Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party Supports Improving National Decision Making (Illustrative Example Only)

We have changes coming in this country because each sprouting generation brings with it newer and more enlightened values learned from the successes and failures of the past. The founding fathers knew that we should never be sticky or irrationally staunch without considering the greater needs of society. Thus, they developed a system that can handle beneficial change and we do that in a democracy through discussion and vote. A younger generation will take their seat at the table and they will vote in act in ways that overcome the problems of their time. Values, structure of democracy, and whatever assets we earned from good governances of the past are the only things we can pass on.

Society also adapts by incorporating new ideas and people into decision making positions at various places and levels in society. Gen Z and Millennials are large and different when compared to prior generations and thus will have new needs, hopes and desires. All the decisions should focus just over the horizon. Generation Demo US '22

(The Feather Party is a Hypothetical for learning purposes on the concepts of vote tipping through a stronger independent block of politicians and voters that break deadlocks based on the needs of the younger generations. If such a party exists it would support strong leaders from a wider more balanced pool of diverse Americans based on their quality of character and desire to support fundamental American values. The benefit of the hypothetical party is that merit is the fundamentals of a democracy and broad based capitalism. Every man and women should earn based on their actualized skills and judged by their character in a diverse environment that supports their natural desires to compete. They are a human capital and humanism hypothetical type party. The Feather Party)

When fewer and more wealthy people making more decisions for 100's of millions of Americans we must ensure they are strengthening the fundamentals of what a modern America would and should look like. We do that best by electing leaders who can understand resource optimization and market competitiveness through evidence based strategic decision making around shared goals of all of society. Rich and poor all have a stake in how the nation is run. Not just one and not just the other but every American citizen. The Great Experiment

Furthermore, accuracy improves when we include diverse peoples with diverse perspectives at the very top of society where choices impact outcomes. The best and brightest should rise to important positions so as to ensure we have people who are most capable to lead so as to avoid unconstructive politics or slipping of our legacy. Notice of how status quo groups have some difficulty in passing solutions and how a third party with tippable strength could help. Decision Making Traps

(Interesting, perhaps a smaller party of pro democracy protectors that help guide the other two parties to solutions by creating political lubricant. i.e. you can't just convince your party but also must convince some of other parties in a way that helps round out decisions.)

No one would put together an advanced team of decision makers that could be influenced by group think and struggle to perform independently. When it comes to decision making we desire to encourage leaders who focus more on the bigger picture and with less emphasis on party loyalty (Not as though its not important but should be less important than the nation.). No matter what our current place of performance we can improve decision making by including different perspectives more connected to daily life and the way in which people live in a Middle Class, Working, Entrepreneurial, and Creative Class level. 

These are not debates on, for, or against any party but the ability to think beyond current dynamics. 

1. Pick those who can think independently but can vote with others when needed.  

2. Pick those who can construct logical and well thought out ideas. Evidence based decision making.

3. Pick those who care about their children and grand children more than themselves. The less selfish the better.

4. Pick from different groups, people, demographic levels to raise diversity and shared decision making. Seek to understand a problem from multiple angels before deciding on strategy.

5. Pick those who will uphold our social contracts. These are people who understand that even when they don't get something they want the social contracts are more important than their desires.

6. Pick Those who can handle disagreements and don't quickly attack those who have alternative perspectives (Its a leadership quality thing!)

Add as many as you want. You get the idea....

*This is for illustrative purposes. It does not exist.


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