Showing posts with label California Wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California Wine. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wine Review: Clos du Bois Rouge Red Blend

Clos du Bois Rouge Red Blend is a California wine that is a mix of blackberry, plum, roasted coffee, chocolate and spice. It has a nice smell with a slightly high alcohol aroma (13.5% by Vol). It has a dark red look that is an indication of the dark berries and chocolate. The wine legs appear to have a moderate level of sugar included. Yet this does not appear to detract from the taste as it mixes well with the type of berry.  There is very light but pleasant tannin aftertaste, which helps to put it in the category of table wines for everyday use. 

This would be a nice holiday wine or burger wine that ranges in price from $10 to $13. It might work well with steak and other greasy type foods. When throwing a get together and not knowing which type of wine will appeal to the most people this will work well. It appears to be light in taste with enough sweetness to move toward the desert category. Therefore, it works well in multiple arenas and events. 

The wine is made at the Clos Du Bois Winery and has been operating 35 years. They have around 800 acres in Sonoma County to support their operations.  It is possible to visit the winery and engage in a wine tasting event for $10 or a wine seminar for $50. They also have full tours to see and understand the wine making process and facilities

Clos Du Bois Winery
19410 Geyserville Ave
Geyserville, CA 95441

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wine Review: Fetzer's Light Tasting Merlot

Fetzer’s Merlot offers an everyday wine that fits well with a variety of food choices. The wine itself was a strong purchase for under $10 per bottle. I was pleased with the quality and unlike many of the brands I have tried there is a high potential that I would purchase this wine again. Of course, that does not mean I found the “perfect” wine but it does mean that Fetzer’s Merlot was of sufficient quality and taste to make it a recommendation for daily use.

Merlot is generally a light and fruity brand. In particular, Fetzer has a slightly higher pitched aftertaste even though the wine is smooth in its contour. Merlot is much softer and subtler in taste than Cabernet Sauvignon. It provides for an excellent choice for those who do not want to pucker. Such wine is drier than other varieties and has lower tannin levels that encourage this smoothness.

Since it is lighter to the senses it also goes well with lighter tasting foods that do not overpower it. It pairs well with a variety of different foods such as hamburgers, pork, chicken, cheese, meat that includes mushrooms and garlic. Merlot does not pair well with vegetables and it should be avoided when eating heavily out of this food group.

Fetzer offers the varieties of Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, White Zinfandel, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Mascato, Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Malbec, Zinfandel, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon. Each of these wines a slightly different taste and texture based in its berry selection and fermentation process. You may read about each of the wines on their site at

The vineyard was originally founded in 1968 in Mendocino County California. It was part of a family owned business that was bought out by Brown-Foreman Corporation. They would test their grapes and productions within small gardens and if the quality was strong they would expand this experimental process to other parts of their vineyard.

Fetzer prides itself on its sustainable business practices. They have reduced their landfill waste by 95% while still providing a strong wine. Such sustainable products are a positive aspect of some companies that seek to raise their public impression while still maintaining an economically viable product. Reducing waste, pollution, and other causes of a depleting environment is a responsible business approach. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wine Review: Candy-Apple Red Cabernet Sauvignon

In the perpetual search for the perfect wine I am forced to try interesting varieties. Sometimes these wines tantalize the right taste buds and other times they do not do justice. Being in the mood for something a little sweet, I picked up a bottle of Jellybean the Candy-Apple Red Cabernet Sauvignon. Thinking this was a type of flavored wine with blackberry jam, boysenberry pie and hints of cherry licorice that was to give me “candy flavors” I was excited to give it a shot.

A few days later, I had my chance and poured myself just a little. With a red tone associated with dark cherries it looked a little like fruit punch in a glass. It had a heavy look and clung slightly to the edges of the glass. Something akin to heavy punch in both smell and texture. Raising the glass to my lips, I noticed the first taste of berries that seemed to excite the senses. However, the aftertaste was not particularly that exciting. Not bad…but not exciting. Don't be afraid to try it as your tastes might be different.

Therefore, I decided to experiment with the wine and mix it with another brand of Cabernet Sauvignon and found that the two had a very strong combination. You might want to try this mixture for yourself to see what happens. If your palate is not into the high berry taste of Jelly Belly then go ahead and mix it with a less fruity brand. It works out fine and you might actually like it better than many of the wines you have purchased at full price.

Jelly Bean wine is a young person’s wine with bright flavors and bright colors. They host a number of different events in their wine tasting outlets. It is branded for a generation that is not yet very familiar with wine and provides some of their first interests in sweet tasting flavors. Fun, exciting, outgoing, and youthful are some of the words that can describe this product. It is a social party wine that is full of good times.

Cabernet Saugignon is a popular Californian wine. The grapes grow well in many different atmospheres and climates. As a small berry, it is seasoned just a little longer before being harvested. These berries are dark and tannic. A higher level of spice should be expected and an aftertaste may be more associated with drying out the back of the mouth. As a high tannin berry, it pairs well with meat, lamb, lentils, and other high fatty foods.  Such foods protect the taste buds from the high kick taste.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Wine Review: Cabernet Sauvignon by Kirkland

You wouldn’t think of solid wine coming from a department store. However, Costco wine is known for their quality. Bottles often range from $10 to over $100 depending on their quality, brand and strength. Kirkland’s Cabernet Sauvignon is a Californian wine that is great for the table. The label indicates, “Kirkland Signature California Cabernet Sauvignon is a classic Cabernet Sauvignon with vibrant, juicy flavors of black currant with broad, red fruit notes that linger on the palate and are surrounded by hints of spice and sweet smoke with graceful finish of cherry and mochas.” 

Kirkland Cabernet Sauvignon is actually bottled and cellared at DC Flynt. They import wine from a number of countries and provide education on wine selections. Apparently, Kirkland has a contract to purchase the wine under its label. DC Flynt is known for its strong selections and large quantities of sales. They are located in sunny Modesto California.

Cabernet Sauvignon is an international wine that can be produced in a variety of environments. Grapes are generally hardy and resistant to rot and frost which make them perfect for easy growing and development. The grape had considerable mystery surrounding it. Dr. Carole Meredith completed DNA testing and found that the grape was passed in the 17th century as a hybrid to Cabernet franc and Sauvignon. 

The label is accurate in terms of its fruity content and zippy taste. The wine is a good choice for everyday dinner. It would also be a strong choice for groupings or social gatherings under a budget. This wine has a refreshing taste even if the label turns you off. Originally, knowledge of this wine came through a Christmas social gathering and would continue to be a bought product at $13 for 1.5L. Yet with its deep flavor it is worth trying out at least once.