Saturday, August 7, 2021

Explicit/Implicit and Tacit Learning: Online Education and the Process of Learning

 Knowledge comes in many forms and we can learn by many different paths and methods. Sometimes it comes through e-books (Explicit) while other times it is more of an internal understanding that with effort we can draw out that knowledge for examination (Implicit). Still other types of knowledge are passed on from generation to generation without our conscious awareness of it (Tacit) that helps bind us as people. 

Humans have become skilled to learn in multiple ways to ensure we are overcoming challenges in our environment. We can learn from formal education, we can learn from the experience of life, and we can learn from our world through subtle ways in which we are not even aware. Each of these knowledge types has a purpose in drawing society together and creating some boundaries of knowledge based in our cultural heritage and socialization. 

A Few Descriptions

Explicit knowledge is that which we can state we know (learned solid knowledge) while implicit knowledge is that which we can't state precisely but we already know (facial recognition, cultural context, etc...). There is a pretty solid explanation by Martin Davies in "Knowledge – Explicit, implicit and tacit: Philosophical aspects"

Tacit knowledge is like intuitive knowledge and is passed in very subtle ways but creates long term organizational benefits through deeper learning. Its rooted in context, experience, and values. Its not something you can sort of state with any clarity. 

I came across a solid article on Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge that is worth your read 
'Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge'

The Process of Learning

Learning is a life long affair and with changes in online education and portable technologies education can be delivered to people in a convenience place. While our socialization creates the base of our knowledge the explicit knowledge can be shared easily in an online classroom.

Beyond the books some learn by doing things in life and society through "hands on" type learning that would best be suited for the workplace (hands on training and apprentice). Active learners seek knowledge while passive learners accept learning opportunities as they come. 

Online learning is an extension of our learning styles....

Openness to ideas helps us learn while closure to ideas limits our knowledge exposure and in turn slows learning. Those who have the personality traits to learn are ones that question their environment, listen to the multiple ways to learn, and are actively seeking new ways to gain and share knowledge. As learners go forward we hope that they pay attention to the different ways in which they are learning and where their knowledge comes from (checking root assumptions). 

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