Friday, June 14, 2019

3 Ways of Getting Hired Almost Every Time

Landing the job is important for people. It is a way in which we pay for our daily expenses as becomes wrapped into the way we view ourselves. Employment is more than just money as it takes on a new form of identity. You will want to grow in your jobs like you grow in your life. If you are trying to take a step up with a new job there are three great ways you can ensure you can get hired.

1.) Communication: From the clothing you wear to your body language you are communicating a message. Make sure your resume is free from errors and you are looking good so that your message is accurate. 

2.) Experience: People will want to ensure that you have the skills needed to succeed in this job. Highlight that experience which is most relevant to the employer. 

3.) Reputation: Most jobs are filled by people we already know or have received a referral. Make sure that you keep your reputation strong and engage with your classmates. 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Writing Media for Different Audiences in a Social World-A Few Good Tips

The mood of this picture might sell insurance
or safety equipment but not sun tan lotion. :)
Writing has an important influence on marketing. Writing well for your audience and media channel helps companies to increase sales. At its core marketing is communication. Nothing more or less. Marketers share information about their products as directly to interested parties as they can. Learning how to write helps to improve sales.  You will also need to find your demographic and use their preferred technology so as to best reach them with the least amount of distraction.

People are not always open to new information so we should consider how we are reaching them and what we are saying. Modern writing has changed to match new technologies. Using the proper language for that media (i.e. text vs. traditional writing) makes a difference its ability to get through the "noise". The channel will often depend on who your audience is and how they like to communicate.

The Impact of Modern Media on Writing: Texting and fast paced information has changed the very nature in which we communicate online. We would once write our sentences out in full using  typewriters and computers. Each borrowed from the next to implement into the new technology.

Because cell phones had a fundamentally different functionality it was necessary to develop a text language or otherwise it would take a lot of effort to communicate with others. Discussions became truncated and new words were developed that made their way into other language channels.

As this technology changes again with easier keyboards, speech-to-text software, and greater processing speed the language is likely to change again. For example, emojis change the meaning of a sentence through providing emotion. This was something text often lacked leading to miscommunication.

Audience Influence on Content: In today's world technology has changed and people have more access to information than they did in the past. They become co-authors in the creation of brands and have no problem voicing their opinions. Online forums and customer reviews have put the customer at the center of product value.

This is a positive and beneficial thing when we consider that people should be in charge of the product value discussion. As we use products and share our opinions we find that some products have more value and some don't. This value is not dictated by companies but by the people who use them.

Identify Targets for Marketing: The era of big data is here and companies can use that information to find their core demographics that are most likely to buy products. When a target audience is found the return on investment of a product moves upward. People of certain demographic backgrounds have more interest and motivation to buy certain products (i.e. outdoor products and outdoor enthusiasts).

Conducting marketing research makes it more possible you will find the demographics you seek and are capable of reaching those groups using channels. Channels are the type of media you use to reach out and communicate with potential customers (i.e. newspaper, email, text, etc...). In essence, they are pathways of communication. The better we get at finding them, the more sales we can make.


          1. Write for Your Customer and Technology Limitations: Write for your customer in the
              language they understand while keeping in mind how technology is used.

          2. Audience is a Co-Creator: It is important to remember that the audience is a co-creator of
             information. You may write it and customers may change its meaning.

         3. Understand  Your Target: The target can get confusing so make sure you know who you   
             want to reach and what channel you will use.

A Few Hidden Pics of the Forest-In Pictures

I have to admit. I'm a little bit of an outdoor enthusiast and like to take my Cannon out on a hike. I've been learning to change around my setting better to get nicer shots. This was off of the beaten trail at a slow running waterfall. A tranquil place where you can sit for a while. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

My Very First Dive Class-Methods of Overcoming Situational Fear

For years I rolled around in the back of my head getting an diver certificate. From the earliest days I used to watch TV ads with wonder how people would explore places unknown to discovery something new. I've had plenty of opportunities to get a certificate but either didn't have the money, time, or decisiveness. Then one day I found a discounted price at a local place and I signed up.

A little sheepish with a hint of fear of dragging a lot of heavy equipment into the water I stood contemplative. "If I sink to the bottom this instructor will be able to help me". I looked at the 160 lb instructor and my 200 lb weight and thought, "OK he can't lift me! I'm a goner!".

We don't just head into the water without a little lecture. That would be unsafe. Good news is that if I needed to dump the items I could with a few release levers. "I guess I can get out of this if I'm sinking", I thought to myself. By the time the lecture and practice on the equipment was over I had a solid working knowledge of how everything worked.

