Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Quality Hiring Starts with Quality Recruiting Processes

Quality hiring starts with a quality recruiting process. It is first beneficial to develop a solid recruiting process to maximize the opportunities to hire the "right" kind of employee. A "bad hire" can cost an organization thousands, if not millions, in unwanted legal, employee, and production problems. The process below is a good start but can be adjusted based on the needs of the individual employer. 1.) Evaluate your open position and the specific skills that position needs. 2.) Conduct an analysis of the salary and benefit requirements of that position. 3.) Determine where you are going to market the open position and the type of people who will read it. 4.) Make first cuts on resumes by matching them to the skills, experience, and education requirements of the position. 5.) Order your top candidates by interest and then call for interviews. 6.) As cognitive and personality based questions in the interview process. 7.) Check on references and backgrounds 8.) Follow up questions on leading candidates. 9.) Ensure personality meets and matches the needs of the organization. 10.) Make a hire.

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