Showing posts with label yoga activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga activities. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Today is International Yoga Day

Yoga is an ancient practice that is at least 5,000 years old. Today marks the first International Yoga Day where millions of people will practice yoga across the globe for a day of health and peace. It was an event called by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Some have criticized the politicization of yoga, but the overall idea could be a good one if it takes on the right objectives.
 Considering that 75% of people in the U.S. are overweight or obese and people have become decensitized to violence a little yoga won't hurt anyone. As a nation we are becoming globalized and engaging in a practice that connects us to the rest of the world in our desire to be of good mind and body is positive. 

Yoga is a practice that is part spritual and part physical. Depending on the type of yoga one practices they can expect to increase focus, reduce stress, improve flexibility and strengthen their muscles. Each person moves through a sequence of actions that speed up the heart and stretch the body. With the right kind of breathing it is possible to slow down and reduce stress. 

By some estimates yoga is practiced by 10% of the country (1). Whether a political stunt, a fitness routine, or part of a meditation program the benefits of yoga are helpful to people's lives. As more people practice the ancient method it is hoped that they will be more reflective of their behavior while improving on their health. Today, Yoga events are planned around the world from New York to San Diego.