Sunday, August 8, 2021

Senate Moves Forward On Infrastructure Bill: Inching Forward

The Senate moves forward on infrastructure bill. Much of what is in the bill appears to be focused on basic upgrades that are likely to have net positives for our country; even if we don't yet have the metrics to measure them. There are areas where healthy debate should occur to further define funding and specifics but the overall need to update the infrastructure in some way is still a necessary part of staying globally competitive. Barring any real alternative solutions to do that, it would make sense to work on this bill and see how far it can go. 

Of course there are other ways to finance items but they become outside our governance norm. For example, I think about a calibrated tax plan where companies that do business here but don't have a HQ have one tax rate and those who have a U.S. based HQ receive another rate (Hopefully, leading to companies that move here instead of just doing business.). The system would repurpose some of that tax base (%) back into improving and updating the infrastructure in a sustainable way (Hopefully, leading to improvement of our environment from generation to generation.). As people use more of the infrastructure the money moves into building out and improving functionality (Its just a basic idea I'm working on for economics in the Digital Age. Could be something helpful someday or might be sort of a dead end but either way its a challenge to come up with something.). The "profits" and/or excess capital produced from the economic activity associated with infrastructure is the generated value beyond its maintenance and that becomes excess capital for government ( also earns their own profit. Companies go where there is things like strong infrastructure, skilled labor, reasonable tax rate, innovation, access to resources, etc...) to spend on other programs. 

Two Chicago Officers Shot-Its not the Answer!

Two officers shot in Chicago. Its not the answer. We as a society seem to relish in violence and that is almost never the proper path forward. Picking up a gun is not the answers and leads to other compounding problems. While this may or may not be related to general anger the methodology used is completely out of place and inappropriate. The vast majority of police are doing the right thing and while there are a few bad apples that doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

An investigation will likely reveal more information about the perpetrators and their motives. I have a few ideas on the topic of why we should be concerned about such behaviors and how to minimize them.

Life is a precious thing and its not up to people to be the judge and jury. When people are angry and upset they should take a moment and think about what they are doing before they act. These attacks on police seem to be increasing and that is disturbing. Keeping institutional trust high can be helpful here..

Shooting at the police doesn't do any good to anyone. While justice reform might be a contentious issue using violence to solve problems worsens the situation for everyone; that should not be the goal. With our tough talking politicians and foot dragging legal system we have to do more to ensure people and police see the future of our society the same way and are willing to step toward that vision. 

I think at the end of the day most of us want a great and safe environment to raise our kids and live our lives. Police are part of the answer...and as long as we all want what is good then we will naturally avoid what is bad. Picking up a gun is not the answer to any problem; it heightens problems.  There must be some path forward between the different stakeholders that want to move society forward. 

I hope speedy recovery for these two officers and that we begin to heal as a nation to find a way through the fog.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Explicit/Implicit and Tacit Learning: Online Education and the Process of Learning

 Knowledge comes in many forms and we can learn by many different paths and methods. Sometimes it comes through e-books (Explicit) while other times it is more of an internal understanding that with effort we can draw out that knowledge for examination (Implicit). Still other types of knowledge are passed on from generation to generation without our conscious awareness of it (Tacit) that helps bind us as people. 

Humans have become skilled to learn in multiple ways to ensure we are overcoming challenges in our environment. We can learn from formal education, we can learn from the experience of life, and we can learn from our world through subtle ways in which we are not even aware. Each of these knowledge types has a purpose in drawing society together and creating some boundaries of knowledge based in our cultural heritage and socialization. 

A Few Descriptions

Explicit knowledge is that which we can state we know (learned solid knowledge) while implicit knowledge is that which we can't state precisely but we already know (facial recognition, cultural context, etc...). There is a pretty solid explanation by Martin Davies in "Knowledge – Explicit, implicit and tacit: Philosophical aspects"

Tacit knowledge is like intuitive knowledge and is passed in very subtle ways but creates long term organizational benefits through deeper learning. Its rooted in context, experience, and values. Its not something you can sort of state with any clarity. 