Fear is one of the most difficult things to get over. We are afraid of everything. Maybe we look silly, maybe we will drown, maybe my tank will blow too much air, etc., etc......Fear is just a possibility so give it a second and then let it slip away if it isn't likely or doesn't have much merit.

I can say that there is no other feeling better than sitting in the water with neutral buoyancy. You float and breath slowly and the world around you comes alive through your suspension. Granted, the first few lectures are in the pool but the feeling of finally being under water and using the equipment makes life interesting. Much of our planet is covered by water so we are missing out on most of an unexplored environment.

Ways to overcome fear:

1.) Give yourself a minute to think about the "reasonable" negatives. Find a potential solution for any of the most likely.

2.) Switch your brain to think about all of the positive things and the enjoyment you are going to have.

3.) Realize you that in every new situations you will feel a little nervous. As you habituate it will go away. Just keep pushing your comfort level.

4.) Slow your breaking and stay focused on what you are doing right now.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Early Morning Hiking and Fishing

One of the best ways to wake up in the morning is to go hiking. While it is cold and the last thing you may want to do is to head out into the woods. Let me say it is also one of the quietest times where few other hikers are out. By the time you really get moving the sun will be peaking through the trees.

Animals and wildlife are just waking up from their night slumber. They are out searching for food and finding mates. You can still smell the wet grass and freshness as you make your way down the trail. Off in the distance white tail deer are fleeing your approach.

Because hiking doesn't always get you enough exercise it can be helpful to enhance your hiking workout by either using a backpack with some weights or doing high knees as you walk. It may look a little silly but you will get your heart pumping without limiting the enjoyment of nature.

Once finished with my hike I decided to catch breakfast (I didn't...the little thieves stole my worms). I stopped by a local pier and threw in my fishing pole as I checked email and read a little on the Philosophy Magazine. There are few things better in life than a sunny day, fishing pole, and contemplating the greater nature of things. 🙈🙉🙊

The Changing Face of Online Marketing

The nature of marketing is to continuously change and adjust to maximize opportunities. Scientific discoveries, new inventions, new technologies, changing cultures, and consumer preferences are forcing marketing to continuously adjust to keep up. As marketing delivery innovates companies should update their skills and abilities to capitalize on new opportunities. The fundamentals are still the same even as the delivery systems continuously transform. People maximizing online marketing should focus on models, fundamentals, retaining customers, and their marketing mix to create effectiveness.

Internet Business Models and Strategies. The advent of e-commerce has forced companies to change and adjust to keep up with a rapidly innovative environment. Brink-n-mortar businesses that once were the mainstay of economic life have changed to online purchases. "Window shopping" has turned into "browsing" and physical inspection in the store has been supplanted with pictures and reviews in the online world.

Traditional businesses and virtual businesses have two different ways of conducting commerce. Models reflect on how products are bought/sold, distributed, warehouse, shipped, paid for and received. Online models may mirror traditional models but this is based more on human experience than practicality.

Marketing Fundamentals. As virtual commerce and Internet marketing take over larger percentages of advertising dollars you will find that they will become more sophisticated in their approach. New technologies still fit in the fundamentals of marketing The marketing channel (i.e. newspaper versus online display ad) may change but the fundamentals can be applied to both. Learning the fundamentals creates a platform to apply to new technology adaptation.

Retaining Customers. It is cheaper to keep your current customer than to gain new ones. Converting customers from casual Internet browsers to active purchasers increases wealth. Keeping customers after you converted them is also helpful. If their experiences are positive and they enjoyed the products the average purchase price may move upward.

Sometimes small changes can make a big difference. Using emotional pictures on a website may increase conversion rates.  One click check-outs and simple to understand information have influence in whether or not someone will make a purchase. Customer centric behavior with positive point-of-contact interactions leads to positive feelings that influence frequency and average purchase amount.

Marketing mix. New marketing methods are great but a campaign may need to use older methods such as print media, cards, flyers, and face-to-face contact. Demographics of potential customers determines which channels they are watching and the best images to prompt them to act. As you become more experience you will come to realize old is not necessary wrong and may be in many situations the best approach.

Tuesday Morning Flower Pictures-Enjoy!

Flowers are some of the most beautiful things to look at. I have a few pictures I never posted so I would like to do so for your pleasure. :)

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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
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Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel

9 Important National Issues If I Someday Run for Politics

The long ascent.
Each politician pushes their key policy issues to let others know what they want to accomplish. These policy issues relate to their needs as a politician and what they believe the country needs. This information allows the public to formulate an understand of the politician and determine if support is worthwhile.  Listeners scan your words looking for some ray of hope that you know best on how to help them rise through challenges.  If key beliefs resonate with Americans, they will support and advocate to others thereby increasing your base.

