Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Value Communication and Promotion Tips When Evaluating Tools in Online Marketing

Online marketing is one of the best ways of selling products. With the huge amount of different tools out there it can be difficult to evaluation which one's are the best and which ones are sort of "hype". Sometimes the newest ones are the not the greatest but by understanding the purpose of these tools it provides a method of evaluating their work.

According to a study in Economic Science the purpose of online marketing tools should be value communication and promotion (Laura, 2015).

This means that as we review the potential of different tools you will want to compare them against their ability to create communication with current and future customers as well as the ability to promote products.

A couple of tips when reviewing the benefits of potential tools

1. Does it allow for two way communication?

2. Does it provide useful information to current customers?

3. Does it promote the best aspects of the product?

4. Is there a way to track the effectiveness of such tools?

Laura, P. (20150). A classic framework of online marketing tools. Economic Science, 25 (1).

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What Eye Scans Can Tell You About Promoting Your Products?

How does eye scans relate to overall interest in websites , their content and their products? When we focus on certain topics we spend more time in search mode scanning for information to make purchasing decisions. A study of website visitors found that customers who spent more time in directed searchers used longer eye sweeps and alternative based processing methods (Etco, et. al. 2017).

Alternative based processing is comparing products based on a number of alternatives.

Attribute based processing focused on a single attribute while comparing different products.

Why is this important to businesses?

Those businesses that seek to attract one or the other may want to design their sites based on the way people scan for information. For example, if someone is using directed search approaches with alternative processes the business may want to highlight the multiple features when compared to competitor products. Those who are browsing the net may be a little more attracted to a specific attribute they can highlight like price or quality.

Etc, M. et. al (2017). The Influence of Online Search Behavior on Consumers’ Decision-Making Heuristics. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57 (4).

Monday, July 2, 2018

Amazons Selling of High Demand Products May Push Some Vendors to Limit their Sales

High selling products are one way to make money online. Amazon provides a powerful platform for retailers that desire to move into the eCommerce world. One of the potential problems with a selling platform that also sells the products is that it can take over products that sell well leaving the vendor without options. Research suggests that Amazon takes over high selling products and this may push vendors into selling less through minimized servicing to not attract competition (Baojun, Kinshuck & Srinivasan, 2011).

Successful sellers on Amazon complain that when they have a "hot" item Amazon begins to sell it. This is great for Amazon but not so great for sellers. Its like hijacking a good idea.

Of course none of this is illegal. It is actually smart of Amazon because they have most of the online business in the U.S. and can squeeze out competition to maximize profits.

It does show there is a lack of true competition. Wal-Mart is working on some alternatives but as of yet it hasn't been made into fruition. Sellers can't jump ship or hedge their networks.

Online retailers that are selling well may want to reduce the amount they sell in order to ensure they don't attract competition from Amazon. Almost seems counter intuitive. However, if you are trying to corner the market on these products it may make sense.

The advantage Amazon has is that they don't need to take risk on finding their own products. They don't invest in purchasing and risk failure like sellers. They just watch the sellers and put their financial muscle into buying what works. The sellers bring it to them!

Jiang, B., Jerath, K. & Srinivasan, K. (2011). Firm Strategies in the "Mid Tail" of Platform-Based Retailing. Marketing Science 30 (5).

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Making Sure Your Horse Listens to Your Commands-Leg Pressure and Resistance

Horses are creatures with their own mind and repeated training is necessary to keep it responsive to the rider's needs. When engaged in a diagonal pattern across an arena, I notice that my horse soon moves crooked with his belly pushed to one side. As I use my heel to encourage her to round to my leg she wants to fight against it! She gets upset and pushes even harder to make herself even more "out of whack". A horse should have its head and body aligned to the direction and resistance means more training.

The horse must listen to the rider. If the horse doesn't listen it is untrustworthy and therefore needs training to ensure that it follows direction. You don't ever give up your needs or commands until the horse complies. If you do she will assume she is in control of the ride....that is when things can get dangerous. Repeat the command in different ways until she complies.

I have come up with this pattern to better ensure compliance.

1.) Give the command once softly and then once harder at the trot.

2.) If that doesn't work I then move to a walk and give the command first softly and then harder.

3.) If she fails to respond we stop and I will repeat the command in different ways until the horse complies.

