Saturday, September 1, 2018

Mathematically Modeling Market Projections

Projecting the market is fantastic when you can do it. Companies spend a lot of time trying to look into the crystal ball and find some future. Using simulation allows businesses to figure out what will happen under different circumstances (Chopra, 2017). The ability of companies to project means they will need a number of different data sets and each variable in the projection should be supported by market information.

This means that each variable needs lots of historical data in order to make a type of prediction of what would happen under specific circumstances. The history of the data will need be collected and analyzed for trends. In turn, those trends will show what might happen under certain circumstances.

It isn't so easy as this though as this can take a long time to collect. One must look to the past, other research, do a lot of calculations to isolate the variable, and sometimes may need to experiment with that variable to see if it changes.

You may also find that multiple variables really increase complexity exponentially. For example, understanding product price under certain market conditions will require some knowledge of multiple market conditions and their impact on price of similar type of products.

In our price example, you may also need to look toward macro economics and how general fluctuations, in combination with specific market influence, lead to price changes. As the general market changes is there a suppression in all prices, only some types of products, etc...?

Therefore, solid projections that can be catered to multiple events are difficult to complete because of the amount of data. The internal, external (micro and macro), as well as government regulations/treaties all need to be taken into account. Despite this, we are in the world of big data and it is now possible to collect that data through multiple streams and create ever increasingly accurate projections. Just don't rule out any outliers...because there always are some.

Chopra, K. (2017). Analysis of the mathematical modeling an simulation of advanced marketing in commerce. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 22 (3).

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Protecting the Snorkeling and Diving Tourism of Cabo Through Charter Enforcement

I had the opportunity to travel recently to Cabo and engage in some of the outdoor activities. One of these activities that seem to attract people is snorkeling and diving. You will find boats lined up around famous underwater areas and people swimming back and forth. Reefs and underwater creatures dot the area.

They do a pretty good job at coordinating. The charters have realized that if they damage these precious resources they won't be able to get them back. At the very onset they state that if you see garbage pick it up or tell them about it and they will pick it up.

Likewise, there is some discussion on not touching the reefs as they are not only sharp but also full of life. Disturbing that life could mean the lose of habitat and the creatures that live there.

Ecotourism is likely to grow in the future. As these resources dwindle the few remaining resources will need to be protected. That can't happen without funding and that will come from tourists.

If adventure companies desire to protect these resources and avoid future legislation they will need to work together to coordinate their protective activities. Perhaps panels of interested parties will meet to discuss how best to manage tourist and their activities.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Positive Communication Patterns Can Connect Employees Despite the "Stars"

Negative communication patterns can cause all types of havoc in the workplace and slow dissipate groups. I have seen it over and over. Functioning teams take in a real "go getter" that works like a bullet to get things done. In their goal achievement they begin to be condescending, judgmental, and rude. The team breaks apart but the "star" is not blamed because it isn't something that can be easily calculated or put on paper.

I once read a study on game theory and how people who are rude are eventually punished. As they move from group to group trying to gain resources for themselves they leave a wake of resentful people. People who have the capacity to work together and they in turn refuse to work with that person or share information.

In the end the "star" employee with a bad attitude and poor communication style gets locked out of opportunities and eventually is forced to move onto other organizations. It takes them a long time to get caught because it takes their bosses a long time to see that they were simply telling them what they wanted to hear. The "star" can sometimes be manipulative.

Great organizations are not made from "stars" they are made from everyday workers. When strong teams are built and people can work together the "star's" prowess becomes less toxic and the path forward is based on team collaboration. The "star" becomes a team performer versus a pariah on the good nature of others.

Success comes from hedging the abilities and skills of others and that requires collaboration. Collaboration the selfish are not often willing to make because it requires sharing the spotlight. If the "star" tries to steel it back....the team stops sharing information and the "star" fails.

A true star is one that knows the rules of the game and can raise others while raising themselves. They are capable of not using others but leading others to greater performance through the development of teams that trust and share. Where others have had the folly to promote the selfish it takes the intellectually advanced to see that the way in which a person communicates indicates their thinking patterns and their potential to draw together a community.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Lands End-Pictures of the Last Place on the American Continent

Near Cabos San Lucas are plenty of tours and outdoor adventures. Lands End is the last destination on the West Coast before you reach out into the broad ocean. It is a just a tiny rock that sits out on the point near Lover's Beach. 

The place has some history associated with it. Sailors from around the world, and pirates, have landed on that beach and used Lands End as a signal for safe harbor. They came back many times in order to find fun and protection. 

Of course now it is a tourist destination. Galleons have switched to cruise ships and adult pirates are now replaced by little ones with plastic swords. The history is still alive as people make their way to that beach and hang around. 

