Tuesday, June 11, 2019

9 Important National Issues If I Someday Run for Politics

The long ascent.
Each politician pushes their key policy issues to let others know what they want to accomplish. These policy issues relate to their needs as a politician and what they believe the country needs. This information allows the public to formulate an understand of the politician and determine if support is worthwhile.  Listeners scan your words looking for some ray of hope that you know best on how to help them rise through challenges.  If key beliefs resonate with Americans, they will support and advocate to others thereby increasing your base.

I have contemplated many times starting to move toward engaging in politics in some say that contributes to the development of our great nation. As we face growing challenges, both at home and overseas, new ideas are needed to overcome new challenges. The same old way of doing things doesn't work any more (at least doesn't reach peak performance).

Some have said a guy like me would never make it in politics. Today's society is very different from our parent's world. We are a changing and evolving people.  Through increasing contact and demographic shifts we are more diverse than at any other point in history. New ideas from doctors and scientists can change the way in which we view ourselves and the way the nation is managed..

People are struggling to find an identity in a changing demographic shift. They may not know where they stand on certain issues and are fearful of future changes. Americans don't often see many candidates that can bridge the gap between different races and religions.

People who have experiences like me are needed because we have already struggled and mastered issues others are just starting to come to collective "awareness". Educational and experience can match personality and practicality to produce great results. Our world needs a more data driven scientific approach.

If I someday do run for politics I was thinking the following key issues would be of interest to me as a person and the nation as a whole.  The problem is that doing them all might be a mammoth order. This is more of an open conversation about what is important to us as a nation (they are placed in no particular order)

1.) Equality of Opportunity. Began to change the political and economic environment to ensure all people have opportunities to succeed and social mobility is likely for those who work hard.

2.) Higher Education/School Reform. To ensure each of our children, young adults, and seasoned employees have new and innovative skills that push economic growth.

3.) Global Competitiveness-Economic Development and Innovative Manufacturing. Bring back manufacturing and innovative development through the creation of a high tech society. Global cluster management development for better global performance.

4.) Environmental/Clean Technology. Limit pollution through innovative business that reduces waste and finds green practices economically-socially desirable.

5.) Income Disparity and Business Development. Ensure small and medium businesses are easy to start and have an opportunity to grow. Change the legislative environment to have balance of different size businesses and thereby create a more resilient economy.

6.) Children and Development. The first 10 years of life are critically important. If we can nurture, protect, and enhance our children during this time we have set them off in the world with a "success" mindset.

7.) National security, military readiness, and terrorism. Updating our military through low and high tech training. Implement robotics as an enhancement.

8.) Police and Justice Reform. To enhance policing positions and opportunities based on new metrics of performance that encourage wisdom, reform, and cultural awareness. Hold criminals accountable while ensuring that non violent crimes are reviewed for reform purposes.

9.) International Relationships. A collaborative approach to international relations. That process also includes holding "bad actors" accountable through increased pressure on reform. Fair economic policies that allow the U.S. to be competitive and maintain its position at the center of the distribution system.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

When People Spread Malicious Rumors

Rumors are power for the people who use them. Sometimes rumors are innocent and are just information about some event or some person. At other times they can take more a malicious tone and be used to damage and hurt another person. If you are caught up in the "rumor mill" you may be wondering what some of the motivations are and why people use these methods.

First, we should be honest about rumors and their purpose. Rumors do serve an important function for people. Rumors can be used to share information about potential threats, resources and problems. If someone is dangerous, a rumor can warn others that this person should be avoided at all costs.

Secondly, rumors can be used to position and create alignment among groups. People send signals about who they support and who they don't through the use of rumors. We try and build our loyalties by who we praise and create boundaries of information to those we don't like.

A problem does arise when we begin to use rumors to unfairly punish others that are exercising their rights. For example, if we are trying to hurt someone that disagrees with us then we are being unjust. Rumors can be every bit as abusive as hitting someone. The rumor turns from information into a direct attempt to cause emotional pain.

Likewise, we may also use rumors to project our personal pain onto unwitting people. It is important focus our pain on improvement and development and not on the punishment of others who have done us no harm. Rumors should not be a type of "blood letting" on others.

Rumors can be beneficial or they can be hurtful. When beneficial they provide accurate information while when harmful they provide miscued information designed to damage and hurt other people. The next time you are going to repeat a private conversation or invent a new "secret" about someone ensure that you are not going to damage how you will view yourself.

