Sunday, July 24, 2016

Paper Submisssions for Asian Economic and Financial Review

We would like to invite you to submit your research paper for possible publication in Asian Economic and Financial Review. This is a peer reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to publishing high-quality papers with an internationally recognized Editorial Board Members.

It is published on the monthly basis and covers a wide variety of topics including: Economic Issues - Growth and Development Strategies, Fiscal System and Policy, Monetary System and Policy, Income 

Distribution, Poverty, Unemployment, Inflation, Saving, Investment, Consumption, Human capital, Trade Policy, FDI, WTO, The History of Economic Thought. Financial Economics - Financial Reforms, Finance and Investment, International Trade and Finance, Asset Pricing Theory, Risk Securitization, Derivatives and Structured Financial Products, Commercial Insurance and Reinsurance, Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, The Microstructure of the Finance Market. Industrial Economics - Islamic Economics.

Online Submission:     or

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Outdoor Recreational Retreat at Lake Jennings Campground

Campgrounds and recreational areas provide opportunities for people to get away from their busy corporate lives and connect with nature in a way that helps them reboot their batteries. Lake Jennings Campground offers a number of amenities within a 35 minute drive from San Diego that may interest nature loving parties that still want to have access to data. With available water/electricity hookups, bathrooms/showers and WiFi you won't miss a step when trying to scramble through a weekend deadline.

It is beneficial to step outside of our busy lives and take some time to connect with nature. You can still check your emails and do work but have the pleasure off doing it in a natural setting. The outdoor environment may just change your perspective and help you think about things in ways you never thought possible. There are few things better than pondering your next great strategic plan while throwing another log to keep the blaze roaring.

As a bonus for people who like fitness the five mile hike around the lake is enough for most trail enthusiasts. Breathtaking views help to maintain your motivation level so be sure to bring your camera. If you are a hiking beginner, there is a smaller and much easier trail around the campgrounds that is just over a mile. All of the trails are groomed and well marked.

There is also the fishing grounds that offers an opportunity to catch up on your long overdo fishing trips. Why not bring the family and your pole? According to the local ranger Lake Jennings is stocked with catfish and is pretty easy for novice fisherman. You will still need your state fishing license and a lake pass.

Whether you are planning a personal get away, a business retreat, or some time with the family you might want to consider Lake Jennings Campground. They offer outdoor activities like hiking and fishing while not giving up on you need to stay connected to the "Net". Only a hop-skip-and-jump away from San Diego you don't need a whole lot of planning. Connect with nature, takes some great photo shops, catch your supper and get in shape.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

6th International Conference on Economics, Finance and Management Outlooks

The Asian Research & Development Wing and Asian Economic and Social Society proudly announce the 6th International Conference on Economics, Finance and Management Outlooks. The conference will cover important issues in Economics, Finance and Management. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers from around the globe in order to present and discuss new trends in the fields of economics, finance and Management.

Conference invites work in the form of abstract, research paper, conceptual paper, and technical report addressing the timely issues and developments in economics, finance and management [more details].

Contributors can submit their papers Online or email attachment:

Submit Online :

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Nature of Time-Enjoying the Motion

Life always changes so we should become accustomed to it. What was just a few moments won't be the same just a few moments from now. Time is a stream of events that that act and interact to create the world as we know it. A, influences B and their actions influence C in a stream of consciousness. Seeming irreversible we act and are acted on by time and events within that dimension.

Time is seen as a 4th dimension beyond the 3 dimensions that we use to understand the world. Newtonian Time is seen as real and part of the universe while Immanuel Kant believed that time is nothing but a human construct and can't be traveled. Time is seen more as a measurement of motion than a physical entity.

One could argue that time is just a measurement of action that has been referenced by human intellect to a standard in minutes, seconds, hours, seasons, etc... Early human understood nights and days as time measurements based on walking distance while modern man can slice time into a nanosecond. Our speed determines our perception of time.

Time is subjective to our human experience and can be seen as simple velocity (action). Time, motion, movement, points, speed, change, and finish are all different words to describe time. We know that time is limited based on the number of events we can experience in our lives so enjoy your time as much as possible to have the happiest of lives.

Time changes everything and everyone around us.

The Nature of Time

The season swings,

The earth spins,

Life changes,

Knowledge shifts,

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Feedback Metrics for Training

Training without feedback is like sailing out into the ocean without a compass. That is precisely what some organizations do. Using metrics to create training feedback loops helps ensure employees are learning the "right" kind of skills, and the company is getting the maximum return on its training investment. Selecting beneficial training metrics should take into consideration the reliability and strategic focus of each measurement.

Feedback is a tool for assessment of training effectiveness. Appropriate feedback provides measurable evidence that a training program is doing what was intended. When the evidence does not support the training program, changes must be made to evolve the training program into something more advantageous.

All training programs should be aligned to the organizational objectives in a way that funnels people toward the most beneficial learning. Without this alignment, people will be expected to perform their jobs in ways that don't help the organization. When strategies change, training should also change to be more reflective of those goals.

Selecting functional feedback makes a big difference in performance. When not selected with care, the metric will have little meaning and could cause your significant harm as output and operational need become misaligned. You will be training people on the wrong type of information with the wrong objectives in mind thereby weakening the organization.

Feedback metrics should also be reliable and valid. Metrics should provide consistent and valid results that lead to greater insight. If you are seeking to improve performance on a given task, the metric must be chosen so that it is accurately reflecting what is happening in the work environment. More metrics are only beneficial if they lead to greater understanding.

There are thousands of different metrics that companies use to determine successful training. The most common are pre and post-test offered within the training. However, learning in class may not always equate to performance on the job. The best metrics integrate training with actual performance in a way that realizes tangible results for organizations.

Some Feedback Loops:

-Retention Rates
-Employee Satisfaction
-....any metric.