Saturday, March 2, 2024

How Civil Rights Organizations Improve and Protect the Integrity of Justice Systems

Civil rights organizations help systems stay on track with their oaths and responsibilities. Sometimes they jump the track and that is based in the human condition related to things like bias, bigotries, self interest, corruption, good old boy networks, and misunderstandings of national purpose. Because there are often not enough checks and balances within these systems when then go afoul of the intent of our laws, they also then violate our more sacred societal oaths to a wider group of stakeholders

Those organizations that focus on the greater purpose of ensuring people are treated fairly in society without different rules for different people are doing a service to societal development (Different than a political axe to grind organizations that might skew the purpose of human freedom for less noble objectives.). We all have a stake in making sure we are maximizing our human capital and stepping into the future of our nation in fulfilment of our social contracts.

Public Trust and Confidence and Trust in Justice Project 

In my running hypothetical example where one can target minorities, enrich off of manipulation, take advantage of sick veterans, can use intimidation to cleanse their town with complete immunity is not what we stand for as a nation. Civil and human rights organizations make sure we walk the talk in our professed values in a way that builds greater justice trust and a more inclusive society.  There are places where recourse is thwarted and more enlightened paths intentionally hidden.

(Those who respect their nation try and build togetherness while those who disrespect our histories try and create differences. That is why we use the word "indivisible" in our Pledge of Allegiance. ) 

In other words, civil rights organizations are doing a greater service to society when compared to those who allowed bad behavior to happen and then protect it once it was complete through wink and  nod justice. These are the problems that many minorities face as different application of laws for different people creates different perceptions of society. i.e. Americans/"Americans" (We need to be one.). Excuses are inappropriate for those who want to build stronger societies.

(For example, some spotlight seekers have made civil rights into political issues that hype crowds such with police vs. protestor where a solutions focused discussion would have been most helpful for all stakeholders.  One can respect the dangerous and often helpful work police do and we can at the same time respect the message of needed improvements we gain from protesting youth. Finding ways to take that information and adapt a system and solve problems that builds trust is called "rationality" or even scientific rationality . Those who have an even keel perspective are the type of people we need in leadership positions. Civil rights are to ensure we all work under the same understandings and have chances based in our merit as a person and not the subjective perceptions of those least likely to stand for our collective values.)

Civil rights help hold certain bad actors to account and that protects citizens and preserves our stated and implied social contracts. When done with the big picture in mind, i.e. liberty and justice, they are an important part of maintaining the health of our democracy. There is no politics when it comes to very purpose and soul of our nation. We must have a unified voice that all Americans should be treated with respect and integrity as valuable members of our growing, striving and in some ways emerging society.

 (Technically its still emerging into a universal democracy from older segregation perspectives. i.e. official laws make discrimination illegal but unwritten rules often allow these things to happen.)

Maintaining system integrity is a choice and habit that is directive by nature. We do it well and it thrives and if we don't do it well we have lower trust. I always advocate for marching forward to solutions versus backsliding into moral chaos. Anytime we can build trust, we should do it, and anytime we can problem solve we should do it.  Justice brings a level playing field and civil/human rights keeps it pointed toward to its most beneficial strategic outcome-liberty.

Here is my suggestion as a humble servant of society. I support civil rights when they have a clear intent to improve the lives of citizens through encouraging fair and equitable treatment. When done well it attracts people and extends to solutions such as helping support economic growth through merit based opportunities. It creates a new way for stakeholders to see the world around them and that is important. The message of freedom, human and civil rights should not be skewed for any political purposes. (i.e. civil rights teach others to think about all of us as valuable citizens with inherent God given rights.).

Thus it is my suggestions to support our civil and human rights organizations who are trying to do good least our rights are taken away or the torch goes dim (see hypothetical example above). Patriotism is more than surface symbolism, it requires meaningful and reflective thought on the essential purpose of justice and how those freedoms are protected.  Our very purpose as a nation is to increase freedom and universal fair treatment that leads to economic and social advancement for all of us (It is rooted in philosophy, cultural underpinnings, moral conscious and economic science..).

Civil Rights as Determinant '18 and Religious Discrimination '19 and DOJ Hate Crimes '23 

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” Plato

*This article is designed to get people to think and ponder. It is for illustrative purposes only. Feel free to click off and enjoy your day. 

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