I came across a solid article on Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge that is worth your read 
'Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge'

The Process of Learning

Learning is a life long affair and with changes in online education and portable technologies education can be delivered to people in a convenience place. While our socialization creates the base of our knowledge the explicit knowledge can be shared easily in an online classroom.

Beyond the books some learn by doing things in life and society through "hands on" type learning that would best be suited for the workplace (hands on training and apprentice). Active learners seek knowledge while passive learners accept learning opportunities as they come. 

Online learning is an extension of our learning styles....

Openness to ideas helps us learn while closure to ideas limits our knowledge exposure and in turn slows learning. Those who have the personality traits to learn are ones that question their environment, listen to the multiple ways to learn, and are actively seeking new ways to gain and share knowledge. As learners go forward we hope that they pay attention to the different ways in which they are learning and where their knowledge comes from (checking root assumptions). 

Friday, August 6, 2021

On the Value of Integrity in Society-When Lies are No Longer "White"

For some reason we have removed from public presence the need for basic values such as kindness, charity, humility, and integrity. Stricken from our daily lives only to resurface over and over as a preferable way of handling problems. In life, I have learned that these words hold a lot of value to few, and a little value to many. While we intuitively know that integrity can help others make better choices the lack of integrity can mislead others into all type of wrong choices. 

Integrity can be a big problem when people don't challenge root assumptions and run down the wrong path in blind support of their chums. While most might shrug their shoulders and not worry about it there are times when telling the truth is more important than making our friends happy. With truth we can actually solve problems by addressing challenges directly.

Let us say that someone misleads their friends in an effort to gain advantage over another person. They are not just lying they are also involving law enforcement officers part of their social group, encouraging aggression among members, coordinating with their close friends to incite anger, and involving children in their process. With impunity they state they are doing this because the targets are "Muslim" and it appears from their behavior its not the first time this group has done something similar.

What options does a person really have? If they draw the line for the protection of their family their reputation is assassinated. If they hold close to the truth, friends of the perpetrator in law enforcement (maybe more than one) lets you know you are not welcome (Let us throw the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and basic moral conscious out!). You either stand your ground in values or you compromise them (Sometimes its best to compromise but in this case the behavior was clearly disturbing.)

Here is what I believe. The people who began these rumors should fess up to their inappropriate behaviors and the intentional miscuing of information and facts. While I think at present they are not willing to be honest, in the future they may wish they had. If they would have been civilized in the beginning the problem would have been dealt with in an in-house manner. However, as with all large egos they went the other route...down that path of destruction! (smirking all the way!)

They are not the only ones who share some of the blame because their behavior was within group context (Not illegal but certainly a sign of poor values and complacency in such behaviors.). The problem is that they also encourage ethnic hate and aggressive behaviors from others in their sports group. Its interesting that the bad behaviors of some can cause so much problems other places. 

We have a problem in this country. We can't deal with extremism because just like in this case there is close association between law enforcement and the group there is also a lack of accountability. Some feel entitled to act in certain ways and once they are on the wrong track you can't get them off (Good advice is discounted and they rely on their connects to create protection and/or intimidation). Going back to what they actually know that wasn't offered as part of the conversation, "Him and his kids are actually nice.". 

However being nice doesn't mean I don't have a responsibility to call out poor behavior that now constitutes a level of risk. If such behaviors are without consequence we send a pretty clear picture what our value systems are as a country. For me, I advocate for mandatory mental health for those who started the problem and more oversight of the officers involved based on their close social connections (Some did the right thing and some made normal mistakes so it doesn't represent the vast majority. There is a difference between mistake in the spur of the moment and coordinated behaviors over a longer period of time.).

Integrity means having a value system to state what one believes without being circumstantial in one's opinion and assessment (I hope I don't seem circumstantial here because I'm hoping for consistency. Because the root information hasn't change the basic assumptions and solutions haven't changed). Walk the talk kind of thing! One can slice it 100's of ways but at the end you can only say what you experienced (via senses) and how you interpret that information.  