Route 66-A time gone by!

Route 66 represents a time past. Started in the late 1920s it became an American Icon as a dangerous and fun road moving from east to west. People partied, were robbed, lost everything, made millions, and stopped at the local establishments. I made my way through a few of these old highways, the ones with all the stops. Some of it is run down but much is still worth seeing. There has been an effort to revitalize.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Who are Considered Wise? Traits of People with Wisdom

The image of the wise eccentric old man and the matriarchal elderly woman have reappeared in our collective conscious since the beginning of civilized time. Wisdom is seen as the highest state of understanding the world around us and is a noble pursuit in and of itself. Some have spent an entire lifetime trying to gain knowledge and insight that leads to profound wisdom.

Research on the development of wisdom leads to greater insight into the factors that are seen as "wise". Most of these evaluations are based on how someone thinks and acts. Thought processes often lead to actions. Wise people are insightful in a way that leads to alignment between strategy, thought processes, emotions and action.

Wisdom works best when used in a broad context.  It is possible to have focused wisdom such as what might be found in a business manager that doesn't have life skills. In other words, the business manager can solve business problems with ease but have much more difficulty in other life areas.

Wisdom Requires a Certain Level of Intelligence

Wisdom does require a certain level of "thinking skills" that lead to self-reflection. People who have the intellectual capacity to adjust their thinking styles toward greater accuracy can eventually gain wisdom.  That insight comes from understanding situations accurately and reflecting enough on them to come to solutions that can be used in future situations. It might require a little effort and experience but they can get there.

If you don't have this basic level of intelligence, or don't have the capacity to self-reflect, it is doubtful you will learn much. You will simply move through life not learning from each situation and not growing because of it. Wisdom is a process of self-development and insight of oneself in society.

It Can Be Difficult to Measure Wisdom

Wisdom can be measure but it is a highly complex construct based on a lot of factors that must be observed over time. Standard psychological self-report surveys may not be enough.  People want to look good so they often rank themselves high while those with actual wisdom know their flaws and might rank themselves lower (Gluck, et. al. 2013).

Go to any bar, restaurant or family setting and ask about wisdom. There will be a lot of people who are ready and willing to give advice because they see themselves as wise. The problem is they are not necessarily wise but have experience to share based on their personal perspective. Being wise is something that comes from a place of humbleness.

While wisdom may not have 1-1 relationships with any particular factor it is possible to group wisdom into 5 factors. When a person reaches a certain level of mastery in each of these factors he/she is seen as being wise. That doesn't mean they are perfect. It only means they have created multiple ways of looking at the world to better assess appropriate behaviors and solutions.

5 Factors of Wisdom

.....based in research by Dr. Staudinger from Columbia University (1999):

-Basic Criteria: The scope and depth of facts and information.

-Procedural Knowledge: The ability to put together strategies of decision making that relate to outcomes and performance.

-Metalevel Criteria: Determining how decisions will impact the present and future through the context of one's life.

-Value Relativism: The ability to see people's values as relative and the best way to view people is through their own lens. You recognized just a couple of universal principles most of use agree on.

-Awareness and Management of Uncertainty: The ability to plan for uncertainty, create backup plans, create probabilities.

Wisdom isn't just one way of looking at the world. It is the use of multiple methods of understanding a situation and  selecting the best courses of action. It draws on different vantage points to see the problem from angles others have not thought about. It is a process of solving and resolving problems through insight and knowledge. It takes into consideration ethics, practicality, and outcomes. A wise person is able to see a world much wider and deeper than others.

Gluck, J. et. al. (2013). How to measure wisdom: content, reliability, and validity of five measures. Front Psych, 4 (405). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3709094/

Staudinger, U. (1999). Older and Wiser? Integrating Results on the Relationship between Age and Wisdom-related Perfo....  International Journal of Behavioral Development, 23 (641). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ursula_Staudinger/publication/247779532_Older_and_Wiser_Integrating_Results_on_the_Relationship_between_Age_and_Wisdom-related_Performance/links/00463529cfa9c536e7000000.pdf

Saturday, June 8, 2019

August 10th Trip for Those Interested in Supporting and Visiting the Orphanages

This is a great cause which I have been involved in. Some of my time is spent trying to help these kids out. If you meet them a few times you will quickly learn how important it is to make sure the world in which we live is safe for the development of children.  I have my own fundraising page at 

Trying to get the kids the help they need. ❤

Corazon de Vida has a charter bus trip to Rancho de los Ninos on Saturday August 10, departure from San Diego Mission Bay at 7:30 AM, return time approximately 6:30 PM. The kids are looking forward to having you visit again. 

