Showing posts with label crashing eagle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crashing eagle. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kenpo: Introducing Crashing Eagle

At times an opponent will attempt to grab your coat from behind in a fit of rage. This is especially poplar if you have taken the higher road and are attempting to walk away from a potential conflict. As you move in the opposite direction the opponent may desire to grab your coat to yank you off balance, pull you to the floor or shove you forward into a more solid object. It is often a first reaction for people who want to show their strength and power handing conflicts in social situations. 

In kenpo the conflict should be handled by walking away when possible. Only when attacked or under the potential for great bodily harm does a person have the right to defend themselves. Yet when their coat is grabbed and they face being knocked to the ground in someone’s fit of rage then it is necessary to use something like the Crash of Eagle to release the grip and stun the attacker.

The move is simple and that is part of its charm. It is easy to learn and beginning students can pick it up quickly. The move also offers an opportunity to add additional components to make it more complex and effective as the student masters basic skills. Each instructor seems to add their own elbow, kick, or claw to it. The variances in moves are almost as common as the differences among instructors.

Crash of Eagle-A (Opponent Grabs Coat with one Hand From Behind)

-Raise your right elbow above shoulder level as you cross to the right by moving your left foot to twist and face your opponent.
-Bring right elbow down on opponents arm to break their hold.
-Deliver right handed punch to opponents face while you simultaneously soft block with your left hand. 

Common Crash of Eagle Modification

-Raise your right elbow above shoulder level as you cross to the right by moving your left foot to twist and face your opponent.
-Bring right elbow down on opponents arm to break their hold.
-Upward right elbow to chin.
-Downward right elbow to spear chest.
-Right or left snap kick to groin.