When your in a dysfunctional group people don't reflect back appropriate information to their leaders they embolden them to engage in similar dysfunctional behaviors (I would rather have friends tell me the truth then create an Emperor with no clothes kind of issue.) Distorted image and lack of critical thinking are just some of the signs that what could incite a group (that actually doesn't know you) once could happen again. If the information is based on intentionally false and misleading information it indicates the dysfunction of the group and those who lead it. That presents an open risk for anyone else they target (If we know and someone else becomes a target will it then be enough to actor or is it neglect?). 

We are at a cross roads. I pick the most reasonable choices because I think they bring the best options. Mental health is the root problem, group dysfunction is a secondary problem, and unofficial officer involvement in supporting their close friends is a major problem (Those directly associated with the group.) As the dust settles we will just see how this unfolds and what type of decisions will be made. Wiser minds will create as many win-win situations as possible and provide training where honest mistakes occurred (There may be at least one officers that should be removed because of intentionally bad behavior. Another officers seems to be turning an intentional blind eye.). Based on what I know, my suggestions seem appropriate (could be changed if more information comes to light.). As with anything where there are imperfect information, imperfect value systems, and imperfect people involved so we just sort of cross our fingers and hope people make more appropriate choices in the future.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Michigan 38th Senate District News: Bridges and Bucks!

Business professionals should keep up on the local political news to see what changes are likely to impact their businesses. When there are changes in policies it impacts the district and in turn prospects for growth. What we can say based upon Congress's passing of an infrastructure bill and changes in legislative direction there will likely be improvements to our Upper Peninsula infrastructure. 

For example, in Senator McBroom's email bulletin  (You can sing up to be on the list. See Senator McBroom) you will find there is Federal recovery money for bridges and the new Michigan Hunting Guide by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is up for perusal (See information below). 

Hunting is big business and the tourism dollars it brings Delta County is significant with something like 8.9 billion impact on the state (I think the info is based on a MSU study. Michigan United Conservation Clubs. ) . You can find some additional hunting information on Visit Escanaba

The following was taken from McBroom's email bulletin......with some adjustment for formatting....

Senate Passes MI Safe Drive plan

The Michigan Senate recently voted to invest $1.3 billion in federal recovery funding to repair Michigan bridges listed in severe condition.

Senate Bill 529 would use $1.3 billion in federal recovery funds to fix bridges across the state in severe condition through bundling, where the design and construction of multiple projects around the state are contracted at the same time. Of the nearly 12,000 bridges in Michigan, 7,038 are managed by local municipalities. Of that number, over 400 are in critical need of repairs.

SB 529 would fund repairs for the bridges in severe condition. The bill also includes over $195 million to cover local road agency revenue losses and $126 million in federal money to improve safety at several intersections between railways and roadways.

SB 529 has been sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Michigan Hunting Digest now available

Creative Commons

The 2021 edition of the Michigan Hunting Digest is now available. This annual publication, made available by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, contains everything hunters need to know including the latest rules and regulations pertaining to hunting and trapping, as well as species-specific information.

Hunters can use the hunting digest to find license information, hunting zones and hours, rules, regulations and more.

The 2021 Hunting Digest is available online by clicking here and can be downloaded to a smartphone or other personal device for use in the field.

Michigan's 38th Senate District

The 38th State Senate District includes the counties of Alger, Baraga, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon, and Schoolcraft in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula.