I have contemplated many times starting to move toward engaging in politics in some say that contributes to the development of our great nation. As we face growing challenges, both at home and overseas, new ideas are needed to overcome new challenges. The same old way of doing things doesn't work any more (at least doesn't reach peak performance).

Some have said a guy like me would never make it in politics. Today's society is very different from our parent's world. We are a changing and evolving people.  Through increasing contact and demographic shifts we are more diverse than at any other point in history. New ideas from doctors and scientists can change the way in which we view ourselves and the way the nation is managed..

People are struggling to find an identity in a changing demographic shift. They may not know where they stand on certain issues and are fearful of future changes. Americans don't often see many candidates that can bridge the gap between different races and religions.

People who have experiences like me are needed because we have already struggled and mastered issues others are just starting to come to collective "awareness". Educational and experience can match personality and practicality to produce great results. Our world needs a more data driven scientific approach.

If I someday do run for politics I was thinking the following key issues would be of interest to me as a person and the nation as a whole.  The problem is that doing them all might be a mammoth order. This is more of an open conversation about what is important to us as a nation (they are placed in no particular order)

1.) Equality of Opportunity. Began to change the political and economic environment to ensure all people have opportunities to succeed and social mobility is likely for those who work hard.

2.) Higher Education/School Reform. To ensure each of our children, young adults, and seasoned employees have new and innovative skills that push economic growth.

3.) Global Competitiveness-Economic Development and Innovative Manufacturing. Bring back manufacturing and innovative development through the creation of a high tech society. Global cluster management development for better global performance.

4.) Environmental/Clean Technology. Limit pollution through innovative business that reduces waste and finds green practices economically-socially desirable.

5.) Income Disparity and Business Development. Ensure small and medium businesses are easy to start and have an opportunity to grow. Change the legislative environment to have balance of different size businesses and thereby create a more resilient economy.

6.) Children and Development. The first 10 years of life are critically important. If we can nurture, protect, and enhance our children during this time we have set them off in the world with a "success" mindset.

7.) National security, military readiness, and terrorism. Updating our military through low and high tech training. Implement robotics as an enhancement.

8.) Police and Justice Reform. To enhance policing positions and opportunities based on new metrics of performance that encourage wisdom, reform, and cultural awareness. Hold criminals accountable while ensuring that non violent crimes are reviewed for reform purposes.

9.) International Relationships. A collaborative approach to international relations. That process also includes holding "bad actors" accountable through increased pressure on reform. Fair economic policies that allow the U.S. to be competitive and maintain its position at the center of the distribution system.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

When People Spread Malicious Rumors

Rumors are power for the people who use them. Sometimes rumors are innocent and are just information about some event or some person. At other times they can take more a malicious tone and be used to damage and hurt another person. If you are caught up in the "rumor mill" you may be wondering what some of the motivations are and why people use these methods.

First, we should be honest about rumors and their purpose. Rumors do serve an important function for people. Rumors can be used to share information about potential threats, resources and problems. If someone is dangerous, a rumor can warn others that this person should be avoided at all costs.

Secondly, rumors can be used to position and create alignment among groups. People send signals about who they support and who they don't through the use of rumors. We try and build our loyalties by who we praise and create boundaries of information to those we don't like.

A problem does arise when we begin to use rumors to unfairly punish others that are exercising their rights. For example, if we are trying to hurt someone that disagrees with us then we are being unjust. Rumors can be every bit as abusive as hitting someone. The rumor turns from information into a direct attempt to cause emotional pain.

Likewise, we may also use rumors to project our personal pain onto unwitting people. It is important focus our pain on improvement and development and not on the punishment of others who have done us no harm. Rumors should not be a type of "blood letting" on others.

Rumors can be beneficial or they can be hurtful. When beneficial they provide accurate information while when harmful they provide miscued information designed to damage and hurt other people. The next time you are going to repeat a private conversation or invent a new "secret" about someone ensure that you are not going to damage how you will view yourself.

Route 66-A time gone by!

Route 66 represents a time past. Started in the late 1920s it became an American Icon as a dangerous and fun road moving from east to west. People partied, were robbed, lost everything, made millions, and stopped at the local establishments. I made my way through a few of these old highways, the ones with all the stops. Some of it is run down but much is still worth seeing. There has been an effort to revitalize.

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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested or text 619-540-0501
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Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)