain why humans make certain economic decisions by going deep within the brain to study neural-activity.  Through this depth and understanding it may someday be possible to see precisely why some people are hardwired to make some decisions over others based upon their paths of neural-connections.

Neuroeconomics takes into consideration the fields of neuroscience, economics, psychology, and computer science to understand how humans engage in decision-making about value laden options. The three fundamental questions asked by Neuroeconomics are as follows (Wilson, 1999):

1.) What are the factors computed by the brain and how does this convert to behavior?

2.) How does the neurobiology implement and confine these decisions?

3.) What are the implications for understanding behavior in economic contexts?

The questions attempts to take a look at how the brain functions and controls behaviors when it comes to economic purchases. For example, a person makes the decision to purchase a $600 television or a save their money for some future purchase. Within the brain there will be a number of processes and factors being weighed before the actual decision to purchase, or not purchase, is made.

Often the choices people make can be studied with an EEG or MRI scan to view what is going on inside their head. When a subject makes a decision between two products the brain will send signals to connect information that ultimately impacts the final choice. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex appears to hold the economic choices and values that subjects use to make a final decision (Wunderlich, Rangel, and O’Doherty, 2010).

In unbounded economic theories individuals are seen as making rational choices in their behaviors which encourages the economic system to move into homeostasis through the total impact of their actions. Therefore, understanding how people make these choices on a neurological level allows scientists to break down human behavior into smaller components of understanding and analyze them. Knowing why some products sell on a neurological level will help us understand why these same products sell on a macro-economic level. It is through these many small choices that a larger system is built.

Kable, J. and Glimcher, P. (2007).The Neural Correlates of Subjective Value during Intertemporal Choice. Nature Neuroscience, 10 (12): 1625–33.

Ruff, C., Guiseppe, U. and Fehr, E. (2011). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Changes Social Norm Compliance. University of Zurich, Department of Economics.

Wilson, E. (1999). Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. New York, New York: Vintage.

Wunderlich, K., Rangel, A. & O'Doherty, J. (2010). Economic Choices Can Be Made Using Only Stimulus Values. PNAS, 107 (34): 15005–10.