For more information and to register, please click link below:

You all  raised over $3000 on our last trip which paid for food, water, propane, electricity, and other needs for the 100+ residents. When you register for this August 10 trip, a personal fundraising page will be created for you to post link on social media and send emails to family and friends, asking for a donation of any amount. Let's raise over $4000 on this trip to help the kids.  

Share the registration link and let's get a full bus. The hugs you get from the children for visiting will be there way of saying "GRACIAS"!

PS: We also have a trip to Rancho de los Ninos on December 7, 2019. 

Corazon de Vida

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Taking Precautions When Hiking the Desert (Pictures)

Deserts hold a lot of rough and rugged terrain for outdoor enthusiasts. Deserts can also be dangerous places with rattle snakes, lack of water, miles of landscape, no cell phones, and no services. That doesn't mean they should be avoided but that one should take the extra precautions when walking around them.

If you are not a seasoned hiker you might want to not go too far out of cell phone range. When you can call someone for help that is going to make a big difference. There are lots of semi-rural hiking trails that have at least a few visitors a day.

Maybe you have seasoned hiking shoes and want to try something a little more isolated. In this case you will want to bring extra water, learn about survival in the desert and be sure to bring a small first aid kit. It is difficult to know when and how something will turn out.

Finally, tell someone where you are going and when they should call authorities if they don't hear from you. Its important to build in enough time so that when they do call it will be an actual emergency. Tell them your GPS coordinates and ingress/egress points.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Climbing and Hiking Mountain Ranges-Showing Respect for Life Before Life

Climbing and hiking mountains is a passion for some. I'm not going to say mountain climbing a passion for me but I will say that the outdoors is something I love very much. The world is different in the countryside. Its slower, more real, and an honest reflection of life. Ok...maybe not an honest reflection of modern life but a reflection of life before the advent of modern times.

Its one of those places where the air is fresh and crisp in the morning and leads to a rejuvenated feeling. For some, it is a place that has the greatest respect and value for life. When the birds are chirping and the critters are scampering we become again connected to our specie's past. 

Not all people respect the outdoors. It isn't hard to see the beer cans, litter, and blight that encroaches on the forest everyday. Some of these actions are careless and foolish while others are more grounded in the need to create more financial value. We can see this in places where constant deforestation occurs in the name of more money. I love money, wish I had more, but also love the world we live in.

I would love to see someday society stop urban sprawl and move more toward rejuvenating existing structures, building them upwards and trying to create a more friendly eco-city environment. The technology might be available but is still out of city-planning budgets. I do believe that technology and eco-based cities are coming soon. We will be redesigning our society to incorporate necessity and new values.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Poem: To a future land unknown

Walk into lands unknown,
No digital paw prints stay.

A trail to somewhere,
Maybe out to no where.

That's ok!
It's where our continuum of time lay.

A world removed,
But often a few miles away.

Patron of our land,
Before it turns to sand.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Sailing into San Diego-Pictures of Boats

Spending time outdoors is probably my most important activity. It could be anything...hiking, biking, swimming, sailing, surfing, on and on and on.... When out on the ocean sailing you feel the cool breeze and you begin to experience a world that is very different than the one we know. People out there once traveled and engaged in commerce across the ocean. They made their living fishing and traveling. We now live in a data driven world so doing some of these activities will help us unwind.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Pictures of the Bay-Rowing the Old Fashion Way!

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)
Rowing around the harbor is great exercise. We often thing we need a $5K sculling boat. What we find is that something simple as a regular old dinghy can get you some great back and cardio exercise. You also get to take your camera and get some nice pictures while enjoying the outdoors. Right now I'm focused on trying to raise money to help orphans so please buy a print copy, donate so I can buy supplies, or donate directly to an established non-profit that will give you some tax deduction.

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

Printed pictures can be purchased and profits go to orphanage.
Most under $40 depending on size/quality. Free Shipping!
Contact if interested muradabel@gmail.com or text 619-540-0501
PayPal for Donations (muradabel@gmail.com)
Venmo for Donations (@muradabel)

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If you feel more comfortable donating to an established non-profit please use https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/1984592