I love to travel and see new places. Learn a little of their history and come to understand the people better. It is one of those things that helps me feel connected to different cultures and people around me. Likewise, I feel the adventure of travel and excitement. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

How Mangers Can Damage Innovation Through Discouraging Curiosity

I'm reading through the October version of the Harvard Business Review and I came across two great articles on curiosity and innovation. According to these two articles managers often kill off innovation by discouraging employees from being creative by implicitly giving signals that asking questions is not acceptable. They further push employees to be silent and work toward what makes them look good to people higher up the food chain.

That pushes employees to be quiet, not look for alternatives, review processes, or understand the bigger picture of what is going on within their organizations. Thus, the employee becomes the worker and the boss becomes the gatekeeper to benefits. Strong employees may leave and the weaker one's stay. The entire organization starts to die.

The problem is that bright, intelligent, and capable employees don't rely on their bosses for much other than information. Their boss could easily be replaced as high quality employees work on their own without direction. Micromanaging bosses destroy self-directed creativity, learning and performance. They turn something wonderful into something that is not rewarded within the organization.

Thus such bosses actually suck the life out the organization in the long run. They don't allow cross collaboration, don't allow bright minds to move into new positions and often hamper the whole organization. Innovative companies need a new way of thinking and methods of flattening the road blocks that some bosses put in place.

They don't know this though.  Insight into one's own behavior is very difficult. They can't see that their decisions and constant push on projects that promote themselves slowly take away from the full functioning of their employees and the long-term competitiveness of the organization. Any employee who raises such objectives against task oriented self-gratification is likely to be punished in terms of promotion and opportunities; at the very least by negative feedback.

The near term takes precedence over the long-term, the employee is silent, and leaders are ignorantly happy until it all comes crashing down. Most companies have no clue how their culture and choices of managers improves or hampers their business. Once they start loosing money they begin to hire consultants to tell them things their common sense should have told them a long time ago.

Herein is the biggest crime of all. The smartest, brightest, and most competent are punished by the selfish that regularly choose themselves over the needs of the organization or others. Those employees simply leave instead of having clash after clash with their bosses who have more formal power. Dominant, high quality, employees with the most creative capacity and the highest intelligence do not find paths for success and put their talents to work for people who appreciate them.

Creativity and exploration should be encouraged. Cross collaborative projects are also helpful. Poor bosses should be demoted, removed or counseled. The boss is only an information giver and collector. While they do provide direction for work they are generally information bound on what priorities to work on. These priorities should include the needs of the entire organization beyond their own needs to be promoted. Of course, we know this on a theoretical level but rarely do we find enough insight to implement it in an organization.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Learning to Play Polo in San Diego-Easy Steps to Competitive Play!

The hooves are throwing dirt in every direction like mud bound ATVs as a herd of speeding horses canter down the field at break neck speed. Polo players battle it out swiping and smashing their mallets in an frenzied effort to provide a power hit that launches the little white ball through the goal! Polo is for those who love horses and action as adventurous personalities make their way onto the field.

For interested students the speed and agility of players can seem overwhelming. You may even think, "I could never do that!" ....but that isn't true. Anyone can learn to play polo when they have knowledgeable coaches and a safe environment that can take you step by step into the process. Whether you don't know how to ride, or are a seasoned player, there are classes for you!

Instructors have experience and offer private and group lessons. The good news is you don't even need a horse! They will have it groomed, saddled and ready to go by the time you get there! One of the perks of riding polo at the San Diego Polo Surf Club is that you can focus on learning and not have the expense and maintenance of your own horse.

While I had acquired Western riding experience I never played polo before. To be honest, I was a little unsure of my skills but after the first practice I began to feel very comfortable. It didn't take me long to pick up the basics and by the second class I was already competing on the field. That may not mean I was the best player, far from it, but I did score 4 goals!

If you are interested in learning polo I would suggest San Diego Surf Polo Club for their expertise, facilities and social aspects. Staff are encouraging and they can find the right balance between practice and game play so you don't get bored. Prices are some of the best in the area and are better than competitive.

San Diego Surf Polo Club

Gillian Young

14989 Via de la Valle, Del Mar, CA 92014

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Product Descriptions in Online Retail Marketing

In the online world of market-spaces and places your product description is going to have a huge impact on your success rate. Considering that people want to know and understand what they are purchasing they will inherently scour these descriptions for information. Without being able to inspect the products before purchase they will rely on whatever information is present and therefore writing a strong description is necessary.

Clear and concise make sense here. Be specific in the beginning and let them scroll down for lengthy descriptions. Attention span is short in the online world and having the most common questions answered quickly will improve conversion rates.

Provide diagrams, pictures, and other displays that might help them visualize the product. While market-spaces like Amazon only allow the first picture with a white background it is beneficial to include pictures of the product in action. These pictures make impressions and motivations.

The word usage should be active and encourage a purchase. Don't be too vague as it may seem like you are offering a solid product. People who are searching for information to make a purchase might be looking for sizes, specifications, and other information so they don't have to return the item. It will help you in the long run.