Saturday, January 27, 2024

Would there be a benefit to a third party in the U.S.? Introducing the Hypothetical "Feather Party"

Sometimes it is beneficial to explore government learning through a hypothetical situation such as a third party being formed on a national scale that has entered onto the political scene. In this thought experiment we can invent a new third party called "The Hypothetical Feather Party" to see how this third party might function in relation to the two primary parties and how it might influence the quality outputs of government decision making. Questions like what might its values be, how would it approaches policy, and what influence it might have on overall thinking within group dynamics. Its meant to be informative and value driven.

You can read a couple articles on growing independents and more interest in a 3rd party. Ready for Third Party? and Pew 3rd Party

[Sorry I tried to figure out another name but that sounded good for discussion]

Please keep in mind that this is a learning experiment that helps us explore the benefits and detractors of having a new perspective in government affairs but does not exist in present/realized form. Thus to ensure that everyone understands this is a fictitious political party I will try and include a statement under each related post indicating clearly its fictitious [People might forget in the heat of political passion its hypothetical. In the excitement to bash someone else they might actually bash a non-existent party. Just making it clear...its NOT real! 💁]. 

Before we begin to discuss this Hypothetical Feather Party one might achieve a similar result by a large group of amebic independent politicians. Some benefits some detractors. Both independents and third parties provide variability in decision making through variance of votes. Because there is little chance of blind 50 to 50 split on most votes, the party would be one of the most influential on the scene simply by its ability to sway votes without being tied to either party's ideologies. In other words, they just break the deadlock based on their principles.

The Legend of The Hypothetical Feather Party: Every hypothetical party needs a legend because it helps to create symbolism! Here is my best attempt. This hypothetical party was started when the wisdom of democracy came forward in the form of a feather [as written on the strands] to encourage politicians to preserve and strengthen the democratic republic and its most cherished values from generation to generation through active listening and problem resolution [Its a symbolic story to help people formalize certain values and expectations as the feather represents freedom, independence, knowledge, and wisdom. Each barb makes a Feather and many feathers help birds to reach the highest levels. You must be a patriot spirit to understand its importance of reaching new heights as a nation.]

Hypothetical Feather Party Values: The Hypothetical Feather Party encourages people to be the best they can be and contribute to society. We are race and religious neutral and love them all! [Human Rights are important to this party.] They desire to enhance pro social character and values based in the nation's multiple philosophical, ethical, and general spiritual beliefs [Members see all religions as contributing to human understanding but does not promote one over the over in the spirit of freedom of religion and learning from them all.]. In other words, they want helpful citizens that help each other and help society. The party members avoid negative toxicity that is counter to problem solving and consensus building. They are respectful of disagreement and want to learn about others perspectives so as to form a more accurate one of their own [i.e. they seek wisdom and solutions. The spirit of democracy.]

The Hypothetical Feather Party Principles:

1.Heighten National Decision Making: Improve decision making through providing a third party perspective that can reduce gridlock by encouraging healthy debate to discover the best paths forward. The Hypothetical Feather Party believes that policy should be based off of evidence based decision making, strategic value, and diverse universal perspective. The goal is to enhance democratic republics and their values of freedom.

2. Reflect The Needs of the Younger Generation: Lifting up society requires the nation to focus on the next generation and the needs of the future. As democracy is a sacred governmental method it must find meaning in each generation and the best way to do that is to manage it for the next generation. The Hypothetical Feather Party encourages the youth to develop their skills and take leading roles in society to ensure the health of the whole. 

3. Enhance the Institutions of Democracy: The Hypothetical Feather Party looks at issues in a practical versus partisan way to support the health of the republic through developing strong institutions. They desire to have the strong functioning education system, thoughtful policing [improving trust and effectiveness], efficient/effective/transparent government, strong military supported by advanced industry, strong innovative industries that generate lead value and higher GDP, human capital development at all levels, etc. You get the point! The good helpful stuff!!

4. Encourage Liberty as Central to the Republic: Liberty can help the Republic and can be enhanced by supporting the Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Bill of Rights/Human Rights, in a universal inclusive society made of shared goal directed Americans. The hypothetical party seeks to encourage people to enhance their society by protecting the fundamentals of human freedom and good societal living. Ensure that moral conscious is at the forefront of their decision making. To protect that freedom the party discloses all political donations over a certain amount and expressly lets donors know that their money will not influence their activities or votes.

There will be lots of discussion in different topics that are popular and we act like the party has influence in choices [Its fake and we have no power nor at this time care to have it because its learning that counts.]. Because its illustrative we might discuss multiple scenarios and many times come a conclusion. Other times no conclusion, "Because we do not know the unknowable our position is a strategic one until we understand the situation better and can formulate an opinion." to encourage thoughtfulness in action and governance. 

*The Feather Party is at present a hypothetical party designed to explore the nature of governance and what might that look like with a third party presence in government decision making. It is meant for idea generation.

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