4.) If she still is not following the commands I get off the horse and move to the side and push the horse to help her understand what the pressure/poking is telling her.

Protect Your Valuables with a Portable Safe

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Program Decision Making with the CIPP Model of Evaluation

Starting projects and following them to completion can be a daunting task. We often get lost in the "weeds" and unsure of how well our plan actually worked. While some managers may want to "just go" with a new project they leave few to no mechanisms of evaluating the outcomes, it is wiser to think systematically. Mistakes can be costly and embarrassing. The CIPP Model offers a method of evaluating program implementation using context, input, process and product (Stufflebeam, 1983). 

CIPP model of evaluation:

  • Context: What needs to be done? 
  • Input: How should it be done? 
  • Process: Is it being done? 
  • Product: Is it succeeding?

Using four different ways of evaluating a project means that it has achieved a wide array of relevance. It fits within the needs of the business and environment, it is designed appropriately, it is implemented, and whether or not it is succeeding in its tasks. 

Sometimes as managers we fail to take a systematic approach to reviewing our work. Without a consistent method we will have different comparisons for different programs and this will leave us unsure of how successful it was. The CIPP model is broad enough to use in a variety of projects.

Stufflebeam, D. L. (1971a). The use of experimental design in educational evaluation. Journal of Educational Measurement, 8(4), 267-274.

Boulmetis, J., & Dutwin, P. (2005). The ABCs of evaluation: Timeless techniques for program and project managers (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention ISSN (Online): 2349-2031
Volume 05 - Issue 07 July 2018
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention  is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Valley international journal. The journal is published Monthly in online versions. The Journal accepts article submissions online or by e-mail:
Open Access Policy: This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Copyright Policy: Copyrights for articles are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors have rights to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles after publication. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work.

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Determination of Genius

Some wonder how we may determine if someone is a genius. We may look for high intelligence but this could be complicated by expression or we may seek to look for creativity and get confused with unique. The finding of genius is possible when we look for three markers that include human intelligence, creativity and performance. Within each of these markers may be other identifiers that lead to greater insight.

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence:

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence indicates that there are three components to determine human intelligence that include analytical, creative and practical. Each of these components creates the whole person and their ability to work through daily problems to achieve their goals.

Analytical (componential): The ability to process information from an analytical standpoint. It is the raw intelligence that allows us to remember things, process stimuli, make meaning out of it and take action. It is the type of intelligence that leads to higher performance in academic arenas. 

Creative (experiential): The ability to think about things in a new way and master novel situations that may be more difficult for others. It is a process of consciously learning and then moving that to automatic learning to take on new tasks. 
Practical (contextual): This is the "street smarts" that allows people to live and function within their environment. Every day people must navigate relatively new tasks in order to survive. Their ability to do this is important in the process.

Creativity, Language and Biochemical Markets:

They found that...,"higher verbal ability versus lower verbal ability participants, providing neurobiological support for a critical “threshold” regarding the relationship between intelligence and creativity." Those who can speak well, use metaphors, understand language and how to use it better were generally more creative than those who don't.

"Based on previous magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy studies demonstrating relationships between cognitive ability and concentrations of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), a common neurometabolite, we hypothesized that NAA assessed in gray and white matter (from a supraventricular slab) would relate to laboratory measures of creativity. "

Thus, a person with an IQ of 120 could have the capacity for creativity and this could lead to genius. They were not only good at the use of language but often divergent thinkers that can weigh and balance the sides of multiple arguments. It is believed they have higher through the neuro connections within their brain. Thus a person with a 135 IQ and higher levels of creativity may well be a genius even if they haven't performed in a way that allows them public exposure.

Genius is About Long-term Performance:

There are latent genius and performing genius based on the books they write, science they engage in and the overall output of their efforts. While IQ is important there isn't a specific number that matters once you get to the 130+ range. The reason is that IQ tests are only tests and imperfect and likely flawed in many ways. The truest acts of a genius are performance and excelling in their field beyond their contemporaries. Genius write books, invent stuff, create art and are highly engaged in fine activities.

Kalb, C. (May 2017). What makes a genius? National Geographic. Retrieved from

No Author.(January 24th, 2004)Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence.
Retrieved 06/25/2018 from

Jung, R. et. al. (2009). Biochemical Support for the “Threshold” Theory of Creativity: A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (16) 5319-5325; DOI:

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