Senator Ed McBroom
7200 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

Visit Senator McBroom's website at:

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill and Its Potential Impact on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

The bi-partisan infrastructure package is a big deal and should be seen as a first step to something greater. People might not realize it but it provides an opportunity/gateway to move into a new platform of economic development (See Economic Platforms). Our world is radically changing and in less than 100 years we will likely experience a very different world with miniaturization, digitization and eco-sustaining technologies in full performance. Basic infrastructure that focuses on the underlining transactional costs/activities improves upon a much wider net of development (i.e. why the Internet produced such global value. See $2.1 Trillion Econ Contribution Internet 2018 and US Economic Growth Information Age)

One of the reasons why basic infrastructure development improves industry-wide performance is because of subfactors that creates more efficient and cheaper transactions that leads to general multi-industry performance improvement (See Transactional Sub Factor Delta County Model).  That in turn, improves upon shipping of which places like Escanaba/Gladstone in Delta County Michigan may find themselves of benefit of economic shifts toward the Great Lakes (We will wait and see. See Delta County Shipping Infrastructure). 

I'm working on a transactional cluster theory of which technology development will be a big part of our economic development (See Transactional Clusters) match with a modern tax structure can lead to greater innovative growth and incentivizing companies investing back in the U.S. to gain access to infrastructure and developmental opportunities that come from being at the center of development (see Unfinished Calibrated Tax Structure).

Great Lakes Infrastructure Highlights

An Article in the Detroit News (Its actually a pretty good paper. I used to read it regularly 😁)entitled 'What's in Senate infrastructure bill for Michigan, Great Lakes, EVs' by Riley Beggin and Mlissa Nann Burke outlines some of the key concepts that would impact the U.P. and our waterways....... 

-$1 billion for the federal Great Lakes cleanup program

-The funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative would be released over five years, starting in fiscal year 2022

-$451 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for contracts and projects to restore Great Lakes, marine or coastal ecosystem habitats or for projects to protect coastal communities from flooding or coastal storms.

-The Senate package also includes $10 billion to aid in the cleanup of certain toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals, including $4 billion to help drinking water utilities remove the chemicals from water supplies or to connect well owners to local systems.

White House Fact Sheet Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

I pulled a few key points out of the FACT SHEET: Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal......

Airports, Ports, and Waterways

The United States built modern aviation, but our airports lag far behind our competitors. According to some rankings, no U.S. airports rank in the top 25 of airports worldwide. Our ports and waterways need repair and reimagination too. The bill invests $17 billion in port infrastructure and $25 billion in airports to address repair and maintenance backlogs, reduce congestion and emissions near ports and airports, and drive electrification and other low-carbon technologies. Modern, resilient, and sustainable port, airport, and freight infrastructure will support U.S. competitiveness by removing bottlenecks and expediting commerce and reduce the environmental impact on neighboring communities.

High-Speed Internet

Broadband internet is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, to participate equally in school learning, health care, and to stay connected. Yet, by one definition, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable speeds – a particular problem in rural communities throughout the country. The deal’s $65 billion investment ensures every American has access to reliable high-speed internet with an historic investment in broadband infrastructure deployment, just as the federal government made a historic effort to provide electricity to every American nearly one hundred years ago.

The bill will also help lower prices for internet service by requiring funding recipients to offer a low-cost affordable plan, by creating price transparency and helping families comparison shop, and by boosting competition in areas where existing providers aren’t providing adequate service. It will also help close the digital divide by passing the Digital Equity Act, ending digital redlining, and creating a permanent program to help more low-income households access the internet.

Power Infrastructure

As the recent Texas power outages demonstrated, our aging electric grid needs urgent modernization. A Department of Energy study found that power outages cost the U.S. economy up to $70 billion annually. The deal’s $73 billion investment is the single largest investment in clean energy transmission in American history.  It upgrades our power infrastructure, including by building thousands of miles of new, resilient transmission lines to facilitate the expansion of renewable energy. It creates a new Grid Deployment Authority, invests in research and development for advanced transmission and electricity distribution technologies, and promotes smart grid technologies that deliver flexibility and resilience. It invests in demonstration projects and research hubs for next generation technologies like advanced nuclear reactors, carbon capture, and clean hydrogen.

White House Press Briefing August 3rd, 2021

Its important to keep up on policy changes and strategic adjustments to understand how they impact the rest of the economic engines. Because the economic system is social by nature it can be impacted by all types of Socio-political issues.